Best Movie Star

Chapter 715: Alternative statement

The inspirational Taylor Swift is terrible. In only half an hour, he completed the song and lyrics of a song. This speed is so exaggerated that Matthew can't believe it is true, although Taylor Swift has He is positioned as a country queen and a singer-songwriter, but he heard Helen Herman mention that most singer-songwriters sell dog meat with sheep's heads.

It seems that this Taylor Swift is really good at creation.

But no matter how good she is, in the afternoon, the roles of the two have also changed. Matthew has changed from a student to a teacher. He taught her some knowledge about human movement in detail, and explored in depth how mammals reproduce. proposition.

That night, a unique post-study practice broke out in the music practice room.

What kind of woman is Taylor Swift, Matthew has heard a lot of rumors in the past two years, and as for himself, he has been walking on the road of dreams.

Since everyone is not a good man and a woman, and it was almost clear in the afternoon, there is no need to hide it.

Frankly speaking, Matthew is a different teacher than when Taylor Swift taught him in the morning, Taylor Swift can't teach anything, and Matthew doesn't have much to teach because Taylor Swift herself Just a veteran.

Although Taylor Swift, who can almost be classified as a post-90s generation, has just turned 19 years old, he is obviously experienced and quite powerful.

What surprised Matthew the most was that at the most intense stage of the battle, Taylor Swift suddenly withdrew temporarily, saying that it was inspiration, and locked himself in a house to write a song.

Matthew also found out that the female singer was using this special way to inspire inspiration, and then he saw the lyrics written by Taylor Swift, and I don't know why, there is always a kind of Taylor Swift is a woman The protagonist, and he is the feeling of the male protagonist.

He doesn't care about that, there are so many tidbits about him on the market, and adding one more is nothing.

However, using him to inspire songwriting, of course, comes at a price.

As a result, Taylor Swift barely slept through the night and was in a trance by the next morning.

After resting all morning, she got better and recovered a little, so she called Matthew into the living room and started an alternative confession.

"Matthew, you must have seen it too." Taylor Swift is young, but very smart, otherwise she would not have stood out from so many girls with star dreams, she knew that she could lie to those little stars, For a smart person like Matthew, it's better to tell the truth. "Emotions and matters of men and women can inspire me the most. I need constant stimulation to write excellent songs..."

"I see." Matthew nodded.

Taylor-Swift added, "There has never been anyone like you who has given me so much inspiration. From yesterday to now, my spirit has been high and my desire to create has never been stronger."

She looked at Matthew, and said, "When I reach a bottleneck in my creation, I need this kind of stimulation the most." She suddenly reached out and grabbed Matthew, "So, you are my muse, how about being a boyfriend? "

Matthew was stunned for a moment, this girl is really direct.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Taylor Swift said again, "I'm serious, will you be my boyfriend?"

"This..." Matthew tossed her to the death last night, so he couldn't refuse directly, and said, "Taylor, it's too sudden, let me think about it, okay?"

Although it is not the first time someone has confessed to him, but in this way of creative inspiration and muse, he has never met.

"Everything last night proved that we were a good fit." Taylor Swift squeezed Matthew's hand. "We are a natural couple."

Hearing her mention last night, Matthew frowned, but still said, "Taylor, we haven't known each other for a short time, and we don't know each other. Didn't you say it yesterday? It's too fast."

Taylor Swift said, "It's okay, you're not chasing me, then I'll be chasing you."

Because of the in-depth communication just now, Matthew's words were very polite, but the repeated refusal had no effect, so he was about to refuse directly. Just as he was about to speak, the phone suddenly rang.

He took it out and glanced at it. It was a call from Armani, and he quickly connected. Armani's ready-to-wear customization department told him that the Oscar dress had been prepared for him, so he could choose and try it on.

Matthew put away his phone and said to Taylor Swift, "I have something urgent and I have to go."

Taylor Swift thought about it and said, "Then I'll date you another day."

She also did not expect that the effect of this inspiration generator would be so good. Since it is easy to use, of course, it must be grasped in her hand.

Matthew didn't answer, just waved and walked out of the house, and Taylor Swift took him all the way to the door of the residence.

