Big Country Sports

Chapter 163: Mystery man

Latest website: After Wu Jie came to Rotterdam with his team, he soon saw a mysterious man in the hotel.

This man looks a bit like him, and he is tall, strong, and looks more than 40 years old.

"Daddy, why didn't Mom come?"

Wu Jie looked at the suit and leather shoes, a pair of two-eighths combed up, and wearing a pair of sunglasses Wu Zhengsong, secretly said that his handsome body belongs to genetic inheritance.

"The NBA in the United States is in the finals, your mother can't get away from it temporarily."

Wu Zhengsong not only took care of her hair style, but also obviously trimmed her beard and eyebrows. The whole person looks quite like a middle-aged male god, but I don’t know if she has hooked up with a little girl. This mature middle-aged male **** is Very attractive to the little girl who is not involved in the world.

Wu Jie has been sending money there every month since his cheap dad went to the American public school to study.

After Ye Yuqi also went to the United States to study last year, he naturally turned the money into two shares. These two did not suffer a bit during their time in the United States.

Now Wu Zhengsong's public studies have ended. After returning to China, you don't have to think about it.

The direct flight route between China and the United States will not be opened until the end of 82. Wu Zhengsong's route back to China is to fly first to Europe and then back to Beijing.

Then you can just go to Rotterdam to watch a Champions League final for your son.

"Dad, will you be transferred to the Football Association after you go back?"

Wu Jie could not help asking Wu Zhengsong the night before the game, he felt that the above transfer had already been issued, otherwise where would Wu Zhengsong go when he returned?

"how can that be!?"

Wu Zhengsong was a little funny. He went to the United States to study for a year and a half. If he was transferred to the Football Association as a brother after he went back, wouldn't it mean he was issued?

"It's okay to tell you about this. The Ministry of Sports has set up the Olympic Organizing Committee Preparatory Office. I will be the deputy director of the company when I go back. It is the deputy driver."

Wu Zhengsong said this, apparently only after receiving a formal transfer before returning to the country.

"What about the original position?"

Wu Jie asked about his original position as the director of the "Athlete Security Division" of the personnel department. Wu Zhengsong at the time was Zhengjun Junior.

"No, but do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

Wu Zhengsong asked back, of course, he knew that most of his future benefited from this son, and the father and son had nothing to talk about.

"If you ask, it must be a good thing."

Wu Jie can actually guess that this "Olympic Organizing Committee Preparatory Office" is a political performance committee.

Wu Zhengsong, the deputy director, can at least be promoted one level after the Olympics, that is, he is a driver.

At that time, if you were reassigned at the same level, the eight achievements would be the director of the personnel department.

Wu Zhengsong has not been directly transferred back to the Personnel Department. It is estimated that he should be allowed to accumulate his achievements. Otherwise, he will now go back to serve as the deputy director and then serve as the director of a certain department.

In this way, the position of the first brother of the Football Association is simply the younger brother.

Wu Zhengsong, don’t say that you can’t look down now, even before going abroad!

"Is my mother coming back at the end of the year?" Wu Jie asked again.

"She can catch up!" Wu Zhengsong naturally knew what his son wanted to ask.

Wu Jie heard with pleasure, if Ye Yuqi could also join this committee, he should also be a deputy driver after the Olympics, transferred to the body of at least a deputy director of a division, and then serve as the director of a department.

Of course, Wu Zhengsong’s former “Athlete’s Guarantee Office” is not a core department in the body. The Economic Management Department’s Industry Management Department and Infrastructure Management Department, as well as the Personnel Department’s Appointment and Removal Department, are the core departments.

"I heard that you set up a company in Hong Kong, and now one brother has a son studying in the United States, you need to help more."

Wu Zhengsong quickly threw out the key to the matter and handed his son a look you should know how to do.

"I understand that he will be very comfortable in the United States, and he doesn't have to worry about work after graduation."

Of course Wu Jie understands what it means. Although his parents' promotion is unlikely to be hindered, it is best not to encounter any twists and turns. Wu Zhengsong, who is an invoice master, certainly understands how to be foolproof.

Wu Zhengsong nodded his head, and the big driver was not too young. At most one more time, he had to make his identity as the successor unsurprising.

The two fathers and sons talked for a long time, but they didn't talk about football at all, nor did they talk about the game tomorrow.

Wu Jie is because of his confidence, Wu Zhengsong is obviously not interested in football for a long time.

He is now interested in how to become a brother of the body, which is really depraved!


The next day, the much-anticipated Champions League final was finally about to start at Feyenoord Stadium.

This is a stadium that can accommodate 50,000 people. Today, the fans of both sides still get 20,000 tickets each, and the remaining 10,000 are divided by neutral fans.

Wu Jie tried to get 200 tickets for his "ET House" this time, and many family members who expanded to 5,000 people also bought tickets. As a result, this time the Champions League final was his only The family fan group is close to 500 people.

This scale is also conspicuous in the entire stadium, especially since they entered the concert and sang Wu Jie's album songs, which soon led the 20,000 Bayern fans in the East Stand to perform the album cycle.

