Being a Lady of an Influential Family

Chapter 442: The truth back then!

  Chapter 442 The truth back then!

  It was still dark outside, and Fu Yangcheng sat alone on the large sofa in the hall, his face full of anxiety.

  The empty and quiet hall looked extraordinarily empty at this moment, as if a little noise could start him to jump.

   "Fifth Young Master." The butler's voice came from one side, and Fu Yangcheng was taken aback, and suddenly turned his head and stared at the butler.

  The butler looked helplessly at him with a startled appearance, “It’s getting late, so let’s go back to the room and rest. We will let you know if we have anything to do.”

  Fu Yangcheng fell back again, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I won't be able to sleep when I go back. Go to sleep and leave me alone."

  The butler had to put the soup in his hand on the table in front of Fu Yangcheng, "Then you can have some soup to refresh yourself, and keep it in the kitchen all the time."

  Fu Yangcheng nodded carelessly and said that he knew it. He just drank two mouthfuls or didn't have any appetite and put it back.

   Just when Fu Yangcheng was fidgeting, Mu Honglian walked in from outside, still holding a pile of papers in her hand, looking a little embarrassed. Unexpectedly, there were still people in the hall at this time, and Mu Honglian was also taken aback, "Why hasn't the fifth young man rested now?"

   Fu Yangcheng was a little listless, "Can't sleep, Boss Mu just came back from outside?"

   Mu Honglian was a little helpless, "Isn't it."

  She agreed to help Fu Shao check things out. Who knew that something happened in the capital not long after she left home. However, Mu Honglian has been in charge of many things for Zhang Zuo over the years, and naturally has her own channels, and it has not been without gain in the past two days.

  Too tired, Mu Honglian walked to the opposite of Fu Yangcheng and sat down, put the papers in her hand on the table and asked, "Are Fu Da Shao and Madam Shao at home?"

  Fu Yangcheng shook his head and said, "No, I never came back since I went out yesterday."

  Mu Honglian frowned and was a little embarrassed. Fu Shao said that after finding the news, she immediately told him that she can’t be blamed for her absence now. Seeing her really tired, Fu Yangcheng reached out and poured a glass of water for her, "Boss Mu, take a drink, go to rest."

  Mu Honglian smiled, "Thank you, Wu Shao, it's so late...Is Wu Shao sitting here alone, afraid or worried?"

  Fu Yangcheng frowned, "The child of Ms. Ren, Ren Nanyan Nazhuo threatened her, and she went out to see him. I was a little worried, should I tell the older brother?"

  Mu Honglian thought for a while and said, “Don’t worry, I saw Adjutant Xu when I came back just now, and Adjutant Xu should report it to Young Master Fu. By the way, Ms. Zhuo was in the Fu Mansion before?"

  Fu Yangcheng nodded, "Sister-in-law and Long Shao are worried about Ms. Zhuo's safety, and the sister-in-law went to pick it up in person."

"Wait! You said Ms. Zhuo has a child?!" Mu Honglian's face suddenly changed, and she grabbed Fu Yangcheng and asked, "Child? Her child? How old is it? What happened? I never heard of Ms. Zhuo. My child."

  Fu Yangcheng realized that he had failed to speak, and immediately closed his mouth.

  Mu Honglian said anxiously, "Fifth Young Master, this matter is very important. It is very important to Ms. Zhuo and to the Fu family!"

  Fu Yangcheng gritted his teeth and looked at Mu Honglian. Mu Honglian pointed to the things on the table and said, "These are all things your elder brother asked me to check."

Fu Yangcheng stayed in a daze. Although he still didn't understand why the eldest brother wanted to check this and what it had to do with Ms. Zhuo, he tried to recall the content of the conversation he heard all day, "Her child...should be about the same age as the eldest brother?" Someone stole her child and said it was dead."

  Mu Honglian was dumbfounded for a while, lowered her head and grabbed the file next to her and quickly searched for it. She quickly pulled out two very old files from a pile of files and placed them in front of her to stare carefully.

