Best Movie Star

Chapter 736: Blocked

In the quiet hotel corridor, three uniformed waiters slowly approached a luxurious suite. Among them, a white man with glasses and a short black man quickly took out a miniature DV camera from a sanitary bag and turned it on to the room in front.

Another waiter looked at the house number and said, "This is it."

The bespectacled white man urged, "Morrison, open the door and let's go in."

"If you can take a picture of Matthew Horner and Emma Watson's intimacy..." The black man said in a muffled voice, "We sent it!"

"We... are we really going to do this?" The waiter named Morrison became suspicious again when he came to the door, "I will definitely be expelled from the hotel."

The white man with glasses bewitched, "As long as we can capture the best news, it's not a problem for each of us to get 50,000 pounds. What do you need this rotten job for?"

Money moves people's hearts, and Morrison asks again, "Really?"

The black paparazzi replied, "Have you seen the news of Matthew Horner's overnight stay with Emma Watson disclosed by The Sun today? We took the photo and we got a £10,000 bonus."

While speaking, he also winked at the white man with glasses.

The white man with eyes understood and said, "Are you going to give up the fifty thousand pounds in front of you?"

The black paparazzi exchanged glances with the bespectacled white man, without further urging, just waiting for Morrison to make his own decision.

Morrison gritted his teeth and made up his mind. Usually, he could get fifty to one hundred pounds for providing clues to The Sun. The Sun has always been generous to valuable news.

"This is the key card I stole from the floor suite butler." Morrison took out a black card from his pocket, "Matthew Horner rarely calls for butler service, and this key card is rarely used by people. used."

He stepped forward, came to the door of the room, and reminded before swiping his card, "Alright, we will share the money among the three of us! Don't lie to me!"

The white man with glasses said, "With your cleverness, can we fool you?"

"That's true." Morrison swiped the card, reached out and twisted the door, took out his phone, glanced at the text message he just received, and said, "Matthew Horner and Emma Watson finished their dinner. Now, on the way back, hurry up!"

The white man with glasses gestured to the black paparazzi, and the two quickly entered the room.

Morrison didn't go in, he closed the door gently, entered the end of the corridor, pushed out the sanitary van, took out the tools, and pretended to clean up the corridor.

Not long after, there was a soft "ding" from the elevator, and Matthew and Emma Watson turned out of the elevator.

Because of his guilty conscience, Morrison lowered his head and did not dare to look at the two. He could only hear them talking and laughing, which seemed not to be ordinary intimacy.

"A pair of dogs and men!"

Morrison murmured.

"How long can you stay in London?" Emma Watson asked Matthew as she walked. "I just saw that you are very interested in football. I will take you to the stadium to watch it when I have time."

Just had dinner at the restaurant and they chatted about the Premier League.

Matthew shook his head, "It will probably be more than a week. Director Nolan moved all the scenes in Paris to London." He thought for a while, "Next, I have a promotional announcement for "Fast and Furious 4" to run. , I guess I don't have time to watch the game."

Emma Watson said regretfully, "I still want to take you to see Manchester United against Tottenham this weekend. Let's talk about it when you have time."

Passing by a cleaning waiter, Matthew glanced at the man curiously, and came to the door to find the room card and prepare to open the door.

"What's wrong?" Emma Watson asked, noticing the look that flashed across Matthew's face.

Matthew swiped his card to open the door and said in a low voice, "I've lived here for a while, and I've never seen a waiter clean the hallway at night."

Emma Watson didn't take it to heart. "Someone may have soiled the hallway."

Before entering the door, Matthew turned back to look at the waiter, who happened to be looking at him as well. When the two eyes met, the waiter quickly lowered his head and turned to the side.

"Come in." Emma Watson urged, leaning over and almost bit his ear, "How long do you want me to wait?"

Matthew didn't know why, but the waiter gave him the feeling that he was hiding from him with a guilty conscience.

But Emma Watson urged, he didn't think much, turned around and pulled Emma Watson into the room, closed the door with his backhand, and kissed Emma Watson.

Within ten seconds of kissing Emma Watson, Matthew suddenly let go. Emma Watson bit her lip and said dissatisfiedly, "What's wrong?"

Matthew leaned forward, his mouth came to Emma Watson's ear, as if biting her ear, but he actually said in a very low voice, "There is something wrong with the situation."

From entering the door and kissing Emma Watson until now, he felt as if someone was filming them. This is a subconscious feeling produced by living under the camera all the year round. Whenever a camera lens is aimed at himself, it will produce This unspeakable strange feeling.

