Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Chapter 367: Acute pneumonia

The doctor lifted the mask, gave a warm look of comfort, and whispered, "Rest assured! The patient is out of danger!"

The warm eyes glowed, "Thank you doctor! May I see him?"

The doctor shook his head: "He has acute viral pneumonia. Observe it in a sterile room for one day. If he is in good condition, he can be transferred to the general ward!"

Warmly squeezed his fingers, "Acute pneumonia?"

The doctor nodded: "Yes, the patient should be suddenly exposed to a lot of wind and cold, coupled with strong mental stimulation, and his body function suddenly collapsed. A good person like him will not usually get sick easily, but once the disease occurs , It will be ferocious, and the patient himself did not pay attention. I think he should have had a high fever before, but he did not seek medical treatment, which caused the virus to invade and burn acute pneumonia! "

Warm eyes flickered across the two beaches of water stains seen at the door when going out, and for a moment, the bottom of my heart was very unpleasant.

Emperor Hao, should he have stood at his door all night?

In the late autumn season, the wind and cold would have been severe. It rained last night, and the temperature plummeted by more than ten degrees. The emperor grande was soaked and stood at the door all night, even the iron body couldn't carry it!

Is he punishing himself this way?

This bastard!

Has he ever wondered what would happen to him and his child if something happened to him?

Tears leaped from the warm eyes, and she sucked her nose, and forced her head back.

"Thank you doctor, I want to see him, just take a look, OK?"

The doctor shook his head seriously. "I can only let you go outside the sterile room and look across the glass door!"

Just a glance across the glass door!

Under the guidance of the doctor, Warm and Xu Tezhu went to the sterile room, across the wide glass door, and saw Emperor Grande lying on the bed, hanging an infusion bottle next to it, and wearing an oxygen tube in his nose.

He was asleep, his facial features lost the sharpness of the past, and his lines looked soft and three-dimensional. Even if he was sick, he looked handsome.

Warm stroked the emperor's face across the glass door. My heart bitterly thought: "If he is not so careful, and does not breathe with him, the emperor does not go to the rain, and does not stay at his door all night, will he not suffer this crime?"

The doctor looked at her sadness and comforted: "The patient's vital signs are stable, and acute pneumonia is fierce, but it is not a serious illness. He has a good health and will be fine when he wakes up. Don't worry too much!"

Xu Tezhu also said from the side: "Director Wen, take a rest, don't let yourself be exhausted first!"

A warm and deep glance at Emperor Hao, turned and left.

Xu Tezhu sent the warmth to the lounge and went out to buy something for her.

It ’s a little early, and warmth does n’t feel hungry at all, but Xu Tezhu knows that if he does n’t take good care of her, the boss wakes up and the first one will send him a blast!

Sitting in the lounge warmly, she called Fang Yu and told her that Emperor Jue was sick. She took care of herself in the hospital and asked her to take care of the twins in these days. Don't tell the children the truth. Many, she didn't say a word.

Suddenly Rong Zixi stepped in between herself and Emperor Juehao, and the relationship encountered a bottleneck, but this pain, she could only hold her own. Otherwise, Yi Fangyu's hot-tempered temper may soon go to Rong Zixi. It doesn't matter what she tears Rong Zixi into, but the twins will surely know about it.

What do children think of Emgrand? looked at the darkened screen and smiled warmly and silently.

This is the end of her life, and she still wants to protect the image of Emperor Juehao in the eyes of the children!

However, because of this fault, Emperor Juehao is still lying in the hospital!

He didn't pray when he was at the emergency room door. Would he choose to forgive him if he woke up safely?

People are really greedy!

Warm threw the phone aside and fell to the bed in the lounge.

She is too tired, Emperor Hao has fallen ill. For the sake of children, she can't fall anymore. She must sleep well!

Close your eyes warmly and force yourself to empty your head

Emperor Hao's body recovered quickly. In the evening, all indicators had returned to normal. He was sent out of the sterile room and transferred to a separate VIP room.

"The patient has woke up and can visit, but don't take too long!" Said the nurse.

He walked towards the ward with warm legs and stopped when he was about to reach the door.

She braked so hard that Xu Tezhu, who was behind him, almost hit her.

"Director Wen, what are you doing"

"Shh-" Warm put a finger to his lips and lowered his voice. "You go in and take care of the emperor, I still have something to do, go ahead and don't tell him I've been there."

Xu Tezhu couldn't understand why Director Wen had to stubbornly defend President Di before his serious ankle injury, but now President Di woke up and was anxious to leave. However, Xu Tezhu was not a talkative person. He nodded, watched warmly and left, and turned into Emperor's ward.

Warmth walked fast, as if to avoid something, until she reached the end of the corridor, she stopped again, and looked a little reluctantly, and saw the door of Emperor Howe's ward covered, the ghost was terrible. He fell back and stomped, like a thief.

When I arrived at the entrance of Emperor Juehao, I didn't dare to get too close, just glanced at it from a distance.

Lying on the bed, Emperor Hao had withdrawn those strange instruments, except that his facial features looked a little thin, and his spirit was good. He seemed to be whispering something to Xu Tezhu.

Warm wanted to walk over and cry in his arms!

But sanity prevailed at the last minute!

In order to prevent herself from crying, she stretched out her hands, covered her mouth tightly, turned around and walked fast.

If I stay, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my emotions, and will eventually be discovered by Emperor Hao.

After Rong Zixi's affairs, she could not forgive Emperor Dhaohao, and she could not let go decisively. She could only consume it in such a pain, but she was still sick. That bit of grudge can't be expressed, let alone how aggrieved!

She admits that she is very unproductive and can do nothing but take a quiet look.

The warm feet rushed, almost fleeing.

Unfortunately, she neglected a little, the light was on in Emperor's ward. Her shadow fell to the door of the ward, clear.

Emperor Hao saw the half-familiar silhouette falling at the door, hesitated, hesitated, then shook it, and disappeared quickly, his dark eyes followed by dim, his voice said hoarsely: "Have she been here?"