Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 167: Who do you say this?

"Mordred, I don't expect you to understand me. You can resent my decision and overthrow my rule, but at least, you shouldn't deny this wish! If you still want to be a king!"

In front of the maddened Mordred, Saber's excellent muscle strength was also suppressed. As a father and son in the same line, when both sides have the magic power released, Saber can't take advantage of it at all, and can only watch the silver-white Wang Jian gradually pressed his neck.

The more critical the situation, the more resentful Saber's heart became when he looked at Mordred's face.

It is obvious that Mordred is so eager to become a king, but why is she indifferent to the destruction of Britain? So what is the reason for her to pursue the Holy Grail?

But in the face of Saber's questioning, Mordred was expressionless, just holding his hands on the hilt of the sword, a little more aggravating.

Under the arc of the silver-white blade, she saw the reflections on both sides of the blade.

On the one hand, he is a high-ranking, expressionless self, and on the other hand, he is a saber who is angry and full of unwillingness.

The two identical faces made her almost delusional, just like the day when she took the initiative to reveal her identity out of admiration and expectation, but was rejected by saber.

Now, however, the situation has reversed for both sides.

"Mordred, strength shouldn't be your everything..."

Noisy, I don't want to listen anymore.

Such a father, I will kill with my own hands.

Hearing Saber's roar in his ear, Mordred just squeezed a sarcastic smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Who knows what you're talking about!"


The silver-white king sword slammed down and embedded the holy sword Saber used to parry into her skin, causing bright red blood to flow down the blade.

Mordred's Noble Phantasm was formed from a twisted obsession, and even Matou Kariya, who was watching the battle, never imagined that at such a moment, she could still extract power from her obsession.

How deep is this child's obsession with saber?

Matou Kariya sighed, the magic power in his body has been extracted by Mordred, but as the Master, he still has the power to help Mordred.

He stretched out his right hand.

"I command you with the Command Spell, Mordred, to be victorious!"

The magic of the Command Spell descended on Mordred, illuminating her frantic and indifferent pupils.

"Of course, Master!"

The silver-white king sword slammed down, and the surging airflow roared with the pressure of the sword body, and the scarlet magic thunder ran, and even extended to Saber's holy sword.

Mordred wanted to use the power of the Command Spell to make Saber cut in half by his own blade.

"Don't think about it!"

Between life and death, Saber gave up thinking and gave everything to intuition.

She subconsciously spewed out the cold sword wind from the holy sword, letting it act as lubrication between the stalemate two people, separating the handover of the sword body for a moment, and then she stepped back and moved the holy sword from Mordley. De's sword slid away and stabbed directly into Mordred's stomach.

Saber wants to trade injury for injury!

Come on then! Mordred slashed the king sword in his hand fiercely, thunder whistled, setting off a scream like a tsunami, and the manic Qi Lan directly shattered Saber's armor, split it open, and smashed Saber's armor from her chest to the ground. There was a distinct bloodstain on the abdomen.

The wanton splash of blood stained half of Mordred's face, dyeing her vision a bright red.

Although Saber's blade also pierced into her abdomen, it was completely harmless. After breaking through the armor's defense, Saber's temporary change of force stopped piercing into her abdomen.

The healing magic from Matou Kariya had stopped the bleeding from her wound.

Under this powerful slash, Saber was shaken back several steps. The silver-white battle dress on his body was blood red, and the patterns and decorations on it were covered by blood. Those who didn't know, saw her With the current appearance, it is not impossible to recognize a certain Roman emperor.

But Mordred was not as happy as she should have won. She frowned quietly, looking at the scene in front of her with some astonishment.

Even though the slash she just made was just an ordinary slash, its power was no less than that of an ordinary Noble Phantasm. Even if Saber did not die on the spot, the spiritual core would be damaged.

However, what caught her eye was the scene where Saber held the blade high even though she was trembling.

The pale green light formed a thin film on the wound where the internal organs were almost visible, barely hanging Saber's vitality.

"Avalon... You can still find it."

Mordred pondered for a moment, and immediately figured out the reason for this scene. During the decisive battle, Saber's Avalon should have been lost, but he did not expect that after a thousand years, the scabbard would return to its original state. Lord.

That's fine, only the complete King Arthur has the value of being completely defeated.

Although he thought so, Mordred did not attack immediately.

She felt that something was wrong. Although her dream was childish, Saber still refused to give up fighting at this point, and it made her look like a king of knights.

Mordred has always been curious, why did Saber choose to become king?

But she didn't ask.

"Don't give up yet? Arthur."

Saber bit her lip to keep herself from moaning out of pain. For the final victory, she couldn't show any weakness.

Only this rebel, she must defeat.

"Really," Mordred shook his head looking at Saber's resolute expression, "You always look so high, that's why I want to see you fall down."

"Speaking of which, since we met, you have never stopped preaching to me. You clearly didn't fulfill your father's responsibilities during your lifetime, but now you look like a parent."

"So, the noble king of knights, you are always emphasizing the correctness of your wishes. Have you ever set your sights on my position and asked about my wishes?"

Saber was stunned. She really hadn't considered this matter. Mordred was a betrayal, but he was also one of the important members of Britain. What kind of wish did she hold?

Mordred was not surprised by Saber's daze, and she raised the great sword in her hand high.

"Whether it's The King of Knights doesn't understand people's hearts, but, in order to make you understand, I will tell you mercifully."

The black-red demon-hating thunder condensed on the silver-white king sword, lit up like a torch, and shot straight into the sky. This was a precursor to the liberation of the Noble Phantasm.

"My wish is somewhat similar to yours. I want to challenge the Sword of Selection."

This is a simple, jaw-dropping wish compared to Mordred's behavior and style. What Mordred prayed for was just a chance for a fair competition...?

Saber realizes that, despite fighting Mordred to death, she may never have known her child.

There is a deeper meaning behind this wish. She has no energy to think about it, so she also raised the holy sword in her hand, but her face no longer had the previous determination, but she was blank.

"Rebel against Duanli's my father!"
