Best Movie Star

Chapter 727: its stuck

In the script setting, there is a chase scene where Daum Cobb is looking for the pretender Eames, which takes place in Mombasa, Kenya. Although Kenya is a country with better security in Africa, it is adjacent to Somalia, and there are certain insecurity factors. , and the shooting conditions were not very good, so Christopher Nolan chose to shoot in Morocco.

Morocco is also Hollywood's largest filming base in Africa. Matthew came here before to film "Black Hawk Down" and "Scorpion King". Hollywood movies such as "Star Wars" and "The Mummy" series, etc., are located in the location. There are Moroccan names.

"is it okay?"

On the streets of the small town of Ouarzazate, Christopher Nolan looked at the narrow gap formed by two walls on the opposite side and asked, "Matthew, can you squeeze in?"

Matthew was on the other side of the gap, checked it carefully, and said, "I'll try it."

The width of this gap can probably accommodate an ordinary person to squeeze through, but he is strong and has developed chest muscles. It is hard to say whether he can squeeze through.

Matthew stretched out his hand to measure the width of his body and the wall, and got into it sideways. Since it was very narrow, he could only move forward little by little.

The gap in the wall narrowed as it went to the opposite side. He held his breath and compressed his chest as much as possible, but he was still a little stuck, but fortunately he could move forward.

"Hey, Matthew." Michael Fassbender's voice came from where he came. "You're stuck!"

Matthew looked back at him and said in a muffled voice, "I have practiced bone shrinking."

Michael Fassbender scratched his head, not understanding what he was talking about.

Finally, Matthew squeezed past the narrowest point and succeeded in reaching the opposite side of the wall.

"Alright?" Christopher Nolan asked.

Matthew gently rubbed his chest muscles and said, "It's not a big problem."

I squeezed all the way, and I felt that my chest muscles were about to burst, and I could still hold on to one shot if I was unhappy.

Christopher Nolan then shouted, "All the filming departments do pre-shoot preparations, the costumes and styling come over to do Matthew's makeup."

Because of the hot weather in Morocco, Matthew had just been wearing a very thin cropped T-shirt, not Daum Cobb's thick suit and leather suit.

The make-up trailer was a block away, and he didn't bother to run back, just here he took off his T-shirt, revealing his sturdy upper body, and asked the costumer to help him change his clothes.

The bright sun hangs overhead, scattered with bright rays of light, and the khaki-colored neighborhood brings a hot visual color. It takes less than 30 seconds to put on a suit, and Matthew feels that the shirt below is soaked with sweat. .

By the time he finished the modeling, the previously empty road was already full of extras, and a large number of Africans appeared on the street, and people came and went quite lively.

The small town of Ouarzazate is located on the edge of the Sahara Desert. It is a place where Berbers have lived for generations. Since Hollywood directors discovered this feng shui treasure, the scenery of this area has frequently appeared in the films of major Hollywood directors.

The locals set up a movie city where the directors were filming, which is where the crew is now, called Atlas Studios. The ever-expanding studio covers an area of ​​more than 150 hectares. Many movies are not only here. Take the exterior scene, and also take the interior scene here.

There are studios and crews gathered for filming, and there are also a large number of extras who make a living by playing background roles.

Compared to extras in Los Angeles, extras in the small town of Ouarzazate are incredibly cheap.

As if they were acting as passers-by today, countless people came to apply for three dollars a day.

When Matthew was filming "Black Hawk Down" and "The Scorpion King" before, he was just an actor and paid little attention to these situations. After he started working as a producer, he really paid attention to the details of the film's preparation-shooting-production.

When filming in Morocco, although the crew had to pay a lot of transportation costs, compared to shooting in North America, the venue rental is cheaper, the extras and handyman fees are extremely low, and there are tax rebates from the Moroccan government, etc. Conditions, in general, shooting desert scenes here is really cost-effective.

If the "Fast and the Furious" series wants to shoot similar scenes in a large area in the future, shooting in Morocco can save a lot of money.

Moreover, with the small town of Ouarzazate as the center, Morocco has also formed a complete set of supporting facilities similar to Hengdian.

Some people even called it "Mollywood".

"Matthew..." Christopher Nolan walked into the street, waved to Matthew, and said, "Let's walk again."

Hearing his greeting, Matthew walked over immediately, and together with Christopher Nolan, walked along the street to a restaurant-style two-story earth building.

For the next chase scene, Christopher Nolan asked for a long shot.

