Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 206: Uchiha Obito

But this time, no new words appeared on the slate.

It is a tool that acts according to Roland's will. When Roland has not yet achieved the goal, the performance of the Ark of the Dead is also very quiet.

But Roland didn't get to the point of chaos, Xingyue's experience became the result of the ultimate creature, and the idea of ​​deciding to be together with Tamamo before made Roland think a little.

He wanted to give it a try in this strange world, and to see everything from the perspective of a superior god.

Compared with loving human beings as human beings, what would be the result of loving human beings with the attitude of gods?

Roland was curious.

As for how to achieve this, he also has plans.

All the encounters he encountered, those heroic spirits that left a deep impression on people, many were indulged in beautiful dreams, ranging from Matou Kariya, an ordinary person like Weber, to the king of conquest, and the king of saber. Heroes, even Tamamozen, dream of happiness.

Are the so-called dreams really that beautiful?

Will this limit the progress of mankind? Can it give all human beings all the happiness?

Roland couldn't see this clearly, but Ark of the Dead gave him a new guide long ago when he had such doubts.

Almost without thinking, Roland activated the statue of Uchiha Obito.

As one of the villains that runs through the entire Naruto and cannot be ignored, there have always been different opinions on what kind of person Uchiha Obito is.

But if Roland remembered correctly, the other party should have chosen the faction that helped the protagonist in the end. Why was he thrown into the Ark of the Dead?

After activation, Roland got the answer before he could speak.

Without him, the other party's current state is really strange.

The upper body is bare, with a dead head, short white hair that has been dried up, and the right half of the body is pale, like a piece of solidified white wax.

The most attractive thing is his eyes now.

One is blood red, and three hook jades slowly rotate in it, while the other is indistinguishable between the whites of the eyes and the pupils. The whole body is filled with circles of purple ripples.

"Are you, that Uchiha Obito who chose to give up Infinite Tsukiyomi and stood on Naruto's side and died in personality?"

Roland asked thoughtfully.

Although the state of Uchiha Obito was a bit strange, Roland, who witnessed the mighty power of the Ark of the Dead, was not too surprised, and quickly accepted it all.

After all, it is very incredible that this guy can repent.

The future described by Naruto is indeed very good, but the direction is wrong from the beginning.

Uchiha Obito officially decided to join the Moon Eye Project, not just because of Nohara Rin's death, but because of the twisted ninja world.

The Ninja World War broke out frequently in less than ten years, and in the intervening time, there was never peace.

Conflict, conspiracy, assassination, it goes on and on.

He has become much stronger than before, and he can even be resurrected, but so what?

Nohara Rin didn't want to die, and Kakashi didn't want to kill her, but for Konoha, cherished people would always kill each other.

Even the hostile Ninja village has its own position and beliefs, only the differences between people still exist, and the war will never end.

Everyone will be an executioner and kill each other like marionettes, that's the truth of a hellish world.

Maybe there will be a person like Senju Hakuma again, who will bear all hatred with iron and blood and immortality, twisted but true peace will indeed come.

But Uchiha Obito is too tired, he has no sense of responsibility, and just wants to escape this hell-like world.

So he chose the Eye of the Moon plan, so that everyone can live truly and live as they wish in the new world.

For this reason, he regards all sacrifices as nothing, he is a villain and an executioner, but this belief is not false.

The closer he is to success, the more bones he has to bear. In order not to let those people's sacrifices be in vain, he must launch the Eye of the Moon plan.

Just like Emiya Kiritsugu, it is the most ridiculous to go back to that point.

After all, before Hei Jue said something heartfelt to an unnamed Uchiha ancestor, the Moon Eye Project was another conspiracy that no one thought of.

And such a person regrets the short-lived peace Naruto described?

"So, what should I call you?"

"Whatever you want, whether it's Ah Fei, Madara Uchiha, or Obito, it doesn't matter."

Uchiha Obito's eyes are still cold, which is rare among the wreckage of death.

But judging from the fact that his eyes have been locked on Roland, the influence still exists.

"Then I'll ask you to bring the soil. Before we start the official conversation, I have a question. Could you please help me answer it? Why do you think that your transformation is equivalent to death?"

There are people who have been transformed by the big change, but it is really rare that they can be isolated by the Ark of the Dead, like Obito.

Hearing this question, Obito's answer was also rude: "Because that guy is an idiot, he actually fantasized about becoming a Hokage, he was just taken into the pit by Naruto's similar experience and unique Chakra, Naruto may be Hokage, but he definitely can't because he's a Uchiha."

"This guy clearly realizes this, even if he rejects Madara, returns to the village, and turns on the kaleidoscope, he will never be able to become Hokage. This is Uchiha's fate, and this is the policy that has been continued since the second Hokage. , not to mention that the three generations of guys have misinterpreted it."

"Uchiha's suppression is not a matter of one or two days. Although most of the clansmen are dissatisfied, they have also accepted the rejection of the second generation. At least the second generation is still willing to trust Uchiha's dove faction and let him serve as his guard? But The third generation is to completely suppress Uchiha. In terms of loyalty and strength, Shisui and Itachi are all qualified to become Hokage. Even if they don't plan to let them be, just show their attitude and let them join the core power circle, Uchiha will split himself. , thus getting into an internal struggle.”

Roland nodded and agreed with this explanation.

Uchiha can't be the one that everyone wants to rebel, but they have never seen hope.

In terms of Uchiha is one of the original founders of Konoha. In terms of contribution, Uchiha has always been the main force on the battlefield. Do not talk to Uchiha one-on-one, but it is spread by the enemy, not Their brag.

What can be exchanged for the result?

Being ostracized and suspected, apart from the fact that the patriarch also served as the police department who was easy to offend people, and his functions were also secretly assigned a lot, no new Uchiha was ever trusted.

This is a fact and an attitude. Compared with the second generation's performance of daring to let Nobu Uchiha act as a personal guard, the successor only learned to suppress it blindly.

Roland said with understanding: "Since your determination is so firm, how are you going to guide me?"

"I won't guide you..." Uchiha Obito was silent for a while, "In the end, I myself am a loser who was calculated without knowing it."

"The only thing I can give you is this, a way to get rid of all fate and devour all suffering."

"—Unlimited monthly reading."