Not only him, many actors have it. To be precise, this is an occupational disease.

Many excellent actors don't even have to look or can't watch when they are shooting dynamic shots on the set. They know where the shots are by feeling.

Perhaps it is because of the more developed motor and tactile nerves. He is more sensitive than the average person in this regard.

Of course, this is just a subconscious feeling, and Matthew can't be 100% sure.

Matthew looked as if he was still making out with Emma Watson, but he was actually alert, and suddenly he remembered the dodging waiter in the corridor...

This is the birthplace of paparazzi, the most rampant place for paparazzi in the world. I vaguely remember that the paparazzi in the UK even dared to take pictures and eavesdrop on people at the level of the royal family and the minister of state.

And not necessarily paparazzi, there may be dangerous elements.

He was a very cautious person, and without thinking about it, he reached into his pocket with one hand and pressed the micro-alarm.

"Don't move," Matthew whispered in Emma Watson's ear. "Someone may have slipped into the room."

While speaking, he blocked Emma Watson with his body to prevent her from overreacting.

In case there are dangerous elements, too much action is not good.

Fortunately, although Emma Watson is young and has a lot of knowledge, she still maintains calm, stretches out her hands and hangs it around Matthew's neck, and continues to put on a sweet and affectionate look.

This is the luxury suite of the Hilton Hotel. There are many rooms in it. Among them, there is a crack in the study room facing the main entrance.

The two paparazzi from The Sun who had entered before were standing behind the study door.

The white man with glasses shone, this time really developed.

The black paparazzi next to him also waved their fists excitedly, and kept muttering in their hearts, why didn't the pair of dogs and girls enter the main show?

The two were not worried about being discovered. The study was a very safe place. Under normal circumstances, a couple of men and women would not come to a place like the study. Even if they came to the study, they could hide in a large, empty bookcase.

Before coming in, Morrison told them a lot of specific situations.

The white and black paparazzi wearing glasses looked at each other, and both saw stacks of bills in each other's eyes, and then as long as there was a shot of Matthew Horner and Emma Watson in action, " How much will The Sun pay them?

wrong! Go to his "Sun", and then it will be up for sale, to whomever gives more money.

Wedding photos of Hollywood A-list couples or their children can sell for millions of dollars.

The images of two of Hollywood's hottest stars, Matthew Horner and Emma Watson rolling the carpet are not worth millions of pounds they wouldn't even consider.

This is really going to be developed.

Even £50,000 for Morrison in the hallway is nothing.

As the veteran paparazzi of The Sun, bespectacled white and black paparazzi certainly know the value of such news.

The excited hands of the two of them were shaking, and they were greeted not only by money, but also by fame.

They'll be super-celebrities among entertainment journalists!

Thinking of this, the white and black paparazzi wearing glasses tried their best to stabilize the miniature camera in their hands, and the lens was firmly aimed at the door of the The two were still hugging each other, and there was no substantive movement.

Suddenly, the two separated, white and black paparazzi with glasses wide-eyed at the same time, ready to watch a good show.

It's a rare opportunity to watch this kind of drama of a star live!

Matthew Horner in particular, even if they were British journalists, had heard of his reputation as one step to the stomach.

As soon as Matthew separated from Emma Watson, he opened the door with the fastest movement, and pulled Emma Watson to dodge out.

Brown Williams and the rest of the bodyguards arrived.

"Someone may have entered my room." He said quickly, "Let's have a look."

"You go," Brown-Williams said to the others.

He didn't move, but stayed beside Matthew with another person. As a bodyguard, the safety of the employer was the most important thing.

All of these fell into Morrison's eyes, he didn't even think about it, he pulled up the sanitation cart and hurried away.

White and black paparazzi wearing glasses saw Matthew and Emma Watson leave, still wondering, why did these two suddenly go out? Do you want to have a super battle in the hallway? It is said that the hobbies of celebrities and supermodels are very special...

Before they could think about whether to follow them or not, the door of the room suddenly opened, and four burly men in black suits broke in. Everyone's suits were bulging, and it seemed that something hard was hiding.

They had met these four people and knew that they were Matthew's bodyguards, and immediately realized that it was not good.

"Flee!" the black paparazzi reminded in a low voice, rushing towards the window.

The white man wearing glasses did not move. This is the thirty-third floor. There is only one door in the room. Although there are many windows, I really want to jump straight down...

The black paparazzi ran to the window and was stunned, and he didn't dare to jump even if he had ten courage.

The two were trapped in the study.