Best Movie Star

Chapter 935: direct general

The door of the bar opened, and Margot Robbie walked out first. Although her footsteps were a little sluggish, she walked steadily. Matthew followed from behind, and didn't mean to reach out to help. This woman drank a lot. There is also a tendency to get drunk, but not to the point of being unable to walk.

"How did you get here?" he asked. "Driving?"

Margot Robbie came to the side of the road with a handbag, "You asked me to drink, I didn't drive."

Matthew gestured across the road and said, "Shall I take you back?"

Margot-Robbie saw a Mercedes-Benz car turn around and drive over. Without rejecting it, she nodded and replied, "Okay, I won't be polite to you anymore."

The Mercedes-Benz car drove over and stopped in front of the two of them. Matthew opened the car door, made a gesture of please, and waited for Margot Robbie to bow his head and get in the car, then went around to the other side and got in the car.

The driver is an old man who has served Matthew for many years and is not in a hurry to drive.

Matthew closed the door and asked Margot Robbie, "Where to?"

Margot Robbie flashed vigilance with a hint of drunken eyes, and said directly, "I won't go home with you, so don't even think about it."

"Don't worry." Matthew replied lightly, "I won't take drunk people back."

Tonight, the two of them chatted a lot, and he wasn't in a hurry.

If this is a woman who can easily get started, it will not make him think about it from time to time like now.

Like Jennifer Lawrence and Amber Heard, when not in use, he almost pretends they don't exist.

The appearance of Margot Robbie holding a **** white china teacup in his hand impressed him too deeply.

Maybe he won't forget it for a long time.

"Go to Westwood." Margot Robbie said an address. "I rent an apartment there."

This address is not far from where Matthews first rented, right next to the small park he and Britney Spears used to go to.

When the Mercedes-Benz car passed by the park gate, Matthew also took a second look. Although it was not real under the dim light, the situation when entering and leaving the small park in the past seemed to be yesterday.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

Margot Robbie, who had been watching Matthew, asked, "You look weird."

Matthew also drank a lot and talked a bit too much. He said, "About ten years ago, I also lived nearby." He pointed to the small park behind, "I come here often."

"What a coincidence." Margot Robbie looked back. "As long as time permits, I'll come here for a morning run."

She tilted her head and looked at Matthew, "No, you have lived in many places, why are you so emotional about this place? You were in this mood just now, right?"

Matthew didn't answer immediately.

Margot Robbie understood. "Do you have any wine in your car? Get me a drink."

"No." Matthew thought about it and said, "My first love happened here. To be precise, I confessed here."

Margot Robbie immediately answered, "That's where you caught Britney Spears?"

Anyone who pays a little attention to the entertainment industry, who doesn't know who Matthew's first love is? Moreover, these two are now the top figures in their respective circles, Matthew is a recognized superstar in the actor circle, and Britney Spears is a super diva in the pop music world.

"It's a pity you didn't get together." Margot Robbie said quickly.

Matthew sighed and said, "I was desperate to take on the role, Britney was giving concerts all over the world, and the time and distance were terrible."

Margot Robbie nodded, "Yes, no matter how tough love is, it will fade away in the face of time and distance." She suddenly gossips, "Now? Britney is still single, you have time and conditions, you don't want to Go after Britney?"

Matthew shook his head, "The past is over after all."

Britney's fate has changed dramatically because of him, and after so many years, it is impossible for the two to be together again.

Matthew added, "As I am now, it's better not to disturb Britney."

Margot Robbie stuck her tongue out, "So, you're eyeing a bad woman like me who drinks and fights?" She continued to drink and said, "Scumbags also look down on scumbags."

Matthew also has this self-deprecating spirit, "It's recognized that a scumbag matches a scumbag girl."

"Cut!" Margot Robbie said directly, "Okay, you publicly announce tomorrow that I'm your official girlfriend, and I'll take you home."

This is a direct general, and Matthew is speechless.

The Mercedes-Benz car stopped at this time, and the driver's voice sounded, "Mr. Horner, it's here."

Matthew glanced outside the car and boat, pushed open the door to get out of the car, and just turned to the right side, Margot Robbie also got out of the car.

This is an ordinary apartment building, it is estimated that it is a few years old. Under normal circumstances, such houses in Los Angeles are specially used for rent.

"What floor do you live on?" Matthew asked. "I'll take you up?"

