Best Movie Star

Chapter 664: Gao Shuai Fu Jia heartthrob

After the end of the Independence Day holiday, the popularity of "Superman Hancock" began to decline significantly. On the first working day on Monday, the single-day box office fell below 10 million US dollars and closed at 9.8 million US dollars. It improved on Tuesday. It took $10.2 million and fell below $10 million again on Wednesday, with only $8.9 million in.

According to a survey by Cinema, the film's live audience rating is only B+, and it is believed that the North American box office will eventually land at about 300 million US dollars.

Most of the mainstream media's views on the box office of "Superman Hancock" are surprisingly unanimous.

"This is the box office appeal of a big star! Matthew Horner alone supports "Superman Hancock"!"

-- "Los Angeles Times"

"'Robot Wall-E' has been significantly impacted, and the drop at the box office is still beyond expectations. The quality of the film 'Superman Hancock' is really average, but Matthew Horner's commercial appeal is too strong!"

--"New York Times"

"Matthew Horner should be asking Warner Bros. and the Hancock crew for a raise because he won almost all of the box office."

--The New York Post

"Matthew Horner is definitely an actor that any film company and director likes. The box office can exceed 100 million with this name alone, and it doesn't matter what the film is made of!"

- "Vanity Fair"

"Hancock for All" is entering its second weekend, and the real contender this weekend is "Mamma Mia," starring Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep.

This is also the last weekend that Warner Bros. will promote "Superman Hancock", because starting next week, the main publicity force of Warner Bros. will be transferred to "The Dark Knight" directed by Christopher Nolan. .

The film "The Dark Knight" is recognized as the number one hit of the summer. Warner Bros. and the crew have done a lot on Heath Ledger. The shock of the star's death and the influence of the huge publicity machine have directly led to countless Fans of Heath Ledger began to hold large-scale mourning before "The Dark Knight" was released.

A star actor, while alive, is a powerful propaganda weapon for Hollywood films, and after death, it is an even more favorable propaganda weapon.

Matthew can probably guess the power of The Dark Knight, which will be released next weekend, so he is also taking the time to shout for the film.

This week, he was basically not idle, and appeared in front of the public and the media with an extremely high-profile attitude.

There was a huge party at Horner Manor on Monday night, with Matthew hosting a dinner at the home for friends including Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender, and Executives from Warner Bros., Universal Pictures and Walt Disney.

On Tuesday, he was at a Los Angeles medical center specializing in childhood leukemia, donating $1.5 million on behalf of the Matthew Horner Foundation for Women and Children to the medical center and dozens of children treated at the center .

On Wednesday, Matthew participated in the Women's Rights March in Los Angeles with some Hollywood stars, and gave a speech at the conference after the march, calling on the whole society to effectively improve the status of women, protect women's legal rights and so on.

On Wednesday night, the Matthew Horner Refugee Foundation announced through its official Twitter that it would raise more than $3 million in donations and supplies for refugees in Africa. That night drew a lot of attention and received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations.

On Thursday, he was set to attend a live-streamed interview.

The organizer of the interview event is TMZ, which is also the first time TMZ has tried to hold such an event. The direct person in charge is Elena Boyar.

As a friend and collaborator for many years, Matthew was invited to do this interview after receiving an invitation from Irina Boyar.

Of course, the interview should not be too gossip.

In the lounge next to the online interview room, Elena Boyar swayed her tall body, walked around beside Matthew, and said, "That's about it."

Just now the two were exchanging the general content of the interview, Matthew pointed to his forehead, "It's all written down."

There's no one else here, just the two of them, and Irina Boyar spoke without scruples, walking around and saying, "Helen's packaging for you is just perfect."

"Perfect? ​​Of course not, I don't need perfection." After Matthew finished speaking, he raised his hand and nodded at her, "Eileen, can you stop? The shaking makes me dizzy."

Irina Boyar pulled up a chair and sat across from Matthew, saying, "I followed your itinerary for the last week, children and women, and black people, all taken care of."

Matthew has no shame, "I am committed to the rights of children and women, and to run for democracy, freedom and equality."

"Forget it." Irina Boyar rolled her eyes and vomited on purpose, "The two of us, what do we need to say?"

