Best Movie Star

Chapter 473: reject helen

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"You're really not an ordinary person, Matthew."


Inside the office of the Angel Agency, Helen Herman put on black-rimmed glasses, looked at Matthew with a rare look of surprise, and said, "You even raised money from them when science taught you to brainwash!"


With a cup of tea, Matthew sat across from Helen Herman and said lightly, "I just want to try it out, in case they find out in their conscience, they can donate a lot of money to the foundation?" He took a sip of green tea, "Unfortunately, those people were not moved by my few words."


Helen Herman had heard Matthew describe the relevant situation before, and reminded, "You should be careful not to be brainwashed."


"Don't worry." Matthew raised his finger and shook it, "What they said doesn't work for me."


After returning that night, he carefully recalled some of what Michelle Hammerster said, and he always felt that it was similar to many concepts widely spread in Buddhism, such as reincarnation, but more modern.


If he had to find a suitable description, it would be to put a science fiction coat on the widely circulated concept of Buddhism.


The founder of Scientology is worthy of being a science fiction writer. Before he founded Scientology, he was still a science fiction writer who was not in the mainstream. He couldn't come up with original things.


In other respects, Helen Herman is relieved, with only one exception, "The Amber Heard you said is beautiful?"


"It's okay." Matthew put down the teacup, thought about the blond girl he saw that day, and said, "It should be the very beautiful one."


Helen Herman thought for a while, found the right wording, and said, "Don't take it seriously."


Matthew nodded, "Don't worry, I won't. At most, it's just some lace gossip. Is there less gossip about me?"


"You control the degree well." Helen Herman still believes in Matthew's ability. "Gossip can be published, and it is also beneficial to have more. It is conducive to maintaining media exposure and Internet popularity."


"Oh..." Matthew deliberately said in a slightly exaggerated tone, "You support me?"


Helen Herman remembered that the plan he was about to start recently required Matthew to become a bigger name, and gradually lead the topic in the direction he wanted, "Don't do too much things. In this day and age, there are more gossip and scandals. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.”


Hearing this, Matthew considered for a while considering the actual situation of the past two years. Helen Herman's words were indeed very reasonable.


"This is no longer the era of increasing fame simply by relying on films and roles. Marketing is becoming more and more important for stars." Helen Herman came to Matthew today with a purpose. "Whether marketing, or stars, now In the era of fast food, if you want to keep attracting your audience, you must maintain freshness and find a way to maintain the popularity.”


She picked up the coffee cup, took a sip, and continued, "Any star must stay in the audience's field of vision as much as possible."


Matthew grasped the meaning of Helen-Hellman's words and said, "But if a big-name movie star wants to ensure the quality of his work, he can't randomly pick roles. Film shooting and production also requires cycles, and there is inevitably a gap in the middle."


Helen Herman nodded lightly, "You're right." She put down the coffee cup and turned to the topic she prepared step by step, "So we need to use marketing to fill this gap."


"In this era, the pace is so fast that I feel unfamiliar." Helen Herman is not joking, "If you can't keep up with one step, you may not be able to keep up with each step. We must keep you in the public eye. "


"Yeah." Matthew agreed with Helen Herman's words.


Helen Herman has obviously been thinking about it for a long time, "so I propose to set up a charitable foundation. Charity can not only brush the style, but also increase the exposure. In addition, I never interfere with your private life, because your private life allows media reporters You can write about things, and you can explode if you have information, so that you can have a certain degree of attention.”


"You think more comprehensively than me." Matthew had to admit this.


He kept chasing female stars, not to create scandals and hot spots.


"Don't have a psychological burden." Helen Herman said lightly, "Gossip and romance are tied and hyped. The effect is very good, and not only you need it, but the woman also needs it."


Matthew smiled and didn't answer. Those women who were close to him might be attracted by hormones, but of course he knew what the main thing was.


Helen Herman knows Matthew's character and understands that if you want to impress him, you need to take your time. "I have studied carefully, about celebrities, especially commercial celebrities, from romance to girlfriends to good friends, the public always likes it. This set. Every time you have a new female partner exposed, it will 100% cause a heated discussion."


As soon as she changed her voice, she suddenly sighed and said, "Actually, I made a big mistake in this work."


