Best Movie Star

Chapter 795: determination and ability

With the news that the sequel of "Special Forces" may change the director and actor appeared in the media, the fans have not been in an uproar, and some people can't sit still.

This morning, Paramount Pictures had just gone to work. Representatives from four Wall Street investment institutions, Merrill Lynch, Allianz Venture Capital, Marathon Financial Capital and Nova Financial Investment, walked into the Paramount headquarters together, looking bad. I found the managers of Paramount Pictures and Hasbro who were in charge of the "Special Forces" project.

"Andre, I heard you guys are replacing Matthew Horner and director Stephen Sommers in the 'Special Forces' sequel?"

These four investment institutions are vaguely headed by Bruno of Merrill Lynch. This person directly asked, "We came here today to ask Paramount Pictures and Hasbro, is this true?"

Andre from Paramount Pictures exchanged glances with Wells, the representative of Hasbro, and immediately said, "We just intend to change the director, Stephen Sommers is paid more in the sequel, and we are going out. In consideration of cost control, I want to change to a director with a lower salary."

Hasbro's Wells said, "The new director is highly recommended by Woody Allen, and ability is not a problem."

"Where's the male lead? What about Matthew Horner?" Bruno asked directly. "Can you guarantee that the director will be changed and that Matthew Horner will still be in the sequel?"

They made a large investment in "Special Forces: The Rise of the Cobra" and will maintain the same proportion in the sequel.

Therefore, Bruno said unceremoniously, "Helen Herman, Matthew Horner's agent, has negotiated with you once? It is said that if Stephen Sommers is replaced, Matthew Horner will also withdraw from the project. ?"

Andre said quickly, "We are talking to Matthew Horner and Helen Herman, and the specific results are still to be negotiated."

"You can rest assured." Hasbro's representative Wells also said, "We only talked with Helen Herman once, and this kind of negotiation will definitely last for a long time."

The people from the four investment institutions exchanged glances, and it was Bruno who said, "In this case, we only make one point." He suddenly increased his tone, "Matthew Horner is the guarantee for the greatest benefit of film investment, we ask Matthew Horner - Horner must be in the 'Special Forces' sequel or Merrill Lynch will reconsider its investment in the 'Special Forces' sequel!"

Andre and Wells were a little helpless, and before they could speak, people from the other three investment structures also expressed their opinions.

"Allianz Venture Capital will also consider it carefully!"

"Marathon structured financial funds will also be carefully considered!"

"New Star Financial Investment will also be carefully considered!"

As soon as the representatives of the four companies finished speaking, Bruno and Wells broke out in cold sweat.

If they withdraw their capital, Paramount Pictures will have to look for new foreign capital. Now that the financial crisis has not passed, they don't have to think about how difficult it is to raise funds.

"You two, please convey our opinion to your company's board of directors!" Bruno emphasized again, "I hope Paramount and Hasbro will consider our opinion carefully."

Bruno said quickly, "It will definitely be."

The two sent away the representatives of the four investment institutions and returned to the reception room. Wells couldn't help shaking his head and said, "It's difficult to change directors."

Bruno shrugged helplessly, "Who would have thought that Matthew Horner would be completely on Stephen Sommers' side?"

The two of them knew very well that Paramount Pictures would have to compromise with Matthew Horner and Stephen Sommers if they didn't want to change the male lead and refinance.

In the face of Matthew Horner's box office and commercial guarantees, Paramount Pictures sometimes bows its head.

It is estimated that as long as the board of directors is not in a daze, they will give up the new director, right?

The time is approaching late July, "Special Forces: The Rise of the Cobra" is coming to North America's third screening weekend, Matthew made a special call to Emma Watson, Emma Watson will be in "Harry". Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came to Los Angeles the day before the premiere, and would call and contact him after he came.

Matthew is looking forward to discussing his life and future with the wand-wielding Hermione Granger.

In addition, he kept in touch with Rachel Weisz and learned more about Natalie Portman and "Black Swan".

Sometimes, I have to admire the determination and ability of this woman Natalie Portman.

Just over a month after the premiere of "Cloud Atlas", Natalie Portman took out Darren Aronofsky in a powerful manner and struck out Rachel Weisz.

This is really not something ordinary women can do.

Moreover, Natalie Portman has done far more than this in more than a month.

After she successfully combined Darren Aronofsky, she persuaded William Morris to fully support it, and even got a lot of things in the early planning.

With the assistance of William Morris, Natalie Portman and Darren Aronofsky have basically finalized the partners. The film will be jointly invested and produced by Cross Creek Productions and Fox Searchlight, and will be produced by Fox Searchlight is in charge of distribution.