Matthew shrugged, but refused to deny it.

Elena Boyar revealed, "If you're not the number one spokesperson for Mercedes-Benz, are you still planning to get an environmental fighter?"

"I don't want to steal Leonardo DiCaprio's limelight," Matthew babbled.

Everyone in the Hollywood circle knows that Leonardo DiCaprio is the number one environmental fighter in Hollywood.

Now these titles and packaging are enough, too many will become trouble, after all, people's energy is limited.

"The live broadcast is about to start." Irina Boyar took the lead to go to the online interview room.

Matthew also followed, and after entering the interview room, he temporarily stood in the waiting area at the door, waiting to appear.

When the time came, with the director's order, the online interview officially began.

However, Matthew didn't play immediately, and the hostess named Julie Wooster, who was hired by TMZ, would lead him to the stage with a string of words.

This time around, TMZ has some accolades in store for Matthew.

"Time magazine rated Matthew Horner's acting career as dazzling and gentle; Forbes magazine called him 'the last true movie star'; after many years in the industry, no matter how hard the screen is, the horse off the screen Xiu Que is always in a stance of having fun with the people. Facing the support of fans from the mountains and tsunamis, this national idol has always been personable and courteous. ."

Julie Worster was talking about the camera used for the webcast. Matthew only felt that the person she was talking about was a little strange. Is this him?

"In 2007, Newsweek named Matthew the 'Most Powerful Actor in Hollywood', and he himself joked that he wanted to be President of the United States within 10 years and become 'the most powerful man in the world' - albeit a mouthful It's like running a train, but we don't think it's impossible..."

Speaking of which, Julie Wooster pointed to Matthew's side and raised her voice, "He is tall and handsome, humorous and lovely, with a high standard, handsome, rich and popular. When he was young and vigorous, he had aspired to be the 'world's most handsome man'. Fantastic movie star' - we think he did."

"Please... Matthew Horner!"

Accompanying Julie Wooster's words, Matthew strode into the field, shook hands before Julie Wooster, smiled and waved to the camera, and then sat for a while. on a sofa chair.

The layout of the interview room is very simple. In addition to the background board of TMZ, there are two sofa chairs and a small glass table in the middle.

Julie Worster sat on the sofa across from Matthew.

"Matthew, thank you for accepting our interview," she said with a smile.

"I am honored." Matthew said politely, "I also thank TMZ for providing me with this opportunity."

Julie Wooster asked according to the plan, "We all know that you have many big movie plans on hand. After this "Superman Hancock", do you still have any movies to be released?"

""The National Superman Hancock" was actually completed last year." Matthew first emphasized the film that was being released, and then emphasized the two future films, "After this film, I will The movie starring him is "Fast and Furious 4", which will be released in the summer of next year. However, this year's Thanksgiving period, a movie that I invested in will be released, based on Stephen Meyer's best-selling novel "Twilight Saga" What role did you have in this film?" Julie Wooster was very cooperative.

Matthew tells the truth, "One of the producers."

Julie Wooster immediately asked, "Matthew, I'm just curious, you've worked as an actor and a producer, how did you communicate with the director on set? Would it be like giving Michael -It feels like Jordan got a coach?"

"I think the most important thing in making a movie is to have a good team." Matthew didn't know anything about basketball, so he avoided the analogy and said, "To make a successful movie, it involves There are thousands of staff. So when it comes to communicating with the director, I am only responsible for presenting the most perfect version of myself, and I can do whatever the director and script require.”

"Your film has become popular culture all over the world." Julie-Wurster boasted first, then asked, "How does the film cross cultural boundaries and resonate with audiences from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Woolen cloth?"

Matthew put on a particularly literate look, and said solemnly, "I think this is what I have been trying to seek in movies. I have been looking for an idea, very simple and basic, derived from human beings. The most primitive emotion. I hope to use this concept to break down the barriers between races, nations, and continents. I think this is the same no matter where in the world, it is a fundamental human need.”

"Hancock is a big hit at the box office right now," Julie Wooster asked again, "We know that movies are a risky business, but from your resume, it's definitely beyond the norm. Movies are box office bombs. What's your secret?"

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