Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Chapter 226: Who is the most selfish

In a blink of an eye, the children's clothing new product launch was put on the agenda, and all departments were preparing intensively.

Warmly personally check the styles to be launched in the children's clothing series. After the design is finalized, they hide in the design room all day to design and make a family-friendly dress that belongs to their family of four.

Actually long ago, she had such a warm thought in her heart.

However, from the mouth of Emperor Juehao, an overbearing announcement of this decision made her feel extra sweet.

According to the agreement, parent-child clothing is not launched this time when children's clothing is market-oriented. She does not need to consider commercial elements, but only needs to design and make a set of parent-child clothing based on twins, Emperor Hao and their favorite and style.

This unique parent-child outfit will be unveiled at a children's wear conference.

But at the appearance, the true identity of the twins will inevitably be exposed. At that time, they may be pushed to the forefront by public opinion!

To be honest, warmth has actually hesitated.

She didn't want the twins to be harmed in any way, and didn't want the emperor's family to mix into their peaceful life, but since that time the Emperor Hao talked to her, her heart shook. She wanted to give this man another chance!

If the ending is still disappointing, she will take the twins and fly away!

That day, Emperor Hao talked to her vividly.

The car was quiet, but the usual ambiguous atmosphere.

Emperor Hao knocked his finger on the steering wheel, staring at one place with a condensed gaze, and suddenly said quietly: "Warm, do you know, you are selfish?"

Warm was startled by the sudden words, "I'm selfish? Why do you say that to me?"

Emperor Hao turned to look at her, and said positively: "Since both children have accepted me, you should tell them my true identity, rather than conceal them like this! You should know that in their lives, they need a name Call the role of father! "

Warm immediately became angry, and asked a bit sharply: "blame me?"

The emperor's eyes darkened, "Things were bad at that time, I will try my best to make up for it, soon. But before that, I hope you can communicate with the children first."

"You want them to recognize you?"

Looking at the handsome side of Emperor Howe warmly, she poured her cold water politely:

"It's not that I want to hit you. The twins are close to you now. That's why they treat you as an uncle. But if they knew it, you just abandoned their father then. With my understanding of them, they won't be easy. forgive you!"

"So, I need you to communicate with them first! Warm and warm, although I was wrong at that time, but I really don't know about the children! You have concealed me for five years, and you hide them, isn't it selfish?

Emperor Hao said, looking at the warmness so straight, as if to see through her dark pupil, into her heart.

A warm heart jumped.

She cast aside her face fiercely and said angrily: "Yes, I am selfish! I hid them! I want to take them as my own! I don't want them to be taken away by you! So, even more I'm suffering and I'd rather support myself! "

Warm snarled like a wounded beast, and a pair of water mist slowly drew up in those eyes that were staring hard.

There was a distress in the bottom of Emperor Hao's eyes, and he reached out and held her fair and delicate little hand. He just pulled her into his chest, hugged it fiercely, and kissed her hair. "Warm, sorry!"

"Actually, I am the most selfish person!"

"It was bad for me to let you go away. Now, I want you and your children to come back to me again. I shouldn't blame you!"

"I know it's wrong, but I need a chance to correct it, please give me!"

The low voice of the emperor was extremely sincere.

Warm looked up at him, and found himself caught in the deep eyes, unable to refuse.

"For the sake of children, give me a chance!"

Emperor Jue emphasized again.

"Did you know? Children need a father! They are too attached to you, especially holy. He is a boy, which is not good for him!"


Warm and confused blinking.

She always thought that poppy was more sticky, and holy, wise and calm, often matured not like a five-year-old child!

Emperor Hao awakened: "You think poppy is more sticky to you, but actually, holy's emotional dependence is the strongest!"

"He is hostile to any strange man who is close to you. He cares for you, takes care of his sister, loses the innocence of a child prematurely, prematurely makes himself bear the responsibility of a man in a family, and is afraid to lose you Fear of a man stronger than him at home! "

"Warm, you want to hide them, you want to stay single, but quietly plundered Holy's innocence! Recall, how long has he not laughed like a child? Has he been as simple as a 5-year-old Yes, happy bouncing? "

"No! Stop talking!"

Warm suddenly covered her face and roared with tears.

"I confess, I am selfish!"

She always thought that holy was the most sensible, and the truth was this!

She actually cruelly killed holy innocence!

"Wannuan, this isn't to blame you! It's me, it's not good for me. If I take it back, I'm the most selfish one!"

Emperor Hao kept kissing the tears on his warm face.

"I didn't mean to blame you, I just want to make you aware of this problem! Holy is so distressing, he needs innocence! And what makes him return to innocence is a great father!"

Warmly asleep in the arms of Emperor Juehao for a while, looked up, and asked tearfully: "Can I believe you?"

Since she loved God's Lord Hao at the first glance, in this long relationship, she really does not have any initiative and confidence!

Emperor Hao embraced her tear-stained face.

"In the past, I didn't find that I loved you and hurt you ruthlessly, but now, when I see my heart clearly, I won't miss it again!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, as long as you give me a chance, I will let you believe it!"

The warmth felt like it was going to be melted by the fierce eyes of Emperor Hao, and he could not help blinking the long curly eyelashes, and staggered his eyes slightly, hesitantly asked, "What about the Emperor's house?"

The emperor's family, the old lady, and the difficult little aunt, would they accept it?

The emperor reached out and touched the warm and supple hair.

"Don't worry, with me, you don't care about anything!"

The warm and cold body slowly softened. Although her heart was still trembling, in fact, her heart had already agreed to the emperor.

So, in the following days, warmth began to close the door and seriously design the parent-child outfit. When she was busy, Emperor Hao and the twins were often locked out of the design room.

Emperor Hao no longer lingering with warm ears all day long, but came and went in a hurry, as if alone, preparing a big thing secretly!