Best Movie Star

Chapter 676: boring speculation

In the office floor of the Disney headquarters building, which belongs to Disney Pictures, Matthew walked through the corridor and entered a huge conference room, with Sean Daniel and Sofia Coppola who were sitting beside the long conference table. Greeted one after another, then came to the other end of the conference table, pulled out the chair and sat next to David Ellison.

"I heard you're in some trouble?" David Ellison asked with concern.

The news had already spread, and Matthew had no need to deny it and said, "Yeah, someone threatened me."

David Ellison is also an investor in "Fast and Furious 4", of course he knows what the crew encountered on the US-Mexico border, and said, "Is it the drug dealer in Tijuana?"

Matthew is also not sure, "It's very likely."

"Do you want me to help?" David Ellison whispered. "A few small drug dealers..."

Matthew smiled, "I won't be polite to you if you need it."

He looked up across the conference table, where Sofia Coppola and Sean Daniel and the PR producer were quietly discussing, while he and David Ellison had a lot of time to spare.

David Ellison suddenly asked, "It is said that Walt Disney intends to acquire the entire Marvel Comics?"

"They have already started to act." Matthew thought for a while, then simply said, "I have a little share of Marvel in my hand, and the people from Disney have also contacted me. At present, the people from Helen are negotiating with Disney."

Two business negotiators under the Angels Agency started negotiations with Disney after Robert Iger approached him.

At present, it is basically the same. Walt Disney will use the stock price of Marvel Comics at the end of this year to buy 4% of the Marvel shares in his hands.

Marvel Comics' stock price has been steadily rising, and it doesn't seem like such a price acquisition is a good deal for him.

But Matthew nodded because he was negotiating another benefit.

Once the acquisition of Marvel Comics is successful, in addition to acknowledging the investment agreement between Matthew and Marvel Comics, Walt Disney will also provide Matthew with investment options for six future Marvel superheroes.

In other words, Matthew can choose six more Marvel superhero movies to invest on the original basis.

This kind of future-oriented income will undoubtedly benefit him even more.

Of course, he also understands why Walt Disney is willing to do this. Not all the funds for the production of films by major Hollywood studios come from the studios themselves, and foreign investment also accounts for a considerable proportion.

It doesn't hurt for Disney to absorb the investment of the Thirteenth Film Studio.

"Disney is really big." David Ellison said with emotion, "Robert Iger is very ambitious."

Matthew nodded, "It is estimated that Robert Iger wants to build Disney into the No. 1 entertainment media group in the United States and even the world during his tenure."

The door of the conference room opened, and Bill Felton, the head of distribution for Disney Pictures and Buffalo Pictures, walked in. He first greeted Matthew and others politely, and then started this time about "Twilight." City" publicity and distribution meeting.

The six major Hollywood companies are very mature in the usual publicity methods. Bill Felton first asked people to distribute the plan to everyone participating in the meeting, and then briefly talked about some traditional publicity methods.

There is nothing new about the soft propaganda and hard propaganda.

"I want to emphasize one point first." Bill Felton changed the subject at this time, "'Twilight' is not a mass movie! Promotion must be targeted!"

Matthew nodded lightly, fully agreeing with this statement, "Twilight" is a pure teenage romance movie, and it is estimated that few adults like it.

Bill Felton emphasized, "The key to movie marketing is to dig out the core information of the movie, and then transmit this information to the core audience accurately and effectively, rather than simply inform the movie's information. Therefore, the two dimensions of content and channels are the problem. All need to be resolved in order to improve the efficiency of marketing.”

"When you make a movie now, everyone wants a miracle to happen," Bill Felton added. "A miracle means that your core audience is the general public, which means that it is out of focus. The formulation of a film marketing strategy , in fact, is the search for the core audience: if a movie can't be seen first by the people who like it, it can't generate word of mouth."

If you want to find the core audience, you need to clearly focus on the temperament and expression of the movie, and create a public opinion environment suitable for the movie in the information channels that the core audience contacts. Bill Felton believes that this is an important step in movie marketing.

Matthew didn't say anything, and kept listening. Bill Felton is a well-known youth group marketing expert in the Hollywood industry, and has always been researching and formulating strategies for promoting teen movies for Disney Pictures.

There is no doubt that he is very compatible with the "Twilight" film.

