Best Movie Star

Chapter 731: without delay

The sun turned to the west, and in the courtyard of a children's welfare home, many black orphans sat on the ground, happily sharing some small gifts brought by the delegation, as if they had obtained the greatest happiness in the world, each with a satisfied smile.

There is no better shot background painting than this.

Matthew is sitting on a chair not far in front of him, with the black orphans on the lawn as the background, and is being interviewed by media reporters.

Not only him, but just a few dozen meters away, Emma Watson is doing similar work.

Speaking of which, it is the Princess of Wales who really uses black children as the background and promotes her personal image to the extreme. After all, these are also one of the foundations for her to win the title of "Princess of the People".

Compared with the Princess of Wales, Matthew feels that he should be more at ease. In addition to the publicity that can bring about publicity, the money spent by his two foundations is more than ten times more than that of each other.

Sitting here, occasionally looking back at the dark-skinned black children and answering questions from reporters, Matthew suddenly thought he was a real philanthropist.

Lao Wang and Xiao Li were also among the reporters who interviewed Matthew. The two of them were very good in English. When they heard what the big Hollywood star said, they couldn't help raising their hands to ask questions.

Matthew had already seen the two reporters with black hair and black eyes, and he could roughly guess where they came from from their appearance.

Seeing the two raised their hands, he gestured to the UNHCR official next to him, and the UNHCR official immediately named him and asked Pharaoh to ask questions.

"Mr. Matthew Horner, hello." Pharaoh belongs to a traditional and old-fashioned social and current affairs reporter, and his questions are straight-forward. "What do you think is the root cause of the African refugee problem? How should it be solved?"

Such a problem? Matthew frowned. It seems that it would be more appropriate to ask the UN Secretary-General or Gutierrez?

However, he did not shy away from all the questions asked. After thinking about it, he replied, "Africa's regional wars and natural disasters are frequent, religious conflicts and political struggles destroy national unity, causing national division and humanitarian disasters."

Similar questions still stumped him.

The other party's question was correct, and he answered the same standard, "Most African countries have long been troubled by the refugee problem. The international community should help Africa prevent conflicts, resolve disputes peacefully, and support its poverty reduction and development."

Of course, after these formatted answers, Matthew did not forget to paint gold on his face, "In the past year, my two foundations have increased emergency humanitarian assistance, but they are facing a serious shortage of funds and personnel."

Hearing this series of answers in standard format, Lao Wang didn't know why, but this old ghost with a high nose and deep eyes actually gave him the feeling of watching a seven o'clock news program.

Before Pharaoh could understand, Matthew said righteously, "We must strengthen solidarity, share responsibilities, and jointly deal with refugee issues and humanitarian crises. Africa has suffered the most serious humanitarian crisis for a long time, and is also facing poverty, Ebola epidemic, AIDS, debt, climate change and other problems. If the international community does not pay attention to the African refugee problem, it will cause a bigger humanitarian crisis.”

Pharaoh's feeling of watching the seven o'clock news is even stronger.

"How do you think it should be solved?" Old Wang couldn't help but ask.

Matthew pondered and said, "I have four propositions! One is to increase investment in the refugee problem in Africa, and all parties should fulfill their aid commitments in a timely and full amount. The second is to strengthen coordination and improve the effectiveness of refugee relief operations. The third is to insist on The principle of objectivity, neutrality and humanity is to avoid the politicization of the refugee issue. Fourth, we must adhere to the peaceful settlement of disputes, attach importance to conflict prevention, and eliminate the root causes of refugees.”

After hearing this, Old Wang was stunned again. Could it be that this old ghost watched the seven o'clock news for a few days before he came over? What kind of Hollywood star? Hurry up and change your nationality, and go to the seven o'clock news stall to be an announcer!

The reporter on the opposite side asked a very high-level question, and Matthew's answer was equally high-level, with a feeling of building a high-rise building.

As for whether the questions and answers are false, it is not within his scope of consideration, because he will have some practical actions to announce next, not just talk and do nothing.

The next question to stand up is Xiao Li, who belongs to a new generation of journalists who are more pragmatic than Lao Wang's rigid thinking and old-fashioned style.

He asked, "Mr Horner, what do you think the refugee problem needs to be addressed most right now?"

Without thinking, Matthew replied, "Women and children, especially children."

This answer was a bit beyond Pharaoh's expectations. He thought that Matthew would give a news-like answer at seven o'clock again.

The other party asked very pragmatically, and of course Matthew wouldn't give a high-level answer.