Real Madrid fans are very envious of this, especially when Bayern fans sang the English version of "The · Cup · Of · Life", they were actually embarrassed to sing the Spanish version, because this song was also sung by Wu Jie!

At 8 pm local time, when the players of the two teams played, a very interesting scene appeared.

When Chen Haonan played, Bayern fans did not boo!

This is obviously in the face of Wu Jie, they are not so polite to other Real Madrid players.

When Wu was outstanding, Real Madrid fans did not make too many boos, which is not the same as when other Bayern players played.

Neutral fans at the scene were surprised. They did not know that Spanish fans' attitude towards Wu Jie is now the most accepted and friendly region in Europe except Germany.

This is mainly due to his World Cup propaganda song. Since the Spanish Football Association promoted this World Cup propaganda song composed and sung by Wu Jie in the world in May, he has not only been popular all over the world before the start of the World Cup, his popularity In Spanish-speaking countries, it is a household name.

Every year the World Cup is a global visual feast. The influence of this game in the 1980s, when the entertainment industry was still underdeveloped, was enough to make players with outstanding performances on the court become household names around the world.

But now that the World Cup hasn't started, Wu Jie first used this propaganda song to make himself popular all over the world.

At this moment, whether it is the English version of the propaganda song or the Spanish propaganda song, it has basically become a divine song that is heard by all countries.

PolyGram has been snickering recently. Wu Jie's English album has been sold very hot all over the world. Since it was released last Christmas, five million copies have been sold worldwide in less than half a year.

But in the most recent month, the sales volume of this album has exploded, and the current sales volume has exceeded 7 million copies.

Now the sales of these 7 million albums have already achieved a gain of up to 70 million US dollars, which also means that he has earned 17 million US dollars at the moment by relying on a 25% share of the record alone. At least it is close to after tax. Tens of millions of dollars in income.

If this album continues to explode with the help of the World Cup, sales by the end of this year are expected to exceed 15 million copies. At that time, he will be able to make an after-tax income of 20 million US dollars from this record alone.

He does not need to share this money with the "Sports Development Fund", because the foundation has detailed provisions when it is established-all creative and investment income are not included in the scope of donation, that is, music, books, comics The income of other industries, as well as the income from investment and business, do not need to donate to the "Sports Development Fund".


After Chen Haonan came on stage, he went to Wu Jie and greeted him with a very social movement and tone.

"Honan, how is it, having fun at Real Madrid?"

Wu Jie also replied in a very social tone.

"Fortunately, but I still want to follow you!"

"After the fight, let's go back together!"

Wu Jie patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder. The scene where the two greeted each other has been broadcast live to the whole world.

Fans in front of the TV have a clear attitude towards the two, so they can clearly see clearly. Chen Hanan’s younger brother’s identity is even confirmed.

But came to the court, Chen Haonan did not mean to bow down, at least it seems so.

Real Madrid's starting lineup is the same as against Aston Villa, of course Bayern hasn't changed much.

After careful consideration before the game, Chernay decided not to let Wu Jie participate in the defense too much.

This principle is very simple. Although Chen Haonan's role in Real Madrid is very important, after all, he is not even the core. If Wu Jie is to be distracted to defend, is it not the real Real Madrid?

So he doesn't need Wu Jie to participate in defense too much, as long as he presses the frontcourt properly.

Boskov also had the same idea. He also didn't need Chen Haonan to kill Wu Jie, because Real Madrid needed his help on the offensive end, and Chen Haonan's physical fitness was not enough for him to have both offense and defense.

If he wants to participate in the offensive and actively defend, Chen Haonan's physical fitness can only stick to the halftime game, he is still a child in development!

But this kid was not easy to deal with. Bayern asked Brettner to defend Chen Haonan today.

He is certainly not the most suitable candidate, but Bayern's embarrassment this year is due to the lack of defensive midfielder, and Brettner is a bit older, it is difficult to achieve both offense and defense.

Wu Jie also discovered this problem, so he expressed his appreciation to the management several times to the management.

This coincides with the views of Bayern's management, including Chernay also believes that Matteus is very suitable to serve as two backs in the 4-2-1-3 formation.

But far from being hydrolyzed, he did not know his thirst. Today, it is still Brettner and Bernd who serve as Wu Jie's single-handed guards.

Both of them are attacking midfielders, so their performance on the defensive end is unsatisfactory. Bayern this year actually relied on a strong offense to suppress their opponents to win.

Chen Haonan quickly made Breitner feel embarrassed because the Bayern captain was teased with a "bull tail change of direction".

This is Wu Jie's signature action, but now it will soon become the signature action of Chinese players.

Both Gu Guangming and Zhao Dayu have done it in the European arena, of course, their completion is not particularly good.

Chen Haonan actually mastered this technology, and made some detailed modifications according to his figure.

Brettner made a move as soon as he came up, and Chen Haonan rushed to the 30-meter area immediately after the breakthrough.

This was the 3rd minute after the game started. Since Wu Jie did not directly match Chen Haonan, this would still be in the opponent's half. He could only use a positive attitude to defend himself, but this time the defense had nothing to do with him.

