Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Chapter 326: Watching her leave with other men

Warm had freed John's hands and stood between Emperor Howe and John with some dilemmas.

Emperor Howe and John stared at each other, and each saw hostility and alertness in each other's eyes.

With a helpless sigh, "Don't everyone want to talk about cooperation? Why quarrel as soon as they meet?"

John is going to take warmth again, "Don't talk! Go, follow me back to sk headquarters!"

Emperor Hao pulled the warmth back, blocking behind him, and the cold eye knife drew in, "Do you dare to take my woman to try!"

John was suddenly shocked. "You woman?"

He set his gaze on the warmth, biting his lips, and lowering his head.

"Dare you bully daisy!"

John stared, lost his last sense, waved his fist, and iron fist came to the emperor's face with the fist of fists.

Warm and panicked, yelled quickly: "Don't hit! I volunteer!"

John heard this "volunteer" and froze all over, turning his head incredibly to look at the warmth, "daisy!"

However, when he stopped, it did not mean that Emperor Hao would stop. At the same time as John punched, Emperor Hao also punched. He was short, his face was leaning to the side, pointing at John's temple, A backhand is a punch.

The moment John froze, he was struck just now, taking two steps back, slumping on the conference table, his eyes bruised.

"Don't hit it!"

The warmth rushed to help John up, "Mr. John, how are you doing?"

John reached out and touched the corner of his eye, took a sigh of breath, pulled the corner of his mouth, and smiled, "OK!"

Warmly turned to look at Emperor Juehao, "How can you hit someone!"

In fact, what warm wants to express is that people are here to cooperate with you. How can you punch others?

It's a pity that Emperor Juehao was on the head of vinegar and saw the warmth of John's maintenance. His eyes seemed to have quenched the ice, and he hummed coldly before leaving.

Helpless, glanced at John apologetically, "Sorry Mr. John, I'll take you to the hospital first!"

"no need!"

John waved his hands, leaned down and stared at the warmth, quite seriously: "daisy, are you really with him?"

He nodded warmly, and said a bit harshly: "He is my ex-husband!"

"I understand!"

John's discouraged **** sat at the conference table next to him.

"I asked you to come here as an early investigator, or did I suggest it with the headquarters! It can be seen that you miss your hometown very much, and I want you to take this opportunity to come back and live for a few months, unexpected."

John slaps his head fiercely, annoyed: "I'm a fool!"

Warmly grabbed his hand, ashamed and sorry: "Mr. John, don't do that!"

John gave a warm look, "daisy, do I really have no chance?"

He gently shook his head, "Mr. John, I told you a long time ago, we can be good friends, but we can't be lovers because I don't like you!"

Although this statement hurts people, but warm does not like to play ambiguous. For feelings that cannot respond, early decision can only hurt less!

John turned and walked out of the conference room, walking a little bit.

A warm person stayed in the conference room for a long time, and his heart was like a mess.

She knew that today John sent flowers in public and his just maintenance of John had completely annoyed the emperor. And John, also disappointed to leave now, the cooperation between the two companies may be a mess!

Maybe tomorrow, I will receive a notification from the sk headquarters and let me go straight back!

When I thought of leaving, my heart felt like acupuncture.

After only returning for more than half a year, can't he live without Emperor Juehao?

But what about him?

Just because he helped John, he left with a cold face. Does he have the most basic trust in himself?

Although John's sending flowers made him faceless, but he didn't know it in advance, didn't he pick it up in person, could it be that he had to knock him off in public and throw him on the ground with his feet?

Warm air pursed his lips.

Perhaps from the beginning, the inequality of this relationship was doomed!

He must pay for it, and he must get a response, and himself, for himself, for his company, working hard for his company, making every effort, what is all these efforts?

I felt warm and energetic, and didn't want to face Emperor Hao. I just sat in the meeting room for an afternoon and didn't return to the office until near work.

In the president's office, the large leather chair was empty.

Emperor Grande was not at all.

The warm heart sank.

She suddenly felt tired.

It's time to get off work, but warm but don't want to leave.

She carried the information of that aunt again. Although I had thought of throwing these things ten thousand times in my heart, I eventually hugged them back.

Warm start is sorted into different categories.

As soon as Emperor Hao and John met, they got into trouble, and the contract matter might be lost. They knew that these materials would not be used again, and the warmth was still carefully arranged.

This is an important achievement of her several months here, which contains detailed survey data and prospect analysis of the two companies. The two big men, for a moment, said that they would not sign if they did not sign, but they did not know how much effort was put into it by those who worked hard for this cooperation case!

It's late at night after warming up the information. She rubbed her sour eyes, moved her limbs, got up a little tired, and took out her own handbag to go out.

When the office door was closed, a warm heart lifted.

She is afraid of darkness!

Fortunately, the lights in the corridor were bright.

I walked to the elevator warmly and quickly, but I couldn't help but remember that I was working overtime late, and it came out completely dark, and was turned by the emperor.

Warm shook his hair a little upset, trying to drive the emperor hero out of his mind.

Men just can't get used to it, this time, they can't compromise first!

Warm bit his lip, forcing a banging heartbeat into the elevator.

Although there are lights in the elevator, on such a quiet night, she was afraid to be alone in such a confined space. She always felt that all the reflections on the elevator wall were strange and indescribable.

After getting out of the elevator, the warm back was soaked. She pressed the car's remote control button and quickly walked towards her white BMW.

It was also because of panic that the warmth was not seen. On the parking lot next to it, the Emperor's Bugatti Veyron stopped quietly there.


With a shout, a bright light came over and John got out of the car in front.

"Dasy, you're finally off work! May I buy you a cup of coffee?"

Warm instincts want to refuse, but think about today's things, maybe explain to John himself, the contract will turn around, so warmly closed the door, walked over, and got into John's car.

The bright lights were shaking, and John ’s black Maybach drove a beautiful Xuaner out of the parking lot. The lights illuminated John ’s bright blue eyes and also the gloomy Jun Jun face.

He waited in the car for several hours, but when he was waiting, he went downstairs warmly and left with other men!