"Take Kenya where we are now, where more than half of the refugees are women and children, and children account for one-third of the total."

His tone was quite serious, "The problems faced by refugee children are very serious. They lack resources such as food and water, and most of them suffer from symptoms such as malnutrition or contracting malaria. My two foundations invested tens of millions of dollars in the first two years. It's used to help children, but only a small percentage of them, and just to keep them alive."

Hearing what Matthew said, the reporters gradually became serious, because no matter what their starting point was, this person on the other side really helped too many people.

Such people are worthy of respect, and they deserve to be celebrated with their pens and cameras.

"Children's issues are urgent..." Matthew turned to look at the orphans playing on the lawn behind him, "their education issues are equally important!" ..

It may be that the interview is over, and Emma Watson came over at this time, standing opposite Matthew, behind the group of reporters.

Matthew glanced at Emma Watson and continued, "The education of refugee children has far-reaching consequences, and now more than 95 percent of children in the Dadaab refugee camp have no access to education."

He spread his hands and said in a very heavy tone, "Everyone, what does this mean?"

Emma Watson looked at Matthew, and gradually revealed a thinking look. As a top student, she has realized that this situation is too terrifying.

Matthew said very seriously, "In the future, this group of people, and even their country, will still be on the verge of danger!"

Everyone present was silent for a moment, even someone like Lao Wang who looked down on film and television stars kept nodding because the person on the other side made too much sense.

There are various problems in education in this world, but illiterate people who have not received formal education have a very low possibility of changing their fate.

They are bound to continue to struggle with poverty and hunger like their parents did, and if the majority of children in a country are like this, the future of that country can be imagined.

In an instant, the figure of Matthew in their eyes grew taller.

This man has obviously done a lot of work for charity.

Emma Watson looked at Matthew, and the corners of her habitually provoked mouth slowly lowered. Compared to Matthew, she was really too tender.

She still has a long way to go when it comes to charity and women and children. Fortunately, she has a good role model like Matthew by her side.

Speaking of which, her entire team is not as good as Matthew. She came to Africa for the show this time, and she was too poorly prepared.

Another reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Matthew Horner, what you said is really urgent. Do you have any practical measures?"

Hearing the pre-set question, Matthew glanced at the reporter, who was the one Helen Herman had found.

He had already prepared the answer to this question, and immediately said slowly, "My two charitable foundations are raising funds and formulating targeted programs. At present, they have established close cooperative relations with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Women's and Children's Fund. We plan to set up schools in refugee camps from next month, so that children can receive the most basic cultural education."

Everyone is listening carefully, because what Matthew said is not a fake Dakong.

"Limited to various conditions, only primary education at the primary level can be provided in a short period of time." Matthew said the truth. These reporters have visited the refugee camp. If he said that he was engaged in some vigorous activities, no one would foolishly believe it. , "I also hope that you can convey it through your media platform. We need a lot of volunteers and caring people to help these children."

The scene suddenly fell silent, and only Matthew's words drifted around.

Matthew's voice is not high, but it is very A person's power is limited. To solve these problems completely, we need more people to participate. "

Emma Watson silently looked at Matthew, who was more than ten meters away, and shook her head. She had communicated with Matthew before entering the refugee camp, so she did not believe that Matthew did not know the actual situation. These problems were simply Can't solve it.

Although she is young, she knows very well that it is too difficult to change the human nature of some people.

In the final analysis, Matthew is just using the African refugee problem to build momentum for himself, but the method is very clever. Even if others understand that he has other plans, they can't say anything.

Opportunities are rare these days, and all present are journalists from major global media and news agencies. The influence of the news they spread far exceeds the limitations of entertainment news.

Matthew talked so much, and gradually turned the topic to the most urgent projects that need to be promoted, "In order to raise more funds, before I came here, I came with my friends and partners, that is, the director of Sky Dance Pictures. Mr. Ellison agreed."

Because of what was said before, all the reporters were gathering to hear God, and they believed that Matthew would definitely come out with a lot of money.

Matthew raised his voice a little and said, "The Fast and the Furious 4, which I co-invested with Mr. David Ellison, will be released in the middle of next month, and we will use all the profits from this film to improve the children of Africa. educational conditions."

All the profits sound shocking, but there is so much room for action.

Matthew and David Ellison aren't fools either, and certainly don't trade at a loss.

Tears burst into applause at the scene, including Lao Wang and Xiao Li, all the reporters applauded.

Even Emma Watson applauded.

Because compared to her little cleverness, what Matthew did was really clever.