Being a Lady of an Influential Family

Chapter 441: true and false?

  Chapter 441 True or false?

  Zuo Lin didn’t waste time, she tidied up and went out.

  Xu Shaoming and Wei Changxiu naturally refused. Now that Ms. Zhuo is so chaotic outside and not as sturdy as Leng Sa, what if something happens? It's just that neither of them could persuade Zhuo Lin, and Wei Changxiu had to personally lead someone to accompany Zhuo Lin out.

  Zuo Lin thought for a while but did not refuse. The group went out and got into the car repaired by the chief guard and left the heavily guarded street in front of the Fu mansion.

  Sitting in the car, Changxiu could not help but ask, "Auntie, what is the matter you have to go out now."

  Zuo Lin smiled faintly: "Very important thing."

  Wei Changxiu had been busy with Xu Shaoming before. Naturally, he didn't know about Zhuo Lin. Although Fu Yangcheng was young, he would not just talk about other people's privacy.

  Ms. Zhuo... It seems that there is a son, should it be regarded as privacy?

  Zuo Lin leaned on the back of the seat, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "I have to find your cousin."

"Huh?" Wei Changxiu was stunned, frowning disgustedly, "The two of the Sheng family? Why are you looking for them? Don't you dislike them?" His mother is Miss Sheng's, of course the two are. The cousin of Master Wei.

  Zuo Lin was silent for a moment, and said: "It's not them."

  Wei is a smart person after all. He doesn’t think that according to Zhuo Lin’s relationship with the Sheng family, he will personally go out to find the son of the Sheng family at this time, so there is only...

  "Aunt, aunt?! You mean...I also have a cousin?" Although the relationship between Zhuo Lin and Long Xiao had been ups and downs in the early years, Wei Changxiu knew that the two had no ambiguity at all. The only person who has been related to Zhuo Lin for so many years is Fu Zheng, so... his unmasked cousin is most likely the son of his aunt and Governor Fu? ! It's Fu Fengcheng's brother... right, brother?

  The head of Wei Wei only felt a splitting headache, and he couldn't imagine what would happen to Fu Fengcheng with a brother.

   Can Fu Fengcheng's temper call someone else's brother? Just look at the treatment of those in the Fu family. If the relationship between the two is not good, who will he stand on?

  The always elegant and conscientious Wei Master’s expression is too rich, Zhuo Lin glanced at him, "What are you thinking?"

  Wei Changxiu immediately shook his head and denied, "I didn't think about anything. So... was my aunt and my cousin missing?"

  Zuo Lin shook her head and said, "No, back then...I thought that child was gone after he was born, but today someone told me that he is still alive."

   "Ren Nanyan and Zhang Zuo?" Wei Changxiu immediately perceived it sharply, and said solemnly, "Could it be a trap?"

Zhuo Lin said, "A trap is naturally a trap." Wei Changxiu frowned, "In that case, you..."

   Zhuo Lin smiled faintly, "Whether it is true or false, I always have to ask for an answer, you don't have to go with me. Just let me go down when you get nearby."

  Wei Changxiu disagrees with the tunnel, "No, stop."

  The driver driving in front was Wei Changxiu's confidant. Even after hearing such shocking news, he didn't say anything, and parked the car steadily on the side of the road.

  Zuo Lin sighed helplessly, "Chang Xiu."

  Wei Changxiu said in a deep voice, "Auntie, the cousin’s news is very important, I know, but we can think of other ways. If you fall into Ren Nanyan’s trap, what is the use of knowing the cousin’s news?"

   Zhuo Lin reached out and patted his hand back and said, "They are all people who have passed by, so why are they so impatient."

   "..." Wei Master is speechless, is he impatient now? Isn't Ms. Zhuo impatient now?

Zhuo Lin said, "Don't worry, I know it in my heart. Even if this is a trap, what do you say... What is Ren Nanyan looking for me at this time? After all. I am just a governor of Yunzhou who has just taken office not long ago. Is one governor or the entire Anxia missing one governor?"

  Chief Wei Xiu was startled, but hesitated, "Ren Nanyan wants to use you to threaten Governor Long and Governor Fu?"

  Wei Changxiu of course knew that Ren Nanyan could not be because of himself. Although he is known as the richest man in Anxia, ​​when it is really critical, only people with soldiers in hand have the final say.

   Zhuo Lin smiled, "Long Xiao and Fu Zheng are both giants of the same party. They gave up halfway for a woman, or a woman who has nothing to do with them. Do you think it is possible?"

   "..." It seems to make sense. A cousin who doesn't know how many generations have passed, and an ex-husband. Isn't it strange that this relationship has really done?

  Chief Wei repaired his eyebrows and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Zhuo Lin said lightly, "Since Ren Nanyan has to spare time to take care of me at this time, I must be very confident that it will be of great use. There was a problem with the data back then, and now the time is too tight and I can't find too much. Things, I have to meet Ren Nanyan in person before he dies."

