Best Movie Star

Chapter 267: out

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In an audition room of the Disney studio, Matthew ended a performance according to Jerry Bruckheimer's request, imitated Helen Herman, put down his glasses, stood in front of the camera, and waited for the next stage. instruct.

Jerry Bruckheimer, who presided over the audition, looked calm and said, "Okay. Matthew, let's be here today, and I'll let Helen know as soon as possible."

"Okay." Matthew didn't say much, turned and left the audition room, followed a staff member, and went to the dressing room.

In the audition room, Jerry Bruckheimer turned on the monitor in front of him and re-watched Matthew's audition video, and Anderson Martinez next to him was watching it very seriously.

After the video was played, Anderson Martinez frowned slightly and muttered strangely, "It always feels like something is wrong."

Needless to say, Jerry Bruckheimer realized something was wrong during the audition.

Jerry Bruckheimer replayed the audition video again, and Anderson Martinez scratched his head while watching, "What's wrong?"

With his eyes fixed on the monitor screen, Jerry Bruckheimer didn't speak until the audition video was over, stood up and said, "You will call Helen Herman, Matthew Horner yourself later. Not suitable for the role."

Anderson Martinez was stunned because he knew that Jerry Bruckheimer had preferred Matthew Horner as the male lead before the audition.

He tried to ask, "Is there really a problem?"

This is one of the most trusted assistants, and Jerry Bruckheimer did not hide it. He replayed the audition video, pointed to Matthew in the screen and said, "Have you noticed? Matthew has formed an external relationship with him. Masculine, tough and even a bit domineering with tough lines, even in a suit and glasses, he will still show it when he performs. This temperament makes him play the role of a strong blacksmith and a professional soldier. Can be very good, but a scholar-type hero..."

He shook his head, "The audition is obviously very different from what I expected. Matthew is not suitable for this type of role, he is more suitable for King Arthur."

Jerry Bruckheimer sighed, Clive Owen's performance in "King Arthur" can only be said to be okay, and there is a gap with expectations. This tough type of character, replaced by Matthew Horner's words, Maybe as brilliant as Will Turner.

Now it seems that the male protagonist of "National Treasure" can no longer use Matthew Horner. Even if Matthew Horner pretends to be a scholar, he actually does not have the historical thickness and scholarly style that a decryption expert needs. If you stand in front of the villain and are threatened with force by the villain, that kind of scene will not be decrypted, but will directly turn into a comedy.

Speaking of which, his expectations for Matthew Horner were too high, and Matthew Horner's acting skills...

Jerry Bruckheimer quickly had a clear concept, and Matthew Horner had no problem dealing with roles similar to his own temperament, but for characters with the opposite temperament, his acting skills were a bit insufficient.

Since it's not suitable, he certainly won't take the risk of using it, this is Hollywood, and it's not difficult to find suitable young actors.

Then, Jerry Bruckheimer handed over the remaining finishing work to Anderson Martinez and left the audition room first.

Helen Herman was in the car from Disney Studios to return to Angels when she got a call from Anderson Martinez.

"Well, okay." She looked calm. "Thanks for the call, Anderson."

After a few polite words over there, he hung up the phone. Helen Herman closed the phone and turned to look at Matthew. Matthew had roughly guessed the result of the audition from the tone of her phone call.

Sure enough, Helen Herman said, "Bad news for you, we're out."

Matthew asked curiously, "Why?"

Helen Herman said directly, "Jerry Bruckheimer thinks that the personality you show is very different from the scholarly temperament that the role requires."

Matthew understood the meaning behind the words, "He thinks there is something wrong with my acting?"

"You can say that." Helen Herman thought for a while and said, "Anderson told me just now that Jerry Bruckheimer has already worked out the character design of the protagonist with the screenwriter and submitted it to Disney Pictures, no It is easy to make changes, this is a scholar-type character, the genre of the film is action and adventure, but it is mainly adventure, and the male protagonist has very little action scenes."

Matthew pouted, is Anderson Martinez an uncharacteristic hindsight?

Helen Herman seemed to have guessed what Matthew was thinking, saying, "Anderson Martinez is one of Jerry Bruckheimer's most important assistants, and if Jerry Bruckheimer asks, even if we have a relationship with him Yes, would he risk getting fired by Jerry Bruckheimer and tell us?"

