Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 121: Unlimited Sword System

Kenneth is a genius.

Family background, aptitude, talent, and the feeling of being born with everything made him form the style of a traditional magician, but his behavior has always strayed from the arrogant aristocratic side.

He should have lived as the new monarch, the future crown of the magic world, El-Melloi's pride.

Until that day, love came to him.

After seeing the object who was arranged by the family to reproduce, Sola. Nazelle. When Sophia, without even talking, Kenneth fell in love at first sight.

This arrogant and smart lady like a huge gem is not commendable in terms of character and aptitude, but Kenneth just loves her, no matter what she becomes.

The days with Sora are the future that Kenneth expects, so he shows considerable indulgence to Sora.

Even if he was insulted by Bathmelo, Kenneth wouldn't swallow it, but Sora could.

In the original development, Kenneth took the initiative to challenge Einzbern's castle because his fiancée did not want to live in the workshop after the hotel was bombed, just to give Sora a different place to live.

Knowing that he could resist Dirumdo's tear mole, he was taking the initiative to betray and robbed the Command Spell, but he was still saddened by the opponent's defeat. In the end, even though he had lost everything, he was still willing to give up his ability to resist. Signing the self-compulsion text is to go back alive with Sora.

To put it simply, Kenneth's three views are simply a model of pastoral feminism.

What happens to such a person after the object of his love dies?

Emiya Kiritsugu will see it soon.

The moment Kenneth opened his eyes, he fired.

The bullet penetrated Kenneth's heart without a doubt, but the magician with blond hair spread out and coughed out the blood mixed with the heart fragments. Under the green light of healing magic, he still did not die completely.

The origin bullet is mainly aimed at the magic circuit. Although the magic engraving on Kenneth's body is inevitably affected, there are still parts that can realize the skills. Even if it cannot be actively used, the engraving comes with it, and the host's life is in danger. Healing is enough to make Kenneth linger for a while.

"Saber! Come to my side immediately!"

Eighty percent of the circuits on Kenneth's body were already in disarray, and it was like delaying himself to activate the magic circuit, but he gritted his teeth and issued an order.

The awe-inspiring blond girl escaped from the situation of the father and son filial piety just now, just when she was surprised by Kenneth's order, Sora's breathless body was captured by Saber.

"Miss Sora!"

Looking at Kenneth, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker next to him, Saber's face could not contain an uncontrollable anger: "Despicable magician, actually attacking the master with a servant, you are absolutely despicable! There is no glory at all!"

The open Wind King barrier turned into a barrier, blocking all the bullets fired by Kiritsugu. With Saber, Archer and Emiya Kiritsugu's attack would never be effective, but it was too late.

"Hold on, Master, I'll treat you right now," Saber squatted beside Kenneth and stretched out her hand to herself, the illusory scabbard shadow formed in her hand.

Avalon, as long as this concept is armed into Kenneth's body, even fatal wounds can be healed, however, it is not integrated into Kenneth's body.

Avalon cannot save the dead.

Emiya Kiritsugu is an excellent gunslinger who only hits the key points. In fact, Kenneth was able to hold out and shout orders, which surprised him.

Saber's hand fell weakly, she could not save Britain, nor could she save her own Master.

Although Kenneth's mouth is more poisonous, Saber is very compatible with him in terms of affinity, with ample supply of magic power, cautious tactics and generous gifts.

Now, this man has turned into an ice-cold corpse, the blood under the corners of his eyes has dried up, and he stares at Saber with blood-red eyes.

Saber wanted to smooth his hand, but her body had already stood up spontaneously, clenching the blade in her hand.

On the back of Kenneth's hand that fell to the ground, the two Command Spells had turned into vague traces.

Before Saber came, he knew that he was about to die, so before he died, he gave the final order.

- Kill everyone here.

Although the supply of magic power has been cut off, under the action of the Command Spell and the sufficient magic power in the body, Saber will not disappear immediately.

This is the last resentment of Kenneth, who has fallen into hell. Saber stood up with her body strong, and the holy sword in her hand was raised uncontrollably. She is a king who longs for knighthood and does not like to casually affect innocents.

Under the A-level anti-magic power, she can resist a Command Spell command to a certain extent, but she does have to resist when it comes to the choice of the target, but in action, she is ready to obey.

On the tip of the sword that was raised high, golden rays of light were intertwined.

To avenge Kenneth, let these despicable guys understand that the price of coming to pick up the leaks will make them heartbroken!


"Kiritsugu! Stand behind me and leave Saber to me to deal with!"

Archer didn't care about the good opportunity to kill Kotomine Kirei, Emiya Kiritsugu's life was much more important to him than Kirei's death, so he quickly blocked Emiya Kiritsugu's body.

"I will support you with all my magic power, are you sure?"

Faced with this unexpected predicament, Emiya Kiritsugu's voice was not so calm. His eyes were full of unwillingness as he looked at the back of Archer.

"Confronting the King of Knights? Forgive me, the power of that holy sword is stronger than you think."

Although he has been complaining all the time, Archer still has some certainty in his heart. After all, Saber has lost his Master. After this Noble Phantasm is released, there will not be much magic power to fight.

However, as a man who has to be woken up by himself every morning, Archer will not sit still.

Up to now, I can only use that one, which was originally intended to be the trump card.

Archer closed his eyes, his expression as solemn and determined as a believer who went on a pilgrimage.

It was the scene in the depths of his soul. A world full of weapons, flames, gears, as dead as a sleeping tombstone.

He took a deep breath and began to chant.

"Iamtheboneofmysword. (This body is the bone of the sword)


The light in Saber's hand has converged into a long With the master's wishes, it swung down in the direction of Kiritsugu.


At the moment when the convergent torrent of light is about to strike, the archer's chant also ends.

"UnlimitedWorks. (Unlimited Sword System)!"

The laws of the world were tampered with and subverted, and the silhouettes of Emiya Kiritsugu and Archer disappeared instantly and appeared on a spreading sword hill.

Saber looked at the defeat and glanced at the surrounding scene, the desolate and boundless sky, no sea, forest, only endless hills.

Countless swords and halberds pierced into the depths of the earth like tombstones, but there was only one user.

"What do you think of the legendary great magic, inherent enchantment?"

Archer asked with a smile, looking at that Saber's face, it was like a lifetime.