Bernd immediately went to make up the seat, but unlike Wu Jie who often rushed to the end, Chen Haonan will always make a better choice.

Bernd just made up for the defense and Chen Haonan passed the ball.

Uli Stillik, who is also a German, received the pass. He didn't take the ball but put the ball into the penalty area. I saw a dark shadow rushing into the penalty area, which was a volley!

Belgium's number one goalkeeper, who joined Bayern this year, Jean-Marie Pfaff is in an excellent position and quickly fell to the ground to save Cunningham's extremely threatening shot.

Bayern's centre-back Klaus hurriedly cleared the ball and Santillana, who wanted to make a shot, shook her head sadly.

Wu Jie was relieved in the back. He didn't let Chen Haonan play directly. As a result, the kid came up and gave himself a power off.

"Damn, are the Chinese breakthroughs so good?"

"Worthy Wu's brother, this trick seems to have learned the essence."

"I think his vision and passing consciousness are more terrifying, this kid looks really difficult to tangle!"

Bayern fans also feel that they have escaped. Fortunately, they have changed to a top goalkeeper this year. Although there were some low-level mistakes in the first half of the season, after running in with the team, the Belgian goalkeeper became Bayern’s Dinghai goddess. This time it will be saved. It is equivalent to saving Bayern once.

"Wu, how much did you teach him?"

Brettner said at this time, with a look of embarrassment, this time he finally learned the breakthrough ability of Chen Haonan.

Although Chen Haonan was small, his movement rate was very fast, and his explosiveness and speed were also outstanding. Brettner was overwhelmed even without a response.

"Be careful, I did teach him a lot, and he also has some unique skills."

Wu Jie naturally blew a wave of his younger brother, because the younger the brother, the longer his older brother's face!

But the premise is that he should not be slapped. He let Chen Haonan play freely, which means that he has not yet entered the script time.

Two minutes later, Wu Jie, the eldest brother, also showed up.

In this game, he wore three badges: [Bengbu Maneuver], [Foot Turning], and [Elevator Ball] for the sake of a good show.

But this time facing Chen Haonan's personal defense, he used a trick "cross stitch" to complete the extraordinary.

Has Chen Haonan released water?

This is really not there!

Although Chen Haonan's goal was a little overwhelming, he quickly prepared to turn back and pursue the defense.

However, Wu Jie, a member of the "Two Thousand Fields Club", has now reached the level of returning to the natural world. It is him who is most likely to use his physical advantage in the world.

This year's Wu Jie's breakthrough movements didn't seem so fast, but after each breakthrough, he would use his body to squeeze or press the opponent.

He is now 190cm tall and has a weight of 85 kilograms. When a general midfielder is hit by him, he will immediately lose his balance.

Chen Haonan is only 166cm tall and weighs more than 60kg. After being hit like this, he immediately threw the street.

Wu Jie speeded up immediately after the breakthrough, facing Bosk, who turned on the defense, changed his direction after one foot, and directly completed the man with unreasonable speed.

Bosque is completely powerless, and his athleticism is two and a half stars. In the face of this five-star monster, he can only defend with a symbolic eye, and don't expect him to stop Wu Jie.

The Real Madrid players are in chaos. The four defenders can only quickly move closer to the middle. The dead zone will not allow Wu Jie to bring the ball into the most dangerous zone.

Wu Jie's attack showed a completely different style from Chen Haonan. After connecting the two, he directly kicked the goal at a position of 30 meters away. The football flew straight like a heavy artillery shell to the top of the goal. There was nothing in the middle. Rotating, but suddenly falling halfway, this is obviously a real shot of Wu Jie's unique unique skill-elevator ball long shot.

Agustin is also a well-known goalkeeper in Spain, but he can't help shooting such an elevator ball with a speed of more than 160 kilometers per hour. After barely making a flying save, he can only take orders.

This time, luck seemed to be given to Real Madrid. Although the football fell quickly, it still lacked a space like a fall, and finally wiped the goal beam and flew past.

"It's an incredible arc. Such a shot is still Wu's unique skill. No one has ever been able to imitate success. This should be a technology that only exists in aliens."

"This is the most amazing shot in the Wu calls it "elevator ball", but everyone prefers to call it "alien arc", the earthman has always wanted to know how he kicked out Such an elusive arc, but just like we can’t really shoot UFO, we can’t learn to shoot like this.”

"God! Let's look at the replay of this shot... It's an incredible performance. I'm willing to call this shot the eighth wonder of the world! Yes, how can that American chick deserve this honor?"

The explanations all over the world are touting Wu Jie's shots, because this year's Champions League finals have enabled three new playback angles, one is the perspective of the auditorium behind the goal, and the other is the perspective of Bayern's front stage. These three angles can clearly see the strange falling path of Wu Jie's elevator ball.

These playback angles can also be regarded as the characteristics of the Bayern game. Who will let only Wu Jie play the "elevator ball" at present? Therefore, only the Bayern game will set up these three cameras specifically to capture his free kick and distance. Shot for playback.

This time his long-range shot was repeatedly played back from three angles, and everyone can finally enjoy the magic arc that suddenly fell during the flight on TV.