Behind the Scenes from Naruto

Chapter 482: A new storm is about to set off on the s

Xiao Zi is the daughter of Guangyue Mitian.

In any case, her identity is too sensitive.

Now that the Akatsuki organization has occupied the entire Wano country, it is natural that the Kotsuki clan’s retainers cannot continue to do things. If they are willing to surrender, it will be good for Akatsuki...

It is also good for Uehara Naraku's future plans.

If Momosuke came to this era through the power of the fruit of time, he found out that his sister Guangzukiri and his retainers had betrayed him...

that time…

I don't know what he would think?

Now, under the guidance of Uehara Naraku, Kakashi Hagi made a series of fights, forcing Xiaozi and Denjiro to give up all hope and had to let Akatsuki organize their lives.

A large number of ninjas are scattered in various areas of Wano Country, helping the civilians of Wano Country to quickly resume production. In Denjiro's intelligence, secretly hunting for samurai who are loyal to the Guangzuki clan.


Uehara Naraku also provided information on the CP agents, and the Ninja coalition easily captured several CP agents who had sneaked into the rabbit well.

He Zhiguo quietly returned to calm.

Uehara Naraku stayed for a long time before he chose to contact the Navy. To a little surprise, it was the Pharmacist who answered his call.

"Colonel Naraku."

On the other end of the phone worm, the pharmacist looks like he is doing business, and it sounds a bit inconvenient: "We are outside the sea in Hezhi, is there any progress on your mission?"


After being silent for a second, Uehara Naraku said in a low voice: "The entire Wano country has undergone a coup, and the Akatsuki organization has occupied the entire Wano country. Their leader is a woman named Otsuki Teruya, who claims to have descended in Wano country. God of the country."


Pharmacist pocket was also silent.

The two people knew who the real leader of the Akatsuki organization was.

To be honest, Yakushidou had long anticipated that Wano Country might change ownership.

If Uehara Naraku wants to work comfortably as a spy for the navy in Wano country, the best way is to turn Wano country into her own territory...

The only thing I didn't expect was that Uehara Naruto dropped the card and dispatched the terrible woman Otsuki Kaguya directly!

After thinking about it for a while, the pharmacist continued, "I see, Colonel Naraku, is there any other information? How is the movement of the Beast Pirate Group?"

"The two sides are allied."

Uehara Naraku thought for a while, and provided another piece of information: "Akatsuki has a ninja army of tens of thousands of people. They are scattered throughout the country. It is very difficult for me to work here. Recently, they are hunting for the members of the Kotsuki clan and CP agents of the world government..."

When Uehara Naraku said this, his voice was a little obscure and said: "Now they are still continuing the investigation. I am worried about exposure, so I apply to stay silent and stay silent..."


The pharmacist in the phone bug agreed without hesitation.

As long as Uehara Naraku said that he was in danger of exposure while staying in Akatsuki's site, it would definitely be dangerous.

This point does not need to be questioned.

The country of peace, the sea.

After the pharmacist hung up the phone bug, he glanced at Lieutenant General Crane and Lieutenant Taotu next to him, and said softly: "Senior Crane, Senior Taotu, unless we have the determination to fight, otherwise we can do...maybe only Waiting for the moment."


After thinking for a while, Lieutenant General Crane whispered: "According to your intelligence theory, this little guy named Naraku Uehara has provided enough information. At least we know the identity of the enemy, and the rest can only slow him down. Check it slowly..."


The pharmacist nodded, pushed his glasses, and said solemnly: "Perhaps we will have new opportunities soon. Kaido is a war lunatic, especially since he just got a powerful ally.

Before he lost in the war of the Whitebeard Pirates, he would not give up easily. It just so happened that he also had a chance to fight Whitebeard.

According to our information, a group of pirate groups under the White Beard have repeatedly passed through Murloc Island, and they are likely to want the original king, Qiwu Haijinping, to return to Murloc Island..."

"what do you mean…"

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Pharmacist's pocket in surprise, then slowly nodded and said: "When the Whitebeard Pirates want to retake the Murloc Island, will Kaido really appear?"

"The probability is very high."

Pharmacist nodded slowly, and said softly: "As long as the White Beard Pirates do anything, according to Kaido's character, he will not easily let White Beard succeed..."


Behind Kaido stands Akatsuki!

Because of the existence of Uehara Naraku, Akatsuki's organization will have no allies. Yakushidou can almost guess that Kaido may have become a member of Akatsuki!

Near the base of Akatsuki's organization, how could it be possible to tolerate a group of Four Emperors Pirates!

Unless they belong to Akatsuki.

On the island of ghosts.

Uzumaki Naruto walked into this island full of pirates.

Since Kaido joined the Akatsuki organization, the Hundred Beast Pirates Group was already the outer arm of the Akatsuki organization, so Naruto Uzumaki joined the Hundred Beast Pirates Group as a kind of exercise.

Along the way, there are hideous pirates everywhere, making Uzumaki Naruto's face a little surprised, these pirates are too outrageous!

How does it feel like it grows casually!

