Big Country Sports

Chapter 121: Fantasy footsteps

The latest website: Ruda’s dunk made all the TV viewers in Asian countries stunned. They have never seen such a difficult dunk in their lives!

The Chinese players were also taken aback and shouted to Ruda while retreating. This ball was too morale.

The Filipino audience at the scene also started to yell, just don't know if they were cursing or applauding.

Ruda didn't want to know this, but with the fanatical atmosphere on the scene, he deliberately made a "Bawangbu" action when returning to defense.

This is the iconic action of Pinnacle O'Neal. Ruda apparently stole a lot of things in virtual training.

His current shape can't be compared with O'Neill, but Asia in this era is still very strong. At the moment, he walks up and down a bit.

This novel and overbearing action has made many viewers in front of TV remember Luda's name in their minds. No one in Asia has been able to make a dunk like him. Of course, there is no such trendy celebration action.

But the most shocking thing is that he is an insider!

2 meters 03 is considered a center height in Southeast Asia, including Japan.

Such a height can actually make a difficult dunk like a defender, is he still human?

The foreign aid of the North Cement team took a contempt, but still did not feel that they would lose the game.

Matthew even turned around and wanted to return Ruda to earn a face for himself, but one of the first problems many people found was that the height was wrong?

The height of the Luda newspaper is 2.03 meters. However, this is a bare-footed height. Chinese players of this era all reported this height.

Matthew also reported 2 meters 03, but he was obviously shorter with Ruda station, and he had no advantage on the body, because he was only 225 pounds, and it was 102 kilograms when converted into kilograms.

So there was such a scene in the match between the two...

Matthew finally received the basketball from his teammates, but no matter how squeezed to the basket, Ruda was still.

Not only does Luda have an advantage in height and weight, his muscle mass has reached 50%, and his body fat rate is close to 8% of the limit of basketball players. This makes him stronger than Matthew and naturally has much higher strength.

Matthew squeezed in for a long time, but in the end it was because he couldn't bear the force of feedback. It seemed that the ball control technology was also a bit overwhelming, and he even transported the basketball to his feet.

Ruda responded quickly and immediately grabbed the ball.

Matthew's balance ability was obviously not ideal, and he immediately fell a big butt.

This made the Filipino fans at the scene sigh in unison. The American soldier has always performed well and has never been so embarrassed.

Ruda had already rushed up and picked up the basketball, and drove the ball to counterattack.

The players of Northern Cement did not respond again. They didn't expect Matthew's back to be so embarrassed, nor did he expect that he would miss the ball, nor did he expect Ruda to launch a fast break after grabbing the basketball.

Decades later, there was no shortage of inside players who started the fast break after breaking the ball.

But in Asia in the early 1980s, there were very few people who did this.

However, Ruda's dribble is very solid, and the counterattack speed is amazingly fast!

The players of Northern Cement reacted slowly, and all of them could be understood by him behind him.

But even Chinese players who are good at speed can't keep up with it, which is too weird and amazing!

"Wait, why doesn't he slow down?"

"What is he going to do?"

"Could it be?"


The audience and the players on both sides saw Ruda killing at the frontcourt at full speed, and there was no sign of slowing down until the three-point line. They all opened their eyes wide because they thought of a possibility that this guy would not want to come again. Slam dunk four times?

For a time, everyone's breathing was rapid.

In any basketball game of the era, the most powerful epinephrine will always be a slam dunk.

They also guessed right, Ruda just wanted to deduct one more!

His vertical bounce has reached 75cm, and the run-up bounce is approaching 95cm. Of course, such a bounce ability is certainly easy to dunk.

But he didn’t plan to perform only a normal dunk. After rushing into the penalty area at full speed, his legs flew off with force and force. The whole person seemed to insert a pair of wings and flew high into the air. The basketball in the left hand was exchanged from the hip to the right hand, and the super-difficult shocking dunk was completed sideways!


A loud noise spread through the whole stadium through a loudspeaker, but the audience fell into a strange silence!

More than 20,000 Filipino fans at the scene were all shocked, including the pupils of the two teams who also couldn't help shrinking, it seemed they couldn't believe the scene in front of them

The reporters on the sidelines also looked at each other. As professional sports reporters, they have seen a lot of dunks, but they have never seen such a dazzling dunk!

"What action is this?"

"Crotch dunk?"

"No, there is another hand-swapping motion."

"Crotch + change dunk?"

"Damn it, how could he make such an imaginative dunk?"

"Not only is there imagination, the difficulty of this slam dunk is also amazingly high!"

The reporters at the scene felt that their scalp was numb. Such a dunk was too shocking. Is this a 17-year-old Chinese?

Ruda soon stated that he would not only dunk, but also learn how to celebrate!

