Best Movie Star

Chapter 362: China Film Group

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On the same night, tz published some photos and videos of the engagement ceremony on the homepage of the website. Even if the time was close to midnight, the traffic of the website suddenly experienced an explosive growth, and the video was stuck to the point where it was impossible to w..lā

On the second day, the entertainment media was flooded with reports, which made Matthew and Charlize Theron earn enough attention.

It took more than half a year from the initial planning to the current implementation of this matter, and Matthew and Charlize Theron, who were the parties, did not feel uncomfortable at all.

Naturally, Matthew doesn't need to say that an entertainment star without exposure is basically dead.

Even Charlize Theron, who was a little resistant at first, is now calm.

This is Hollywood and the entertainment industry. There are countless splits and splits happening every day. If you want to find innocent men and women, you should go to Beverly Middle School or Harvard-Westlake School.

Maybe some people who just entered the industry are really innocent men and women, but who has climbed all the way to the rank or level of Matthew or Charlize Theron, which one is not battle-hardened?

Having said that, in addition to film and television works, the general public pays the most attention to stars, in fact, these battle-hardened things.

Those who want to see pure love between men and women, hand in hand with life and death to white-headed love, will not come to Hollywood stars in reality, those only exist in movies starring Hollywood stars.

Don't talk about someone like Matthew who had an idea when he entered Hollywood, go see Audrey Hepburn, who is almost synonymous with innocence and nobility, and her love history is equally wonderful.

Even in the past ten years, it is difficult for scandal hype like Matthew and Charlize Theron to arouse the interest of the media and the public, because there are more and more such things in Hollywood, and stars want to attract attention and maintain exposure. New and in line with the development of the social situation.

So, regardless of whether they are really **** or not, countless male and female stars have embarked on the popular avenue of "coming out".

Are there really so many **** people in Hollywood?

In fact, most people understand that only a very small part of them are really gay. Most of the stars are either creating topics, or they are tired of doing too much between the opposite **** and want to pursue fresh excitement.

This circle is like this, let alone go deep into it, just like Matthew once did, just standing at a distance and watching entertainment news, it is not difficult to tell what it looks like.

In this day and age, hype like this is still very marketable, which directly reflects the North American box office of "Mrs. & Mrs. Smith".

Since entering this week, the weekday box office of "Mrs. and Mrs. Smith" has inevitably declined, with $10.5 million on Monday, $11.1 million on Tuesday's discounted day, and $10.2 million on Wednesday's wedding day...

But by Thursday, influenced and stimulated by the frenzied media coverage, the single-day output of Mr. and Mrs. Smith had skyrocketed to $14.2 million.

In four working days, Mr. & Mrs. Smith took in another $46 million from North America, comfortably exceeding $100 million at the North American box office.

Subsequently, the film entered the second weekend of screening, and a truly giant-level film appeared in the North American market - "Star Wars: Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith".

The plot of the Americans in the Star Wars series is incomprehensible to a person like Matthew. Even after working hard in Hollywood for a few years, he still can't figure out how to get two lightsabers and swing them without any sense of power. Go, what's there to see.

Of course, he can somewhat realize that the popularity of Star Wars culture may be related to the lack of a unique culture in the United States, as well as the effective marketing and promotion of Lucasfilm.

Matthew has seen an unofficial statistic. Today, the five Star Wars movies together, the box office sales are only more than 3 billion US dollars, and the sales of peripheral products have exceeded 20 billion US dollars.

Matthew is not sure if this data is true or not, but George Lucas is recognized as the richest director in Hollywood, and most of his net worth undoubtedly comes from the Star Wars series.

However, life after George Lucas launched the "Star Wars" series was not easy.

"The Phantom Menace" received mixed reviews, "Attack of the Clones" was criticized by Star Wars fans, and there were even more fans who criticized George Lucas for ruining the Star Wars series. These situations also continued to "Revenge of the Sith" " on the body.

Before the release of "Revenge of the Sith", in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of Star Wars fans and try to cover up the negative effects caused by "Attack of the Clones", George Lucas even publicly announced that "Revenge of the Sith" will be the whole star. The end of the battle series.

Matthew is well aware that this is indeed the end of the Star Wars series directed by George Lucas, but it is far from the end of the Star Wars series.

The bottom line of Hollywood's publicity and hype is very low. Lying with eyes closed is only the most basic skill. It's like the finale or the last movie. Just listen to it.

