Best Movie Star

Chapter 117: good actor

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It was another ordinary working day. Stephen Sommers came to Pinewood Studios early, entered the studio arranged in a pyramid, and turned around habitually.


Checking the shooting location every morning is a work habit he has developed over the years.


The uniform working time of the crew is 8:00, but in fact, some departments will start work at two or three in the morning. When Stephen Sommers wandered around the set, many employees of the crew were already busy in the studio.


He came to the outside of a shooting location surrounded by green screens, and suddenly heard the voice of Felipe, the action director.


"Don't expect every actor to be Matthew Horner, there are not many dedicated actors like him!" Felipe seemed to be explaining the work to the stunt crew, "I talked to most of the actors yesterday, Matthew -Horner is the same as before, you don't need to use stunt doubles, and the other main actors have difficult action scenes, you will do it, and start preparing now!"


Stephen Sommers left without stopping.


After walking a short distance, he approached the side door exit of the studio. The temporary medical room of the crew was set up here. The door of the medical room opened a crack. Obviously, the doctors of the crew also went to work ahead of schedule.


The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and a girl with short-to-medium black hair hurriedly walked over from the main entrance. She probably didn't notice him. After passing by, she went directly into the medical room.


Stephen Sommers stopped and glanced, the black-haired girl had found the doctor on the set.


"Dr. Raymond." The girl's voice came from the open door. "Is Matthew Horner's medicine available?"


Then, the middle-aged male doctor's voice sounded, "This ointment is for you, let Matthew apply it to the traumatized area, it will clear the bruises and reduce the swelling."


He added, "He has suffered too many bumps and injuries recently. This ointment can only be used temporarily. It is best to keep it for two days."


"I said so too..." The girl's words came over again, "But he didn't listen, he said that the scene being filmed was very important, and once he stopped, the entire crew would be suspended, and he also said that this little injury is not a problem. It doesn't affect the shooting at all."


The girl sighed, "Fortunately, it's only today. If everything goes well, the shooting will end in the morning. Doctor Raymond, are all actors working as hard as Matthew Horner?"


"All the actors?" Dr. Raymond's voice was a little disdainful, "The actors of the older generation are okay, the young actors now..."


Although he didn't hear the latter words, Stephen Sommers knew what Raymond was going to say, and he quite agreed with his point of view. In terms of his work experience in recent years, among young actors in their twenties, like Matthew Horner worked so hard, he has only seen two or three.


After walking around the studio, Stephen Sommers came to the main entrance and saw Rachel Weisz entering the studio with Freddie Bush, who played his son, and said hello, " Good morning, Rachel. Good morning, Freddie."


"Morning, Stephen."


"Morning, Mr. Director."


Rachel Weisz and Freddie Bush greeted him from a distance, but instead of coming over, they continued to walk into the studio, and Freddie Bush said, "Rachel, Please, go and tell my mother, let me go to the party tonight, okay?"


Their voices were not low, and they naturally fell into Stephen Sommers' ears. He couldn't help but wonder, is there a party going on tonight?


Rachel Weisz's words came again, "Freddy, do you want to go too?"


"Of course!" Freddie Bush seemed a little anxious, "You go, Brandon, Arnold and John are all ready to go, why can't I go? Matthew has helped me many times, how can I thank him Bar?"


"Good! Good! Good! I'll go tell your mother, that guy Matthew will leave London tomorrow, and I don't know when I'll see him again..."


Stephen Sommers walked out of the studio and looked at the rising sun in the east, as if most of the crew thought Matthew Horner was a good actor.


Is Matthew Horner a good actor? Stephen Sommers asked himself, in fact, the answer is already very clear.


Not to mention other aspects, as far as the filming and the role of the Scorpion King are concerned, Matthew Horner brings all the benefits, at least he does not see any drawbacks.


Today's situation also makes him a little fortunate, fortunate that he did not insist on using Dwayne Johnson.


The number of people entering the studio gradually increased. Stephen Sommers stopped thinking about it and returned to the studio to direct the various departments of the crew to make preparations. At 8:30 in the morning, all the actors were present, and the shooting started on time.


The crew has been running well recently, and the filming has been going smoothly. Today is no exception. By 10:30, all the scenes of the Scorpion King have been filmed.