For such a scene that crosses the entire street, shooting with a long lens is undoubtedly a test, not only for the actors, but also for the photographer.

DP Vale Pfister and several assistants also came.

When the crew arrived, Christopher Nolan first pointed to the open second floor of the hotel and said, "Matthew, you jumped off when filming started."

Matthew was already prepared, looked at the height of the second floor, tried the elasticity of the cushion hidden under the broken mat, and nodded lightly.

Such a height, even without a cushion as a cushion, is not too difficult for him.

A group of people walked along the street, from the extras scattered on the street, Christopher Nolan said to Matthew as they walked, "You will encounter a lot of attacks from people who start to want to capture you alive, and then find out You are very difficult to deal with, shoot you with a gun, you have to run away and knock down those who stop you."

He walked past a car, waited for Matthew to follow, and said, "This car is the demarcation point, you jump over the car, and those people start using firearms."

Matthew followed Christopher Nolan and remembered the key points while listening to him. The long action shots were difficult to shoot and perform. Because Christopher Nolan pursued live shooting effects, this scene was not carefully rehearsed. , but I simply ran twice with the actor who played the killer yesterday.

Finally, Matthew followed Christopher Nolan to the edge of the wall, Christopher Nolan added, "You escaped from here and met Saito."

He pointed to the opposite side again, "I'll wait for you over there."

Matthew smiled, "I like action scenes the most."

Christopher Nolan nodded, exchanged a few words with the director of photography Valet Pfister, and turned around to another street.

"Start shooting in ten minutes!" Christopher Nolan's voice rang from the loudspeaker, "Attention all departments, start shooting in ten minutes!"

Ma Jiu was about to return to the starting point of the shooting when Michael Fassbender suddenly flashed out.

He pointed to the narrow wall crack and said, "Be careful, don't get stuck. If you get stuck, don't worry, I will find a professional demolition company to rescue you."

Matthew punched him in the arm and said, "I'll stuff you inside if you talk more sarcastically."

Michael Fassbender smiled like a shark, "I'm thinner than you, and I can easily get out of the stuff."

The two chatted and laughed for a while. Matthew walked along the street to the small two-story earth building, went straight to the second floor, sat at a dilapidated table, and waited patiently.

Soon, a staff member came over to remind him that filming was about to begin.

With the sound of hitting the board below, the shooting officially began.

Matthew turned his head and glanced vigilantly at the dense number of extras on the second floor. Without hesitation, he stepped onto the simple wooden guardrail, jumped directly, and landed on the cushion covered by the mat.

Probably because the cushion was relatively soft, he tilted his body a bit, stretched out his hand to support the ground, looked up at the second floor, a white man was looking down, and immediately got up and ran along the street without any hesitation.

Behind him, the white man also jumped down.

Matthew ran out a few steps, and a man in a suit rushed out from the side. He stretched out his hand to hug him. As he ran, he stepped aside. The man in the suit bumped into an extra, and then smashed into a roadside stall together. , causing a Behind, more people chased after him, and a man in a suit appeared again in front of the side. Matthew didn't have time to entangle with him. His feet kicked him to the ground, passed between the two pedestrians, and continued to flee.

Above his head, the cameras hanging under two pre-set slings also moved with him, recording every scene.

Matthew is agile. Although there were several accidents in the middle, and he bumped into the extras twice, he adjusted his weight in time and did not delay for a second.

Those who caught up were basically knocked down by him with three punches and two feet.

This is also a new setting added by Christopher Nolan for the role after confirming him as the actor of Dom Cobb.

A real-life fighter.

To deal with so many people at one time, Daum Cobb is not an opponent, but it is not a problem to face one or two people when escaping.

Another person chased after him. Matthew used the strength of his approach and pushed him out to the side and forward with both hands. The man rushed directly into a fruit-selling stall, and even tore off the tent.

Matthew didn't stop, and got past a car.

"Shoot!" An actor's voice came from behind, "Kill him!"


The sound of gunshots sounded instantly. Just before the gunshots, the horse changed its running route, from straight running to zigzag running. On the surrounding walls, the soft gunpowder pre-installed by the crew burst one after another, blowing up clouds of smoke. , as if hit by a bullet.

Matthew successfully ran to the crack in the wall, saw a block not far ahead, glanced at the crack in the wall, and got in without hesitation.

Just as he squeezed sideways through the middle, he suddenly couldn't move, and seemed to be stuck.

Matthew immediately discovered that the suit jacket prepared by the crew was too thick and the friction was too strong...