Best Movie Star

Chapter 104: 100,000 annual income

(On the shelves on Friday! The first and second days of the shelves, a total of about 40,000 words have been released!)

In the negotiating conference room, Helen Herman was still negotiating with the crew about Matthew's treatment and remuneration. After Matthew listened for a while, he turned his attention to other aspects. Here it is more symbolic, or wait for the two parties to reach an agreement and sign the final contract.

He is just a small actor, and the contract negotiation is far less complicated than that of a star actor. According to Helen Herman, many Hollywood production crews and big-name stars can often negotiate contracts for a month or even several months.

Hearing that Helen Herman had won a fixed assistant for him in the crew, Matthew nodded lightly. The crew originally wanted him to share an assistant with another actor, but it was very inconvenient.

At other times, it’s better to say that the actors wear makeup between filming and filming. No matter what they do, it is very inconvenient and often needs help. If there is an assistant who can take care of chores, it will undoubtedly be a lot more convenient.

The phone suddenly vibrated. Matthew saw that the negotiation was still going on, and no one cared about him. He took out his phone and glanced at it, but it was a text message from Britney.

"I was very busy yesterday. I fell asleep when I lay down. I just saw the text message. Congratulations, dear."

Matthew glanced at the negotiating side and quickly pressed the phone button, "Helen is negotiating with the crew, and it is estimated that the contract will be signed today."

"When will filming start? Do you still have time to go back to North America?"

"The filming will start in mid-July. I still don't know when I will join the group." Matthew thought about it and asked, "Are you off today?"

"There's no rest. I'm doing makeup on the TV station, and I'll be participating in a program recording later."

After receiving this text message, Matthew was about to type when another text message came over, "I'm going to change my clothes. Let's talk after the show is recorded."

Matthew replied, "Okay."

Putting away his phone, he looked towards the negotiating side. Helen Herman had basically reached an agreement with the crew on the remuneration.

Matthew's salary for this film is 100,000 US dollars. The normal working hours per day shall not exceed ten hours. For the part exceeding ten hours, overtime pay shall be calculated according to the regulations of the Actors Guild.

Matthew can be said to be very satisfied with such a salary. Even if he only has this job this year, he belongs to the class with an annual income of 100,000 US dollars.

Subsequently, under the supervision of lawyers and representatives of the Actors Guild, Matthew signed a formal contract with the crew of "The Mummy Returns".

When Helen Herman received his contract, Matthew wanted to leave, and the crew reminded, "Producer Sean Daniel and Director Stephen Sommers are waiting for you in the office, please come over. One trip."

Matthew nodded lightly, "Okay."

He and Helen Herman followed the staff into an office with two middle-aged men, all of whom were seen in the audition room yesterday.

"The older one is Sean Daniel." Helen Herman lowered his voice and reminded Matthew in his ear, "The other is Stephen Sommers."

"Hello, Mr. Daniel."

Matthew stepped forward quickly and stretched out his right hand. Sean Daniel smiled and nodded to him, "Hello, Matthew. Your performance in the audition left a deep impression on me."

"Thank you." Matthew behaved very modestly, "Thank you to the crew for giving me this opportunity."

Behind Helen Herman came over to greet Sean Daniel, and Matthew turned to Stephen Sommers, extending his hand with the same enthusiasm and humility, "Hello, Director Sommers."


Stephen Sommers replied casually, his face was cold, he just reached out and touched his right hand, and then retracted.

Matthew was stunned for a moment. The director seems to have a lot of opinions on him? Glancing at Stephen Sommers and confirming this, Stephen Sommers' face was not only cold, but also had a hint of disgust...

Apart from the audition room, it seems that this is the first time he has met Stephen Sommers.

Helen Herman looked at all these, frowned slightly, and then loosened it.

"Stephen..." Sean Daniel said at this time, "Do you have anything to say?"

Matthew hasn't changed because of Stephen Sommers' attitude, and he is still humble in his enthusiasm.

Helen Herman focused his attention on Stephen Sommers and made plans in his heart.

"You're going to join the group in August, wait for the specific time, and keep your current figure!" Stephen Sommers made no secret of the indifference in his tone, and waved his hand casually, "That's it."

He glanced at his watch, "I still have work to do, so I'll go first."

After speaking, Stephen Sommers left the office directly.

Sean Daniel spoke politely to Matthew and Helen Herman, and Matthew and Helen Herman took the initiative to leave.

After leaving the small office building of "The Mummy Returns" in Pinewood Studios and walking towards the studio gate, Matthew said, "I think Stephen Sommers has a lot of opinions on me."

Helen Herman said calmly, "I see it." She thought about it and added, "It may be because of Dwayne Johnson."

Matthew was curious, "What's the relationship between Dwayne Johnson and Stephen Sommers?"

"It doesn't matter." Helen Herman gave way to an oncoming battery car and added, "I heard people say that the character of the Scorpion King, Stephen Sommers seems to be designed based on the image of Dwayne Johnson."

She shook her head, "Many directors have a stubborn side. The crew chose you instead of the director's favorite. I guess Stephen Sommers is very unhappy."

"Isn't it..." Matthew frowned, "Before I joined the group, the director had a prejudice against me."

When he thinks about it, if the director has an opinion on a young actor in the crew, the actor's life in the crew must be difficult.

Helen Herman suddenly stopped, turned to look at Matthew, "I have already won the role for you, how to get along with Stephen Sommers after joining the group, you have to think about it. I remind you, you are just A little actor, don't delusionally fight against the director!"

Matthew understood the meaning of this sentence. If something happened between him and Stephen Sommers, it would be him who would leave.

"Do you have any suggestions?" he asked.

Stephen Sommers didn't like him, and it gave him a headache to think about it, but he couldn't just give up this opportunity. Not to mention the fame that the role itself might bring, that one hundred thousand dollars is also a huge amount of income.

"Endure!" Helen Herman said seriously, "You don't have the money to fight Stephen Sommers. No matter what he says or does, you have to endure it."

Matthew let out a depressed sigh, but also knew that what Helen Herman said was the best way.

Helen Herman turned around and walked forward, waiting for Matthew to follow, and said, "As far as I know, Stephen Sommers is a director who values ​​family and is very dedicated, so he shouldn't deliberately make things difficult for you."

She turned her head to look at Matthew, "Aren't you very good at making relationships?"

Matthew shrugged, "I'll try my best."

He shook his head and continued to walk beside Helen Herman, but in his head he began to think about what kind of trouble he would encounter in the film crew in the future, and how to deal with it?

If he is a big star, these problems are not a problem. If he is at Tom Cruise's level, he may be able to let the unsatisfactory director pack up and leave in minutes.

In the final analysis, the coffee place is too small! Matthew then shook his head: No! Where is he now?

"If there's really no way..." he muttered in his heart, "Just like Helen said, bear with it! The Scorpion King doesn't have a lot of scenes, so bear with it for a month at most."

Don't say anything else, just endure it for the hundred thousand dollars.

Helen Herman answered the phone and said to Matthew, "I booked a plane ticket for tomorrow, and we're going back to Los Angeles to prepare for the "Fast and the Furious" audition."