Best Movie Star

Chapter 654: big time

(Thirteen is a New Year's greeting to everyone! Great luck in the New Year! Make a fortune in the New Year!)

Just as the pre-sale shows, "Iron Man" got off to a good start for the summer of 2008. It won $35.6 million at the box office from 4,105 theaters in North America on its first day of release. The box office forecast has risen from the original conservative $80 million to $100 million.

As a result, Marvel Studios' top superhero action film did not disappoint, with a box office of $110 million in its opening weekend, leaving the relatively sluggish spring season this year behind.

It can be said that this year's summer season in North America ushered in an explosive start.

As an investor, Matthew likes to see the current situation the most.

Whether Iron Man appeared in the movie or appeared in the market, he was arrogant enough, romantic and smart, with excellent IQ.

Women, it's like clothes you've worn in the morning, but you can never remember your name; the government's Outstanding Contribution Award? It is a piece of armor that can be given to passers-by with just one hand; a weapon, it is an invincible high-tech armor that can easily be done in a cave in a lifetime.

In the end, it brought a super high North American first weekend box office revenue.

After this victory, "Iron Man" jumped into the "Hollywood box office pantheon", leaving its own figure under the name of the tenth largest opening box office in North American history, and Paramount Pictures also welcomed the surprise. The best opening ever in its action movie release history.

However, the most satisfied with this achievement is Marvel Comics.

Marvel Comics needs such a victory to boost morale and show their strength. They have always hoped to expand their territory in the film industry, especially after the reorganization, they are eagerly looking forward to having more movies that they have produced and invested in. control.

The brilliant "Spider-Man" is produced and distributed by Sony Columbia, "X-Men" and "Fantastic Four" are produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox, and the relationship with Marvel itself is not very close.

"Explosive start! This is the most wonderful thing a restructured Marvel can hope for," Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige said on a phone call to Matthew. "As it turns out, Marvel's Our brand is loved by audiences, and they know that Marvel is the summer season, the action movies that families love to watch.”

When a movie feels entertaining and finally fulfills that expectation, the audience will bring their kids to watch it, and everyone will watch it.

"Robert Downey Jr. is the kind of excellent actor that everyone recognizes. His acting genius, once combined with Marvel's comic characters, the box office will be what it is today." When Matthew was interviewed by reporters, he was naturally full of praise , "Donnie is not the inflated superhero that has been stereotyped in the past, he makes everyone feel close."

The box office success of "Iron Man" in the first week also made Robert Downey Jr. completely turn over.

Robert Downey Jr.'s last film was last year's gambling film "The Lucky Player," which grossed just $2.7 million in its opening weekend, with a total North American box office of less than $6 million.

An era belonging to Robert Downey Jr. also kicked off.

Matthew also determined that his $40 million investment is about to be harvested.

Of course, he will not be satisfied with this. Like everyone, he wants more, so he got the next project list of the Avengers plan from Marvel Studios.

Marvel Studios moved very fast. After the box office of "Iron Man" was released on the first day, it made a decisive decision and decided on the next few films. "Ant-Man" and "Dr. Adventure" were temporarily put on hold by Marvel, and in "The Incredible Hulk" After that, Marvel Studios first filmed and produced "Iron Man 2" to consolidate the market recognition just obtained and establish a greater advantage.

Then, shoot Thor and Captain America, and intersperse characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye, and if all goes well, the Avengers will debut after Captain America.

According to the agreement with Marvel Comics, Matthew can choose to invest in these films, but after reading the project book provided by Marvel Pictures, he excluded "Thor".

He remembered very clearly that the Avengers was formed with Iron Man and Captain America as the core. The film production companies were all very practical guys, and the decisions they made were bound to be affected by the film's revenue. He didn't know that Marvel Super League What is the specific box office of each hero movie, and it is undoubtedly the safest way to invest in the movies of the two core characters.

So, in the first phase of the Marvel Universe, Matthew would drop Thor and invest in Iron Man 2, Captain America, and The Avengers.

This aspect of the matter will soon be discussed by Helen Herman with Marvel.

Marvel Pictures has put "Iron Man 2" on the agenda, but it still faces the dilemma of insufficient funds. Although "Iron Man" is a big hit, it takes time to collect money at the box office, and the more important peripheral income also takes time. to accumulate.

