Big Country Sports

Chapter 276: Our time is coming

Lin Yaodong's 13-piece pass not only calmed the audience, but even Wu Jie couldn't help but tilted his head and looked at him a few times.

But whether they believe it or not, their three brothers are sold.

Also, they will not always be interviewed by the media.

This time everyone came to the United States to fight for the gold medal, not to sell anyone.

At this time, they are not very interested in business activities, because the money they made from attending business activities, everyone is disappointed.

In fact, Wu Jie has long been dismissed. His attendance at those commercial activities in the past few years was more to expand his global influence.

Now that the global influence is large enough, there is no need to run around.

After that, Wu Jie really didn't care about how the American media reported himself. He spent the next few days quietly preparing for the training at the Olympic Village training ground.

But in fact, the American media not only reported the Chinese delegation positively, but also did not really condemn the existence of such a jump, even many large media took the initiative to suppress further reports.

Does this sound incredible?

But as long as you contact the international situation in this era, you can understand why, now the exhausted United States needs China in terms of politics and force!

In fact, this time China participated in the US Olympic Games, it was Americans who invited them.

After the Huna incident occurred in China last year, China once planned to give up participating in the Los Angeles Olympics. Of course, it is a matter of whether it is really necessary to give up.

But no matter what the real abacus of the rabbit is, it really shocked the United States in the end. The chairman of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee had to bring the team to China to lobby. As for whether there are other deep-level transactions behind the scenes, this is the same. It is unknown.

However, one thing is certain. Before China officially announced its participation in the Los Angeles Olympics, nearly a hundred countries around the world had an ambiguous attitude. It looked like they were waiting for China's order.

This is certainly not possible. The truth is that neither the US nor the Soviet Union can afford them. At this time, the direction of China's station becomes their shield.

As long as they follow the Chinese team quickly, then the two great powers will blame China if they want to blame.

A lot of people are fighting against the Soviet Union after the death of the bear, but at this moment even the United States feels that it will collapse before the bear, because the Soviets can line up for bread and insist on fighting with them, but the Americans cannot open it once a week. Parties are big problems.

In this case, China is the biggest weight that can affect the trend of the Cold War. A Chinese station can even allow a lot of wind watching the rudder to jump to the camp.

In order to reflect the importance of China, the United States actually held a grand reception ball for the Chinese delegation on the 24th.

Wu Jie and the tool people attended the ball, and the stars of Hollywood, as well as celebrities in the business and political circles, were friendly to the scene.

This is indeed completely different from forty years later. The attitude of these celebrities at the ball towards China is a friendly one, and it is even good enough to make people feel a little bit sweet.

Most Chinese athletes, including accompanying officials, have never seen such scenes.

Therefore, the excessively friendly attitude of Americans did not arouse suspicion. Instead, the rabbits who had just come into contact with the world and the United States were flattered, and even felt the illusion of world harmony!

Like the international students and training officials who traveled to the United States in the past two years, since they came to the United States, they have not only been surprised by the heavenly living environment here, but they have also been surprised to find that it is like a world in a fairy tale. Every family lives in peace and contentment. It seems that there is only the beauty of the world around us, and we can no longer feel the ugliness of the world.

Wu Jie naturally understands this mentality. After all, these people who have just experienced the catastrophe suddenly came to a heaven-like world that can rely on their abilities. The impact can only be known if you think about it.

As for the US's attitude towards China being so friendly, apart from the fact that China's current importance is indeed irreplaceable, the two parties who have just met face-to-face and made friends have to show their good side.

At this time, the two countries had a bit of "blind date" when they saw the first sight of each other, and they basically could only see each other's good.

In addition, there is a kind of Virgin Mary's friendliness to the weak at this time, which is basically similar to the Hong Kong people of this era. It is because they all feel that they are in a high position.

Now that the US media is politically correct, it is more inclined to report positive news about China. Naturally, American celebrities will find ways to show their friendship.

But it is still these media, these people, as long as five years will see them stage a textbook-like face change.

But I have to say that this short and beautiful is very attractive.

Most of the athletes in the Chinese sports delegation, including accompanying officials, faced the American sugar-coated shells and faced this beautiful heavenly world, they had a longing feeling in their hearts, at least they really regarded the United States as friendly for a long time. A long country.

Wu Jie also knows that he cannot just say that Americans are not kind and say that Americans are hypocritical, otherwise they will be made as if they are saints. Isn't that more hypocritical?

The real world is that every country takes its own interests first, but the problem is that too many Chinese people in this era think that everything in the United States is perfect, and then they think that everything in China is ugly and backward, and ultimately they will He became a fanatical convert.

Of course, when it comes to hypocrisy, this is also Wu Jie's specialty.

