Best Movie Star

Chapter 563: cold and desperate

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>Best Movie Star

> Chapter 563 Grim and Despair Bookmark Comments Chapter 563 Grim and Despair

Fiction: Best Movie Star Author: White Thirteen Words: 3451

It was still cold in New York in February. Standing on the bank of the East River in New York, a gust of sea breeze blew. Phyllis Beretta quickly shrank her head, trying to shrink the exposed parts as much as possible. She went into her clothes, but she had just arrived in Manhattan from Los Angeles, her clothes were a little thin, and she had to hold up a poster supporting Matthew. This subconscious action had no effect. Flash Dance Novel Network

But standing on this high ground, when she saw the place closest to the river bank, where Matthew was filming, she suddenly felt less cold.

Where there is Matthew, there is sunshine and warmth.

Before the shooting started, Phyllis Beretta put away the poster, took out the camera, pointed the lens at the river bank, pressed the camera lens repeatedly, and took a lot of photos.

Because she had to scrape together money to buy a plane ticket, she came to New York two days later than the crew and had already missed Matthew's two days of filming.

"It's about to start filming! It's about to start filming!" A crew member came over to remind loudly, "Please put away your cameras! Please put away your cameras! Thank you for your cooperation!"

Hearing this, Phyllis Beretta let go of the shutter button and put away the camera. She is also a veteran frontline fan and knows that continuing to take pictures will affect the normal work of the crew.

Fans and entertainment reporters all around them cooperated to put away their cameras, and then she saw Matthew and a girl with **** and a little exaggerated sitting on a bench by the river bank, and the camera turned to them along the slide rail. Opposite, the camera is on them.

The sea breeze was blowing, and it was a little cold. Matthew seemed to be unconscious, sitting on the same cold bench, staring at the Brooklyn Bridge in front of the left in a daze, Alexandra Daddario quietly accompanied by the side , without saying a word.

"I'm Robert Neville, a survivor living in New York..."

Not far away came the sound of the broadcast, which never seemed to stop, "I'm broadcasting on all frequencies of am now, and I'll be waiting on the pier on South Street at noon every day when the sun is at its highest, if you hear it, If anyone hears it, I can provide food, I can provide shelter, I can provide security, and if anyone hears it, anyone…”

In the sound of the broadcast, Matthew faced pain and sadness, pointed to the Brooklyn Bridge, and suddenly said, "Right here, I saw an accident in the helicopter that my wife and daughter were on, right in front of my eyes!"

Alexandra Daddario followed his fingers, as if seeing the broken Brooklyn Bridge. 35xs

Matthew sat motionless until director Guillermo del Toro called to stop filming.

This one was announced, and all the scenes on the East River in New York were over. Guillermo del Toro shouted, "Now turn around and go to Washington Square! Start on time in twenty minutes."

Taking the coat from Bella Anderson, Matthew put it on and entered the warm trailer, followed by Alexandra Daddario.

As a supporting actress with few roles, it is impossible for her to have such good treatment as Matthew in the crew.

"Sit whatever you want, Anna." Matthew walked over to the coffee machine, picked up a cup of coffee for Alexandra Daddario, and said, "Do you need milk?"

Alexandra Daddario shook her head, "No need."

Matthew placed the magnetic coffee mug on the metal table in front of Alexandra Daddario, brewed another cup of tea for himself, touched the slightly hot mug, and felt a little stiffer in his hands.

Maybe it was the guy from before who first lived in Texas, and then he lived in Los Angeles. Matthew found that he was a little afraid of the cold, and his tolerance for low temperature was much worse than when he lived on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Originally, he also had the idea of ​​buying a luxury apartment on New York's Upper East Side or Long Island, but since last winter he shot a night scene on the Brooklyn Bridge for a week, and this idea was completely dispelled.

Both Amanda and Helen Herman have said that in New York, especially Manhattan, it is very unwise to buy a luxury home as an investment. The high property taxes in New York will often outperform the rate of house appreciation...

"I recently read the original by Richard Matheson," Alexandra Daddario said at this time. "The version we shot is very different from the original."

Matthew took a sip of hot tea, nodded and said, "The changes are very big. This film basically only borrows the worldview of the original book. The film needs to adapt to the development of the times. I estimate that when Akiva Goldsman wrote this version of the script, Probably have this idea."

