Best Movie Star

Chapter 543: Copyright situation

In the reception room of the Angels Agency, Matthew completely left Miranda Kerr behind, Amanda and Helen Herman were talking about the latest situation.

"This is a reply letter from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees." Amanda handed an official document to Matthew, "Most of our aid to Africa has been distributed in place. For a long time, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke those Black people, no one can attack you with a racist subject."

Matthew opened the document and browsed it for a while, and basically expressed official clichés such as "thank you" and "high praise", but the reply letter was signed by Anbei and Gutierrez at the end.

Amanda said again at this time, "A small number of materials are not in place."

Matthew looked at her suspiciously, and Amanda explained, "Where there is politics, there is always corruption. Politics and corruption are Ruan Sheng brothers."

Matthew understood what he meant and nodded, "I see." He asked, "What's next?"

Amanda handed a thick plan to Matthew, "This is the fundraising and donation plan for the two foundations in the next two years."

Matthew would look back and take a closer look, but he would put it aside, "Just tell me briefly."

"Our donation plan is still divided into two parts: the rich and famous and the public, and it is best to hold a large-scale charity fund-raising event every year." Amanda said very seriously, "In addition, two public donations are made every year, each charitable fund. It will be once. We can properly control the scale, and we don’t need to donate for the first time this year… Well, in terms of public opinion, we are neither high-profile nor low-key, let it be, so as not to attract attacks.”

After thinking for a few seconds, Matthew said, "Okay."

Amanda added, "In terms of fundraising, it's best to think of some new ideas. If the results are good, it will help you."

Matthew couldn't find a clue for a while, and said, "Amanda, and Helen, please pay more attention to this."

Amanda and Helen Herman both nodded.

Later, Amanda said, "After the new year, I will have a detailed annual report here."

Helen-Hellman answered at this time, "This time, the charitable foundation helped us avoid a major crisis, but it may not work next time." She persuaded very seriously, "Matthew, in the past two years, The social situation, especially the change in the Hollywood environment, you have also seen, we can only follow the trend."

"Well." Matthew fully agrees with Helen Herman's words, "I know that this social environment in North America is undergoing great changes, and any topic about homosexuality, bisexuality and black people may cause controversy."

Amanda shook her head. "It's self-inflicted."

Helen Herman glanced at Amanda and said, "Okay, let's stop complaining." She turned to Matthew, "I suggest that we find a suitable black organization or black individual to Funding in your name will save you a lot of trouble in the future."

She sighed, "In the eyes of many black people in North America, black Africans are completely different from them."

Matthew, who had already heard Spike Lee perform live, knew what Helen Herman said was true, saying, "You choose the right target."

Helen Herman took it down and said, "I'm not in a hurry for the time being, I'm looking for a suitable opportunity." She turned to Matthew, "What happened to the female model in the entertainment room?"

Matthew said casually, "A friend."

Of course Helen Herman knew the other meaning of this kind of friend, and nodded, "Is it the one in today's newspaper?"

"Yeah." Matthew responded.

"There are a lot of reports about her today, and it's different from the past." Helen Herman put down her glasses and said plainly, "My assistant collected some in the morning, and most of them are borrowed from you. That female model, the other party may have deliberately hyped it up."

Matthew frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Irina called me this morning and said that someone wentssips to a number of media last night..."

He didn't continue to say, Helen Herman was enough to understand that this aspect would not cause Matthew a big trouble, and she didn't want to intervene too much, saying, "You can handle it yourself, I guess you just want to borrow you to take over the position. ."

Speaking of this, Amanda suddenly interjected, "Hey, Matthew, you are such a good woman."

Matthew deliberately put on a proud look, "Why not? I'm a woman killer of all ages."

Amanda silently raised a **** to him.

Helen Herman changed the subject at this time, "You were with David Ellison last night, did you ask about the progress of the "Fast and Furious" series?"

Matthew had already spoken to her about his thoughts on the Fast and the Furious franchise and a sequel to The Three Hundred Spartans.

"David is still asking people to assess the market prospects..." Matthew suddenly thought of what happened before the start of the Victoria's Secret show, David Ellison was undoubtedly very upset with Vin Diesel, "Maybe David will have some new ideas."