Margot Robbie shook her head quickly, "No, there is an elevator." She walked directly to the door of the apartment, and when she was about to get to the door, she turned back and said, "I'm afraid you won't get down if you go up."

Matthew spread his hands and said innocently, "Am I that kind of person?"

Margot Robbie waved at him, "You know that better than I do."

Seeing that Matthew also waved here, Margot Robbie pushed open the door of the apartment building and walked in.

After walking a few steps in, she suddenly stopped and turned her head to look outside. The black Mercedes-Benz car slowly drove away from the door of the apartment and quickly disappeared from sight.


Margot Robbie couldn't bear it any longer, suppressing her stomach tumbling all the way to the sea, and it seemed that a large amount of alcohol was pouring up. She mentioned high heels and rushed into the bathroom on the first floor like a fly.

While holding onto the sink and vomiting wildly, she was a little fortunate that she didn't vomit on Matthew's car, otherwise her image would be ruined.

When Matthew returns home, he finds Amanda and Helen Herman waiting for her at the same time.

"Why are you here?" He entered the living room and asked curiously, "It's so late, is there something urgent?"

Amanda was the first to answer, "It's urgent. There was news from New York that Bob Weinstein just called him and was extremely dissatisfied with Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein wanted to ask for his help."

Matthew frowned and thought, could this be the result of his encounter with Harvey Weinstein tonight?

In order not to affect the judgment of Amanda and Helen Herman, he immediately explained the matter in detail.

"It may be that the powerlessness of being marginalized in corporate decision-making stimulates Bob Weinstein," Helen Herman analyzed, "making Bob Weinstein more and more unbearable for Harvey Weinstein. Stan's dictatorship."

Amanda added, "If the conditions are right, I might be able to meet Bob Weinstein."

"It's not the time yet." Matthew had his own judgment. "Bob Weinstein hasn't reached the point where he really can't stand it."

He added, "We have to wait for Ronan Farrow too."

Helen Herman nodded in agreement, "Now is not the time to launch a general attack. Amanda, let him persuade Bob Weinstein to endure for the time being. The more Bob Weinstein endures at this time, the more rebounds will break out in the future. It's going to get more violent."

The same is true for Matthew, "Helen is right."

Harvey Weinstein thought that time could drag him down, so why didn't he trade time for more evidence.

Amanda and Helen-Hellman didn't stay much longer and left soon after learning of Matthew's decision.

"Have you persuaded Matthew?"

In the exiting car, Amanda asked Helen Herman, "He will have a fixed female partner who is fully supportive and will have a lot less trouble in the face of a possible attack from Harvey Weinstein."

Helen Herman sighed, "I said it." She was also a little helpless, "It's not the first day you met Matthew. He never likes others interfering in his private life."

Amanda asked curiously, "I remember you mentioned, isn't he very interested in that Gal Gadot?"

"What you can't get is the best." Helen Herman said indifferently, "Gal Gadot has no interest in Matthew. I talked to Gal Gadot once and I am very sure of this."

"Where's Charlize Theron?" Amanda asked again.

Helen Herman shook his head, "That's all in the past, it's useless."

Amanda gossips, "I heard that Charlize Theron has an adopted daughter who doesn't seem to be very old."

Helen Herman nodded, "There is one called Amir Miller. Matthew asked me to check it. From the information I found, that girl has nothing to do with Matthew."

"It's good that it's not an illegitimate daughter." Amanda breathed a sigh of relief, "Otherwise, if an illegitimate daughter is revealed, it will be troublesome."

She reminded again, "You should persuade Matthew more, even if it is stable for a period of time before breaking up."

Helen Herman is a bit of a I'll try again, Matthew's stubbornness is scary. "

The two shook their heads at the same time, and they didn't bother to talk about Matthew's bad things. If they really wanted to say something, it wouldn't be enough to complain all night.

But interfering in private life is always cautious, even with friends.

Helen Herman is better. As an agent, he actually has a great say in the private life of his clients, especially the relationship. Some celebrities' feelings even come directly from the planning of the agency.

However, if the star has achieved the level of Matthew, it is difficult for the agent to speak in this regard.

Therefore, Helen-Hellman is also based on reminders and suggestions.

After the Oscars ceremony, Matthew not only made various preparations for the filming of "The Martian" throughout March, but also considered a number of investment projects. The Hobbit also started filming in New Zealand.

In addition, from time to time, I also shouted hard for "The Hunger Games", which is about to be released.