He also read the original work before, and it can be said that the plot and the original work are completely two works.

The original book is the death of mankind, but it is not the virus vaccine to treat cancer that destroys mankind, but an ancient legend: the vampire. Vampires are real, and by the time humans realize it, it's too late, and Robert Neville accidentally acquired immunity after being bitten by a vampire bat.

Most of the rest of the humans perished, and the rest were all infected. There are also two types of them: one is the living dead, they are already dead, but driven by germs, they can still walk and attack, and their only instinct is to **** blood. The other infected are still alive, equally bloodthirsty, but retain intelligence.

The latter type of vampires gather around Robert Neville's house every night, hoping to catch him and **** his blood, including Ben, his former driver.

According to legend, Robert Neville used a lot of garlic and crosses to protect his house. He had a gun, but the gun was ineffective against vampires.

Similarly, the fate of Robert Neville's wife in the original book was completely different. Her wife was infected and died. Robert Neville couldn't bear to throw her into the huge cremation pit built by the government and secretly buried her. Soon, his wife came back to knock her. Door……

Like in the movie, in the original Robert Neville goes out every day during the day, but his purpose is to kill all the vampires he can find, they still live in the house and fall into a coma during the day, Robert Neville 1.1 Dot search every house and, according to legend, drive stakes into the hearts of vampires and kill them.

He went to the library to search and study, used a microscope to find pathogens in the blood, and learned about the way the bacteria spread, but he could not find a cure.

As for the dog, there was indeed a dog in the original book, an injured dog that survived, and Robert Neville caught it, but it became infected and died a week later.

There is indeed a woman, but it is very different from the role of Alexandra Daddario, the woman magically appears, and Robert Neville also captures her and suspects that she is an infection in various ways. But after a night together, Robert Neville told the woman how to study and slaughter vampires.

But the woman attacked him, leaving a message telling him: she is indeed an infected person, and some infected people have found a way to continue living, they have organized into a new community.

Robert Neville, who killed too many infected people, was the devil in the community, and she was sent undercover to get to know him and let him run away.

However, Robert Neville is different from the movie. In the original book, he is more like a soldier than a doctor, so he did not escape. In the attack from the infected, he was seriously injured by a gunshot, and a woman appeared beside him. All she could do was give Robert Neville a suicide pill, and Robert Neville took the pill and committed suicide with the last remaining human pride.

The last survivor in the world also died...

Compared with the film that is being shot, the original book is more grim and desperate. Robert Neville has no ambition to save all mankind, no cool and neat appearance, no perseverance to exercise every day, no leisurely wings to play golf, and occasional flashes. Some dark humor is just as hopeless and eerie.

But this is true of real life, there is no God, there are only germs, hostility, and destruction.

Sometimes Matthew also thinks that shooting according to the original book may work well, but Hollywood's commercial blockbuster mechanism has decided not to shoot with the plot of the original book. After all, a film with an investment of 150 million US dollars ended up being a ruthless and harmonious film. Desperate film, it is estimated that Warner Bros. will directly find someone to chug Akiva Goldsman.

Therefore, this kind of film will inevitably be the hero mode of Hollywood in the end. Even if the crew prepared two versions, Akiva Goldsman decided to use Robert Neville and the Night Demon leader as the theater version after deliberation. end of.

The reason is very simple. The ending of the other version is too literary and does not meet the needs of Hollywood commercial films.

The end of the second version, which will only appear on DVDs released later, can also be the selling point of DVDs.

The crew soon came to Washington Square. Since two days ago, a professional team has arranged the location on Washington Square so that the crew can shoot directly when they come.

Just like the Brooklyn Bridge, even if Alexandra Daddario's father mediated it, New York City Hall couldn't have given the crew too much time to shoot, after all, this is Manhattan.

In the script, after the disaster, Robert Neville lived in a house in Washington Square. The two ending scenes were all filmed in a studio in Los Angeles. Now they are shooting the exterior scenes in the square. Matthew There are not many lenses.

One day shooting Daredevil storming Robert Neville's house, one day shooting Matthew's location scenes and Alexandra Daddario's character leaving New York with the little girl.

In just two days, the filming of the outside scenes in Washington Square was completed, and all the filming of "I Am Legend" ended.

