Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 74: Phase call

After the plan was abolished, they also had to find a new turning point.

Irisviel looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and wanted to comfort him.

"However, don't worry so much, Einzbern still has some excellent holy relics, and the patriarch should have handed them over to you yesterday."

Emiya Kiritsugu knew about that, and in fact, that was the reason why he was here alone today watching the scenery and thinking.

After the relic of the King of Knights found in Cornwall was robbed, in addition to formulating a new countermeasure, Einzbern also gave the new relic to Kiritsugu Emiya as a replacement.

Unlike Tohsaka and Matou, the two families who lived in the countryside, Einzbern's heritage made him store some superfluous holy relics for the Holy Grail War.

This is the legacy of the last Holy Grail War, the planner of the Shimabara Rebellion, who is called a saint, a hero from the Far East - Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

Although he is a near-modern hero, among Heroic Spirits, in addition to the mysteriousness that ranks first, the older and more powerful, there is also the bonus of popularity and land.

The battlefield is in the hometown of this saint, and he will definitely get a great increase.

But Emiya Kiritsugu was thinking about this question. He shook his head and said, "This is what I'm going to tell you, Ellie, I don't plan to use this saint's relic."


Irisviel was a little confused, but the corners of Emiya Kiritsugu's mouth rose, revealing a mocking smile.

"I have learned about this saint's deeds. He led 30,000 followers to death without doing anything. This kind of praised {hero} is absolutely incompatible with me."

Such ridiculous deeds made Emiya Kiritsugu feel disgusted and conflicted even without seeing the other party. It was really embarrassing to have to cooperate well under this premise.

Emiya Kiritsugu knew what a sad and cruel person he was, and he didn't expect to be understood, but in this important matter, he still hoped to make fewer mistakes.

The internal rupture is far more terrifying than the external pressure.

"If it's the Knight King, for the sake of the opponent's powerful strength, it's nothing to do with him, but this saint, as a modern heroic spirit, even if he has a bonus, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the Knight King, so, I'm going to ditch this middle-of-the-road option and go to the other extreme."

"Kiritsugu," Irisviel understood her husband's thoughts.

"Are you thinking of summoning with affinities?"

Summoning by nature, this method is to use nothing, simply gamble on luck, a strategy that Tokiomi Tosaka evaluates as a foolish and unwieldy guy.

From a practical point of view, this evaluation cannot be miscalculated. Aspect Summoning can indeed obtain Heroic Spirits who are most similar to their own personality, can understand each other, and cooperate with each other, but the risk is extremely high.

If it wasn't for being extremely confident in his own personality and talent, it would indeed feel a bit resigned to taking the initiative to choose him.

Because, not all heroic spirits are famous, there are also many unknown heroic spirits. They don't even have Noble Phantasms, their achievements are unknown, and their strength is very weak. In the Holy Grail War, if they are unlucky, even the first two If I can't survive the night, I'm leaving.

"Yes, from the beginning, I was more fond of characters like Assassin. Since the best choice has been taken away, it's better to go to the other extreme."

Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head, his eyes filled with indifferent ice and snow again.

"A weak and unknown heroic spirit is stronger than a magician. Let's take advantage of the characteristics and let the two-in-one magician-killer end this war."

"I will use myself to have a relationship and summon a heroic spirit who can cooperate with me."

"I must get the Holy Grail... no matter what the price is."

Emiya Kiritsugu subconsciously squeezed his wife's hand, Irisviel kept silent, just looked at her husband and leaned her head a little deeper.

"You will definitely win, Kiritsugu."

Far away, in a private house in London, Weber packed up the last instruments and prepared to pack and send him to Fuyuki City.

After taking care of the luggage, he breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the bed, and opened the book about the Holy Grail War again.

During this period of time, in order to avoid being picked on by those who wanted to please Kenneth, Webb ran out of the clock tower early, and made preparations for the Holy Grail War by himself in London.

Although there is no longer a clock tower, the solid foundation did not cause him any harm. Instead, he felt the pleasure of a caged bird flying freely.

With the money in his hand, Weber didn't panic, and while continuing to practice magic, he asked his friend Melvin to purchase the necessary equipment.

After Melvin learned that Weber declared war on Kenneth, not only was he not angry, but because he was amused, he began to help Weber without any effort. In order to quickly build a small magic workshop these things have been sent out, waiting for him to assemble in Fuyuki City, by that time, with the blessing of the workshop, even if the qualifications are not excellent, he will Can be regarded as an excellent magician!

"Now, it's the heroic spirit's choice..." Webber muttered, "Which job agency, an orthodox and excellent guy like Kenneth, will definitely summon the three knights, and the three royal families will probably join in these jobs. , I am a monk halfway through and I have absolutely no ability to compete."

"Even if you buy a holy relic temporarily, you can't even find a second-tier holy relic, let alone compare it to Kenneth. With El-Melloi's ability, it must be a first-class holy relic."

"And Roland, he has prepared for a long time in advance, and it is estimated that he will also summon heroic spirits who agree with him. In this way, am I a bit reckless?"

Weber touched his hair, thinking hard, and when his hair was rubbed in a mess, his eyes also locked on the line of words in the book.

"Sexual Summons..."

"That's right!" Weber slapped his thigh excitedly, "Sexual summoning, with my talent, I will definitely be able to summon great men, even kings, who can change the world!"

"After all, I am destined to be a big man who will change the pattern of the clock tower in the future, and a heroic spirit who can be well-connected must be a king with vigor!"

"At that time, even Roland will have to admit my Weber Velvet's talent!"

"Hahaha!" Webber laughed wildly, but his expression quickly twisted, rubbing his thighs "Hiss——, you shouldn't use such a big force, damn, it's actually blue, I'm not good at healing magic! !!"

In the small private house, the solid walls concealed the boy's ambition and grief.