Beg for Life

Chapter 269: See if she is uncomfortable

Of course I didn't shoot Du Xiaoge, but someone behind her wanted to sneak attack and was shot headshot, but Du Xiaoge was scared to tears.

I exasperatedly said, "Be careful, don't hang on here, where is Huo Shengnan?"

Du Xiaoge responded with a smile, "She went to the top!"

"You go help her."

Turning her head and shouting again, "Su Lili sets fire..."


The flame immediately exploded more than ten meters away, and the flames flew around, and Du Xiaoge immediately ran out.

I also stepped back slowly, and soon saw Su Lili coming out of the flames, like a queen of flames over the world.

She also threw me personal belongings that were taken away, including the death bracelet and the ring.

I checked Najie's mental strength and glanced at it. I felt relieved when I saw that there was nothing left. Then I said, "You take the hard drive out of the computer."

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Su Lili ran into the flames again, and I hurried to the ground.

Huo Shengnan had already killed everyone in the warehouse and found a commercial vehicle. He was sitting in the driver's seat while smoking and talking on the phone.

It was Du Xiaoge who left me speechless. The dead ladyboy didn't know where he got the makeup and was putting on makeup on the back seat.

I took off my tattered blood jacket, pulled off a corpse and put on clean clothes. Su Lili also came out just after getting in the car.

Huo Shengnan immediately drove out and said after leaving the warehouse, "I have reported to the headquarters and arranged for someone to take care of it so that we can complete a task by the way."

I blinked, "What mission?"

She smiled coldly, squeezing the words between her teeth, "Kill!"

The car drove into an alley, and there was a van waiting in it. Someone drove away the stolen car and we got into the van.

We were taken to a private house first. We were sleepy, tired and hungry and needed a good rest.

First, we took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and the staff also brought food. We immediately ate Haisai.

A photo was placed on the table, and the respondent said, “This is the goal. He is a member of Silla, and he is one of the sponsors of the Alien Alliance. He has provided a lot of funds to the Alien Alliance and also Shelter, there are eight very powerful subordinates for personal protection."

I asked lightly, "What is the degree of danger?"

"All are tiger-level, and there are dozens of wolf-level subordinates."

I nodded, "easy!"

The reception staff looked at me admiringly, "Tomorrow he will participate in an event, we can intercept and kill on the way."

I shook my head, "We rest for an hour, and then go straight to his house."

The other party looked stunned, "The superior meant not to make too much noise, isn't this bad?"

I grinned, "There is no difference between killing halfway and directly killing the door. The noise we made just now is big enough. It's better to hit the iron while it's hot, so as not to have many dreams at night."

Huo Shengnan also nodded, "This meal is terrible, this kimchi or something, go back to China as soon as you finish your work."

The respondent looked embarrassed, "Then I will arrange the retreat."

He took out his mobile phone to make arrangements, we set off after a short break, and came to a mansion not far from the gate in the dark.

Originally, Su Lili could kill that guy silently without having to kill her door, but I just wanted to show my strength in the most violent way, so as not to prevent the Alliance of Foreigners from hitting me and the people around me again.

I let the receptionist get out of the car and called to step on the accelerator. The wheels turned rapidly and ran into the gate.


The door was directly knocked open, and there was a scream from the room, and someone ran out.

Su Lili immediately rushed into the villa, and the next moment the flames exploded. Before the people who rushed out could react, they were hit like a storm.

The entire villa was quickly lit, and someone jumped out of the window, and it was impossible to escape death. Originally, once Su Lili confirmed the death of the target, we would quickly evacuate.

But as the window was smashed, a figure in a red dress jumped down with an old man behind his back, and the plan was immediately messed up.

The figure in the red dress turned out to be Wang Wenya!

Didn't it mean that there is only a tiger level? How could she be here!

In my heart, I yelled at those intelligence personnel who grew up eating shit, and did not hesitate to raise a gun and shoot.

Wang Wenya was angry, "Mouse, you shot me!"

I grinned, "I didn't hit you."

Wang Wenya was a little puzzled. She was indeed not hit, but when the blood dripped on her shoulders, her face changed. The old man she was carrying had a headshot, which was the goal of the mission.

She smiled immediately, discarded the corpse on the ground, and cast a wink, "Have you missed me lately?"

I haven't answered yet, Su Lili's curse sounded behind her, "I miss you so much..."


Flames rushed out of the window to envelop Wang Wenya, but apart from igniting her clothes, not even a single piece of hair was lit.

Wang Wenya punched Su Lili who was floating out, and his fist went straight through. The two fought together fiercely, but no one could do anything about it.

Huo Shengnan fired several shots at Wang Wenya. Seeing that the bullet could not penetrate even the skin, he could only give up.

Urged me, "We have to withdraw!"

Faintly hearing the sound of the police siren, the three of us immediately got in the car and greeted Su Lili.

"Don't fight, get out quickly."

Su Lili blasted Wang Wenya out with a fireball, reluctant to return to my side, and the car ran out immediately.

"Su Lili, don't run if you have the ability..."

Wang Wenya screamed and chased. Although the speed was fast enough, the car that was still not fast enough to drive at full speed was quickly thrown out of sight.

"Why can't you kill her!" Huo Shengnan patted the steering wheel hard.

I sighed, "She is a brand-new zombie breed. It seems that her strength has increased a lot. No one knows what she will develop in the future."

Su Lili responded fiercely, "I am also a brand-new breed. When I become the ghost king, I will definitely thwart her."

I am afraid that when you become the ghost king, she has become the corpse king, and no one can do anything about it.

Without saying anything to discourage Su Lili, she drove to the beach, took a speedboat on the sea, and soon boarded a fishing boat.

After reaching the sea boundary, it was replaced by a domestic yacht and headed towards Liancheng.

This matter is not over yet, I still have to find a lot of water to settle the account, she even sold me to the Xinluo people as an experiment, absolutely unforgivable!

After seeing Liancheng, there was a lot of water but no trace. The money where she hid the money was also emptied. It seems that I already know that something has happened to Silla and I have escaped.

At the beginning, I was planning to cast her a hundred or two hundred million out of a bad temper, but this evening is different from the past, this time I definitely can't take it lightly.

I handed in the video of her involvement in money laundering, and stabbed her last time about rescuing Andra, plus the blame for this incident.

Water Duoduo was wanted immediately, and once the overt and secret industries were confirmed, they were immediately sealed and confiscated, and their accounts were also frozen.

Doesn't she like money, this time she feels uncomfortable.