After completing the dunk this time, he made a ferocious growl in excitement, then faced the passionate thump of a camera on the sidelines, and at the same time kept ripping his jersey to show people the big five-star red flag and No. 23 above.

That's right, he chose No. 23 as his jersey, please don't ask why.

At this time, Rupp Arena is a bit cold again. Filipino fans will not applaud the enemy, even if these two dunks do give them the impulse, but the last thing is boos and scolding!

Wu Jie smiled and put a new badge on Ruda again, this time the "hip change" dunk is also the first.

The earliest player on the plane who used the "crotch change" in the official game was Orlando Ulrich, who was hailed as the pioneer of this action.

But Orlando Ulrich is a rookie this year, and he hasn't officially played in the game yet. The honor of this "first founder" was naturally snatched by Ruda.

The morale of the Bayi team was also inspired by the two unprecedented shocking dunks of Ruda and instantly came to a state of explosion.

Even Mu Tiezhu ran a little faster, and North Cement's next several offensives were all stopped by the Bayi team's inside and outside.

This is how the Bayi team did not allow opponents to get 50+ points in the first four games. Mu Tiezhu’s height of nearly 2.3 meters did not come out of the basket. Ruda was based on super mobility. Sweeping around the penalty area, this inside defense is enough to prevent Asian teams from entering the paint area to attack.

Outside the penalty area, although the three outsiders of the Bayi team are not strong, all of them have flexible steps, excellent defense and supplementary defense capabilities, hard work, and tenacious style.

Northern Cement did not have much cooperation, and basically only played alone.

But in this era of European third-rate + American Development League players, singles ability is naturally not much better.

This result was that five minutes before the opening, Northern Cement only got a pitiful 5 points, thanks to the referee's home whistle to help.

However, in contrast to the Bayi team, they not only frequently used fast breaks to grab points, but Luda's singles during the battle and Mu Tiezhu's basket shots also played a good role.

In the 15th minute and 05 seconds of the first half, Jatović had to request a timeout, and the score had already reached 6:16.

"We can't let them easily launch fast breaks, we must put pressure on them, use your strong body to oppress them, especially the small guard, don't let him easily lead the ball organization."

Jatović knew that the worst performer during this period was not Lichma, but those American players.

But these uncles were so ill-tempered that he could only carry the only Filipino.

Lichma did not dare to refute. These are all American criminals who have extraterritorial jurisdiction. Usually, the Philippine government does not have the right to arrest.

After Jatovic replaced Lichma, he was replaced by a black point guard with a height of 1.88 meters. This is also a player who has been in the development league for a long time. His name is Raymond Fraser.

"Come on, Raymond!"

"Get rid of that little dwarf!"

Filipino fans saw the black foreign aid came on stage, and immediately shouted excitedly, forgetting the height of their players and the slam dunk.

The Bayi team also replaced Mu Tiezhu this time and replaced Xing Weining with a 2.03 meter to play the center.

Gong Luming saw that the opponent was replaced by a strong black point guard, and he was cautious in his heart. This figure is not easy to deal with at first sight.

"Lao Ming, I will pass him at your speed later, this is a flower shelf."

Ruda said when he was defending the palace, Lu Ming said, which surprised the latter, he was not so confident in his heart.

"I heard that you are the best player in the US military, aren't you all a woman in the military?"

Ruda and his teammates exchanged greetings quickly to Matthew.

The **** made Matthew suddenly angry, and then his attack was ripped off by Ruda's hat.

"What kind of milk did you grow up with?"

Ruda is worthy of being trained by the "Tiantuan", and this sentence almost made Matthew lose his mind.

It was the Bayi team's turn to attack, and this time the players of the North Cement finally gave a little pressure to at least put the Bayi team into positional battle.

Luda fell to the low position, turned his back to the top, and squeezed directly to the right side of the restricted area line.

Matthew couldn't stand Ruda's back, and couldn't squeeze him out. UU reading books

Gong Luming easily lifted the ball to Ruda's hand, and then only saw that he held the ball on his back and used his excellent power to hit it twice, and easily squeezed into the penalty area.

Matthew screamed badly, and when he didn't know what to do, he suddenly felt that his body pressure was light, and Ruda had retreated from the back basket to the face frame, and raised his hand to make a shot.

He hurried forward to block, but Luda's pivot foot didn't move at all and quickly closed the ball and jumped off Matthew to complete the layup.


Bayi coach Zhou Chunlin and team leader Chen Jiangxiang jumped off the bench together. This inside footsteps in their eyes is no less technical than the dunk.

The fans and reporters on the scene did not react very much. They just thought that Ruda used the attacking footsteps beautifully, and the fake actions completely deceived his opponent.

But no one realizes that this is a divine skill that no one in the NBA has mastered yet, because its inventor still guards the drinking fountains in college.