For example, Luc Besson, in the announcement of "Danny the Wolf", once again talked about his ten film plans...

While George Lucas declared Revenge of the Sith to be the finale of the Star Wars series, three days after the weekend, influenced by The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith "The box office did not have the super explosion as imagined in the final chapter.

The film grossed $108.43 million in its first weekend in North America, significantly lower than the industry's expectations.

If it were replaced by other movies, this is undoubtedly a big number, and for the end of the "Star Wars" series, it can only be said that it is OK.

Matthew also took the time to go to a theater in Beverly Hills to watch "Revenge of the Sith". He had seen this series before and was not very interested, but Charlize Theron can be regarded as half a Star Wars fan, and he also accompanied him. Charlize Theron went to see it.

Since the next step is to promote the Dior and Mercedes-Benz platforms respectively, after the engagement ceremony, the two did not travel, and could only stay in Los Angeles for the time being. After all, they have contracts themselves.

In the words of Charlize Theron, watching Revenge of the Sith together is a special engagement vacation.

After watching this film, Matthew is not interested in the limp movements of the Jedi Knights, but he has to admit that "Revenge of the Sith" is absolutely epic and magnificent, more than "The Phantom Menace" and "The Clones". Attack" is much stronger.

Even if Anakin-Skywalker's transformation is still a bit of a foreshadowing, it does not hide the flaws.

If nothing else, in terms of plot alone, "Revenge of the Sith" absolutely kills "Mrs. & Mrs. Smith".

Charlize Theron said this to him when he finished watching the movie, and there is a fatal sadness to watching a character irretrievably head towards a long-known ending.

Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader; Padmé Amidala dies of heartbreak, leaving Luke and Leia behind; Obi-Wan the King of Character hides his tracks; Republic becomes Empire... …

And, of course, there's an American saying left by Anakin Skywalker: "If you're not with me, you're on the enemy's side."

This is very much like the way the Washington authorities do.

Matthew just thinks about things like politics, but he doesn't really do anything. At most, when the time is right, he jumps out and fights. After all, a Hollywood star who doesn't scold the Washington authorities is definitely not a qualified Hollywood star. It will also look very out of style.

"Revenge of the Sith" wasn't as well received as expected, which is undoubtedly a good thing for "Mrs. Smith", which is going into its second weekend. With the overwhelming news of Matthew and Charlize Theron, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" did not suffer. The obvious impact, the box office trend is quite stable.

In its second weekend of release, Mr. & Mrs. Smith's three-day production fell only 45 percent from its first weekend, reporting $41.5 million, bringing the North American box office to $163.1 million.

Compared with "Mrs. & Mrs. Smith", the ones that were really impacted by "Revenge of the Sith" were "Danny the Wolf Dog" and "Reign of Heaven". These two films were poorly drawn, and this weekend's three-day box office It has fallen to the level of $4 million.

At the same time, "Mrs & Mrs. Smith" was also released in nearly 80 overseas countries and Affected by the popularity of North America, the overseas response was enthusiastic, and 110 million US dollars were swept away from overseas in the first week.

Universal Pictures also sent a piece of news that interested Matthew. The China Film Group on the other side of the Pacific Ocean has decided to introduce "Mrs. Smith". Due to the film's pg-13 rating, it does not involve any political and regional sensitive issues. It is very smooth. It passed the review of Big Scissors and will be officially released in theaters there in early June.

China Film Group also sent a formal letter to Universal Pictures, wanting to invite the main creators of the "Mrs. & Mrs. Smith" crew to hold a premiere on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Obviously, in this era of highly developed information, the scandal between Matthew and Charlize Theron has spread to the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and China Film Group is also aware of the possible value in it.

But Universal Pictures has not had a clear answer, because the other side of the Pacific only has 13% of the box office share, which lacks enough attraction.

Matthew also wanted to go back and have a look, but the next schedule was full. There was a Mercedes-Benz advertising campaign to participate in, and he had to report to the "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew at the end of the month.

Universal Pictures and Summit Entertainment declined the invitation of China Film Group after consulting Matthew and Charlize Theron's itinerary.

However, Matthew got word from Helen Herman that Disney Pictures was negotiating with China Film Group to hold a premiere for the sequel to "Pirates of the Caribbean" across the Pacific.

Walt Disney, which puts more emphasis on the market across the Pacific than Universal, is said to be vying for a brand new Disneyland, where Disney Studios will host the premiere of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel, also in line with the group's strategy. ) Download Free Reader!!