Behind the Scenes from Naruto

Chapter 86: Do you know generation 0?

   Uehara Naraku didn't know the plan to bring soil.

   Uehara just used some simple green tea words, and Uchiha brought the soil to believe that he didn’t care about it. This emotional intelligence must have never been in love, right?

Now Uehara Naraku stood in front of a group of ordinary sandy ninjas, and read out the order of Yuyin Village: "On the order of Hanzo-sama, all ninjas from neighboring countries must leave the country immediately, and we will start to eliminate the wandering ninjas in the rainy country. ."

   "But our mission..."

   The sand hidden ninjas were a little bit sad.

Because there are fewer and fewer commissioned tasks in their villages, and now the finances of the village are all maintained by the four generations of Fengying Luosha alone, so after encountering external commissions, both Shayin Village and Sharenin are very Cherish.

   After all, customer resources are getting less and less.

Uehara Naruko shook his head and behaved very politely: "Sorry, compared to your mission, I am worried that if you suffer a disaster and trigger a war between Uyin Village and Shayin Village, you may have greater losses. "


   Sand Shinobu looked at each other.

   If it hadn't been for Na Uehara to step on one of their companions, they might have planned to bully others and refused to give in.

   What a pity, I can't beat it!

   The most important thing now is to send back the news of the Civil War in Rain.

   This is exactly what Uehara wanted. In the face of ordinary ninjas who perform tasks, they are mainly expelled and let them spread the news of the rain country outside.

   If facing a spy like Anbe...

   Then we can only change to another way of getting along. The purpose of these spies is to detect the most secret information, and they must be killed when they encounter spies.

   When the situation in the country of rain stabilizes, all of Sansho Fish Hanzo's cronies are eliminated, and the entire Yuyin Village will be sealed off by Payne's Rain Tiger Freedom Technique.

   Uehara Naraku looked at a few sand ninjas and continued to ask, "Right, by the way, is there any upper ninja in you?"


   A few Sand Shinobu's gazes flowed and stopped at the one that Uehara was stepping on.

   This guy on the ground who can't do a few tricks in the hands of Uehara Nairobi is the captain of their team.

   "Are you sure this is Shangnin?"

   Uehara Naraku looked at the ninja stepping on her feet curiously, with a vague suspicion in her eyes: "Is the standard of Shangnin in Sagakura Village so low?"

   Sandyin Kamijin stubbornly raised his head and looked at Uehara Naraku: "Boy, do you want to humiliate me? I am the wind blade of Sandyin Village!"

   "This is it? This is it?"

   "Asshole boy, I played with you!"

   Sandakin Kaminin was irritated by Uehara Naraku's words, gritted his teeth and pulled his fingers, and one of his subordinates rushed towards Uehara Naraku!

   No, that is not his subordinate.

   is the puppet of Shangnin, disguised as an ordinary sand hidden ninja.

   The leader of Shinnin in Sandyakura Village is a precious puppet master!

   No wonder he can become the captain of the upper ninja in Shayin Village. Puppet masters who can have excellent puppets are indeed much better than ordinary ninjas in Shayin Village.

   After the puppet master was approached, he basically had to wait to die...

   Just now after the battle between Uehara Uehara Uehara and Uehara Naruto, before he could use his puppet to fight, Uehara Uehara was knocked to the ground with three fists and two feet.

   Now, he will fight back for the reputation of Shayin Village!


   Uehara Naraku casually summoned a purple chakra broadsword and chopped the puppet into a pile of parts!

   Uehara kicked the scattered parts: "Is it over?"

   "You kid..."

  Sajin on the ground saw this scene like a concubine, and looked at Uehara angrily: "This is the puppet that teacher Eilaozang gave me!"

   Hai Lao Zang is a consultant of Shayin Village and has always been respected.

   Of course not because of his power, but because of his mind, so Eilao Zang is again called the Old Man of Sand by the people of the Kingdom of Wind and Shayin Village.