Matthew followed the crew back to Los Angeles. Just after returning to the City of Angels, he received an invitation from the Oscar Organizing Committee.

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Best Movie Star Chapter 563 Grim and Despair

It was still cold in New York in February. Standing on the bank of the East River in New York, a gust of sea breeze blew. Phyllis Beretta quickly shrank her head, trying to shrink the exposed parts as much as possible. She went into her clothes, but she had just arrived in Manhattan from Los Angeles, her clothes were a little thin, and she had to hold up a poster supporting Matthew. This subconscious action had no effect. Flash Dance Novel Network

But standing on this high ground, when she saw the place closest to the river bank, where Matthew was filming, she suddenly felt less cold.

Where there is Matthew, there is sunshine and warmth.

Before the shooting started, Phyllis Beretta put away the poster, took out the camera, pointed the lens at the river bank, pressed the camera lens repeatedly, and took a lot of photos.

Because she had to scrape together money to buy a plane ticket, she came to New York two days later than the crew and had already missed Matthew's two days of filming.

"It's about to start filming! It's about to start filming!" A crew member came over to remind loudly, "Please put away your cameras! Please put away your cameras! Thank you for your cooperation!"

Hearing this, Phyllis Beretta let go of the shutter button and put away the camera. She is also a veteran frontline fan and knows that continuing to take pictures will affect the normal work of the crew.

Fans and entertainment reporters all around them cooperated to put away their cameras, and then she saw Matthew and a girl with **** and a little exaggerated sitting on a bench by the river bank, and the camera turned to them along the slide rail. Opposite, the camera is on them.

The sea breeze was blowing, and it was a little cold. Matthew seemed to be unconscious, sitting on the same cold bench, staring at the Brooklyn Bridge in front of the left in a daze, Alexandra Daddario quietly accompanied by the side , without saying a word.

"I'm Robert Neville, a survivor living in New York..."

Not far away came the sound of the broadcast, which never seemed to stop, "I'm broadcasting on all frequencies of am now, and I'll be waiting on the pier on South Street at noon every day when the sun is at its highest, if you hear it, If anyone hears it, I can provide food, I can provide shelter, I can provide security, and if anyone hears it, anyone…”

In the sound of the broadcast, Matthew faced pain and sadness, pointed to the Brooklyn Bridge, and suddenly said, "Right here, I saw an accident in the helicopter that my wife and daughter were on, right in front of my eyes!"

Alexandra Daddario followed his fingers, as if seeing the broken Brooklyn Bridge. 35xs

Matthew sat motionless until director Guillermo del Toro called to stop filming.

This one was announced, and all the scenes on the East River in New York were over. Guillermo del Toro shouted, "Now turn around and go to Washington Square! Start on time in twenty minutes."

Taking the coat from Bella Anderson, Matthew put it on and entered the warm trailer, followed by Alexandra Daddario.

As a supporting actress with few roles, it is impossible for her to have such good treatment as Matthew in the crew.

"Sit whatever you want, Anna." Matthew walked over to the coffee machine, picked up a cup of coffee for Alexandra Daddario, and said, "Do you need milk?"

Alexandra Daddario shook her head, "No need."

Matthew placed the magnetic coffee mug on the metal table in front of Alexandra Daddario, brewed another cup of tea for himself, touched the slightly hot mug, and felt a little stiffer in his hands.

Maybe it was the guy from before who first lived in Texas, and then he lived in Los Angeles. Matthew found that he was a little afraid of the cold, and his tolerance for low temperature was much worse than when he lived on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Originally, he also had the idea of ​​buying a luxury apartment on New York's Upper East Side or Long Island, but since last winter he shot a night scene on the Brooklyn Bridge for a week, and this idea was completely dispelled.

Both Amanda and Helen Herman have said that in New York, especially Manhattan, it is very unwise to buy a luxury home as an investment. The high property taxes in New York will often outperform the rate of house appreciation...

"I recently read the original by Richard Matheson," Alexandra Daddario said at this time. "The version we shot is very different from the original."

Matthew took a sip of hot tea, nodded and said, "The changes are very big. This film basically only borrows the worldview of the original book. The film needs to adapt to the development of the times. I estimate that when Akiva Goldsman wrote this version of the script, Probably have this idea."

He also read the original work before, and it can be said that the plot and the original work are completely two works.

