Best Movie Star

Chapter 749: 100,000 urgent

After following Matthew for a long time, those reporters and paparazzi had a tacit understanding for a long time. They saw that the Mercedes-Benz commercial car that Matthew was riding came to the small parking lot in front of the Angel Agency, and they also parked nearby one by one. Some of them were with the Angel Agency. Closely connected media reporters, such as the two paparazzi from TMZ and the Disney-owned entertainment reporter, and the OB van of ABC's Entertainment Channel, have gone straight to the edge of the small parking lot.

These vehicles are marked by their respective media, and Angels' security personnel will not drive them away.

The small parking lot is owned by Angel Brokerage. Of course, not all journalists and paparazzi can get such good treatment. Most of the vehicles following the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles arrived a little earlier, and the cars parked on the side of the road behind the Mercedes-Benz. The people in the car quickly got down, took out the cameras and video cameras in their hands, and pointed them at the Mercedes-Benz. Just like the past week or so, they were ready to start routine shooting.

Those who came a little later and looked at the cars parked on the side of the road had no choice but to keep walking, drive past the place where the Angel Agency is located, find a place to park in front of the car, and also get out of the car to shoot.

Just when the cameras and camera lenses in the hands of most of the reporter paparazzi were just aimed at the Mercedes-Benz commercial car, an old Dodge muscle car whizzed past like a beast, rushed into the small parking lot, and moved towards the Mercedes-Benz commercial car. The Mercedes-Benz commercial car that Matthew was riding in was hit.

"Oh, God!"

A female reporter exclaimed involuntarily.

The reporters and paparazzi scattered on the left and right sides of the Angel Agency all widened their eyes in surprise. Everyone knew very well that at the speed of the Dodge muscle car, someone must be injured.

Could the injured man be Matthew Horner?

Is this a deliberate murder? The reporters who flashed this thought quickly turned into excitement, Matthew Horner who cares about them! What they want is news, blockbuster news that sells for big bucks!

Isn't this kind of news happening?

Out of professional instinct, the reporter paparazzi, whether excited or surprised, all pointed their cameras and camera lenses over there, and shot the next picture accurately.

Hearing the reminder from the bodyguard John, and seeing the Dodge muscle car that hit, Matthew didn't even think about it, and rushed out of the door at the fastest speed.

Just as he rolled and fell to the ground, before he could get up, he heard a violent crashing sound behind him.


The first is the tingling sound that makes the scalp tingle.


Then there's the gnawing metal twist.


Finally, there is the sound of glass shattering to the ground.

Matthew turned his head to see that the Dodge muscle car and the Mercedes-Benz commercial car seemed to be close lovers.

However, the Mercedes-Benz sedan looks miserable, the part behind the front hood, but not much damage, not even the glass is broken.

That old-fashioned Dodge muscle car had a lot of horsepower. Although it was an active impact, it looked terrible. Most of the windows were shattered, and only the front windshield became a spider web, and even the body seemed to be deformed.

He only glanced at the two cars, not even a second. Matthew's eyes swept across the driver's seat of the two cars. The airbags of the Mercedes-Benz commercial car had been deployed, and several white "big balloons" pushed him away. surrounded by bodyguards and drivers.

He could see that the driver was still moving.

This is not one of those poorly equipped cars in actual sales, but a vehicle specially configured by Mercedes-Benz for his spokesperson, with outstanding safety performance, and the driver is definitely not life-threatening.

"It's fine."

Matthew just flashed this thought in his head, and he was about to rush towards the gate of the Angel Agency.

He glanced to the other side, and through the Dodge's cobweb-like front windshield, he could only see behind a popping airbag, as if someone had passed out.

From the time he jumped out of the car to the present, it was only a matter of looking back, realizing the existence of danger, and preparing to dodge people quickly. The response was already very fast.

Although he has practiced a lot of military skills and has undergone a lot of military training, it is all about filming needs, not survival needs, and this is the first time he has experienced such an event.

Just glanced at it and reacted, instead of being stunned for more than ten seconds, Matthew's psychological quality and nerve tenacity can be said to be very powerful.

However, as soon as he took his first step, the gunshot rang out.


Matthew is a good shooter and goes to Niebola's shooting club every month as long as time permits.

You can tell from the sound of gunfire alone, it's the sound of an M9 pistol.


He moved faster than he was murmuring, and he lay down on the ground while holding his head in his hands. Even the most powerful person in the world couldn't resist bullets.

While lying down, Matthew also looked towards the place where the gunshots sounded, but found that the car behind him blocked his vision, and he couldn't see where the gunman was at all.

The Mercedes-Benz commercial car was very tall, and he rolled out of the car before he got up, completely covering him, so the gunman was obviously not shooting at him.

Before the gunshots fell, a muffled groan sounded, and just a few meters away from Matthew, John fell to the ground.

The bodyguard obviously wanted to rush over to protect him, but was shot with a black gun.

Matthew glanced at John, his left shoulder was already bloody.