What he thought was one thing in his heart, and what appeared to be the same thing on the surface.

At the ball, Wu Jie faced all kinds of American ladies and Hollywood actresses who tempted themselves. They were also friendly and could not be more friendly, and hypocrisy couldn't be more hypocritical, but they just didn't really move their hands. The true gentleman is no doubt.

Chen Haonan is at the other extreme here. He directly did not look rude. He carried a glass of fruit juice alone, which seemed out of place in the world of this sensual dog and horse. The Madrid media called him a "monk", implying that he had no fun in life. .

Lin Yaodong is also an extreme. He is hands-on and feet-moving. He was the first to enter the dance floor to show off his dancing skills. He made even the open American ladies and actresses shy.

But this American character really attracted attention, and many women at the ball turned their attention to Lin Yaodong.

This Chinese player reported by the American media as an "IT genius" is not only in conformity with the aesthetics of American women, but also looks very good, but also talented and wealthy, except that the yellow skin is a bit annoying. A super quality diamond king.

But they don’t know that Lin Yaodong does not have a good tradition of cleansing himself. This is a super player who dares to play even multiplayer sports, or the kind of superb who does not recognize people when he puts on his pants.

In addition to Lin Yaodong, Ruda also attracted many female hunters with strong makeup.

This is a simple and strong figure exudes attraction. Ruda, a five-star body that has been rare in the NBA for decades, is too easy to provoke those grumpy goblins.

However, this strong male primate has long been famous. At this time, I only saw the members of the Chinese women's basketball team standing at a place away from the dance floor. The girls were basically only implicit from the moment they entered the ball. Eat and drink aside, and before facing the white man who met up with the opposite **** before he heard the translation, he blushed.

This is also the status quo of most Chinese female athletes. If Chinese male athletes can blush and communicate with the opposite **** through translation, then these female athletes just want to escape from this too open scene quickly.

"Stay away from me, you have a bad smell of perfume!"

Wang Xiaoqian is not so shy, but she can't leave her teammates who can't let go, but her eyes have been fixed on Ruda who is about to be surrounded by American bitches.

Ruda is not without the idea of ​​pulling up willows on American women, but his character is somewhat afraid of his wife's attributes.

This point was perfectly inherited by the system, so it ran to the introspective girlfriend soon.

"What kind of free vinegar is there to eat? You know I'm not always interested in white people. They all remove makeup like ghosts."

Ruda said this in Chinese, and it was naturally a half-truth.

"Well, even if a woman removes her makeup, she can't see where she is. I suspect you're referring to Sang Huai!

Wang Xiaoqian is a bit too intrusive, and the suffocation when speaking is still not much improved.

Although Ruda was a little afraid of his wife, he still had to maintain his dignity on this occasion, and immediately received a sentence: "You are much better, and at least look like a person after removing makeup."

Wu Jie, who was eavesdropping on how Ruda was picking up a girl, couldn't help but shook his head in the distance. Now he couldn't understand how this idiot could soak up Wang Xiaoqian.

He didn't seem to have used cards with a marriage nature at first, but at most only created the conditions for them to meet. Is it really a beauty and a beast?

In addition to Lu Da, he also secretly followed Shen Lang and Qin Jian.

But the two also seemed to have no special thoughts about white beauties, and were not at all interested in this kind of prom. Soon they made excuses to return to the Olympic Village.

At the beginning, Wu Jie also had a lot of opposite sex, but he soon communicated with Wu Zhengsong and Ye Yuqi and the big capitalists and politicians at the ball.

Obviously, the circle he wants to reach is not the same as ordinary athletes.

But this circle is not easy to contact. First of all, his age is very uncoordinated.

However, his speech, emotional intelligence, and hypocrisy are very in line with the requirements of this circle. He understands when he can talk, when he can only listen, when he should use short words and expressions to attach to the other party, and will not make people Feel awkward.

At this time, coupled with a brother of the body, including several diplomatic officials resident in the United States, he took the initiative to support him. Wu Jie actually used his super-violated age to show the effect of no violation. Successful in this A familiar face mixed in the circle.

This made a second-generation blonde who could not integrate into this kind of circle very admired, especially for the set of gestures that Wu Jie showed from time to time, he was very impressed at first sight.

Wu Jie naturally saw a big future man at the ball today, but that was all forty years later.

Now this is a notorious playboy, he can participate in this ball tonight entirely by his father hard belt, of course, this is also the tradition of their family.

Wu Jie did not take the initiative to take care of him throughout the ball, and even after being actively accosted, he just left with two polite greetings.

