Behind the Scenes from Naruto

Chapter 182: How do you feel that every Ninja Village

Uehara Naraku and Terumi Mei left the corner.

After walking to the street, the two subconsciously arranged their clothes, then subconsciously glanced at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.

Uehara Naraku finally spoke first: "Hey hey, Terumi Mei, don't make it seem like we have done something shameful!"


Terumi gritted her teeth bitterly, and suddenly smiled: "I'm really grown up! Boy, if you feel good just now, you must contact me!"

After speaking, Terumi Ming ignored the gazes of the people around him, blinked at Uehara Naraku, turned and walked towards the venue of this negotiation.

Obviously, Terumi Mei really wanted Uehara Naraku to contact her.

It's not very convenient here, she wants to have a good talk with Uehara Naraku.

Because the ghost lantern full moon matter is very important, and even related to the future of Wuyin Village, after all, that guy took four Ninja swords and defected to become a spy!

Even if he left a handful at that time!

No, at least two will be left!

In Wuyin Village, in addition to Gui Deng Man Yue’s younger brother, Gui Deng Shui Yue, there is also a good seedling that can serve as the position of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.


Uehara Naraku took out her ears, followed Terumi Ming boredly, and walked into the negotiation venue.

After a while, the thousand-generation mother-in-law of Shayin Village also rushed to the daimyofu, and walked into the meeting place tremblingly. The leader of Takiin Village had arrived early.

Now all the members of the five Ninja villages who participated in the negotiation have arrived.

Uehara Naraku looked at everyone present, and the three big countries Shinobu Village seemed to have a bit of grudges with him, and even Takigakura Village was a bit grudge.

After all, Xiaonan once planted a Takiin Rebel to **** the position of the leader of Takiin Village in order to investigate Nanao's intelligence. It was only because of Konoha's support that he fell short, but it is estimated that the leader of Shemu did not dare to hold grudges.

As for the three great Ninja villages, it goes without saying that the leader of these great Ninja villages, Uehara Naraku killed them all.

The four generations of Fengying in Shayin Village were murdered.

The fourth generation of Shuiying in Wuyin Village was murdered.

The three generations of Hokage in Konoha village were murdered.

Uehara Naraku admired his boldness a bit.

With so many enemies gathered here, he even dared to come to the meeting.

This is why Terumi Ming did not know that he had killed four generations of Suikage.

Tsunade might not be embarrassed to mention his assassination of three generations of Naruto in person, after all, it was involved in Shimura Danzo's plot to seize the position of Naruto.

Once it is said, Konoha Village will definitely lose face.

Chiyo doesn't have so much scruples.

Since the death of the four generations of Fukage Luosha in battle, the village of Shayin has become increasingly poor and declining. Uehara Naraku, who killed the fourth generation of Fuyue, was the murderer of the decline of the village.

Chiyo glanced at Naraku Uehara diagonally, and closed his palms: "Your Excellency Tsunade, this is a talk of the Great Diet. I don't think Uyin Village is qualified to participate, and what role it can play in our next plans..."

"No one can insult our Yuyin Village!"

Uehara Naruko squinted his eyes and said softly, "Hehe, a village where the leaders of the village are killed as dogs, are they eligible to sit on the same table with us? Our leader Yuyin But the ninja demigod Sansho fish Hanzo-sama!"

After speaking, Naraku Uehara looked at Chiyo again and said, "Hey, old lady, when the fifth generation Fengying of your village succeeded to the throne, tell me, I will kill him!"

"what did you say!"

Chiyo's palm flipped, and a scroll fell on her palm: "Asshole boy, I will kill you now!"

"Then come!"

Uehara Naraku glanced at Chiyo and sneered: "Hehe, your grandson Akasha Scorpion was beaten by my teacher to beg for mercy and surrender. The kid cried and begged the four generations of Fengying's corpse from me, you guys. This is what the puppet master has!"

What Uehara Naraku said was a bit vicious.

I don't know if the Red Sand Scorpion will fight him desperately after hearing it.

Anyway, even if the scorpion worked hard, he would definitely not be able to beat Uehara.

Tsunade slammed a punch on the table and said coldly: "We arrived here for the same goal. This is not a place for quarrels. Only by letting go of our past grievances can we sincerely cooperate."


Terumi Ming stroked her cheek and glanced at Uehara Naraku, then gently nodded and said, "We are willing to sit here because we already have the willingness to cooperate, so why bother to care about the brutality left over from past wars?"

The country of fire, water, wind, and rain, after the three wars of Ninja, the grievances and grievances were entangled to find out, and the numbers were too numerous to count.

Only the leader of Takino Kuni, Shibuki, was better.

This somewhat immature young man smiled awkwardly and rounded it off: "Yeah, yeah... His Excellency Naruto is right, Terumi Ming is right!"

Chiyo and Naraku Uehara snorted each other coldly, and turned their heads, but they followed Tsunade and Terumi's advice, and the two stopped arguing in court.

Tsunade finally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Unlike her grandfather, she would kowtow to the other leaders of Shinobu Village when she met!

To be honest, Tsunade kind of hates Chiyo.

Obviously Shayin Village is as weak as anything else, and he took the initiative to provoke Uehara Naraku. Isn't it afraid that Yuyin Village will invade you another day?

