Best Movie Star

Chapter 801: friendship forever

When Matthew and Emma Watson appeared on the red carpet for the North American premiere of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," nearly sparking a riot of journalists, the biggest entertainment news in North America today wasn't Harry Potter In the new installment of the series, Matthew fights a fellow Mexican drug dealer in a bar in Century City in order to rescue Emma Watson, and wins again.

The first media to get news of the bar incident was TMZ, and TMZ was the first to report it. Now TMZ has become the largest gossip media in North America. With TMZ’s special report, the truth of the incident has been deflected.

With the intervention of Jelena Boyar, TMZ was the first to publish relevant news, which influenced the position of a large number of media, resulting in Justin Bieber becoming an accomplice of Mexican drug dealers on many media.

He abused Emma Watson and was described as luring Matthew out.

"I and Emma are friends, very good friends."

In the interview area at the end of the red carpet, when the reporter asked about the relationship between Matthew and Emma Watson, Matthew said without hesitation, "We have a ten-year friendship, no matter what danger Emma encounters, I will will come over."

Emma Watson went to the group photo area to take a photo with the main creative staff of the crew. Matthew told reporters how the friendship with Emma Watson lasted forever.

After a brief interview, Matthew entered the Hollywood Theater and walked towards the VIP lounge under the guidance of the staff.

Today, he got a lot of progress on last night's bar incident as he got Emma Watson's hair done.

The Los Angeles police officially issued an arrest warrant for Justin Bieber this morning, and the FBI's Los Angeles branch also issued an official order to examine whether Justin Bieber was behind Mexican drug dealers or terrorists.

These are not the key, the most important thing is the package of cocaine found in Justin Bieber's carry-on bag.

In any politically and socially stable country, being involved with drugs is a felony. When Robert Downey Jr. was convicted of drug possession, the amount of drugs was less than one-tenth of Justin Bieber's.

You can imagine how much trouble Justin Bieber is going to face.

Moreover, Matthew can put pressure on the Los Angeles police and the FBI.

In addition, Justin Bieber's company also tentatively contacted him through Helen Herman, and promoted Justin Bieber to a black singer named Usher.

If nothing else, such a person is simply not enough to see in front of Matthew.

Justin Bieber's star career came to an abrupt end last night, and there is still jail time waiting for him.

Matthew came to the door of the VIP lounge and was about to enter when someone suddenly greeted him behind.

"Hello, Mr. Horner."

It was a very unfamiliar voice, and he spoke politely, "Can I hold you for a few minutes?"

When he stopped, Matthew looked back. The person who greeted him did not know him, his face was very strange, and he was a young Chinese male.

"You're..." Matthew was sure he hadn't seen him before.

The man's black hair was neatly combed back, with a polite smile on his face, and he introduced himself, "My name is Jon Zhu, and I'm a director."

Matthew immediately understood who this was, nodded and said politely, "Hello."

Jon-Zhu saw that Matthew's attitude was easy-going, and hurriedly repeated the old words, "Mr. Horner, can I hold you for a few minutes to talk?"

People come and go here, not a place to talk.

Matthew thought for a while, then pointed to an empty place in the theater hall, and said, "Let's go over there."

He walked over first, and Jon Zhu followed.

"Let's talk about something." Matthew didn't talk nonsense, "My female companion will be here in a while, it won't take too long."

Jon-Zhu knew that the time was limited, so he quickly said, "Originally, Paramount Pictures and Hasbro wanted to use me as the director of the sequel to "Special Forces". Just yesterday, something changed, and Paramount Pictures notified me. , The sequel of "Special Forces" will continue to use the main creative lineup of the first part, I specifically inquired about it, it is said that the reason is..."

He was a little anxious, "Mr. Horner, you are against me as a director."

Matthew made no secret, "That's it. I mentioned my opinion to Paramount Pictures and Hasbro." For the sake of black hair and black eyes, he explained in two sentences, "This project has , I worked with not only Paramount Pictures and Hasbro, but also director Stephen Sommers. Stephen Sommers is my friend and partner, and it was because of his invitation that I joined to the "Special Forces" series."

Seeing that Jon Zhu was about to speak again, Matthew raised his hand to stop him and said, "Director Stephen Sommers has a tacit understanding with me and has supported me many times. He continues to serve as the director, which is the premise of my role in the sequel."

