Big Country Sports

Chapter 264: The strongest cheating dog is born!

  In April, Bayern will play 4 league games, 2 UEFA Champions League, 1 German Cup, a total of 7 games.

   This schedule is not much more difficult than in March. Combining the current status of Bayern and the current situation of the injured soldiers, it is best to make some choices to ensure that they will not lose at the end of the season.

   But Wu Jie soon discovered that this was impossible, because the media and fans will not agree with this choice when the current situation is not bad, and the team management does not want to lose any championship.

   Then go in three lines!

   Wu Jie is indifferent attitude, anyway, this does not conflict with his goal of brushing data.

   his physical strength is also enough to stay strong under this devil schedule. As for whether his teammates will have more injuries, he does not intend to worry so much.

   After all, this is a Bayern fan's own choice, he has no obligation to be a bell ringer.

   Bayern's first match in April was the UEFA Champions League 8 into 4 match against Benfica from Portugal. This is a veteran team in the Portuguese League and one of the strong European teams that everyone can have some impressions on.

   Wu Jie received an important message the day before the game, his sniper tool man got it.

   These are the few things he is currently most concerned about, immediately open the system message, and click on the "OK" option!

   "Veterans of the 41st Division of the 14th Army?"

   After seeing the detailed information of this tool person, Wu Jie felt that a lot of trouble was saved.

   This self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, although it is a rotation training of major military regions across the country, but there are also several troops that have long been on the front line, and the 41st Division of the 14th Army is one of them.

   The predecessor of the 14th Army was the Shanxi Youth Anti-Enemy Corps 1st Corps during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Other troops can be rotated in this war against the white-eyed wolf, but as a child soldier of Guangxi, they cannot be replaced.

As the main force of the Western Front battlefield, the 14th Army has participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam in 1979, and has launched the Laoshan campaign a few months later, attacking the main peak of Laoshan, and then the long-term defensive operations in the following years. It's the trump card troop.

   This Guangxi man named Li Zhenshan is not very old. He was born in 1961. When the war started in 1979, he was just a rookie who had just learned to shoot.

   So he was not transferred to the 41st division in the beginning, just a recruit of the logistics force.

   But the native Li Zhenshan was familiar with the complex jungle terrain of the theater, plus his shooting talent and courage were good. After several battles, he naturally became an experienced veteran and began to join the 41st division to enter the front line.

  After the large-scale operations in 1979, the two fronts entered a period of confrontation.

  Although the great battles were temporarily gone during this time, small-scale engagements were frequently conducted.

   And this confrontation is naturally a battlefield played by snipers. Due to his excellent marksmanship, Li Zhenshan was quickly transferred to the 41st Division as a sniper. His task was to put a cold gun on the front line position to kill and interfere with the enemy.

At this time, I have to mention that due to insufficient understanding of the sniper rifle and its tactical application, the Chinese army did not list a special sniper rifle from the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China to 1979, so I ate a lot of Vietnamese snipers in the early stage. Li Zhenshan Good luck did not die under the Vietnamese army.

  At that time, the Ministry of Weapon Industry held a meeting to arrange the mapping and imitation of the captured Soviet Soviet Dragonov SVD7.62 mm sniper rifle. Eventually, it took only half a year to complete the production of the 79 sniper rifle and matching sights.

Li Zhenshan, as a front-line sniper, has used this gun since the 80-79 sniper began trial installation in the front line. Until April this year, he has already achieved the results of 35 Vietnamese soldiers under this gun. This kill The number can definitely be ranked in the top ten of China in the counterattack against Vietnam.

  However, compared with Vietnam snipers who have rich combat experience and use the original Soviet SVD, Chinese snipers will undoubtedly have the following advantages in long-term sniping, and the casualties actually exceed their opponents.

This is mainly because the "sight" and "shooting accuracy" are much worse than the original Soviet Union. Especially for long-distance shooting 500 meters away, the 79 shot has a low chance of hitting the first shot. It is often necessary to test first and then correct the trajectory deviation. .

   But the enemy is not a fool. If you can’t shoot it at the first shot, it means that you are exposed, and then you will be killed if you show up again.

   If the first shot is made, then even if it is not hit, it will also suffer a great loss for counterattack.

   Li Zhenshan died from this gun. He is different from the sniper who likes to put a gun on the front line of the sniper point. He prefers to use the complex terrain of the mountain to conduct sniper activities.

This time the observer who worked with him for two years has already discovered the target first, but Li Zhenshan’s first shot failed to hit the enemy. As a result, facing the same high level of Vietnamese snipers, Li Zhenshan and his observer were finally fighting. Both GG on the wild.

   Wu Jie saw this and shook his head. The precision of this gun made Li Zhenshan in trouble more than once.

   But with his old experience and good luck in the past, he not only saved the danger several times, but also kept his head count increasing.

  However, this time he did not know until he died. This Vietnamese sniper came for him specifically, or "this group of people".

