Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 126: Alice Phil's Decision

Kotomine Kirei was speeding toward the suburbs alone.

Because it was winter, the trees in the forest were dark in color and looked very gloomy.

However, Kotomine Kirei still melted into it perfectly. He was dressed in a black robe, and with a solemn face, he was like a death **** in mourning.

After entering the shadows again, Roland sent him here and pointed the way.

On the outskirts of Fuyuki City, there is a castle that is almost ignored. It is a legacy from hundreds of years ago. It is almost isolated from the world and never communicates with the outside world. Even in Fuyuki City, few people remember it. .

Tohsaka Tokiomi only briefly mentioned that it was the station purchased by Einzbern, but because this year’s competition was Emiya Kiritsugu, there was no access to the station, and the surveillance of this place had been abandoned. .

But when he entered here, Kotomine Kirei knew about the existence of the barrier, and Roland didn't lie to him.

Emiya Kiritsugu did bring his wife here, but she did not participate in the competition, nor was she a cooperator. So, what was the purpose of her coming here?

The answer that Roland wanted to get her probably had something to do with it.

Unlike his appearance, Kotomine Kirei's mind was very delicate, but he was only interested in the answer he was after, and didn't care about other things.

Therefore, he broke through the barrier without hesitation and ran to the castle that was gradually majestic at a close distance.

Then, he strengthened his good eyesight under the influence of magic, so that he was ready to capture the Snow Princess staring at him from the observation deck.

With long silver hair, bright red pupils, and a delicate appearance that does not resemble a human, it was confirmed that she was the backbone of Emiya Kiritsugu, and the mission target that Roland gave him, the android of the Einzbern family.

On the edge of the observation deck, Irisviel bit her lip and spoke to the walkie-talkie in her hand.

"Have you set the trap? Maiya?"

"It's all done, but because the enemy's attack speed is too fast, only the outermost attack, I will use my own attack to make up for the lack of traps."

Jiuyu Maiya, hiding behind a tree, kept her voice as low as possible, and listened to the gradually approaching movement.

"If I fail, Madam, please run away as soon as possible. Your condition is not good, and now you can't contact Kiritsugu."

"No, I can't run away, this is the battle I have to fight," Irisviel seemed very calm at the juncture of crisis. "If you can't win at base camp, where can you go?"

Husbands and wives will always become more and more alike. This sentence may make sense. The long-term relationship with Emiya Kiritsugu has made the innocent android an ideal devotee.

"If Kiritsugu is safe, it's impossible not to contact us," Irisviel knew something was wrong after contacting Emiya Kiritsugu for the first time after being attacked but not getting a response.

"This man must have trapped Kiritsugu, so he attacked with confidence."

"So, I have to fight too."

Irisviel looked at Kotomine Kirei's mute figure, and the inexplicable resonance that Kiritsugu had with Emiya Kiritsugu when he was looking at the documents. She knew that Kiritsugu must not be allowed to come into contact with that man.

Emiya Kiritsugu has a childlike innocence in his heart. He is almost overwhelmed by the sins and pain of these years, and he does not need others to add fire.

A hint of determination flashed in Irisviel's eyes, and she made up her mind.

Kirei, who had entered the battle-ready state, was keenly aware of the trap and avoided them with ease. Even if he lost his assassin, he was still a substitute who had been fighting for more than ten years, and it was impossible for him to be entangled by these gadgets.

But then flashing out of the woods, the woman who shot with a gun, this kind of capable and stable movement, requires a little attention.

"Are you Emiya Kiritsugu's collaborator, or are you just a hired mercenary?"

Swinging six black keys, he blocked the bullets that were shot at the vital point. After the special robe was strengthened, it could easily resist the remaining attacks. Just like that, Kotomine Kirei approached Kuyu Maiya step by step and issued a ask.

Jiuyu Maiya just fired silently. After the bullets were emptied, he took out his dagger and rushed forward to prepare for close combat.

Such a childish behavior made Kotomine Kirei frown. The opponent was indeed a good mercenary, but compared with himself as an agent, the difference in strength was a world of difference.

"Answer my question, or I can only execute you."

If it is not necessary, Kotomine Kirei does not plan to kill until he gets the answer, but if he is obsessed with it, he will not be soft-hearted. Anyway, it is enough that Irisviel is the one who knows the answer.

Looking at Jiuyu Maiya who was rushing with a knife, Kotomine Kirei looked stunned, and was about to destroy the opponent, but he just took a step forward when silver threads emerged from the soles of his feet, winding like snakes It was twisted up and wrapped tightly around his legs.


Einzbern's signature skill made Kirei react quickly, and his legs began to exert force. Although these silver threads were tough, they were not strong enough for him, but Maiya, who was as sharp as a knife, had already caught on time. The machine stabbed him in the throat.

Although the conditioned reflex twisted his waist and bent back to avoid this attack, the movement to break free also stopped.

And in the sky, the giant eagle woven out of silver threads made a hissing sound like a metal blade, and the sharp eagle claws directly caught Kotomine Kirei's eyes!

Kotomine Kirei turned his head to the side, and let the eagle claws pierce his shoulders. The blood splashed around did not affect his expression. After years of training, his muscles protected the internal organs and bones like armor. Muscles He grabbed the piercing eagle's claws tightly, preventing it from having a chance to break free.

On the other side, the attack of Hisayu Maiya, who was about to make up for the sword, also arrived. Kotomine Kirei also did not resist, but only tightened the muscles of his neck, and he was forced to take this blow.

cannot be exposed.

For Irisviel, the lack of news from Emiya Kiritsugu was a bad thing, but for Kotomine Kirei, it was not necessarily good news.

He couldn't fight the Servant without even assassin, so he had to complete the task in as little time as possible.

And selling a flaw is the best way.

Because of his sideways angle, Kuu Maiya's blow was a real hit, but it was also at the opposite angle to Kotomine Kirei's bound hands.

Then, Kotomine Kirei injected magic power into the black key hidden in the cuff, and the extended sword body directly pierced Kuu Maiya's defenseless abdomen.

Kotomine Kirei gave a merciless headbutt and completed the strike.

And the silver eagle on his shoulder also and no longer broke free, but turned into silver threads again, tying Kotomine Kirei to the tree on one side, almost strangling him with The strength of the suffocation made the silver thread penetrate into the flesh and blood, causing the blood to tick to slip down the thread.

Kotomine Kirei tightly closed his eyes and waited for the verdict. If the other party was going to continue to use magic to stalemate him, it would be able to entangle him for a while, and he might even drag Emiya Kiritsugu out. The mercenary who had pierced his abdomen was estimated to die before him.

Next, just see if that rumor is true,

However, this kind of thinking was interrupted, and a few leaves that were pinched into a ball smashed on top of his head. Looking up, the black ninja who had fought before was half hidden in the shadow and pointed at him. The silver thread on his body pointed to himself again, and made a gesture to ask him if he needed help.

In order not to spoil the plan, Kotomine Kirei could only endure the pain and twisted his neck, making Yinsi's tired a little tighter, and driving away these disserviceable fellows.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before he heard rustling footsteps stepping on the leaves.

The rumors are true, Einzbern's androids are really not good at fighting.