  Mu Honglian thoughtfully stretched out her hand to turn over the information stacked next to her and checked it carefully, and gradually frowned.

   "Boss Mu, what's wrong?" Fu Yangcheng asked, "What are you...Ms. Zhuo?"

  Mu Honglian's originally charming eyes were a little lost, and she muttered in a low voice: "After collecting all the messy things for so many years, is this really big this time?"

   Fu Yangcheng asked anxiously, "What happened to...?"

  Mu Honglian did not answer, she was still looking at the information in her hand.

  Fu Yangcheng couldn't help but looked up, a little surprised, "This is when the eldest brother was born... Madam’s hospital record?"

Mu Honglian looked at another one, and Fu Yangcheng saw it and looked at it, "Who is Wang Hui? He gave birth to a child, dystocia, and died after birth. His wife lived in 403, and she lived in 412. They live on the same floor."

  Mu Honglian ignored him and continued to search through the pile of old documents.

   quickly took out a piece of paper, which is the discharge record.

  Mu Honglian asked, "Have you seen Ms. Zhuo's handwriting?"

  Fu Yangcheng nodded and said, "Of course I have seen it. Ms. Zhuo is said to be born in a scholarly family, and she is also very accomplished in calligraphy. When we were in the first grade of middle school, the teacher was still..."

  Mu Honglian didn’t wait for him to finish, and handed him what was in her hand, “Look, does this signature look like Ms. Zhuo’s handwriting.”

  Fu Yangcheng took it over and looked at it suspiciously. After a while, he raised his head and said hesitantly, "It seems...a bit like, you mean, this Wang Hui is Ms. Zhuo? But why does Ms. Zhuo use a fake name?"

   Mu Honglian secretly said: How do I know?

  She has already worked so hard to find these things. If she hadn't been with Zhang Zuo for many years, and knew some of his hidden network, she would look for someone while Zhang Zuo had no time to care about it, otherwise I would not be able to find the information.

  The person who gave her the information told her that Zhang Zuo asked him to try to destroy the tampering. He did destroy most of it, only leaving some quietly. He has worked with Zhang Zuo for many years, and this incident is probably the beginning. After more than two decades, he has also done many things without failing, so Zhang Zuo still trusts him.

  But he didn't know why Zhang Zuo had to tamper with these files, he was just a file manager.

  In fact, even if Zhang Zuo didn’t let him do this, the files should almost be cleaned up in two years. However, in the past two years, it seemed that someone would go to the hospital to check this incident, and he realized that what Zhang Zuo asked him to do back then might not be a trivial thing.

  Mu Honglian took a deep breath, and hurriedly put the documents away and carried them into her arms, “I’m going to see Adjutant Xu if I have something to do. If there’s nothing wrong with Young Master Xu, please rest early.”

  Fu Yangcheng looked at Mu Honglian's rushing back in a dazed manner, and muttered: "Could it be that Boss Mu meant that... the eldest brother is not the child of the Fu family, but the child of Ms. Zhuo?"

Suddenly remembered that there had been such a riot last year. The fake product with nose and eyes still looked like a lady. This did not shake the position of the eldest brother. It was just a few pieces of paper...Fu Wu Shao shivered and shivered. Buried in the sofa.

  When Wei Changxiu found Fu Fengcheng, Fu Dashao and Zhang Jingzhi squatted together on a roof not far from the Yizheng Building to discuss how to enter it, rescue the people inside or eliminate the danger inside.

   Seeing Wei Changxiu hurriedly approaching with a gloomy expression, Fu Fengcheng frowned and said, "What are you doing here?"

   Wei Changxiu said in a deep voice, "Ms. Zhuo went to see Ren Nanyan." Zhang Jingzhi, who had been squatting on the ground and looking at the architectural drawings in dim light, also raised her head to look at him.

   Fu Fengcheng asked, "What's the matter?"

