Big Country Sports

Chapter 297: Familiar taste

On the seventh match day, the Chinese delegation was even weaker.

On this day, the swimming project is still a big winner, and outdoor projects have also begun, especially the track and field project has finally begun to debut.

After Shen Lang became a god, the Americans naturally became the monkey king in the swimming pool.

In addition, in the judo, shooting, wrestling, cycling and other projects, the United States also has many champion players.

Now that the outdoor project has begun, it is impossible for China to overtake the gold medal list.

Wu Jie felt a little lost in his heart, but he also knew that China had done well enough for the Olympics. The next step was to hold on to the second position and never allow West Germany to overtake.

In the afternoon, Wu Jie used a diamond card for Zhou Ping, who participated in the vaulting finals.

Zhou Ping didn't get the result in the vaulting event due to mistakes in the original plane, but with the help of Wu Jie's card, she played very well in this plane, successfully following the two Romanian world names as a dark horse To the final.

In the finals, Zhou Ping took the risk to use the "Takahara Jump" which can be completed by the extremely young athletes of this era, as well as the difficult movement of hand flipping and turning with extremely high failure rate.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of adventure has a very high failure rate, but with the addition of diamond-level cards, Zhou Ping successfully exploded into the small universe, and defeated two Romanian generals in an upset, helping the Chinese team to add another gold medal.

In the evening, Ma Yanhong also won the gold medal in the uneven bars project with his original movement and high-quality set performances that shocked the world with the "stretch bar back flip 360°".

At the time, not only the audience watching the game was stunned, Ma Yanhong's entire game process was accompanied by one after another cries of excitement!

In the end, even the contestants were crazy by this set of moves, because they knew that Ma Yanhong was invincible on the uneven bars with this set of performances!

"Chinese Gymnastics Team" is under Ma Yanhong's another gold medal. This Chinese Team, following the "shooting team" and "weightlifting team", has already surpassed the momentum in the past two days.

Especially after Li Ning became another gold medal collector after Shen Lang, the Chinese gymnastic team not only became the first day group outside the big ball project, but also the only driver currently pushing the Chinese delegation to continue to advance on the gold medal list force.

In the evening, Li Ning helped China win the last gold medal in today's floor exercise, which is also his third gold medal in the Olympic Games.

Western media are wondering why China has so many dominant stars in various sports. Li Ning and Ma Yanhong are the status of "king" and "queen" in gymnastic events. They not only have absolute dominance in multiple events They also have creative actions that are enough to remember with their names.

But in addition to the "Chinese Gymnastics Team" stunning the world, today China also continues to lead the row in the reignited big ball game. The girls broke Peru 3-0 in the group stage, and the women's basketball girl scored 94: 85 defeated Brazil.

This made the **** men shivering. Fortunately, the men’s basketball team defeated Romania at 103:85 in the fourth game of the group at night, and finally did not let the half of the sky completely cover it.

This game naturally did not happen because of defeating the United States, because after the Chinese players went back to the rematch, everyone was riddled with Ruda's face, especially the three little guys were scolded from beginning to end.

Of course, Ruda knows the truth that arrogant soldiers will lose. He is too lazy to give political lessons and psychological lessons to his younger brothers. That is the task of the coaching staff.

His approach is to fill up the pressure. No matter who made a mistake, don’t want to run when the game is resumed after the game. It is an indispensable daily routine for him to spray it. This kind of rematch has long been a Chinese men’s basketball team. What must be done after the game.

This high-pressure policy has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that Ruda himself scored 25 points and 18 rebounds, but assisted up to 12 times. Obviously, his teammates performed well today.

As for the disadvantages, it is natural that everyone is afraid of him, and some people still hate them!

But Ruda didn't care about these things. His son was a Venus. It is estimated that there will be another one after 88 years. Who dares to show his hatred for him?

The men’s football team did not play today because the men’s football team, the men’s volleyball team and the women’s handball team are all four teams. They will start the quarter-finals tomorrow.

The women's volleyball team, the women's basketball team, and the men's basketball team consist of 6 teams in the group, so there will be another group match, and the knockout will start three days later.

But these six teams are either already qualifying, or qualifying ahead of schedule. The situation is really good.

At this time, many people could not help but start to fantasize. Will they win six gold medals in these six projects?

Wu Jie hasn't even started thinking about it yet. The knockout opponents of the Chinese men's football team came out yesterday. It is the second-placed American team in Group A.

This can only be said that the enemy's road is narrow, but the US team's ability to qualify is already better than the original results.

The American people naturally sang an elegy for their own team in advance. On the billboards of "Times Square" that are famous for their global paintings, even after the results of the match were released, a long show was held for the "American men's football team". Expensive funeral for hours!

Wu Jie doesn't think that playing the US team can sit back and relax. The more exciting thing about football than basketball is that the uncertainty is much higher.