After the ball specially held for the Chinese delegation ended, the US media again gave highly positive comments to the Chinese athletes the next day, and it was impossible to see that there were still various slanderous and discredited anti-rabbit news five or six years ago. .

On July 26, the Chinese delegation, which has been hotly debated throughout the United States, participated in the rehearsal of the opening ceremony and received the most attention from the live media during the rehearsal.

This made a group of European friends sour. Everyone thought that the eagle boss was really good for the poor rabbit.

Now it looks like two capitalist and socialist countries. It looks like a golden boy and a girl in love. Eagle sauce is still the role of the overbearing president. The poor rabbit is naturally seen by the overbearing president. It’s not Cinderella that you don’t marry. This is the rhythm of marrying into the giants!

But at this time, the most stubborn ones are still a few bends, because the godfather at this time completely does not recognize their mischief, not only ignored them intentionally or unintentionally, but also greeted the wicked communist all day long.

Now even the order of appearance has deliberately ranked them behind the national delegation. All officials of Taiwan Province can think of how ingenious their provincial team will be at the opening ceremony the day after tomorrow.

At this time, Wu Jie understood why there were so many professors and academicians who insisted on the Chinese-American couple theory and had unrealistic illusions about the United States.

Because these people are basically in the honeymoon period of the 1980s, they came to the United States to study and study. They have experienced the sweetest period of both sides. They can only say that this short decade is really too sweet.

Wu Jie had always thought that if the Soviet Union could disintegrate five years later, China's rise might be almost ten years or even twenty years.

But now he suddenly felt that the time for the disintegration of the Soviet Union was just right. If it were later, many people would really indulge in this sugar-coated shell completely.

At that time, China would no longer be self-sufficient, and the term "self-research" would not be used, because at this stage, China really can buy most things from the West, including the most advanced weapons and equipment, almost Same as the future of India.

But when thinking of the future of India, Wu Jie's hot days actually felt a chill.


Two days later, it finally arrived on July 28, which the world is worried about.

At four o'clock this afternoon, the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics will officially open at the "Los Angeles Memorial Stadium".

This is the first stadium in the world that has hosted the opening ceremonies of two Olympic Games. At this moment, 100,000 enthusiastic spectators from all over the world have filled the stands.

But the Chinese delegation is still waiting for departure in the Olympic Village. Today’s opening process is not short-it’s about two hours of singing and dancing performances, and then the U.S. commander will give a speech and announce the opening of the conference, then the torch will enter At the venue, after the Olympic flame was lit, the delegations of the participating countries could not enter the venue.

So when the Chinese delegation came to the scene, the singing and dancing performance on the scene was almost over, and the American leader who was almost killed by the neuropathic gunner was also on stage to announce the official opening of the conference!

Gina Hanfield, granddaughter of the late African-American track star Jesse Owens, held the torch high and entered the venue, passing the torch to the American decathlon champion La Johnson in the 1960 Olympic Games, which was ignited by the latter. Olympic flame.

Finally, the American 1976 Olympic hurdle champion Emerson swore on behalf of all the athletes. Since then, the entire opening ceremony has lasted for several hours, and the "Los Angeles Memorial Stadium" has long been integrated into the night.

At this time the colorful sky of the stadium suddenly raised colorful fireworks, Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" sounded in the stadium, the entrance of the much-anticipated delegations of various countries was finally about to begin.

It has to be mentioned here that the first few Olympic Games did not have a fixed order of entry, and it is up to the host country to decide who will play first and who will play later.

However, as the global influence of the Olympic Games increased and the rise of nationalism in various countries, many powerful countries paid attention to this superficial article.

The result of the final compromise is that each session will be played by Greece host will be the last one to play, and the country hosting the next Olympic Games will be ranked in the finale. As for other countries and regional delegations, the letters of the host country will be unified. Enter in order.

The initial letter of China is C, so the order of appearance is relatively high. At the moment, the audience watching/listening to the live broadcast in China are looking forward to the Chinese delegation.

At the moment, the Chinese athletes waiting on the scene are more nervous than those who are far away from the ocean. That is a kind of trembling excitement, because this is the first time that New China has joined this world-wide event. Historical significance, at this moment the eyes of the world are also looking at them!

Wu Jie has a similar feeling in his heart, but what he thinks is that there is no "ball king" Maradona in this era, there is no "basketball god" Jordan, no "100-meter trapeze" Bolt, no "body" Schumacher , There is no "flying fish" Phelps...

This already belongs to his and theirs. How can one not be surging when one thinks of the infinite possibilities in the future?

In short, the Chinese athletes are all intertwined with a variety of excitement, and the "Los Angeles Memorial Stadium" has begun to change the various styles of entrance music, and delegations from various countries and regions have finally started to enter. ...