Matthew shook his head slightly, "I'm just a little depressed. We have been following up on this project since this time last year until now, but it ended up being out. I always feel uncomfortable."

"I'm also depressed." Helen Herman didn't show it. "But this is Hollywood. Even if you become a second-tier star, there are still a lot of people who can replace you."

The self-mockery on her face disappeared in a flash, "You don't think we can get any role we want, right?"

Matthew raised his eyebrows and looked at Helen Herman, "Am I that stupid?"

No one wants to see the result of this failed audition, but it is normal to happen. He has heard of it before, and James Franco, Jude Law and Colin Farrell also participated in this audition. Er and other second-tier stars, it is not surprising that any one of them wins.

It's just that I've been following Jerry Bruckheimer's new project since last year, but now it's all empty, and it's inevitable to be unwilling.

After getting off the car and entering the Angel Agency, Matthew's unwillingness gradually faded. After all, he is only a second-tier star, neither Tom Hanks nor Tom Cruise, just like Helen Herman said in the car There are too many people who can replace second-tier stars.

"How are you?"

Entering the front room of the Angel Agency, Helen Herman glanced at Matthew and confirmed, "Hello."

Matthew shrugged, "I'm a man, do I have to feel sorry for myself all day about this? I failed the audition, and I just need to get the next job."

"The mentality is good." Helen Herman rarely praised Matthew.

Matthew was not used to it, so he waved his hand casually, "You are busy, I will go to the entertainment room to play games."

While talking, he ignored Helen Herman and turned into the corridor next to him. He decided to relax today and stop thinking about those messy things. Helen Herman was in charge of looking for a new job. He also used Don't worry about him too much.

At this level, just like advertising endorsements can’t be accepted casually, film contracts can’t be picked randomly either. Selective selection is very important. Sometimes too many plays may not be a good thing. , it will affect the coffee position, and it will directly lower the salary of the next film.

Hollywood's film market mechanism is to only look at the box office of the movies that have appeared in the past three years. If the box office is not high, the remuneration will decrease, even for Oscar winners and actresses.

Many fallen superstars actually started when they received a super bad movie. For example, the former Nicolas Cage, because he had no money, did not read the script at all, and almost refused to come, so it also caused the biggest problem. The problem is that the price plummets directly after taking too much.

In Hollywood, there will not be a situation where the older you are, the older your qualifications are, and the higher your salary and qualifications will be.

After all, it is the market that has the final say.

Pushing open the door of the entertainment room, Matthew found a game console and played Super Mario and Contra.

A few days later, news came that James Franco, who played the little Green Goblin in "Spider-Man", won the leading role in "National Treasure".

After Matthew learned about it, he didn't find it strange, because his appearance led to many changes in the film, and no one knew whether it would be successful in the end.

Because Matthew and Helen Hellman adhered to the principle of “never lack” in the filming, except for the clone project that DreamWorks cooperated with Michael Bay, until December, no suitable crew and roles were found.

Matthew is not in a hurry. During the period, he went to the "Dawn of the Living Dead" crew to participate in a dubbing and chatted with Zack Snyder for an afternoon. The two have a high degree of unity in the background pictures of the movie and the use of high-speed slow motion. view.

Of course, Zach Snyder is basically talking, and Matthew listens carefully. After all, he knows very little about these professional From Zach Snyder's words, Matthew can hear it. , Zach - Snyder in the post-production, by Sean - Daniel's strict restrictions, there is no way to play his specialty.

Matthew couldn't help thinking of the three hundred red trousers, and vaguely remembered that the ancient Greeks fought against the ancient Persian invasion. It seems to be based on a novel or a comic. Maybe you can look it up and wait for Zach Snyder to finish "Dawn of the Living Dead" , two people working together three hundred red trousers?

This can only stay on the idea for the time being, because without the support of a reliable film company, it would be too difficult to come up with such a production.

Anyway, don't worry now, after all, "Dawn of the Living Dead" has not been released yet, and it is not too late to wait for this zombie movie to be released.

"Dawn of the Living Dead" is a success, anything can be said. If it fails, Zack Snyder will definitely be blacklisted by various film companies and even investors, and the following movies will not be discussed.

Moreover, Matthew still has work to do. The agreement signed with Disney Pictures has relevant awards season clauses. He and Johnny Depp, the two well-known protagonists, also have to make "Caribbean" for Disney Pictures. Pirates shouted at the Austrian plan.