Being a Lady of an Influential Family

Chapter 575: Winter Love (6) Longyue x Junxi

  Chapter 575 Winter Love (6) Long Yue x Jun Xi

   said that he invited Long Yue to eat, but in fact, Jun Xi ate more.

  There is no way. In order to save money, she eats bread in the school cafeteria and hasn’t eaten anything delicious for too long.

  Long Yue chose a very good restaurant not too far from the school. Jun Xi looked at the menu and discovered what it means to be poor. If it were in the past, she would not even consider this price, but now... the price on the menu is directly converted into various things that are still poor in her laboratory.

  Maybe I miss the small vault detained by my father more and more.

  Jun Xi didn’t make herself so poor because she didn’t know how to be frugal. She invested most of her salary in her laboratory and buying various books and materials. Sometimes asking someone to mail an updated magazine or material from abroad will cost her half a month of expenses.

  Long Yue looked at Jun Xi who was earnestly working hard to eat with interest. He found that this girl seemed to be very serious and focused no matter what she did.

  In the end, this meal was invited by Long Yue. After all, letting a little girl who is not financially rich invite herself to eat is really not what a big man should do. This also made Jun Xi very ashamed, and decided to give Officer Long a generous gift when she turned around.

   Chief Long, like Madam Fu Shao, is a good person.

  Three days later, Long Yue received a gift from Jun Xi. It was an antique dagger that Jun Xi bought with her scholarship while studying abroad. Although it looks very old, the blade is still very sharp, making it a very good short blade.

  Junxi didn’t need this thing, and bought it on a whim. Let her sell it and spend the money, so she keeps it, but she thinks soldiers like Long Yue would like it.

  Long Yue played with the dagger in his hand and couldn't help sighing slightly.

  A few candies are exchanged for a valuable dagger in one meal, should he say that he has earned it?

  After a period of time, Long Yue will always go to Northeastern University to stroll around.

  It is said that he is concerned about the establishment of new majors in Northeastern University. In fact, only Long Shao knows why.

  After contacting Jun Xi several times, he realized that this girl was really a workaholic who looked stupid. She usually does not go shopping, rest, or gossiping, except for class, she is either doing research or doing research.

  She is young and beautiful, and she has a good family background. Even in places like school, there are many people who pursue her. But this girl didn't know whether she was too oblivious or blind, so she left at least two suitors with anger when she saw it with her own eyes.

  Of course, Shao Long is happy to see this.

  After eating several meals together, Jun Xi also thinks that Long Yue is a very good person. I always felt that this kind of person with high authority at a young age must be a bit arrogant, and Long Yue's appearance does not look like a person who is easy to get along with.

I just don’t know why. I always seem to meet him at school recently, and then he was taken to dinner again with reasons such as "Last time I treated you to please" or "Last time you treated me to please" .

  Jun Xi is very busy and doesn't care much about things around her, but she is not stupid.

  A man invites himself to dinner twice in three days, he can’t simply want to be friends or be brothers and sisters, right? In fact, being pursued by a man like Long Yue, even Jun Xi couldn't help but feel a little moved.

  But falling in love is one thing, getting married is another.

  Jun Xi has also heard that Mr. Long, who has gone to the capital, calls every day to urge Long Yue to get married. It is said that at the beginning of the year, he even held a special party for his son to have a blind date.

  Marriage... Jun Xi couldn't help but tremble, and resolutely shook her head in her heart and rejected her thoughts of being too narcissistic.

  "What's the matter? It's not delicious?" Long Yue sat leisurely across from Jun Xi, watching the look on her face change, wondering what else he thought of?

  Jun Xi put down the knife and fork, looked at Long Yue seriously and asked, "Are you trying to chase me?"

  Long Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, but she did not expect that she would be very straightforward, and smiled: "I thought I was very obvious." Otherwise, he would go to her for dinner when he was idle without chatting?

   Jun Xi said: "It's not obvious, you haven't sent flowers, and you haven't confessed." Otherwise, she wouldn't have just reacted to it in the past two days. She was definitely a good person before.

  Long Yue asked: "Send flowers? What kind of flowers do you like?"

  Jun Xi looked at him somewhat regretfully, "I don't want to get married."

  Although it seems a bit cheeky to say that, it seems that someone wants to marry her, but Jun Xi thinks it is better to make it clear in advance.

  It’s a happy thing to fall in love, but it’s not good to see half of the trouble because of the problem of getting married or not getting married.

  Long Yue smiled with interest, "Don't want to get married? Why?"

   Jun Xi said, “Marriage is very troublesome. Falling in love is only a matter of two people, and marriage will have a lot of involvement.”

  "For example?"