For the sake of the future, Marvel Studios has almost frantically invested publicity funds to continue to build momentum for "Iron Man".

"The birth of "Iron Man" has subverted our common understanding of comic book heroes. Before Tony Stark, there was no mainstream comic book hero with such a high-profile personality. Including Superman's Clark-Kent, Batman's Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man's Peter Parker, etc., have two identities of 'heroes' and 'ordinary people', and do everything possible to hide them."

"But Tony Stark is the exact opposite. As an ordinary person, he is a genius, a rich man, a darling of the spotlight, and he is not shy about his identity as 'Iron Man'. '' is a high-profile declaration of the blatant birth of a superhero."

"Iron Man's setting is very in line with certain characteristics and needs of our era. Cool, rich, and revealing, for a considerable part of the younger generation of fans, such an image is undoubtedly better than those careful and sneaky superheroes. is attractive."

"At the same time, we can also see that there is another level of effort in Iron Man. Compared with Superman's extraordinary talent, Spider-Man's special abilities, and Batman's technology team, the rise of Iron Man is more from Tony. -Stark's genius and diligence. From birth to step-by-step revision and improvement of 'Steel Armor', it is entirely from Tony's personal hand."

"The release of this 'Iron Man' is not just an alternative superhero, but also brings a new situation to Robert Downey Jr. and Marvel Comics."

"In a sense, Tony Stark is also a shadow of Robert Downey Jr. Downey became famous very early, but he took drugs, carried guns, went to prison, all kinds of bad deeds and spent a lot of his good time, fortunately He met Matthew Horner, was recommended by him to the Iron Man crew, and took advantage of Tony Stark's opportunity to return to people's field of vision with a new positive image."

"Iron Man is not only Downey's redemption, but also a milestone for Marvel. Those who have watched the film can easily find that Marvel has a series of plans. The successful business of "Iron Man" means that Marvel Comics has begun. With the new situation, it is foreseeable that from now until a long time in the future, the big screen will usher in a great era of Marvel superheroes."

Burbank, in the Warner Building office, Warner Bros. Films President Kevin Tesuhara read the relevant reports in the newspaper, put down the newspaper in his hand, and his face was quite serious.

"Charles..." He looked at Charles Rowan sitting across from the desk, "Are you sure that Marvel will bring the Avengers to the big screen."

"One hundred percent sure," Charles Rowan replied.

Kevin Tesuhara stood up, walked around the office twice, and asked, "Where's our Justice League?"

Charles Rowan said immediately, "It's still in the planning, DC is one step behind Marvel."

"It doesn't matter if you are behind." Kevin Tesuhara raised his finger and shook it. "The important thing is to catch up and surpass Marvel again."

DC superhero movies have always been ahead of Marvel superhero movies by more than one position.

Charles Rowan reminded, "'Iron Man' has achieved success. Judging from the current momentum, the final box office in North America must be more than 300 million US dollars."

Kevin Tesuhara nodded and continued, "I'm afraid it's more than $300 million."

"Now the audience is very much looking forward to the appearance of other Marvel superheroes." Charles Rowan said a fact, "Especially those who have read related comics, want to see superheroes gather as a team to fight. "

He reminded again, "Kevin, we must speed up! Otherwise, we will be pulled farther and farther by Marvel."

"I know." Kevin Tesuhara is still walking around. "The company's board of directors focused on this aspect yesterday, agreeing to our proposed Justice League plan, and will allocate sufficient funds for production and filming."

Charles Rowan patted his palm lightly, "That's great!" He also stood up, "Now we are only one step behind Marvel, as long as we speed up, it will not be a problem to catch up. And the reputation of the Justice League Louder, the justice triumvirate of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman has far more influence than second-tier heroes like Iron Man."

Kevin Tesuhara said solemnly, "The first "Green Lantern Corps" is the key, only if the first step is successful, the subsequent plan can continue." He looked at Charles Rowan, "The review committee has released, start Funding will come soon. Charles, you have to take control of the helm of Green Lantern Corps, the success or failure of this project is very important to us."

"I understand." Charles Rowan suddenly laughed, "So, I'm going to invite Matthew Horner to play the leading role."

Hearing this name, Kevin Tesuhara felt a sense of peace of mind, but he still wondered, "Didn't he reject Marvel and don't like to be a comic book hero?"

Charles Rowan explained, "That's because Marvel's salary is too low. We prepared a big contract for him..."

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