Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Chapter 678: Betrayed eyes

Opening the outer package warmly and curiously, there is a scroll inside, and the frame is antique.

At this moment, a kind of strange hope was produced in the warm heart: could it be the clue that the adoptive father's conscience found to her biological parents? What's more, the parents' portraits are here?

The warm heartbeat speeded up unconsciously and slowly opened the scroll.

She admits that she still looks forward to her biological parents, at least curious!

When the painting axis was completely unfolded, I realized that I was thinking too much!

On the drawing axis, there are only a pair of eyes.

When looking warmly at those eyes, those eyes also stared at her.

Because she wanted to discover something, Warm stared at those eyes for a while, and slowly she felt that these eyes became more and more familiar.

The more you look, the more you look!

The warm and unconscious was attracted, and I felt reluctant to look away.

Moreover, those dark and deep eyes seemed to speak, as if Emperor Juehao stood alive and looked at her.

Warm saw shame, uneasiness in those eyes, and finally saw two words: betrayal!

Suddenly surprised by the warmth!

"Mummy! Mummy!"

Poppy's sharp shouts brought warmth back to his head, bowed his head, and saw Poppy look up at her, her eyes red.

"what happened, Babe?"

Poppy looked at her with anxiety and panic, "Mummy, you are finally getting better! Just now, I called you a lot and you didn't agree, and your eyes are so scary!"

Poppy said here, unconsciously flinched, as if seeing something terrifying.

Warmly subconsciously looked at the painting in my hand, and suddenly threw away and lost it!

This thing is so evil!

It sounded like she had just been enchanted!

Poppy quickly stooped to pick up: "Mum, your painting!"


Warmly and loudly stopped, and pulled poppy and ran out quickly.

Poppy was confused by her: "What's wrong with you, mommy?"

"I'm a little bit uncomfortable!" Warm afraid scared poppy and lied.

As soon as Poppy heard, Xiaolian wrinkled worries immediately.

"Mummy, go back to your room and rest!"

Poppy took warmth back to the room intimately, and immediately called the emperor grandeur. Even Mrs Rong's wife was alarmed.

The warmth is very embarrassing, and I can't say the weird feeling just now, so I have to say that I have just bent down for too long and I feel a little dizzy.

Mrs. Rong quickly ordered the kitchen to go for a warm, nutritious soup.

The emperor grandpa touched his warm forehead. "Is that all right?"

Warmly looking at the real concern of Emperor Juehao, he said in his heart: How could such a good man betray me?

However, when she saw the emperor, she thought unconsciously of the eyes in the drawing axis, and quickly put aside her face. "It's okay to take a rest, is it all right?"

Emperor Hao leaned down, kissed her on the forehead, and whispered, "Isn't it exhausted last night?"


Well, Quandang is just like this for a while!

After a warm rest, the painting always appeared unconsciously in her mind. She didn't know whether it was the strange reaction after seeing the painting or whether she was really too tired at that time. There was a hallucination in the imagination. Not quite right!

She quietly got out of bed and walked to the room full of gifts. Poppy was still dismantling the gifts with interest. Warmly afraid that the painting would have any adverse effect on the child, she stole it away.

With the woman's keen sixth sense, she always felt that this painting seemed to reveal a vicious energy that would bring a huge wave to her life, and had been threatened by Wen Zhongyong before, but this painting was his Yes, is it bad for him to use this painting?

Think about it warmly, and shake your head again, I feel impossible.

What harm can one painting do to oneself?

Is it really because you have been too nervous lately that you are suffering from paranoia?

Warm wants to throw away the painting, but Wen Zhongyong won't send him a painting somehow, in case what other information is hidden here?

After some hesitation, she still put the painting in a hidden corner.

The next day was calm, and she did not experience any other bad emotions. Instead, Poppy opened a pink box when she opened the gift, and she did not know which prank she was doing. It turned out to be a uniform of interest. When Poppy picked up a little bit of cloth and ran to the living room to ask her, she was so warm that she couldn't wait to find a place to get in!

I blame myself for being negligent for a while and letting poppy disassemble the gift. Why didn't I expect that someone would play a prank in the new wedding?

Fortunately, the old couple were not there, and the servants avoided it with interest.

After sending away the poppy, Emperor Hao picked the little cloth, smiling warmly with a smile, "Who gives this gift?"

Warming a blush like cooked shrimp, glanced at Emperor Grande in shame, "How do I know?"

Although the two are newly married, they ca n’t talk about how new they are. They are all three babies. Who knows if someone else is doing such a boring thing!

Emperor Hao's fingers shook his cloth, shivering, warming, as if gesturing at her body in the air.

Warm and embarrassed, "Don't lose it?"

The smile on the corner of Emperor Hao's lips was even worse, and he suddenly uttered a popular Internet phrase: "Don't worry!"


The next second, she pounced on the emperor!

When I slept in the middle of the night, the warmth suddenly awakened, and I stumbled outside.

Emperor Hao's eyelids opened a gap. "Where are you going?"

Warm promised him: "Go to the bathroom!"

Emperor Hao closed his eyelids again and turned to sleep. If he could look closely at this moment, he would find that the warm eyes were completely wrong!

Warmth didn't go to the bathroom, but crept and fumbled out, her consciousness was on the edge of sobriety and vagueness, like knowing what she was doing, as if very confused, and some things she wanted to break free and earn Do not take off!

In the corridor outside, I stopped warmly and wanted to turn back, but a voice in my heart kept urging her: "Go and see! Look!"

In the end, that voice prevailed, and warmth began to move again.

Soon, she went to the room where the gift was placed, took out the painting from that hidden corner, and unfolded it a little, looking at those eyes, and a scene appeared before her: on the day of the wedding, she was in Waiting in the wedding room, Emperor Grande followed Rong Zixi and left hand in hand. They went to the hotel, opened the room, and dropped their clothes one by one.

She saw Rong Zixi's intoxicated and smug face, and her provocative look!

She saw the enjoyment on the emperor's face, the betrayal under his eyes!

The warmth was shaking with irresistible trembling. She felt that the painting was poisonous. She wanted to throw it away, but she seemed to be hit by a spell, how could she not throw it away!

She stared at those eyes, and a series of unsightly pictures flashed in her mind. It was like seeing the action show of Emperor Hao and Rong Zixi through her dark and deep pupil!