"Okay, let's start talking about business now!"

Tsunade slowly stood up, walked to a wall where a map of Ninja was hung, and whispered: "The main topic today is the distribution of benefits after the destruction of Caoyin Village.

About a month ago, Kusage Village was destroyed by the powerful fire ninjutsu. We think it might be Konoha’s S-class rebel Uchiha Daido or Uchiha Itachi. The purpose is to instigate and trigger a new ninjutsu war. .

In order to avoid wars and disputes caused by the land of the country of grass, we decided to place the country of grass under the jurisdiction of the land of the country of fire, under the jurisdiction of the country of fire and the protection of Konoha.

The daimyo of the original country has agreed to be canonized as a noble of the country of fire. "


Everyone present couldn't help but look up at Tsunade.

How thick-skinned this woman is to say that above!

In order to avoid wars and disputes over a piece of land, we took that piece of land as our own. Why are we so shameless!

It is a pity that the country of wind and the country of water are beyond the reach, and the only people present who have objections to the country of the grass are the people of the country of Taki and the country of rain.

The leader of Takigin Village, Shemu, naturally did not dare to say anything.

Uehara Naraku raised his palm and spoke softly: "Then what about the disputed land between the country of rain and the country of grass?"

Tsunade frowned, and said in a deep voice: "At this point, Konoha will decide whether to divide it based on the investigation. As for the return, we still need to wait for our arbitration."

"Please feel free."

Uehara Naruto nodded, and did not argue for any reason: "If the result is not satisfactory to us, we will neither support nor oppose it."

"Please listen to me."

Tsunade did not go to see him, and continued to speak: "Konoha has always advocated the balanced development of the Ninja countries. It is for this reason that the first generation of Hokage allocated the tail beasts to the major Ninja villages, and allowed the war between Ninja villages The scale of the war was restrained.

So this time Konoha will only get the land of the country of grass, and will cede his own other interests to the countries, and achieve a balance between the big countries. "

Tsunade stood by the table again, propping up the table with his hands down, exposing a large swath of snow on his chest, which made people dizzy.

"Of course this is not simply given to all countries."

Tsunade looked at the people present, and slowly said: "Nin-mura of all countries must cooperate in trying to suppress Ianyin, and force Ianyin to give up his attempt to the country of grass.

Once Iwayin Village retreats and the country of fire and the country of grass are successfully merged, Konoha will reach an economic and political alliance and cooperation treaty with Wuyin Village to open markets and ports to each other; at the same time, Konoha will meet the mission of the country of the wind Return it to Shayin Village. "

These have already been said.

Both Chiyo and Terumi nodded implicitly. The purpose of the two of them was precisely for this, which was what they urgently needed in Shinobu Village.

Tsunade turned his head to look at the bored Uehara Naraku, and slowly said, "If Takigakura and Amagimura are willing to contribute to this, Konoha will not spare the interests of allies..."

"Well, we only hope to have long-term peace."

Shibuki looked at Tsunade and shook his head gently and said, "Although we and Konoha have been allies for a long time, we are not allowed to participate in this cooperation."

Taki no Kuni is a small country.

Takigakura dare not offend Konoha nor Iwagakura.

Shibuki's consideration was also reasonable, Tsunade nodded slightly to agree, and then looked at Uehara Naraku: "What about Amagi's idea?"

Uehara Naraku stood up slowly, walked to the side of the map, and whispered softly: "We need to use the original site of Caoyin Village as the demarcation line, and all the land to the south will be included in the border of the Rain Country."

"wishful thinking."

Chiyo couldn't help but shook his head.

"Ha ha…"

Tsunade smirked, "That's more than half of the land, and even the west is mountainous. It is not easy to invade Yanyin Village. It is the richest place in the country of grass!"

"Neither Konoha nor Fire Country lacks rich land."

Uehara Naraku shook his head gently, and continued softly: "What Konoha lacks is the strategic key that can form an absolute advantage over Iwagaki Village. Obviously, the land north of Kusakin Village is mostly bridges, fortresses, and canyons, which are the most suitable. The land of Konoha."

Uehara Naraku glanced at Tsunade who was still a bit and whispered: "If Konoha agrees to this division, Uyin Village can launch a raid on Iwanin in conjunction with Konoha to wipe out the domestic entrenchment of grass. The Rocky Ninja."

"Sorry, Konoha can do it himself."

Tsunade shook his head and turned to look at the people present: "If your Chiyo and Terumi Ming agree, please return to your country and start mobilizing manpower to initiate the suppression of Iwagaki Village and force them to leave the country of grass!"

Seeing Chiyo and Terumi nodding their heads, Tsunade looked at Naraku Uehara again and chuckled softly: "If you want, you might as well take a gamble with me. If you win, I might be able to give it to Rainy Country. A village?"

"Don't shame me anymore."

Uehara Naruko waved his hand and turned around to leave the venue, but before leaving he suddenly turned his head to look at Tsunade, squinted his eyes and smiled slightly.

"We in Yuyin Village have been tracking down Xiao's traitors who have betrayed the Kingdom of Rain and Hanzo-sama. Those traitors will not easily let go of the opportunity to instigate the war between Konoha and Iwayin Village. Please cherish this peaceful time. Right!"