  Wei Changxiu was a little speechless, isn't this going to take risks?

Zhuo Lin smiled and said, "Of course I will make some preparations to see him again, don't worry, I don't want to die yet." Then Zhuo Lin reported an address, obviously not going to see Ren Nanyan.

  The driver looked back at Wei Changxiu, and saw him nodding before restarting the car and heading in the direction Zhuo Lin said.

  The car drove all the way in the direction of the residential buildings in the east of the city. Now there is no one on the road in the middle of the night. The firefight that rang all day in the city center was temporarily stopped, and the whole city was dark as if driving in a ghost town.

   "There is someone in front." The bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat suddenly said in a deep voice, and there was a person standing under a lamp post on the side of the road not far in front. There are no street lights tonight. If you don't look carefully, you will almost ignore the dark shadow.

  Wait until the car was getting closer to see that it was a man in a long coat. The man was wearing a hat on his head. He was completely unclear at night.

  The car came to a halt in front of him, and the man didn’t seem to be surprised at all, approaching the car window and bowing, "Ms. Zhuo."

  Zuo Lin nodded, and said: "I've been waiting, have you found what I want?"

  The man didn’t answer, he took out a thin paper bag from under the long windbreaker and gave it to Zhuo Lin, “It’s all inside.”

   "Thank you." Zhuo Lin nodded.

  The man didn't say much, he just nodded slightly and turned to leave, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

  Wei Changxiu did not speak. When he saw Zhuo Lin open the file bag, he took out a flashlight from somewhere and turned it on to illuminate her.

There are very few things in   , only one photo and one address.

  The picture shows a family of three, a middle-aged couple and a boy who looks less than ten years old. With smiles on their faces, the family seemed to be a very happy family of three.

   Chief Wei asked, "This is..."

Zhuo Lin smiled and said, "Ren Nanyan's attending doctor."

  Wei Changxiu's expression changed slightly and looked at Zhuo Lin in surprise, "We are going to see him now? This is his current address? This's not easy to get in now."

Zhuo Lin handed the documents to Wei Changxiu, and said, "You send me to Ren Nanyan's side first, and then give this to Fu Dashao and A Yue. You tell them, you also remember that no matter where you are from Ren Nanyan's side, If you hear any news, don’t respond until this person gets it. I won’t be life-threatening. Remember, no matter what the news is."

  Wei Changxiu felt that Zhuo Lin’s advice was a bit strange, and a little disturbed, "Auntie, you..."

   Zhuo Lin said: "Remember my words, after the person gets the hand, tell Zhang Jingzhi, he knows what to do."

  "Are you sure there is no danger?" Wei Changxiu confirmed.

   Zhuo Lin said, "You remember what I said, there will be no danger, remember, no matter what Ren Nanyan says, don't respond to him. When necessary... until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, you can cut off the communication."

  Wei Changxiu took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, I see. You must be careful."

  Zuo Lin smiled and said, "What are you worried about? I have to find your cousin. It's not a good deal to die at this time."

  Wei Changxiu looked at her deeply and said, "The best you remember this."

  Wei Changxiu didn't send Zhuo Lin to Ren Nanyan's door. The neighborhood was originally besieged by heavy soldiers. Zhuo Lin got out of the car when there was not a short distance there. She was not in a hurry, let alone the darkness on the street in the early hours of the morning, and walked slowly forward as a car.

  Wei Changxiu sat in the car and looked at her leaving back, then raised his hand and glanced at her watch.

  It's three o'clock in the morning.

   "Let's go." Wei Changxiu said solemnly.

   "You are late for more than an hour!" Ren Nanyan stared at Zhuo Lin who walked in behind the guard in a cold voice.

  Zuo Lin didn’t care, she glanced at the people in the hall and smiled lightly, “Old Ren woke up so early, I was worried that it would disturb you to rest, so I plan to come back at dawn.”

  Ren Nanyan's face became more and more gloomy, and he stared at her closely and said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

  Zuo Lin said slowly, "Is the old lady Sheng dead?"

  "..." There was silence in the hall, of course not! Therefore, Ren Nanyan is really joking.

  Although Zhuo Lin’s attitude was very unhappy, Ren Nanyan seemed to remember something and soon calmed down. Looking at Zhuo Lin, "Couldn't anyone teach Ms. Zhuo these years, what is a person who knows the current affairs as a brilliant? Now that you are here, do you think you can go out?"

  Zuo Lin said calmly, "Can I go out and look back, and that old man has tried so hard to ask me to come here to talk to me, right?"

  After talking about these, Zhuo Lin looked at the other three people in the hall, Zhang Zuo, Zhang Bi, Duan Yulin, and nodded slightly, "Senior, Duan, Mr. Zhang Er, good morning."