"Mr. Horner, I have also heard of your relationship with Director Sommers." Jon Zhu didn't give up. After all, directing a first-tier commercial production is too rare for a director like him who has just started. "I have a lot of ideas for a 'Special Forces' sequel, and we can sit down and talk about it in detail."

Matthew shook his head slowly but firmly, "There's no need for that."

There are countless new directors in Hollywood who have ideas, but very few people who can turn ideas into great films.

Maybe Jon Zhu is really capable, but there is no film in the past to prove that, in the face of a safe choice, he doesn't need to take this risk at all.

Having said that, using Jon Zhu, Hasbro and Paramount Pictures are the ones who save the salary, and he is not the beneficiary.

"That's it." Matthew nodded to Jon-Zhu, "Good luck."

He turned around and was about to leave, but Jon Zhu said again, "Mr. Horner! I've written a script outline for the sequel to "Special Forces", please take a look?"

While speaking, he took out a stack of printer paper from the briefcase he was carrying and handed it over.

Out of courtesy, Matthew took it and said seriously, "I'll take a look at it when I have time."

Jon Zhu wanted to say something else. Emma Watson, who was wearing a goose-yellow evening dress, came over at this moment and asked curiously, "Matthew, why are you here."

Matthew gestured to Jon Zhu, "I met a director and had a chat."

Emma Watson looked at Jon Zhu, nodded politely, took Matthew's arm, and said, "Let's go in."

"Goodbye." Matthew smiled at Jon Zhu and followed Emma Watson into the VIP lounge.

The two had dealt with the person who came forward to say hello. Emma Watson saw the stack of printing paper in Matthew's hand and asked curiously, "What is this?"

Matthew didn't hide it, and said directly, "The script outline written by the director just now."

He looked back, saw Brown Williams, waved to him, waited for Brown Williams to come over, and handed him Jon Zhu's script outline.

"To Bella Anderson tomorrow," he said casually, "in the studio's script library."

Brown-Williams nodded lightly and understood what Matthew meant. This is the kind of unwritten script that is only in the script library and waiting to fall due to the unwritten rules of etiquette in the industry.

Emma Watson knew this too, and when Brown Williams left, she asked, "You didn't even watch it?"

Matthew shook his head, "There's no need to look at it."

He has made it clear to Stephen Sommers that he will stand with him, and naturally he will not regret it.

How Jon Zhu's script outlines has nothing to do with him.

Besides, he is not the kind of person who is new to the industry. How can he judge a director based on a script alone?

The two chatted for a while, and David Heyman, who became the producer of the "Harry Potter" series, came over. Matthew and him are also old acquaintances, and they have collaborated on many films.

"Are you all right last night?" David Heyman asked concerned.

"It's okay." Matthew said with a smile, "A little trouble."

David Hyman thought for a while, "The promotion of the crew is going to make a little fuss about it."

Matthew nodded, "If Emma agrees, I have no problem."

Emma Watson raised the corners of her mouth, "David, let's discuss it with my agent first."

"Yes." David Hyman replied.

It was almost time, and the people in the VIP lounge entered the screening room one after another. Matthew was still with Emma Watson, and his role today was Emma Watson's male companion.

Before entering the screening room, Matthew remembered one thing and said regretfully, "It's a pity that you didn't choose a university in Los Angeles."

Emma Watson took his arm and said as she walked, "Brown University is also good."

Matthew was a little strange and asked, "I read the news reports that Harvard University, New York University and Columbia University have all sent you admission invitations, why don't you choose these, but choose Brown University, which is a weak Ivy League school. ?"

Hearing this Emma Watson did not answer immediately, but looked left and right, saw no one, and then leaned into Matthew's ear, her voice was extremely low, "If there is Offers from Harvard, NYU, and Columbia, would I still choose Brown?"

Matthew suddenly realized that it turned out to be all propaganda and hype. Could it be that on Xueba, part of Emma Watson is selling characters?

Of course, he won't ask this kind of question again. It doesn't matter to him whether or not selling a character set up, anyway, it won't change the fact that he has soaked in Hermione Granger.

Entering the screening room, Emma Watson's seat was in the first row. Matthew separated from her, found his seat, sat down and waited quietly, preparing to watch "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince".

He had seen this series roughly, but he had basically forgotten the plot, and only remembered that the main line was the confrontation between Harry Potter and Voldemort.

Then there is the Gryffindor Golden Triangle. In fact, the Golden Triangle only remembers Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Even now, he does not know the name of another character.