   Actually, this is a character similar to Shimura Danzo.

  Eilao Zang once held all the spy information in Shayin Village. Even if he is now retired, there are still many hidden lines willing to obey his orders.

   It's just that the four generations of Fengying Luosha in Shayin Village are now surging through gold mining skills. Not many people in the Ninja world have heard the name Eilaozang.

   This is also the pot of someone from Akatsuki.

   Red Sand Scorpion.

  As the red sand scorpion left Shayin Village, the scorpion's grandmother Chiyo became disheartened and chose to retreat on her own.

   Hai Lao Zang is also in retreat in order to accompany his sister.

   Uehara Naraku blinked. He had heard of the title of Eilaoza, but he didn't really have much impression of the old man who didn't make many appearances in the original book.

   Uehara Naraku took the purple Chakra Broadsword in his hand and pointed to the sand hidden puppet master on the ground and said, "Then do you know where Eilao and Chiyo are?"

   Uehara was just a little moved by the news of Chi-dai mother-in-law.

  Because he has several side missions about the mother-in-law of the thousand generations, according to Uehara Naraku's guess, the rewards of these missions will not be bad.

  The most important thing is that there is also a task of collecting reincarnations!

   This is a technique that can bring the dead back to life. Maybe the quest reward is a chance that Uehara Naruto can resurrect out of thin air.

   is preferably an ancient skill called rebirth.

   Of course, if the system rewards Uehara Naraku with a resurrection armor that is not displayed in the store, Uehara must be willing to accept it.

   As for how to collect the reincarnation, of course it is the news of selling the red sand scorpion, or directly pretending to be the red sand scorpion?

   Isn’t this not so good...


  He, Naraku Uehara, but how can he be a grandson if he wants to be the man behind the Ninja world!

   "How did you know Chiyo-sama?"

There was a touch of surprise on the face of the puppet master Sand Ninja, and immediately he made up something in his own brain, and laughed to himself: "That's right, Lord Chiyo has once repelled the Sansho fish Hanzo. You Yuyin Village is afraid of Lord Chiyo coming. Come here!"

   "Why are you so much nonsense?"

   Uehara Naraku looked at the smelly-mouthed Captain Sand Shinobu unhappy, a flash of rage flashed across his face in a timely manner: "No, how dare you humiliate Master Hanzo!"

   After speaking, Uehara Naruko flew his ninja guard with a sword: "When I ask it is best to concentrate on answering my questions!"


Captain Sand Shinobu laughed wildly and looked at Naraku Uehara with disdain: "Master Chiyo is behind our team, she will be here soon, take off Sanjiao Hanzo's head, and kill everyone in Yuyin Village! "

   "Hey, the old lady Chiyo has not retired yet?"

   Uehara Naraku was surprised, he quietly opened the panel of fate.

   Uehara Naraku suddenly swung the purple Chakra Broadsword in his hand, inserted the Captain Sand Shinobi into the chest, and shouted, "You dare to lie to me? Do you know who I am?"

   In the entire Ninja Realm, only he can deceive others!

   The ninjas who had heard this remnant looked at him. Such a small ninja has such a strong strength, it seems to be a great character!

   One of the daring ninjas stared at the drop of blood falling from the Chakra Broadsword in Uehara's hand and whispered: "Your Excellency, where is it sacred?"

   "I'm just an insignificant little person."


   How can Sand Shinobu believe his words!

   Uehara Naraku doesn't care if they believe it or not, but there is a brutal look on his face: "Do you have anyone else who knows about Chiyo?"

"we do not…"

   Sand Shinobu immediately shakes their heads.

   Uehara Naraku interrupted them, and raised the Chakra Broadsword in his hand: "A liar will swallow a thousand needles!"

   What kind of punishment is this!

  Sara Shinobu listened to Uehara's threat, and their throats did not dare to swallow saliva.

   One of the Shinnins raised his palms and replied hoarsely, "Master Chiyo and Master Eilaozang live in seclusion in an oasis outside the village."