Best Movie Star

Chapter 645: Start 1 must be early

The filming in the Disney studio is still going on. The filming of "Fast and Furious 4" is mainly divided into three parts. One is the ongoing studio interior shooting, the second is shooting in downtown Los Angeles, and the third is to southern California and Mexico. Part of the drag racing scene was filmed in the bordering land.

To be precise, all of the filming of the film will take place in California, because "Fast and the Furious 4" received the California government's film tax rebate, which can roughly get $8.6 million in tax rebates.

One of the main conditions for getting the subsidy is that the crew must stay in California to shoot and create job opportunities for California.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's governor was a nuisance, but he still rolled out a series of economic stimulus policies that looked good.

Bella Anderson also investigated James Wen and his development in Hollywood, and Matthew took time out of filming to take a closer look.

James Wen is three years older than him. Born in 1977, he is a Chinese born in Malaysia. As he said, he once went to Australia to study film in his youth. Perhaps it is this kind of education and culture that he has received from the East and the West. Only a few film practitioners will think of integrating the characteristics of the East into the works of the West.

Even Matthew has to admit that the influence of Western culture in this world is greater. Often the East can accept Western cultural products, but it is difficult for the West to accept pure Eastern culture.

There are many directors from the East in Hollywood, but inevitably their works are all Westernized, such as Ang Lee.

Matthew heard from Helen Herman that in order to ensure that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" can be accepted by Westerners, when the script was created, the screenwriter was required to write the script in English, and then translate it into Chinese. It has been publicly stated on many occasions that this film is "Sense and Sensibility" in the cloak of martial arts.

Perhaps in the eyes of people like Matthew who are used to watching pure martial arts films, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is really not good, but the North American box office and the harvest at the Oscars undoubtedly prove that Ang Lee's Western-style thinking is the core. , and then integrate the film of oriental culture, there are indeed many selling points.

According to the information gathered by Bella Anderson from various sources, James Wing has expressed the idea of ​​introducing the traditional American horror film into the oriental element more than once.

However, he is different from Ang Lee who dabble in a variety of film types, and just wants to stay in the field of horror thrillers for the time being, which is also his interest.

Due to Matthew's solemn advice, the relevant information collected by Bella Anderson is very detailed.

For example, James Wing commented on his dark horse Virgo "The Chainsaw" and said that this is a "psychological thriller", which is different from the bloody, disgusting and curious ones that follow, and he himself only participated in it. Produced in several later works.

James Wen has repeatedly emphasized that his ambition is to shoot works that truly make people feel uneasy from the heart, rather than simply scare the audience. He has repeatedly mentioned the inspiration of "The Shining" and "The Exorcist", The influence of these two films can also be detected in his subsequent works.

There is also "Dead Silence" mentioned by James Wen. The investment of 20 million US dollars can be said to be a high-cost horror film. James Wen and his partners all said that they were restricted by the producer, and the script and overall style were not considered. Perfect, if you shoot horror movies later, you should try to avoid repeating the same mistakes, and you may return to low-cost independent horror movies.

Furthermore, James Wen told the people around him that after the chainsaw, he was not going to make another plasma-type film, but was going to discuss possession and exorcism. The protagonist was not a so-called "ghost", but an "evil spirit". , is a more complex subject linked to religion, history and dreams.

In the way of filming, he hated the American horror fast food model.

For example, the teenage protagonist runs into the deep mountains and old forests, committing foolishness to death, and insists on digging out a book in the ruins to recruit the monsters without listening to advice; or a group of young people who are forced to go to the remote mountains where the mobile phone signal cannot be covered. Traveling in the old forest or the desert, and then encountering a perverted murderer...

Through the information collected by Bella Anderson, Matthew has a clearer understanding of James Wing, a young director who seems to have a good idea in the field of horror films.

As we all know, horror films are the most popular type of films in the North American film market. Many small film companies and film studios are actually mainly producing B-level horror films. Even if they can only travel to theaters for a few days, they often It can recover the cost and generate profit through the later videotape and disc revenue.

And a director will play a bigger role in small productions.