Today, there are many investors like David Ellison who have entered Hollywood to invest, and many people have entered the industry with the halo of movies. Their understanding of the movie market and the product itself is still superficial. The "art" of marketing action rarely ponders the "dao" behind it, and after all, a movie is a complex product that combines various elements such as business, art, culture, and society.

Many people think that it is enough to have vitality and ideas in film marketing. In fact, what is more important is to study and think about film works and the market with awe, and to truly implement and implement creative marketing plans down-to-earth. In the end, it is professionalism. .

Precisely refining the core expression of the film is the top priority, and doing this well requires daily accumulation of market awareness and a lot of thinking and communication.

Therefore, Matthew will never be the person who formulates the marketing promotion plan by himself. At most, it is just an idea, but to turn the idea into a practical plan, it is precisely Bill Felton who needs it. professional.

Of course, some small and medium-sized distribution companies in Hollywood today also outsource publicity and marketing.

Bill - Felton's words continued, "'Twilight' is a typical youth idol love movie, we first want to impress the teenage audience. Therefore, in addition to the inherent traditional means of publicity, we will Resources are appropriately tilted towards online social media.” . .

"Since the rise of social media in 2000, traditional TV, print media, and portals are no longer the center of traffic, and the media has become more vertical and fragmented, which also means that the audience's attention is becoming more and more difficult to attract."

"In the era of social media, everyone is a traffic portal. In the face of such changes, how to complete the integration of media channels according to user preferences is the focus of our attention, that is, precision marketing..."

Subsequently, Bill Felton detailed a large number of promotional and marketing methods for teenagers, in addition to social media, there are cooperation with other brands.

For example, in cooperation with McDonald's, which accounts for the majority of teenage consumers, it can make money through the sale of jointly promoted products, and the audience can also be exposed to movie information, killing two birds with one stone.

This is also looking for new value-added services outside the movie box office.

The movie is so charming, it shouldn't just make some box office money.

The meeting didn't last long, and it was over in less than an hour. At the end of the meeting, Bill Felton also emphasized that the release of "Twilight" in North America and overseas was sponsored by Disney Pictures and Boogie, respectively. Wei Pictures is responsible.

Matthew has no problem with this. He has cooperated with Disney many times and knows that this is the usual release routine of Walt Disney since the new century.

Previously, Disney Pictures was basically only responsible for production and rarely participated in distribution, but Disney's strategy has also changed in recent years.

As we all know, there is a law in the United States that the three rights of Hollywood film production, distribution and screening must be separated.

Take Walt Disney, for example, it has studios, production companies like Disney Pictures and Touchstone, and a well-known Buffalo Pictures, which is dedicated to distribution.

Buffalo Pictures can distribute Disney's films as well as other companies' films. Legally and financially, it is independent from Disney's studio.

In fact, Disney Pictures has been losing but the profits of Bowei Pictures are very high.

As for the separation from "screening", that's even more important.

There is an antitrust law in the United States, and MGM was the first to impose a fine that year.

At that time, MGM had its own theater chain, studio and distribution company, producing, distributing, and showing. A series of candied fruit was pulled down, and the problem was big: MGM's theaters only broadcast MGM films, and they ran out of money. The way to crowd out other theaters, in the end, everyone can't make money, only it is the only one.

Therefore, the US court forced "separation of production and broadcasting" and asked MGM to split into three.

Today, the Anti-Monopoly Act has clear regulations on the release and screening of productions. The production and distribution party and the screening party cannot have the same board members, cross-shareholding, etc., so as to prevent a company from becoming a group of monsters that are too powerful to control. .

Publicity is the top priority of commercial films. In Hollywood, it is very particular about when to post official trailers, when to accept media interviews, and when to open viral websites.

Similarly, public relations with the media is also very particular about when to use it and how to use it. Gossip media, T or something.

Disney's promotion of "Twilight" is systematic and planned.

Then there is the fact that Bowei Pictures is negotiating with companies on the other side of the Pacific about the film, striving to enter the increasingly popular market.

Once, many people said that the market across the Pacific changed Hollywood, but Matthew's observations over the past few years are completely boring speculation.

Hollywood will adapt to the market there, but in essence, it still treats emerging markets such as the other side of the Pacific and Asan as cash machines, and will not easily change the inherent rules of the game.