Duan Yulin seemed a little embarrassed, but just nodded towards Zhuo Lin and didn't speak.

However, Zhang Bi was very calm and nodded and smiled at Zhuo Lin, "Good morning, it's just too early." Although they didn't say that they hadn't slept almost all night, everyone present clearly understood what he meant. Inexplicably weird.

   However, Zhang Bi was still calm, "School sister Zhuo has worked hard, so let's sit down and talk." Zhuo Lin thanked him, and walked to the position next to Duan Yulin and sat down.

  At this time, Ren Nanyan didn't mean to show his hospitality anymore, but stared at Zhuo Lin coldly. Zhuo Lin was not in a hurry, and let him look at it.

Zhang Bi smiled, "Old Ren, it seems that you and Ms. Zhuo have something to talk to privately. In that case, brother Duan and I won't bother, let's say goodbye. Brother Duan didn't go home for two days, so he had to go back and rest for a while. Bar."

  Ren Nanyan raised his eyes and glanced at the two of them, then nodded and said, "I'll send them back."

  Zhang Bi was not embarrassed, and casually said, "Then it will be troublesome to be old." Duan Yulin obviously didn't want to talk more, and then stood up and left with Zhang Bi.

  Zhang Bi did not call Zhang Zuo, and walked out with Duan Yulin without even looking at him. There were only three people left in the hall, Zhuo Lin.

   Zhuo Lin said calmly, "Now there are no outsiders. If you have any words, please let me just say it."

   Ren Nanyan said, "What is the issue that Ms. Zhuo is most concerned about now?"

  Zuo Lin thought for a while, and said: "When will Mr. Ren drive the crane?"

   "..." Ren Nanyan snorted softly, "It seems that Ms. Zhuo is not in a hurry and can still joke with me."

  Zuo Lin secretly said in her heart, I'm not kidding.

On the face of   , he said calmly, "I don’t want to spend time chatting with me, so...what conditions do you want, you can just say it. I have a lot of time, but you may not."

  Ren Nanyan smiled, "It is said that Zhuo Lin is very smart, but I don't think it is necessarily."


   "We don't have any conditions. When Ms. Zhuo comes, all the conditions have been fulfilled." Ren Nanyan smiled, and even a rare glimpse of pride appeared in his eyes, although he appeared to be very restrained, he still couldn't hide it.

  Zuo Lin nodded and said, "So, the real purpose of Mr. Ren is actually to catch me?"

  Ren Nanyan said: "That's right. If you hadn't been protected by the Fu family and the Long family, you wouldn't have been so troublesome."

   Zhuo Lin looked down and asked, "Is what you told me before is true or false?"

Zhang Zuoyan smiled without hesitation, "Of course it's false. If you don't say so, why would you come? Did Ms. Zhuo really believe that your mother would be kind to save the child?" Zhang Zuo stared at Zhuo. Lin's face and eyes were full of malice, it seemed that he would feel satisfied and excited when he saw Zhuo Lin's pain.

A pocket women's pistol slipped from the bottom of Zhuo Lin's sleeve. Zhuo Lin didn't look at the guard at the door at all. She raised her hand to put the gun on her forehead and asked calmly, "Really or fake? "

  Zhang Zuo was taken aback, and then furious, "Sheng Zhuolin, you crazy woman!"

   Sudden anger attacked his heart, causing him to choke fiercely again, so that he could only bend over to support the tabletop.

  Looking up again, I saw Zhuo Lin looking at him calmly and condescendingly, and Zhang Zuo staring at her with bitterness, "Zhuolin, you don't want to find you and Fu Zheng's wild species for the rest of your life!"

Ren Nanyan who was watching was not as excited as Zhang Zuo. Instead, he smiled and said, "Why Ms. Zhuo should be so anxious, we naturally won't lie to you. If you don't believe me... you can go to see Mrs. Sheng now, and she can tell you what happened back then. The whole story."

Zhuo Lin said lightly, "But, she doesn't know where the child is." Otherwise, Ren Nanyan would not let her see Mrs. Sheng so easily, and even Mrs. Sheng would not be able to resist coming to her for benefits these years if she knew it. .

Ren Nanyan smiled and said, "Ms. Zhuo is a smart person. If we win this time, you will naturally recognize Linglang, and Ren does what he says." Recognizing the corpse is also considered recognition. I don’t know when Zhuo will meet. Can the lady maintain her current peace and stability?

   "I want to see Mrs. Sheng first." Zhuo Lin said.

   Ren Nanyan raised his hand and said, "Please."

  The person is already in his hands, and he doesn't care what Zhuo Lin does, because no matter what she does, she can't escape their palms.

  Zuo Lin was right. They didn't intend to make any conditions or threaten her to do anything, they just wanted to hold her in their hands.

  (End of this chapter)