The original book is the death of mankind, but it is not the virus vaccine to treat cancer that destroys mankind, but an ancient legend: the vampire. Vampires are real, and by the time humans realize it, it's too late, and Robert Neville accidentally acquired immunity after being bitten by a vampire bat.

Most of the rest of the humans perished, and the rest were all infected. There are also two types of them: one is the living dead, they are already dead, but driven by germs, they can still walk and attack, and their only instinct is to **** blood. The other infected are still alive, equally bloodthirsty, but retain intelligence.

The latter type of vampires gather around Robert Neville's house every night, hoping to catch him and **** his blood, including Ben, his former driver.

According to legend, Robert Neville used a lot of garlic and crosses to protect his house. He had a gun, but the gun was ineffective against vampires.

Similarly, the fate of Robert Neville's wife in the original book was completely different. Her wife was infected and died. Robert Neville couldn't bear to throw her into the huge cremation pit built by the government and secretly buried her. Soon, his wife came back to knock her. Door……

Like in the movie, in the original Robert Neville goes out every day during the day, but his purpose is to kill all the vampires he can find, they still live in the house and fall into a coma during the day, Robert Neville 1.1 Dot search every house and, according to legend, drive stakes into the hearts of vampires and kill them.

He went to the library to search and study, used a microscope to find pathogens in the blood, and learned about the way the bacteria spread, but he could not find a cure.

As for the dog, there was indeed a dog in the original book, an injured dog that survived, and Robert Neville caught it, but it became infected and died a week later.

There is indeed a woman, but it is very different from the role of Alexandra Daddario, the woman magically appears, and Robert Neville also captures her and suspects that she is an infection in various ways. But after a night together, Robert Neville told the woman how to study and slaughter vampires.

But the woman attacked him, leaving a message telling him: she is indeed an infected person, and some infected people have found a way to continue living, they have organized into a new community.

Robert Neville, who killed too many infected people, was the devil in the community, and she was sent undercover to get to know him and let him run away.

However, Robert Neville is different from the movie. In the original book, he is more like a soldier than a doctor, so he did not escape. In the attack from the infected, he was seriously injured by a gunshot, and a woman appeared beside him. All she could do was give Robert Neville a suicide pill, and Robert Neville took the pill and committed suicide with the last remaining human pride.

The last survivor in the world also died...

Compared with the film that is being shot, the original book is more grim and desperate. Robert Neville has no ambition to save all mankind, no cool and neat appearance, no perseverance to exercise every day, no leisurely wings to play golf, and occasional flashes. Some dark humor is just as hopeless and eerie.

But this is true of real life, there is no God, there are only germs, hostility, and destruction.

Sometimes Matthew also thinks that if he shoots according to the original work, the effect may be However, Hollywood's commercial blockbuster mechanism has decided not to shoot with the plot of the original work. After all, the film invested 150 million US dollars, and finally Turning it into a grim and desperate film, it is estimated that Warner Bros. will directly find someone to chug Akiva Goldsman out.

Therefore, this kind of film will inevitably be the hero mode of Hollywood in the end. Even if the crew prepared two versions, Akiva Goldsman decided to use Robert Neville and the Night Demon leader as the theater version after deliberation. end of.

The reason is very simple. The ending of the other version is too literary and does not meet the needs of Hollywood commercial films.

The end of the second version, which will only appear on DVDs released later, can also be the selling point of DVDs.

The crew soon came to Washington Square. Since two days ago, a professional team has arranged the location on Washington Square so that the crew can shoot directly when they come.

Just like the Brooklyn Bridge, even if Alexandra Daddario's father mediated it, New York City Hall couldn't have given the crew too much time to shoot, after all, this is Manhattan.

In the script, after the disaster, Robert Neville lived in a house in Washington Square. The two ending scenes were all filmed in a studio in Los Angeles. Now they are shooting the exterior scenes in the square. Matthew There are not many lenses.

One day shooting Daredevil storming Robert Neville's house, one day shooting Matthew's location scenes and Alexandra Daddario's character leaving New York with the little girl.

In just two days, the filming of the outside scenes in Washington Square was completed, and all the filming of "I Am Legend" ended.

Matthew followed the crew back to Los Angeles. Just after returning to the City of Angels, he received an invitation from the Oscar Organizing Committee.