  "For example, Chief Long and my father, such as your work and mine, such as whether to have children... etc."

  Sure enough, she was a girl who returned from studying abroad, and she was confident and not at all shy when she watched the topic of having a child softly and cutely.

  Long Yue said: "You mean, you don't want multiple dads, don't want to give up or delay your work because of me, and don't want to have children?"

  Jun Xi thought about it seriously, and said, "It seems, you can understand it this way."

   "So... if these problems are eliminated, would you agree to my pursuit?"


   Without waiting for Jun Xi to think carefully, Long Yue continued: "If you are not willing to agree to my pursuit, why should you consider getting married?"

  "..." It seems, that's right.

  Long Yue smiled slightly and said, "Then, please give me more advice in the future, Xixi."

  Xin Xi...Jun Xi shuddered. Except for her father, no one called her so tired after the age of ten. Even her brothers directly called Junxi Junxi, or they were called Laoqi, Xiaoqi or something.

   Jun Xi has a boyfriend in a daze.

  Long Yue has a girlfriend very happily.

  The vast number of unmarried teachers and students at Northeastern University was deeply saddened by this.

  Long’s family was cheered and applauded.

  Long Yue still goes to school every day to pick up Jun Xi for dinner. Of course, sometimes Jun Xi does not have time to accompany him out for dinner, so he stays in Jun Xi’s office or laboratory to watch her work or talk to her.

  If it were placed in the past, Long Yue would definitely find such things boring and a waste of time, but now Long Shao enjoys it.

  Because a certain person visits the school too frequently, which seriously affects the normal learning work of the school’s teachers and students, the school even wanted to list Long Shao as a prohibited person.

  The winter in the four northern provinces is extremely long. It is already early April. People are still wearing thick cotton-padded clothes. There was a light snowfall last night. This should be the last snow in the first half of this year.

Jun Xi raised her hand and breathed a sigh of relief while rubbing her slender fingers. "When will the weather get warmer." She went to the four northern provinces in September last year. Long winter in the four provinces.

  Long Yue stretched out her cold hand and held it in her palm, and said, "It will be warmed up soon, who told you to wear no gloves?"

   "You didn't wear it either."

  Long Yue squinted at her, "I'm not afraid of cold, are you afraid of it?"

   "Fear," Jun Xi said with enthusiasm.

"Hurry up and get warm." Jun Xi's dormitory is on the second floor of a three-story building. The two of them just stepped on the second floor and were about to walk to their room. Suddenly, Jun Xi struck his vest directly. On to the Long Yue who followed behind.

   "What's wrong?" Long Yue asked. The next moment he saw several people standing in the corridor on the second floor.

Headed by    was a man who looked elegant and elegant in his early fifties. Behind the man stood a middle-aged man who was tall and thirty-five-six and a young man in his twenties.

  The young man saw that he was standing behind the man, doing the action of killing the chicken and wiping his neck at Jun Xi.

  Jun Xi's body became more stiff, and she seemed to want to turn around and run away.

  "Little Seven." Before she could move, the middle-aged man had already called out.

Jun Xi sighed and walked slowly over, "Father, big brother, sixth brother." It is not someone else waiting at the door of her dormitory, but her father Jun Rufeng, her elder brother Jun Cong and her sixth brother Jun. Hung.

Jun Rufeng glanced over Long Yue, and finally fell on his daughter, "What? Let us stand here and talk to you."

  Jun Xi quickly stepped forward to open the door and invited her father and two brothers in. Then he looked at Long Yue, who was standing on the side, and blinked at him in a position where his father could not see him, beckoning him to leave quickly.

  Long Yue did not leave, smiled comfortingly at her and followed in.

  Junxi’s dormitory is a single-person dormitory of the school. It was originally a small area. It suddenly became crowded when five people were squeezed in.

  As soon as they entered the Jun family, the three of them couldn't help frowning, and the sixth brother of the Jun family showed distressed eyes to his sister. Even if Xiaoqi in their family studied abroad, they didn’t suffer this pain. Even if the room is small in size, it’s still freezing cold in the four northern provinces...

   "You went to the 4th Northern Province alone to live this kind of life?" Jun Rufeng looked at the whole room, and finally could only sit down in the chair in front of the desk.

  Jun Xi lowered her head and whispered, "What's wrong with this kind of life? Am I not doing well?"

  "..." The atmosphere in the room was a bit stagnant for a moment. Jun Rufeng stared at his daughter for a while before slowly moving his gaze to Long Yue, "Chief Long?"

  Long Yue lowered his head slightly, "Uncle, just call me Ah Yue."

   "Dare not." Jun Rufeng said nonchalantly, "If it weren't for Chief Long to call Lancheng himself, Junmou didn't know that this ineffective girl in our family had entered Chief Long's eyes."

