Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Chapter 876: The most delicious cake

"No more like this in the future!" Warned the emperor warmly and solemnly, "Dare to hide anything from me, and see me not beating you!"

The emperor Hao was so obedient to the pupils: "Dare not dare!"

"Especially injured!"

Warm emphasized a sentence, and then got up and spread out the sheets, "You take a rest first, I will tell the kitchen to prepare some food, and then call the family doctor to show you!"

The emperor looked up at the wall clock on the opposite wall. It was only four o'clock, and there was still a long time before dinner.

"You are hungry?"

Warm white his eyes, "I'm not hungry, it's you! I guess, haven't you had a good meal during this time? I'll let the kitchen prepare some afternoon tea to fill your stomach, when supper It ’s delicious! "

The emperor was somewhat reluctant, and he took a warm hand and refused to let go, "I'm not hungry, just stay with me for a while!"

Warm but could not help but dragged him to the bed and stuffed a magazine in his hand, "Just ask you to rest for a while, or just look at the relaxed gossip, you will be ready in a moment, wait for me!"

Looking at the warm and hurried departure, the emperor felt happy and helpless.

These days, he really did not have a good meal, because the wound is on the right arm, it is very difficult to use the right hand, and the left hand, it is inconvenient, and it is easy to be seen by people. Eat breakfast at home, but leave early in the morning.

That day, he heard from the housekeeper that Warmth had n’t eaten a good meal for several days. He could n’t bear it and stayed with him again. God knows how hard he has to work to pick up a chopstick dish. Come, fortunately, the warmth seemed to be very happy that day. When I bowed my head to eat more, I didn't find him strange.

But in the end, his wound was still open.

The emperor Hao took the magazine that warmly stuffed him, leaned sideways against the bed, and waited quietly. He knew that Warm went to the kitchen to cook for him.

In fact, warmth is not the kind of woman who particularly likes to enter the kitchen, and the skill of cooking is not good, but in recent years, she has learned a few dishes and small desserts with the chef at home. They are all emperors and children. Love to eat.

It is nice to have a gentle and caring wife!

Soon, a small saucer of matcha cake and a cup of cow "milk" came up with warmth. The cake was fluffy and fluffy, and it smelled just like it was freshly made.

Dense beads of sweat were blowing on the warm forehead, and she could see that she was in a hurry.

The emperor put down the magazine in his hand, warmly brought the tray over, put a small piece of cake with a fork, and sent it to the emperor's lips, "Come, eat fast!"

The emperor's left hand stretched into the air, and then quietly retracted back, biting the cake with his mouth open, nodding with satisfaction: "Well, delicious!"


On the warm face, the child showed a simple smile with a little pride, and then sent the cow "milk" to the lips of the emperor, "Drink some cow" milk ", it is nutritious!"

The emperor Hao enjoys this kind of child's general meticulous feeding.

After a few bites, the emperor pierced half a piece of cake, ambiguous: "You also taste it?"

Warmly glanced down at the cake in the dish, most of it left! She was afraid that the emperor might not eat enough, and she did a little more.

Warm thought that the emperor had eaten almost, without thinking much, nodded: "Well, okay!"

She was about to fork a piece of cake to comfort herself, but she did not want the emperor to pull her closer ...

This villain!


He took a deep breath with warmth, his face was flushed, and the Emperor Hao glanced shyly, "Can you eat well?"

The emperor's smile was full of satisfaction, "Today's cake is very delicious!"

Looking warmly at the scattered cakes, shook his head distressedly, "Waste!"

She was attacked coldly, and she spilled the plate!

The emperor squatted down to clean up the cake on the floor with the warmth.

"Eh! Don't move!"

The warmth lifted the emperor, carefully protecting his right arm.

"Just sit on that chair over there!"

The Emperor Hao could not laugh or cry: "It's just a little injury, don't take me as a sickness that can't do anything!"

He warmly gave him a white look, "It hurts for a hundred days! Leave me aside!"

This domineering little woman!

The emperor shook his head, walked obediently to a chair, and sat down to watch the warm hands and feet clean up the cake falling on the floor. It's really a pity to blame yourself for the bad, but it was done warmly and personally!

Warm up straight, see the emperor's regret, and have a good temper: "If you like it, I will do it for you!"

"No need!" Dijuehao reached out and patted the position beside him. "You come and stay with me for a while, it's better than eating anything!"

"wait for me a while!"

Warmly handled the cake at hand, and packed up the rocking chair on the balcony again, beckoning towards the emperor: "You come here, the air is good here!"

The emperor Hao sat down in the past, letting warmth sit on himself.

"Your injury ..."

Warm and tense, neither sitting nor rising, fearing that he would hit the emperor's wound as soon as he moved.

The emperor patted her back comfortably, "It's really okay, I will pay attention to it myself!"

The warmth slowly relaxed, leaning in the emperor's arms, feeling very warm.

The breeze warms the sun, but it has a good taste of years.

Warmness can't bear to break this kind of tranquility, but the emperor's injury makes her very worried. After thinking about it, she still couldn't help but asked: "Has the person who hurt you found it? Maybe, we can Go home? "

After all, the Shao family took over shortly afterwards. Both of them were not familiar with the personnel here, and in China, the emperor could do things more smoothly.

The Emperor Hao Shen groaned, "I have already transferred my staff, and I have a little frown."

Domestic is more handy, but after all, home is there, the elderly and children are there, he does not want to provoke the war to the country, so he will take the precautions before, let the warmth misunderstand himself, and want the warmth to return to the country first.

Observing the emperor's expression warmly, he understood his thoughts.

The person who can make the emperor so worried, the other party must not be simple!

There was a touch of worry on the warm and delicate little face.

The emperor reached out and squeezed her face, "I have everything! Don't think about it!"

This man always has something to mute himself on his shoulders!

The emperor's injury also left warm heart trembling, "Can you tell me something?"

The emperor sighed, and it seemed that if she did not tell her, the woman would have been worried!