   The Sino-Vietnamese sniper war has always been a slight advantage for Vietnam with its weapons and experience. After all, Vietnam has many veterans who have fought with the US military for more than ten years.

Recently, however, there were two Chinese ace snipers on the western side of Laoshan, which caused heavy losses to the Vietnamese army. Therefore, the Vietnamese sent several ace snipers who had participated in the Vietnam War since the 1960s. Fight against these two Chinese ace snipers.

  Li Zhenshan is just one of the targets, the other target is Zheng Yu who is good at fixed-point sniping.

   The two of them are considered as the 41st Army sniper trump card. Zheng Yu is good at shooting guns at the frontline sniper point. He will transfer immediately if he misses a shot, and will never be greedy.

  Li Zhenshan is just the opposite. He is the kind who stole people everywhere, often lurking in a cave or a hidden place with observers who grew up in childhood, more like a ghost that disappeared without a trace.

   "This style of play is too turbulent!"

   Wu Jie knows that Li Zhenshan's play will happen sooner or later, but such an identity and experience need not explain the problem of suddenly becoming stronger, because he is technically a top-notch existence, and this time is also a weapon.

   His shot should be 100% hit in the system judgment, but it is obviously a problem with the barrel and bullets, so it is useless to aim accurately.

China’s 79 and 85 years later were all famous SVDs, but apart from the sights and core components, the biggest problem is that there is no special sniper bomb, which makes the original problem of inaccuracy even more serious. Zoomed in.

  Vietnamese snipers use the original Soviet SVD, equipped with the original Soviet quadruple sight, and a dedicated 7N1 sniper bomb.

   Such a gap made Li Zhenshan hate the spot, but when he was dreaming on the opposite side, he would not think of Li Zhenshan being hit by a sniper rifle on his torso. This would cause the fist wound to heal quickly.

   After Wu Jie understood the cause of Li Zhenshan’s death, he naturally returned him to the position with a sacrificed observer.

   After that, he needs to continue to return to the front line and fight more waves than before.

  What do you say about the performance of the quadruple sights copied from China?

Sorry, he now has a full-picture dynamic display that can take effect within a 3,000-meter radius. Any enemies with threats that appear within a 3,000-meter radius will be marked on the holographic map that only he can see in the form of red dots. Dynamic display!

   This virtual map called "River Map" can list the target information and shooting information he selected separately after zooming in.

   This means that if you don’t act, Li Zhenshan can completely close her eyes and rotate for three and a half weeks, and then use an exaggerated parabola to headshot the enemy every two thousand meters. Are you afraid?

   As for the precision of the sniper rifle, there is no problem with special sniper bullets, that is not a problem.

  Have you heard of ballistic correction?

   AK47, 100 meters away, kneeling down, 30 rounds, I pressed you for a point, have you seen it?

   In this case, is the problem of guns and bullets still a problem?

Wu Jie didn't dare to watch it anymore. After using a four-star body talent in his backpack for Li Zhenshan, he urged him to perform as much as possible when he opened it. After all, he would also be equipped with an observer at the top. Of course it doesn't work. It's too much to cross the wall in front of you.

   In addition, these functions also cost money. The "Hetu" requires 1,000 Olympic coins every day. The close-up perspective is also the previous Olympic coins every day. The big gyro requires 2,000 Olympic coins every day. The micro self-sight is 500 Olympic coins a day.

   Wu Jie is not going to buy him the perspective function, because the sniper does not need to join the soldiers, perspective is useless, or it is more practical to open the whole picture.

The same is true for the gyroscope. Since Li Zhenshan can find the enemy 100% first, and his own technology is also very good, then he does not need a gyroscope. A master like him has a slight self-sighting enough to explode his professional head. It's really easy to turn off the title.


   After Wu Jie let this unprecedented force of Li Zhenshan play freely, he also received a message that made him very hurt!

  Although Luda’s record sales at the beginning of the year are much worse than him in all parts of Asia, the evaluation in the mainland, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, is much higher than him.

   This is of course not to say that Ruda's creative ability is stronger than him, but that the artistic conception of singing and lyrics is a grade higher than him.

   This is very fucking, Ruda's good-looking goods are full of heroism and boldness, but in fact it is a fierce temperament, but the song, the words written, all have a kind of ancient style.

   But I have to say that Ruda's singing skills are indeed much higher than him. The first is that his performance and range are better than him, and his musicality, intonation, and biting are also very talented.

   The most powerful thing is that Luda's timbre can be thick and bright, and his heavy bass is dense and sinking and strong. The alto is a bright tone, extremely gorgeous and beautiful. The penetration into the high-pitched zone will not only make people feel harsh, but also have penetrating power.

With such a vocal voice and complete skills, even when Ruda sings to B2 during live performance, she can still bite words continuously and clearly and beautifully. Such difficult songs like "Unforgettable Sutra" cannot be sung on the spot. Compared with the shed, it is also 70% to 80% standard.

   Wu Jie and Lu Da's talents in tone are quite different, but in terms of singing skills, Lu Da is obviously much higher.