  Wei Changxiu looked at Zhang Jingzhi next to him. Shao Zhang stood up very understandingly, "Let’s talk slowly, let me go down and take a look."

  Waiting for Zhang Jingzhi to leave, Wei Changxiu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fu Fengcheng a little hesitantly.

  Fu Fengcheng hasn't closed his eyes for two nights, why is he still in the mood to play dumb riddles with him? Angrily, "If you are okay, get out of the way, Long Yue and I will find a way for Ms. Zhuo's safety."

  Wei Changxiu sighed, "Anyway, you have to know sooner or later, my aunt went to find her son."

   "What?" Fu Fengcheng stunned, and Wei Changxiu smiled bitterly, "Are you surprised too? I was shocked. She never said anything about it. Wrong... Long Warlord probably knows it."

   Fu Fengcheng frowned and said solemnly, "Speak carefully."

Chief Wei Xiu said, "My aunt was pregnant before divorcing Fu Dujun. The child was said to have died after giving birth. I suspect that there was something to do with the Sheng family. At that time, my aunt broke with the Sheng family. But... Yesterday, Ren Nanyan suddenly found her. She said that the child was not dead at all. If the aunt wants to know the whereabouts of the child, she has to see him."

   Fu Fengcheng was silent for a long time, and asked in a deep voice, "When was Ms. Zhuo's child born?"

  Wei Changxiu touched his forehead, a little hesitant, "According to the time... it should be about the same age as you. Maybe it's...your brother, right?"

   Legend has it that Young Master Fu was born prematurely, although he really didn't see what seemed to be a premature birth.

  Probably because Fu Dashao looked too healthy from a young age, some old people who knew Zhuo Lin and Fu Zheng’s marriage suspected that Fu Zheng was divorced when it was discovered that Mrs. Fu was pregnant because of an infidelity during the marriage.

Seeing Fu Fengcheng's expression a little gloomy, Master Wei quickly said: " calm down. Even if you don't like having an extra brother, it's the future. It's more important now. aunt and Dujun Fu have been divorced for so many years. Now, the child who finally got it back shouldn’t want him to go back to Fu’s house..."

  "Do you have anything serious to say?" Fu Fengcheng interrupted him indifferently, only then did Wei Changxiu remember that he quickly patted the document bag in his hand on Fu Fengcheng's heart, and then repeated Zhuo Lin's words.

  After finishing speaking, she frowned slightly, "I always think that aunt's words are a bit strange."

  Since the aunt thinks that her identity is not enough to shake Governor Fu and Governor Long, why is she worried that they might act rashly when they know the news? I have repeatedly told him to remember, is it because he feels that Long Yue is too young, and is afraid that he will act impulsively?

   Fu Fengcheng took out the photos and addresses inside and took a look, not far from here.

   raised her head and stared at Wei Changxiu coldly, "Wei Changxiu, how come the Wei family has not closed down yet?"

  "..." Just shut up if you can't speak, and what do you mean by cursing others? The surname Fu was mad at the sudden news, right?

  Fu Fengcheng ignored him, turned and went downstairs with the file bag in his hand, but Wei Changxiu who followed behind felt that Fu Dashao's footsteps were a little faster than usual.

   "Fu Shao, Boss Mu is here." As soon as Fu Fengcheng came downstairs, he heard Zhang Jingzhi's voice.

  Mu Honglian was standing in the room holding a thick file bag, her face tired but her eyes bright.

   Fu Fengcheng's gaze fell on the file in her arms, and quickly walked over and handed the file to Zhang Jingzhi, "Zhang Shao, the plan changes, find this person first. Su Ze!"

   Su Ze soon came out of the other room, "Big Young."

  Fu Fengcheng said, "I’m going to talk to Boss Mu about something, and you will help Shao Zhang." Although I don’t know what Da Shao wants him to do to assist Shao Zhang, Su Ze agreed without hesitation, "Yes!"

  Fu Fengcheng looked at Mu Honglian and said solemnly, "Boss Mu, come with me."