If the opponent is determined to put the iron bucket array in place, and the referee's penalty scale is biased, then the superior will press the opponent to play the whole game, and it is still possible to win by a sneak attack.

Although this kind of situation is rare, there will always be several classic battles with weak over strong every year.

The Chinese team has not reached the point where they can ignore their opponents, so before the match Wu Jie and Chen Haonan gave preventive shots to the younger brothers in advance, and even the always frivolous Lin Yaodong took the back line to discuss tomorrow's defense.

Ruda expressed his envy, if he had a really good helper, then he wouldn’t have to worry about it alone.

After the game on the seventh day, the Chinese delegation's gold medals increased to 27, and it continued to rank second.

But the production of gymnastics is coming to an end. On the eighth day, only Li Ning of the Chinese gymnastics delegation won a gold medal in men's all-around.

This gold medal also made him the national hero second only to Shen Lang in this Olympic Games. The titles of "Swimming Prince" and "Gymnastics Prince" are not only highly respected in China, but also used by the media in Asia, Europe and America. These two titles are used to report them.

It is a pity that in the women's individual all-around event conducted today, the Chinese players failed to enter the top three.

But in the big ball project, several Chinese teams continue to play unstoppable performance today.

The Chinese men's volleyball match was the first to take place. Due to the unexpected advancement to the first place in the group stage, the men's volleyball team won a good draw in the quarterfinals, and their opponents were relatively weak in the quarterfinals. Turkey team.

Wu Jie will naturally not arrange cards for the men’s volleyball team, but he did not expect that in the face of the weakest opponent in the knockout stage, the men’s volleyball masters played the tradition of abusive dishes for men’s football and men’s basketball. gone.

This makes Wu Jie think that the men's volleyball team will not bring their own plug-in?

Although the Turkish men's volleyball team is the second-ranked team in Europe, it is actually a little stronger than the Chinese team.

He originally thought that even if the men's volleyball team could defeat Turkey, it should be a fierce competition evenly matched. Now this big victory is completely beyond his expectations.

However, after breaking through the best record in history and successfully entering the Olympic semi-finals, the Chinese men's volleyball team finally got the attention of domestic audiences.

This result not only exceeded Wu Jie's expectations, but domestic audiences did not expect the men's volleyball team to get to this point, which finally made the men's volleyball masters get a glance at the Chinese people.

The women's handball team played in the evening. They and the men's volleyball team were also the first team in the group, so the opponent was also the weaker Italian team.

But this game has a lot of suspense, and the process of the game can be considered ups and downs.

The Chinese women's handball team was behind even for most of the time. It wasn't until the end of the second half that they finally overtaken, and finally won the Italian team with a 39:38 score.

The Chinese men’s football match was 2 hours later than the women’s handball team and did not start until 8:30 pm local time.

But this game, which has caused hundreds of millions of people across the United States to pray sincerely and hope that God will work miracles, has made the entire American audience heartbroken within two minutes of the game!

The Chinese team did not despise the United States today, but there is still a little bit of the United States in the starting lineup, because two of the three teenagers have started.

However, this level of contempt is entirely within the reasonable range. You can't let the Chinese team face an opponent who can stop to a distance of one or two meters in general, and have to take a 100% attitude. This is too unrealistic.

After the opening of the Chinese team, there was no trial, and a high-intensity confrontation was launched directly in the midfield.

The physical qualities of American players are very good, and all of them are brawny, and a few black players are also amazing in speed.

But today Chinese players have taught Americans a lesson, telling them that "football" is not a game that can be played by people, can you protect the ball in the confrontation, can you not face the defense There are errors in dribbling and passing, which is the difference between strong and weak.

Faced with the pressure from the Chinese team, American players are not to mention the technique. First of all, the lack of basic skills is completely exposed.

It took more than a minute to start in the first half. A player named Henry of the American midfielder stopped the ball directly to 3 meters when he stopped the ball. Facing Chen Hanan's contention, he first pushed it down with a push. Then the ball was passed out in a hurry, and the ball fell directly to Wu Jie's feet.

Wu Jie was naturally very surprised, but there was no delay in the action. After getting the football, he neither passed nor broke, and suddenly took a long shot 40 meters away from the door!

This foot shot should be the reason why the pass is too comfortable. I saw the ball flying towards the goal with the ground fast as it rubbed the grass.

The black goalkeeper Powell of the American team actually responded quickly, but he was clearly unprepared for this goal, and the save was a bit slow.

Such a staggering world wave of four goals scored a hundred thousand spectators in the "Los Angeles Memorial Stadium" on the spot!

Although they were ready to be beaten by the Chinese team, they still didn't expect the blow to be so sudden! I didn't expect the ball to be so unexpected!

"It's an eye-opening world shot. His starting point is 45 meters away from the goal. The trajectory of football is like a bumblebee flying at a very low altitude!"

The American commentator was also stunned for a while, and finally could only use the newly-served F18 to ease the embarrassment.