"Go!" John yelled at him. "Go! I'll cover you!"

This is not a movie. A person's non-lethal part will still be alive after being shot. John can't move half of his body, but he endured the severe pain.

Matthew understood his intentions. The gunman was not far from the other side of the Mercedes-Benz. John wanted to use the sound of gunfire to stop the other party from coming over and buy him time to escape into the Angel Agency.

The first duty of a bodyguard is, of course, to protect.

Matthew didn't hesitate, although he couldn't figure out who launched the attack, but the target couldn't be the bodyguard.

The real target of the attack would only be him.

But just as Matthew was about to move, the gunshot rang out again.

boom! boom! boom……

Instead of a pistol this time, it's a rifle! And it's a burst!

The bullets all hit the open space between the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle and the Angel Brokerage Company. The bullets collided with the concrete road, causing bursts of gunpowder smoke.

The other party obviously guessed what he would do.

Matthew hurriedly lay on the ground without daring to move. There were two cars lined up here as a cover, and ran to the brokerage company, which was basically a living target for others.

He didn't dare to bet that the opponent's marksmanship was worse than Niebola's.

Rifle shots kept ringing, and bullets landed quickly close to him and John, and occasionally ricochet flew nearby.

The ricochet was irregular, and it became very dangerous here. Matthew did not say a word, dragged John and hid behind the Mercedes-Benz, and then bullets hit the Mercedes-Benz. The heavy Mercedes-Benz was passively powered by huge bullets. Driven to shake.

In this situation, if you run to the Angel Agency again, you are asking for a dead end.

In order to prevent the opponent from approaching, John took the risk to find an opportunity to fight back. Matthew also raised his head slightly and saw the situation on the other side through the window glass of the Mercedes-Benz.

A bald man with an apparently modified AK-series rifle was standing behind a Ford sedan and was shooting in this direction.

On the other side of the car, the M9 in the hands of a Latino man was also aimed at the Mercedes-Benz.

The two had some scruples about John's counterattack, and temporarily relied on the Ford to open fire here.

Matthew turned to look at the Angel Agency again. The shadows of the security guards could be seen at the door. It is estimated that someone had already called the police. The police could arrive in five or six minutes at most, as long as they survived this time...

At this time, he saw Helen Herman, the female agent seemed to want to come out of the company door, but was held back by several employees.

The distance between the two was only a few dozen meters, and Matthew could even see the anxious expression on Helen Herman's face.

Less than a minute has passed since the incident, and the gate of the Angel Agency has turned into a battlefield where bullets are flying, and the people around are terrified.

However, there are also many people who are excited about it.

Because I have been filming for a while, I got out of the car and prepared to shoot Matthew. More than 95% of the reporters and paparazzi used their cameras and camera lenses to record everything from the crash to the shootout. screen.

Some daring people also used the cover of trees and the like, and quickly approached there, hoping to take a better picture.

Two Los Angeles-based reporters from The Sun, along with some other reporters, quietly came to the rear of the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle dozens of meters away, hid outside the guardrail of the parking lot in front of the Angel Brokerage Company. They set up the camera and almost screamed when the camera caught Matthew Horner hiding behind the car.

On the opposite side, dozens of meters away from the rear of the Dodge muscle car, two paparazzi found that the ABC TV reporters were using the other side of the guardrail and concrete piers as to set up a camera to shoot.

"Bonn, you said that we filmed the video of Matthew Horner being beaten to death, how much can we sell it?" The older one of the paparazzi asked his companion next to him in a low voice, "A hundred thousand dollars is no problem, right?"

The paparazzi named Bonn snorted coldly and said, "At least I can help my two friends breathe out!"

He is an Englishman, and what happened in London, I heard some people say, the two were removed from the newspaper, and the people who are about to face prison are all his friends.

Bonn suddenly had an idea, "Even if Matthew Horner doesn't die, we can use these videos to make him famous. Doesn't he like to be a hero? Doesn't he claim to be proficient in fighting and shooting? Doesn't he like to be a hero outside of movies? ? When people see him attacked and can only huddle with his head like he is now, who will buy the account of his heroic role?"

The older paparazzi immediately understood the meaning of these words, "His personality is definitely going to collapse!"

With so many media reporters on the scene, there must be many people who want to see Matthew Horner unlucky.

Blood dripped from John's shoulders, staining the ground red. The bodyguard, who was born in the military, was almost unconscious, and he was still sticking to his duty, grabbing the gap between the gunfire of the other party and firing back. Only in this way can he stop that. The people on the side quickly approached, waiting for police support.

About a minute and a half had passed since the incident, and there was a lot of urgency here, but Matthew hadn't heard the siren yet.

Suddenly, the corners of his eyes showed a cobweb-like glass, and he saw the airbag on the other side of the Dodge muscle car slammed down, revealing the figure of a strong Latin man with blood all over his face. light.

But the strong man still had the ability to move. He shook his head, touched the weapon with one hand, and opened the door with the other.