Is James Winn a great horror director in the future? Will it create a small miracle like "The Chainsaw"?

That's where Matthew really cares.

Also, when he saw the Chinese name James Wen Wen Ziren, he always had a vague sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had seen or heard of it.

Judging from his experience in recent years, the people in the Hollywood circle who can make him feel this way are either super weird Wachowski brothers and sisters, or once famous people.

According to information collected by Bella Anderson, James Wing has no peculiar hobbies other than trying to scare people with movies.

Then the possibility that he is super weird should be very small.

Afterwards, Matthew specifically checked the North American box office of several films directly related to James Wen. "Saw Cry" $56 million, "Saw Cry 2" more than $87 million, "Saw Cry 3" Over $80 million, "Saw 4" is more than $63 million, "Saw 5" is being filmed...

While no one has ever surpassed $100 million at the North American box office, for a low-cost Plasma film, it's almost reaching the ceiling.

After all, the number of viewers who like this super heavy taste is limited. This is an objective situation and will not change because of James Wen.

"Dead Silence" with an investment of 20 million US dollars is a bit average. The North American box office is only 16.8 million US dollars. Fortunately, the video and disc revenue is not bad.

The film is said to have been assigned a producer by Universal Pictures executives, strictly limiting his directorial powers.

After reading these, Matthew gradually formed a clear concept. If there is a chance to cooperate with James Wen in the future, he must control the cost, make a low-cost horror movie, and then give James Wen suitable director power...

How far James Wyn can do it, he is not very clear.

However, a director who started from a small cost like this is supported by "Chainsaw". As long as the subsequent films can break out again, they will definitely get the attention and favor of many production companies.

You have to start this early.

Moreover, a small investment of several million dollars is nothing to Matthew at all, even if it is all lost, it is easy to afford, but what about James Wing's "Chainsaw"-like small and big? It's easy to double your profits.

These are just assumptions, and we have to wait for James Wen to finish his documentary. To a certain extent, Matthew is also prepared to bet on James Wen's future within the scope of his ability.

The film industry has always been an industry with relatively high risks and profits. Today, the profit margin of traditional manufacturing can be as high as 10%. If an investment in a film is successful, the profit will often exceed 10%. .

Matthew thought of what James Wing had said to him. This thoughtful horror film director might be able to create a horror universe.

In the next few days, he specially found time to go to the set of "Chainsaw 5" with James Wing to see how the plasma film was shot.

Clearly, James Wing seems to be interested in befriending him, too.

This kind of thing is not difficult for Matthew to understand. James Wen has a good relationship with Justin Lin. He should know the status of his investment in movies, just like he did with David Ellison in the first place. As a director, there is a funder. Support is actually very After all, Hollywood is a business circle, and money often means many things.

Matthew is also fantasizing about making a low-budget horror film, and the box office sales can reach more than ten times the production cost...

This is not easy, everything only exists and is imagined, and how to develop in the future requires him to adjust in time.

At the beginning of April, after a long screening, "I Am Legend" officially bid farewell to North American theaters, leaving a North American box office data of 363.2 million US dollars, and the overseas box office also broke through the 450 million US dollars mark in one fell swoop, and the global box office combined as high as More than $815 million.

Although the film is still being released in some overseas countries and regions, it is basically a small market with a limited population size. Warner Bros. predicts that the global box office of "I Am Legend" will be around 820 million US dollars.

It was a hugely commercially successful work by any measure, and the one-man nature of it proved to the world the box-office power Matthew had.

Warner Bros. has already contacted Helen Herman to negotiate with Christopher Nolan's new film actor. Although he has not yet received a more detailed script, Matthew still asked Helen to talk to Warner Bros. first. It has basically been determined that this project is the "Inception" that I have seen.

There is no news from Paramount Pictures and Stephen Sommers, and the new script has not yet been completed. According to Helen Herman, Hasbro has some concerns about overturning the script and writing the new script. There are some different views.

How this project will develop in the future is hard to say.

Beginning in mid-April, the "Fast and Furious 4" crew left the Disney studios and turned to the streets of Los Angeles.

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