   This product has spent more energy on improving singing skills, and now it can achieve three-chamber resonance, smooth rhythm and breath control, and the conversion of true and false sounds is also perfect.

  Last summer, Ruda released only two songs, one was "Pipa Xing" and one was "Jing Zhong Bao Guo", and the singing of both songs is much stronger than him in China.

After the Spring Festival this year, Ruda released the first Chinese EP record in Asia. In addition to the previous two songs, it also added "Ming Yue Tian Ya", "Journey to the West", "Fate of Destiny", "Farewell My Concubine" , A total of six songs.

   These are of course the songs in the database with "Ancient Style" or "Chinese Style", and the water criteria are top and excellent.

   Such as "Farewell My Concubine", "Ming Yue Tian Ya", "Jing Zhong Bao Bao Guo", "Fate of Destiny" are all excellent works, and "Pipa Xing" and "Ji Youxi" are considered top-level masterpieces.

   Wu Jie thinks that these six songs will not be too bad in quality, and actually can be regarded as top-level masterpieces.

But that "Pipa Xing" has a natural advantage in the lyrics, because the lyrics are written by Bai Juyi, which has always been critical of them, thinking that their works are obsessive, not only hurt the customs, but also deviate from the two sides of the straits. A generation of musicians have to shut up.

   As for the song "Jing Zhong Bao Guo" was not scolded in the country, it naturally took advantage of the lyrics.

   China is still fighting Vietnam, who dares to talk about things at this stall, Ruda dares to buckle his hat directly, at that time to see who can eat it.

   But this time there was a song that was written by many people, that is, "Journey to the West".

   This song Wu Jie does not recommend that Ruda take it out now, because this song is an adaptation of "Sisi Xi" and the lyrics are completely flashbacks of Journey to the West.

  This masterpiece of Journey to the West everyone knows that it can be read both in front and back, but the two reading methods are different from each other in understanding.

   There are many people who think that it is a story when they are looking at it, and it is reality when they look at it backwards.

   This is of course an over-interpretation, misinterpreting the original work.

   Therefore, the flashback lyrics of Ruda leave a lot of verbal truth. It is definitely a typical anti-XX ten years ago, and 80% want to crush the bones.

   But this is obviously Ruda deliberately. He just wanted to show his outstandingness. Although this kind of innovation is very deliberate, it will still attract a lot of fans. After all, this is an era of changing customs and pushing new and old.

  Luda’s unconventional works will definitely give many young people the illusion of seeing through the clouds, just like the feeling when they first read Goku in the second grade.

  Wu Jie’s suggestion is to use other works instead. That “Journey to the West” is better to wait for a few years to come out. Anyway, there are too many ancient songs of the same level in his database.

  Ruda didn't think it was a good idea, because he had a higher level of age, especially the lyrics of higher artistic conception, which should not be written yet.

   At this age, he should lack a secondary school patient who knows the world, and he should be exploited by others, because only when he has experienced and awakened consciously, will his will be more firm after sober.

Therefore, in the future, "Wukong Biography" will naturally be written by him. A few years later, he will also go to the square with the political commissar to take a walk. Only in this way can he become one of the representatives of the well-known leading party and prevent more people from being fooled. lame.

  The two main songs "Pipa Xing" and "Ji You Xi" are selected according to age, one is Bai Juyi's song line, and the other is the sentiment after reading the Journey to the West in the middle and second period.

  While writing these two works at his age is still but at most it can only show that he is talented, or born extraordinary, so as not to be so shocking and vulgar.

   But in any case, Lu Da’s six works are much higher in realm than the more popular Wu Jie in terms of lyrics, and even give people a feeling that he is really Lu Zhishen’s reincarnation.

Whether the lyrics of these works are too middle two, whether they are meaningless stacked words, no disease moaning, but they are more or less with some Zen and Buddhism, or with ancient heroes, sorrowful, euphemistic, cheerful and gracious The artistic conception of the feelings of hatred and family.

   Ordinary people can write one or two songs, but all works are of this style and standard. In fact, there is still a little bit of evil smell!

Now the question of whether he is reincarnated by Lu Zhishen in the country, as the Qigong fever began to prevail, many people really said that he was reincarnated by Lu Zhishen, and Wu Jie was reincarnated by Lin Chong, otherwise how could these two people be so sympathetic? ?

   The lyrics of "Fate of Destiny" can prove this guess. This song looks like Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong.

  If we deduced it again, it would be possible to associate Tian Gangxing and Dishaxing from Shen Lang, Chen Haonan and others. .

   These ideas are very feudal and superstitious, but it is no wonder that everyone would think so, because such a song allows Ruda to write it, plus his surname and name, how can you not make people think together?

Now even a lot of colons look at Lu Da, they are both love and fear, because Lu Zhishen is not a good thing in the eyes of the government, and it is really a bit dangerous to go to the square in the future, so it is best to walk around and pull the political commissar quickly. Road, don't really get caught in a typical case, it really hurts!