Kaido saw Naruto Uzumaki wandering on the ghost island, his eyes faintly became a bit fierce: "That group of guys, actually sent this hairy boy over..."


Epidemic Quinn looked at Uzumaki Naruto with some surprise, and couldn't help but start to speak in surprise: "It's that kid! Big brother, his strength is very strong...I always suspected that he should be some kind of fantasy beast. Ability!"

"Huh, this is normal..."

After Kaido raised his head and took a sip of his wine, he watched Naruto Uzumaki walk over and said slowly: "That kid seems to have some identity..."

Because after Kaido joined Akatsuki's organization, he also saw Uzumaki Naruto and Otsuki Teruya with his own eyes, and heard the conversation between them.

That is Naruto Uzumaki...

It was Kaguya Ji's grandson.

Damn, what are these things!

In any case, Kaido cannot refuse this matter.

What's more, this silly Uzumaki Naruto who joins the Pirates of Beasts is better than the murderous **** Uchiha brought!

In order to express welcome to Uzumaki Naruto, who is suspected of being capable of the fruit of the phantom beast, Kaido held a banquet on the island of ghosts, and by the way, to boost morale.

On the first day, everyone was very happy.

On the second day, Kaido knew why Uzumaki Naruto would join the Hundred Beast Pirates, because Uzumaki Naruto had to practice with him for a period of time, mainly to learn tricolor domineering.

Akatsuki's people... are all neurotic, right?

Are these guys too insulting?

How dare Kaido, who is the emperor of the sea, instruct a little devil to learn three-color domineering, do you really think that the four emperors have no temper?

What's more, do they really think it is so simple?

Domineering needs to be awakened, and not learned by simply teaching, especially only one in a million people can be domineering!

Uzumaki Naruto, the little devil's head, really has...

This world is too outrageous. How could this stupid-looking yellow-haired boy awaken the overlord? Even after Uzumaki Naruto awakened the domineering look, his perception range was greater than Kaido!

What a monster!

Only the armed color domineering appeared a little trouble.

After all, what armed **** domineering needs is physical strength and long-term combat training. Kaido's teaching methods can be called rough, so she simply found an uninhabited desert island in the new world, and directly used physique and armed **** domineering battle with Naruto Uzumaki. For ten days and ten nights...

Kaido did play very well at the beginning, Uzumaki Naruto was a pure sandbag, and when Uzumaki Naruto was forced by him, he soon awakened his armed domineering...


Kaido lost.

Kaido has lost a lot this year.

Especially when I lost the battle in what I do best...

As the four emperors with the strongest recovery ability, Kaido has always believed that no one can match him in endurance. As a result, he encountered the monster Uzumaki Naruto...

In this world, monster is a kind of compliment word.

"Hmph, you young kids, it's really scary!"

Kaido lay on the island and looked at the sky, and said: "Now your armed domineering has just awakened, and it is actually more domineering than Lao Tzu..."


Naruto Uzumaki also lay on the ground, scratching his head awkwardly: "Nine Lama has learned to turn Chakra into domineering, and it can also help me provide domineering!"

Kaido is not to blame for this kind of thing.

After all, Naruto Uzumaki still has a plug-in called Nine Tails.

Naruto Uzumaki glanced at Kaido next to him, and suddenly asked: "Mr. Kaido, I heard that you have met Sasuke..."

"That arrogant kid..."

"Hahaha, that guy Sasuke just has a bad temper!"


The two had a good chat.

I have to say that Naruto Uzumaki's character is quite contagious.

Kaido also believes that if Uzumaki Naruto goes to sea, he also has the potential to become One Piece, and his character is as innocent as Roger and Whitebeard...

If there is no Akatsuki organization in the world, Kaido will simply meet Naruto Uzumaki, he will definitely make Naruto Uzumaki his subordinate, take him with him to find the big secret treasure, and he will be willing to recruit him by all means. .


This world is organized by Akatsuki.

Behind Uzumaki Naruto also stood a **** and a bunch of people.

While Kaido and Uzumaki Naruto were talking about Uchiha Sasuke, the Whitebeard Pirates were also discussing a major event.

As expected by the pharmacist...

This pirate group wants to return to the fisherman island.

After Sasuke Uchiha and Portcas D. Ace returned to the Whitebeard Sea, these people finally put on the agenda to help Jinhei and the Murloc Pirates recapture Murloc Island.

It is impossible to change this matter anyway. UU reading www.

If the banner of the white beard can be pulled off casually, then these pirates would be too unqualified!

For the Pirates...

The flying Pirate Flag is their precious treasure!

After the dry persimmon ghost shark pulled off the banner of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and announced that the territory of Murloc Island was his territory, the hostility between them could not be changed!


No one can stop them in this sea!

Even the Beast Pirates and Kaido, both of the Four Emperor Pirates, are not their opponents. Even the navy can only use despicable tricks to deal with them...

Kill the dried persimmon ghost shark...

The White Beard Pirate Flag was re-inserted on Murloc Island!

Declare to the whole world that no one can invade the territory of the White Beard Pirates. This is the reputation of the world's strongest Pirates!