When driving away, Matthew noticed that the paparazzi were about to run wild. It is estimated that many people have been here since yesterday, waiting for him to come out.

He drove out of Malibu, still thinking about what just happened in his head, this Taylor Swift confessed in this way, the brain circuit is really strange.

Suddenly, Matthew had a thought, was she expressing sincerity? It seems really sincere to say the motives of liking someone directly.

Obviously there are many men who like a woman just because of her looks, but they all say they like her inner meaning.

There are also some women who clearly look at the money of men, but they always like the talent of men. …

In this regard, Taylor Swift appears to be sincere.

A country music diva, with a pretty good appearance, according to most people's standards, is definitely a good choice for a girlfriend.

The problem is that he's not one of that majority.

Matthew doesn't mind being the leading actor in a Taylor Swift song. After all, it makes people in a trance and has to pay for something. A 19-year-old beautiful young girl can't play with you all night for nothing, right?

But to use it as a girlfriend, even if Taylor Swift is sincere, he doesn't think it's appropriate.

He doesn't care much about being as experienced as Taylor Swift. Which 18- or 19-year-old girl here isn't like that?

As for Taylor Swift's use of him as an inspiration, that's not the point.

Frankly speaking, Taylor Swift fits his aesthetic very well, otherwise he would not have agreed to take Taylor Swift class.

The real problem is that he once had a popular singer girlfriend, and he knows one more thing, a popular singer is several times more busy than a popular movie star, either recording and promoting records, or non-stop between planes, hotels and performance venues. Spin around.

Thinking of this, Matthew suddenly shook his head. In fact, this was just finding an upright reason for himself to reject Taylor Swift.

After all, he just rolled the carpet with someone last night, and he needs an excuse that he can live with psychologically.

Coming to Armani's store on Rodell Street, Matthew went directly to the haute couture area on the second floor. A costume designer and two assistants were already waiting there. They were specially prepared for Matthew to attend the Oscars this time. Five dresses to choose from.

Except for a white dress, the rest were all dark, and just one glance, Matthew eliminated the white.

For men who don't know what to wear on the red carpet, you can never go wrong with black and relatively conservative styles.

The same principle applies to women.

Matthew chose a dark grey suit with matching leather shoes and accessories.

Afterwards, he went to the No. 13 studio in Century City. Although strictly speaking, it was still a leather bag company, the studio also had more than 20 employees, and the current direct person in charge was Bella Anderson.

The studio deals not only with film investments, but also a range of Matthew-related matters.

"Another biography of you has appeared on the market."

In the office, Bella Anderson handed a book to Matthew, "This is the sixth book."

Matthew glanced at it. There was no photo of him on the cover of this book, but it looked very much like a figure of him. This was also to avoid infringement.

"Don't worry about him." Matthew threw it aside.

Similar to this kind of unauthorized celebrity biographies, there will always be many in the North American book As long as the content is moderate, it cannot be regarded as infringement in the legal sense.

Not only him, there are probably too many unauthorised biographies of people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett to count.

In fact, there is no need to read it, Matthew also knows that this so-called biography must be full of all kinds of gossip.

No way, who let him soak in a large number of women, and they are also well-known.

Those absurd things he has done over the years, Matthew has not covered up much, and it is not a secret in the circle of insiders and entertainment reporters. attracted quite a few people to watch.

Like his relationship with Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba and Rachel McAdams, etc., these women have talked about them in interviews, and they are basically open secrets.

Of course, these actresses raved about his abilities in that regard.

When a person is famous, all kinds of people and things will always try to get involved.

Matthew's mentality is very good, as long as these people are not too much, he will turn a blind eye, which is bound to bring about the celebrity effect.

If he really wants to go to court and settle accounts, he doesn't have to do anything else, he has to get entangled in these bad things every day.

Now that he has done it, he doesn't care what other people say. It's not like some people. When he does it, he has to keep other people's mouths shut, let alone discuss it, even a little mention.

There are no major events here at Studio 13 for the time being. "Twilight: New Moon" and "The Hunger Games" are both going well. Matthew can rest assured to be an Oscar presenter and support "Fast and Furious 4" by the way. Raise the flag.

(I remember reading an interview with Taylor, where she said that when inspiration strikes, she can write a song in half an hour.)