"Huh?" Matthew said a little strangely, "You did a good job."


Helen Herman shook her head gently, "I should have pushed you to marry Charlize Theron last year."


Matthew shrugged, "I never thought about turning a fake engagement into a real marriage."


Helen Herman didn't answer Matthew's words at all. "The topic and heat that the marriage of two popular stars can cause is far beyond my estimation." She deliberately gave an example, "You know Jennifer Aniston has Are you married?"


"I know." Matthew replied, vaguely remembering that Jennifer Aniston seemed to be married to a second-tier actor, but I forgot the exact name, "It seems to be the first half of last year, right?"


He doesn't remember when Jennifer Aniston got married again, but because of the changes, just like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie don't have the fame they once had, Jennifer Aniston has obviously suffered too. influences.


"Take the Aniston couple as an example. Their box office ability to attract money may not be the strongest, but the topic they can generate is terrifying." Helen Herman gave this example, just wanting to To use the facts in front of him to make Matthew's heart tempted, "the most attractive thing about them now is this couple's relationship. All things related to this partnership can trigger media and public discussions, and can create wealth for them; And they also rely on the continuous topicality to attract the interest of film makers and become the stars who do not worry about filming."


Matthew interjected at this time, "Isn't that one plus one is greater than two? But they are just married."


Helen Herman remained calm, "Aniston was already very popular, the lucky actor, who was second-tier at best. But when they got married, everything changed, and they became Hollywood's most popular actor. A red husband and wife actor."


She recalled a little, and then said, "Someone has made a statistic that since the Aniston and his wife have been together for more than a year, they have appeared on the cover of first-line magazines alone or together more than 10 times, and in this more than one year, , they are not only popular figures, but their remuneration and endorsement fees have also skyrocketed. The offer for Aniston's movie has reached 20 million US dollars, and the lucky one dared to call out an offer of more than 10 million US dollars."


Speaking of which, Helen Herman took a sip from the coffee cup, and Matthew gradually heard it. Helen Herman said these words today, and there is an obvious purpose behind it.


"If you and Charlize Theron got married last year, the effect would be far greater than the Aniston couple." Helen Herman shook his head, "The marriage of two first-line celebrities can not only have a sensational effect, but Still sensational..."


"Helen!" Matthew interrupted Helen Herman and said preemptively, "I told you, I have no plans to get married for the time being, and I will not marry Charlize Theron, Charlize Theron is a A staunch non-marriageist."


"I know." Helen Herman said, crossing her hands on the desk, "So, I didn't make this suggestion before."


Matthew was puzzled, "Then why are you telling me so much today?"


"I met Britney at an event a few days ago." Helen Herman said lightly, "Britney took the initiative to ask me about your situation, and it can be seen that she cares about you very much."


She suddenly sped up her speech, apparently trying to finish before Matthew interrupted, "If I'm not mistaken, Britney is the only girl you've ever really loved? Okay. You're a popular A-list movie star, Britney is the queen of pop music, and you..."


"Okay, Helen." Matthew interrupted Helen Herman, "No need to talk about this, it's not necessary."


Helen Herman didn't give up. Recently, she started planning big moves, desperately needing Matthew to get closer to the superstar, and said, " This is good for you and Britney, can Let you be the number one couple in Hollywood. If you can't talk to Britney, I can go to her manager and record company, and they'd love to see that."


Matthew's attitude did not loosen in the slightest, "Helen, this is the end of the matter, don't mention it again." He raised his hand to stop Helen Herman, who was still trying to speak, and said, "I don't want to hurt Britney."


Helen Herman glanced at Matthew, knowing that today is not the right time to talk about it, and swallowed the words that were stuck in his mouth.


Now, even though she and Matthew are still good friends apart from working partners, but with Matthew's character, if he really annoys him, it is not impossible to change the manager.


Matthew is a sought-after item in many Hollywood agencies.


"If there is nothing else," Matthew stood up, "I'll go first."


He didn't want to discuss such topics with Helen Herman anymore. Between Britney and Britney, the two had a good beginning and a pretty good end. If he did as Helen Herman suggested, he and Bran Ni is bound to break out sharp contradictions. ) Download Free Reader!!