There is only one goal - the 2010 awards season!

According to the latest feedback from Rachel Weisz, Natalie Portman has even confirmed the two supporting actresses. She recruited her friend Mila Kunis to play the first supporting actress, Renona Lai De starred in the second supporting actress.

It's clear that Natalie Portman and Darren Aronofsky hit it off, and it's obvious they're going to have a big fight.

Matthew understands Natalie Portman's psychology somewhat. The failure of "Cloud Atlas" frustrated Natalie Portman's idea of ​​developing the mainstream business line. The future of "Alien Battlefield" is uncertain, and she returns to her familiarity again. The independent film circle, wants to hit the Oscars.

As long as she can win the Oscar, even if "Cloud Atlas" and "Alien Battlefield" both fail at the box office, she will not be marginalized in Hollywood.

After all, the best actress in the Oscars still holds a lot of weight in the hearts of many companies and audiences.

That way, even if the business road doesn't work out, Natalie Portman has other paths to take.

I just don't know what kind of reaction Rachel Weisz will have. After the last meeting, Matthew clearly felt that Rachel Weisz had been enhanced by him for revenge, and he would definitely not stop there.

Of course, where he can help Rachel Weisz, he will also help.

If nothing else, it's the favor that Rachel Weisz helped him when he was on the set of "The Mummy Returns".

Natalie Portman's initiative to **** the project of "Black Swan" is also closely related to the box office fiasco of "Cloud Atlas".

Perhaps this is not accurate, after all, Natalie Portman also starred in this film, and also won the Oscar for best actress.

But the failure of "Cloud Atlas" must have strengthened Natalie Portman's determination to grab "Black Swan".

Just this week, after more than a month of screening, because the single-day box office sales were too low, "Cloud Atlas" was forcibly taken down by major theaters in North America, officially ending its short screening tour.

The North American box office of "Cloud Atlas" was fixed at $22.37 million.

Not to mention that the North American box office overwhelmed the production cost line, the final box office is only a fraction of the production cost.

Overseas, the performance of "Yuntu" was also dismal, because the North American box office was too poor, and there were not many overseas countries and regions that introduced "Yuntu", and there were less than 60 together.

As a result, the film's overseas box office has also been greatly restricted. At present, the overseas box office has accumulated less than 25 million US dollars, and the global box office combined is less than 50 million US dollars.

According to multiple market agencies and Disney's internal forecasts, it is difficult for "Cloud Atlas" to eventually exceed $60 million at the global box office.

In fact, since the first weekend box office release in North America, Disney has stopped investing resources for "Cloud Atlas". Knowing that a film will inevitably lose money, it has to increase investment. It is not a decision-making mistake, but a brain problem.

The lack of sufficient post-production promotion is also an important reason why the box office of "Cloud Atlas" has been declining all the way.

The film itself is not friendly to the audience, the film critics have a good reputation, but the audience's reputation is extremely poor, and there is a lack of later marketing. It is strange that the box office trend can be strong.

Matthew also heard some rumors about Plan B and Brad Pitt. It is said that several banks are blocking the door of Plan B company every day, urging Plan B and Brad Pitt to repay, Brad Pitt simply does not have enough liquidity To repay the debt with funds, we can only make an oath and promise to postpone the repayment date until after the release of "Alien Battlefield".

Obviously, Brad Pitt still has confidence in "Alien Battlefield", hoping that the film will sell well at the box office and can plug the hole caused by the failure of "Cloud Atlas".

The failure of "Cloud Atlas" also reminded many people who invested in big commercial productions, including Matthew, that too complicated and obscure films are really not suitable for commercial big production films at this stage.

Even if the professional word of mouth is against the the audience is difficult to buy it.

The quality assurance praised by the media is no longer a box office panacea in this Internet age and fast food age.

Mainstream audiences come to the cinema every day for relaxation and leisure. They want popcorn and fast food, and pursue sensory stimulation and pleasure. They are not keen on refreshing the world view, and do not intend to make the film a self-subversive challenge.

Especially for commercial sci-fi films, the high production cost of such films determines that it cannot be a tool for directors to experiment with ideas. When an ambitious director wants to fully present the worldview he imagines, he needs to invest more money.

Once the operation is not good, the funds lost will be calculated in tens of millions.

Movies with bad box office are down, and new movies naturally enter the theater. Just the day before the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", Matthew waited for a call from Emma Watson.

"Come here quickly!" Emma Watson shouted anxiously on the phone, "I have a conflict with someone!"