"We don't need to be too surprised about losing the ball. American sports are very developed, but they have fallen behind the world in football. Today's game with the Chinese team, we have to play with a learning attitude."

Another American commentary also tried to ease the embarrassment. What he said was not a lie. Why is it so familiar with the tone and content?

"Wu said before the game that the problem of American football is mainly in basic skills. Stopping the ball is a manifestation of basic skills. It is a pity that our players are very inefficient in this respect."

"Yes, Chinese players are world-class in stopping the ball, and our players can be called community-level in stopping the ball!"

"When it comes to stopping the ball, there is a joke in the world that the player who can stop the ball 1 cm below his foot is a Brazilian player; the player who stops the ball 10 cm below his foot is a Chinese player; The player who is 1 meter under his feet is an English player; the player who stops the ball 10 meters under his feet and assists the opponent to form a shot is our American player."

These two commentaries become vomiting, but how does it sound more familiar?

If Wu Jie knew these two commentaries, they would definitely burst into laughter!

This is really a piece that has been widely circulated recently. The original source is the World Football magazine controlled by Isabella. At that time, it was mainly ironic that England lost to Germany by 0:3 in the European game.

The British are just like this, and this ironic piece soon spread.

But not many people pay attention to the private goods carried here. The basic skill distance of Chinese players is actually quite a bit lower.

Paradoxically, no one questioned this.

At this time, because the Chinese players playing in Europe are all players with outstanding basic skills and delicate skills.

The basic skills of Gu Guangming, Zhao Dayu, Shen Xiangfu and others are really terrible.

Wu Jie and Chen Haonan are naturally better than Brazilian players in stopping the ball.

Therefore, this paragraph with serious smuggling of private goods has spread throughout the world. After all, the irony of England and the United States is loved by everyone, and the impression that Chinese players are second only to Brazilian players in technology is actually formed.

This kind of rumor is almost the same as rumors, but after more rumors, even Chinese players believe it.

The advantage here is naturally to impose higher demands on Chinese players invisible.

At present, domestic young players demand themselves based on the standard of stopping the ball at 10cm. Many talented little guys even demand themselves based on the so-called Brazilian standards. After all, the benchmarks for players in Europe are too high. They can even watch without watching. Not at all!

Recently, even the young players in the north have developed a near-paranoid attitude towards basic skills, because they fail to reach this rumored technical standard. Isn’t that shameful to the words “Chinese players”?

At this time, the TVs of various domestic sports teams were filled with youth echelons of different ages. The little guys saw that the technology at the feet of the Americans was really as rough as rumors. Of course, they used extremely contemptuous words. Ruthlessly mocking Americans can't even reach the minimum standard of 50 cents for stopping the ball.

"Look, look, the Americans stop the ball again and make a mistake!"

"Haha, my uncle can stop this ball!"

"My grandma will do!"


These voices are too malicious, but the American team on the scene did play a catastrophic performance.

This gang-like white and strong, and fast and black, fast, not to mention Wu Jie and Chen Haonan, even if it is to deal with Gu Guangming and Ren Zhihui, the pair of Chinese wings are dangerous.

The Chinese team is defensive but relaxed. The two iron chains that the Italians can't get through, don't need to play whip at all today, so just throwing it twice is enough to make the American team lose ground.

In the 11th minute of the first half, Chen Haonan and Ren Zhihui on the left, and Zhao Dayu continued to collide against the wall, only through the continuous cooperation between three people to penetrate the American defense, Zhao Dayu accidentally shot the goal in the penalty area- 2:0.

In the 28th minute, the Chinese team broke the goal again with a free kick.

At this time, the live broadcast screen gave Lin Yaodong a close-up close-up of a smug face in front of his opponent's door. There was really no second comment other than "underplay".

The American audience on the scene will already have the idea of ​​exiting, but most people are still going to wait for the intermission to go Otherwise, it will be too cruel to leave the US team on the field in half an hour.

But if they do not leave now, they will be very cruel to themselves!

In the 34th minute of the first half, Chen Haonan also made a long shot from a position of 36 meters away.

This shot was somewhat random, but I didn't expect the US defender to make a mistake. The goalkeeper's vision was blocked for a while. It was too late to see the ball, and it was once again penetrated by the long shot.

This goal completely collapsed the mentality of the American audience, and fans have gradually withdrawn before the first half.

But this will burst not only the American audience, but also the goalkeepers of the US team and the players.

In the first half stoppage time, Ren Zhihui grabbed the mentality of the US team's collapse across the board and used Chen Haonan's sudden kick to make a long pass. The single player completed the clearance on the left and eventually faced the goalkeeper with an angle. High difficulty volley completed the goal.

Then look at this "Los Angeles Memorial Stadium" that can accommodate 100,000 people. At this moment, one third of the seats have become empty, and there is a ghost on the top...