  Long Yue sighed secretly in his heart, it really was his father who was doing the thing.

  However, this didn’t last long. Although Jun Rufeng said that he didn’t care about his daughter’s outside affairs, how could it be true that he didn’t even ask at all. I'm afraid it won't be long, even if his father doesn't call the Jun's family, he will know.

  "It was a rude younger generation who didn't come to visit in time. Please forgive me, uncle."

  Jun Rufeng raised his eyebrows slightly, and before he could say anything, Jun Xi had already spoken, "Father, if you come to me, find me. What does it have to do with Long Yue?"

   Jun Rufeng said: "It’s okay? Could it be that my daughter was abducted by another man, and my dad doesn’t even have the right to intervene?"

   "...what abducted it, it's so ugly." Jun Xi whispered, "we are in an honest relationship, okay?"

   Jun Rufeng coldly snorted, "What kind of relationship? Who allowed you to associate? Immediately pack your things and come back to Blue City with me!"

  Jun Xi widened her eyes when she heard the words, "I don't want to go back!"

   "What did you say?" Jun Rufeng said coldly.

  Jun Xi said, "You have clearly said that as long as I can live outside without relying on my family, I don’t care about my business. What you say does not count!"

   Jun Rufeng smiled and said, “Don’t rely on your family? Your ability to make a living is not cultivated by the family's money? You can go abroad, not from the family’s money?”

  "You also deducted my private money!" Jun Xi said angrily, "Those are my mother, my grandmother, and my uncle gave it to me!"

   Jun Rufeng said, "I don't even see your money, as long as you return to the Blue City, it will be returned to you."

  "I don't." Jun Xi looked at Long Yue and said: "I want to work." There is also Long Yue. Although they only dated for a short time, Jun Xi felt that she was still a little reluctant to bear him.

  Jun Rufeng said lightly: "If you want to continue to be a teacher, Blue City is fine too."

   "I don't want it, I am already an adult, and I want to continue to stay at Northeastern University."

   Jun Rufeng said, "Do you want to stay at Northeastern University to teach or do you want to stay here and hang out with the boy of the Long Family."

   "..." Her father said so awkwardly, "I'm okay to have an honest relationship!" It's not a gangster!

Jun Rufeng looked at the two with interest, and suddenly said, "Choose one of the two, either go back to Blue City with me or break up with this kid. I don't agree with you."

  "I didn't choose. We are not going to get married, and you don't need your consent." Jun Xi said proudly, and he didn't need to get a certificate for communication.

  Jun Rufeng smiled, "Is it? I heard that he, a senior official of the North Fourth, won't be long, and he doesn't know where he is going to be transferred by then. Do you... want to follow him?"

  Of course, Jun Xi knew what her father meant. If she said not to follow the current traffic situation, there would be no difference between a little distance and a breakup. If she says she wants to go with her, then she insists on staying and working at Northeastern University is a joke.

   "Uncle." Long Yue frowned slightly and looked at Jun Ru Feng said, "Jun Xi has her own persistence and choices. She is not a ignorant girl, and she doesn't need to make people plan everything for her."

  Jun Rufeng looked at Long Yue, before saying, "Chief Long, Jun Xi is my daughter, and I'm all for her."

"But she doesn't necessarily need you to do this." Long Yue said, "In fact, she has lived very well by herself during this period. You have educated her very well, and she has been able to master her own life." Except occasionally Stupidly hungry.

Jun Rufeng said coldly, "I know what kind of temper my daughter is. You Long Family...she can't handle it. If Chief Long really wants her to work and live well, it's all right to be an independent woman. You break up, I don't care about her."

  Long Yue lowered his head and glanced at Jun Xi, who was standing next to him, staring at his father with an aura, shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't do it."

  Jun Xi hid behind Long Yue, poked her head out to make a grimace at his father yesterday, "I don't want it!" She and Long Yue were fine, why did they break up?

  After the breakup, the old man will definitely introduce her a large group of sons and brothers, which is not good at all!

Jun Rufeng glared at his daughter and was about to speak, and the eldest brother of the Jun family next to him said first, "Okay, father, we just got here and haven't said a few words to Xiao Qi, so stop quarreling. Let's settle down. , Talk to Xiao Qi slowly. That... Officer Long, otherwise you go back first?"

  Long Yue frowned slightly, and Jun Xi nodded at him, showing a bright smile to show that he could handle it.

  Long Yue reached out and rubbed her head, "Call me if you have something to do."

   Then he said goodbye to Jun Rufeng and Jun's eldest brother, and turned and walked out.

  (End of this chapter)