  Mu Honglian nodded holding the file, and left with Fu Fengcheng.

  At the end of the corridor, Fu Fengcheng pushed open a secluded room and entered.

  At this time, there was already a faint white light on the horizon. Although there was no light in the room, there was still a slight light, so that you could not see your fingers.

  Fu Fengcheng walked to the sofa in the room and sat down, and said in a deep voice, "What clue did Boss Mu found?"

  Mu Honglian nodded and said, "Yes, there are some situations...I think Shao Fu should know as soon as possible. As for the specifics, Shao Fu must judge by himself."

  Fu Fengcheng said, "Thank you, boss Mu, for your hard work."

  At this time, risking the danger of being discovered by the rebels is not an easy task. If Mu Honglian is not dedicated, she can wait for him to return and tell him, no one can fault it.

Mu Honglian sighed lightly, and said, "Fu Shao said that there was a problem with the hospital's data back then. I managed to find some people these days and got some original data that was secretly kept back in those days. According to these data, Fu Shao On the day of birth... the children born in that hospital had no major problems, and they were able to match the information that Shao Fu gave me before. The tampered part is extremely small and basically does not affect anything. The information is very beautiful and no one has specifically checked them, so no one has found it. There is only one...a lady named Wang Hui in the ward on the same floor as Mrs. Fu. Her record is that the child died soon after it was born. But there is no record of Wang Hui in the existing records of the hospital, and there is no record of that ward at all."

   Fu Fengcheng asked, "What's the problem?"

Mu Honglian shook her head and said, "It doesn't seem to be a problem. After all, it was really messy at the time, so it is easy to make people think that the ward was used to place the wounded. Those wounded were sent temporarily, dead or injured. It’s possible to leave by myself or even change a few people. I haven’t found out the identity and origin of this woman named Wang Hui. All her information is fake. In addition...this Wang Hui’s signature when he was discharged from the hospital and Fu The Five Young Masters all think they look like a person."

   Fu Fengcheng looked at her sideways, Mu Honglian could not see his expression clearly in the gloom, but could clearly see those deep and sharp eyes.

"The signature has eight images of Ms. Zhuo Lin." Mu Honglian said solemnly, "Besides, before I came, I went to find a retired female nurse from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Jingcheng Hospital. She is too old to remember the king. Was Hui Ms. Zhuo, but she had some impression of this person. Because there were some incidents at the time, she said she clearly remembered that the doctor said that the mother and the child were safe when the child was born. But the child died the next morning, the mother at that time She refused to believe that her child died, and kept saying that the grandmother who was taking care of her child killed her son. At the time, everyone didn’t believe it, after all...Which grandmother would kill her grandson? And the doctor also checked, The child really died of a congenital deficiency, not because of being killed. It was because this incident was so impressive that she could remember what happened that year."

"The nurse said something to me, and she said... She clearly remembered that the doctor praised that the child was growing well, why did she suddenly have a congenital deficiency? But she didn't see the aborted baby, and she was on vacation the next day. , When she comes back...Wang Hui has been discharged from the hospital."

   Fu Fengcheng asked in a deep voice, "Where is the doctor?"

   Mu Honglian said, "The doctor went abroad more than 20 years ago, and his whereabouts are currently unknown."

"I see."

Seeing that he did not speak, Mu Honglian sighed softly in her heart, put the file bag in her hand on the table in front of Fu Fengcheng and said in a low voice, "The materials are all here, the nurse and the person in charge of tampering with the materials in the archives. People have already taken them back to the Fu mansion."

   "Boss Mu has worked hard, let someone send you back."

  Mu Honglian stopped saying anything, nodded and turned around and walked out.

  When she turned her head and closed the door, she saw the person sitting on the sofa quietly sitting in the dark like a beautifully carved statue in the faint light outside the window.

   ~ Today is another day without rustling. Oh~~ The copy of the capital is finally getting through~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~



  (End of this chapter)