But Stephen Sommers did not let the crew disband, but continued to wait in the studio. He replayed the footage and reviewed every detail. Matthew Horner's scenes were all completed. Listen to Rachel -Vichy's statement, he will leave London tomorrow, and if his footage is flawed, it will be troublesome to reshoot after the fact.


I don't know when, the producer Sean Daniel also came here, standing behind to watch the screen playing on the director's monitor.


After reviewing the four shots twice to determine that there is no problem, Stephen Sommers pressed the stop button.


"I heard that things are going well recently?" Sean Daniel said at this time.


Stephen Sommers did not deny it, "The Scorpion King scene was filmed three days ahead of schedule."


"Matthew Horner is not bad, right?" Sean Daniel looked at the set, and with the assistance of the staff, Matthew Horner removed the green curtain wrapped around his arm and said, "I heard a lot of people mention, Matthew Horner Na performed very well.”


"For the role of the Scorpion King..." Stephen Sommers seemed honest, "Matthew Horner is a good actor."


In his eyes, Matthew Horner has almost perfectly matched the image of the Scorpion King, and even made him completely forget about Dwayne Johnson.


Stephen Sommers stood up, put on an unusually serious face, and said, "I apologise to you on this Matthew Horner point, your persistence prevented me from possibly making a mistake. "


Sean Daniel seems very generous, "We are all for work, for this work. You also want to make the film better."


Stephen Sommers showed a helpless smile, "Anyway, I missed both Dwayne Johnson and Matthew Horner."


He suddenly raised his voice and shouted loudly, "This morning's filming is all over! Start work on time at one o'clock in the afternoon!"


On the set, Matthew was saying goodbye to many people. He will leave the crew later, and he probably won't come back.


Although a few actors who got along well invited him to dinner, there were only a few.


He said goodbye to the action director Felipe, the crew doctor Raymond, the makeup artist Sasha and others one by one, then took the water glass sent by his assistant Mila and drank half of it directly.


"If you're going to Los Angeles..." Matthew said to the Chinese girl, "You can call me."


Mira nodded.


Matthew asked again, "Are you going to continue to develop in this circle?"


"My education is limited." Mila also became familiar with Matthew during this time, and said directly, "I can't find a better job for the time being."


"You've done a good job as an assistant." Matthew joked, "I'm very satisfied! In fact, I want to invite you to continue to be my assistant, but unfortunately I'm just a small actor and can't pay my salary."


Although Mila-Wang is a mixed race, his typical black-haired and yellow-skinned appearance naturally made Matthew feel friendly. He thought about it, found a pen and paper, wrote a string of numbers on it, and handed it to the girl .


"It's impossible to be an assistant for a lifetime." Matthew can't do much. "This is the phone number of my agent, Helen Herman. If you want to come to Los Angeles and continue to stay in the film and television industry, you can call her. , maybe she can give you some advice."


Mila-Wang could see that Matthew was helping her and said, "Thank you!"


Matthew smiled and said nothing. He walked towards director Stephen Sommers. He was still some distance away from the director's monitor when he saw producer Sean Daniel walking towards him.


"Hello, Mr. Daniel." He greeted politely.


Sean Daniel gave him a bright smile, "Good job, Matthew! I chose you for the role of Scorpion King, it was the right choice."


Matthew quickly humbled, "It's too compliment, I just did my job."


Sean Daniel was very impressed with him, chatted a few more times, and left the studio.


Then, Matthew came to the director's monitor, where Stephen Sommers stood, obviously waiting for him.


"Director Sommers, I'm leaving London tomorrow." Matthew was as enthusiastic and humble as when facing Sean Daniel, "I came here to say thank you, your guidance has benefited me a lot."


" Stephen Sommers just nodded slightly.


Seeing that he was as cold as before, Matthew thought he still didn't want to see him, and then said, "Then I won't bother. Goodbye, Director Sommers."


Stephen Sommers still had the same expression, "Goodbye."


Matthew smiled, turned around, and was about to leave.


"Wait a moment."


Stephen Sommers behind him suddenly stopped him, and Matthew turned around in confusion. Stephen Sommers still looked so indifferent.


"Matthew." Stephen Sommers said calmly, "You are a good actor!"


Hearing this, Matthew couldn't help but froze for a moment, then laughed, "Thank you!" He thought for a while, and then said, "Your approval is very important to me! Thank you, Director Sommers."


At this moment, he had a happy feeling that his hard work had paid off. )!!