"Matthew, there is a situation, you have to pay attention." Helen Herman said slowly, "I just got the news from caa before I came here, Vin Diesel's brokerage contract expires after the new year, no accident. If they do, they will sign a contract with caa, and someone from Universal Pictures has contacted caa and wants to use the power of caa to promote the new sequel to "The Fast and the Furious"."

"Oh?" Matthew wondered, "Didn't Universal Pictures temporarily cut off the series?"

Helen Hellman explained, "This is the personal behavior of individual executives at Universal. My analysis, it may be David Ellison's initial contact with Universal, which led to some people producing this series has value. It's also possible that Universal Pictures deliberately put on such a false pretence that it wanted to continue the series in order to charge a higher price."

Business is always intriguing, and Matthew is relatively layman. It’s okay to make an occasional suggestion. If you really want to put it into practice, let alone the veterans of Universal Pictures with many years of experience, even David Ellison is far behind him. superior.

Matthew thought about it for a long time before he said, "If it is the second possibility, we can still get the copyright as long as we pay the price that Universal Pictures wants. If the first possibility is the case, it will be troublesome."

Helen Herman agreed, "That's right. Once the caa is interested and wants to push the project forward, there is a very good chance that Universal will work with them."

She thought for a while, and then said, "This is just a very one-sided preliminary news. It can't explain anything. I will find someone to continue to inquire. If there are specific circumstances, I will discuss with David Ellison."

Matthew nodded, and Helen also knew that he had no actual business operation ability.

In the afternoon, Helen Herman heard more information. Vin Diesel will join the caa. , caa also has great doubts about the high-level personal behavior.

But Matthew still called David Ellison. David Ellison came to the Angels Agency. Several people kept discussing until it got dark, and then they left.

Compared to before, David Ellison's proposal for Matthew is not so repulsive and firm. When he invested in this series, the main reason was Matthew. If Matthew's character is dead, it is impossible to continue. For this series, even director Zach Snyder is ready to start another collaboration with Warner Bros.

The risk of the sequel to this series has undoubtedly increased tenfold for him.

Of course, there must be some reluctance. David Ellison is a businessman after all. Although he has a good relationship with Matthew, he is not the kind of person who can easily give up after listening to a few words.

Matthew has also made up his mind. In the next few months, if David Ellison can't make up his mind, let Helen Herman talk to Universal Pictures and see if he can talk to Universal Pictures directly. Collaborate on this project.

And he can win the support of the original male No. 1 Paul Walker.

Paul Walker's first film is one of the dual protagonists, and the second film is an absolute male protagonist. Although he did not participate in the third film, the male protagonist of "Fast and Furious" is now generally considered to be Paul Walker.

Matthew also remembered a lot of things that happened on the set of "The Fast and the Furious" At that time, Universal Pictures was very dissatisfied with Vin Diesel's difficulty, and later listened to Paul- Walker mentioned that if Vin Diesel hadn't pulled in an important investment, Universal Pictures would have kicked Vin Diesel long ago, and for the second sequel, Universal Pictures would have decisively abandoned Vin Diesel. .

Even if the first possibility mentioned by Helen Herman is in operation, presumably Universal Pictures will have doubts about Vin Diesel's difficulty.

In fact, what he is most worried about is that Vin Diesel pulls the funds and returns to this series.

Universal Pictures can't get along with anything, and it won't get along with money. It's someone else's money when it loses, and it's a lot of money for itself. Everyone likes to do this kind of thing.

Before leaving the Angel Agency, Matthew made a special call to Paul Walker. In addition to the investment in the "Fast and Furious" series, the main funding for "Extreme Agent" starring Vin Diesel was also him. Pulled investment...

Is this guy really Spielberg's illegitimate child? Matthew inevitably has this idea, after all, this guy can always attract investment.

When he left the Angel Agency, Matthew didn't expect that Miranda Kerr had been waiting for him in the entertainment room. On the way back together in the car, he saw another paparazzi following him.

In the past two years, his reputation as a **** has spread all over North America. The reporter paparazzi have often confirmed that he has spent the night with a certain actress, and basically they have dispersed, and now is the awards season. He is an outsider in this awards season, In previous years, the attention received in this season was the lowest time period of the year, but now there are so many journalists and paparazzi behind it, which is obviously not normal.

Thinking of what Irina Boyar and Helen Herman said, Matthew glanced at Miranda Kerr who was sitting next to him and decided to talk to her.