Big Country Sports

Chapter 315: Decision one

"35 gold, 12 silver and 8 bronze"-This is the first time that New China has participated in the Olympics. It includes men's football, men's basketball, women's basketball, women's volleyball and other large ball projects with high global influence.

Of course, the United States is still the leader. The other four in the top five of the gold medal list are not as many as the gold medals won by the United States. This super-multiple situation makes Americans very comfortable.

It would be better if we could kill China in big ball projects.

Although China is far from the United States as a whole, there are indeed commendable achievements in big ball projects, especially indoor projects.

Chinese media believe that the United States is strong in outdoor track and field projects. China has been affected by the economy and a decade, and it can only work on indoor projects for the time being, but the future potential is unlimited.

However, compared with the original plane that only won 15 gold medals, European and American countries are competing for praise differently.

The achievements of this plane Chinese delegation have been more than doubled, but on the contrary, it has been justified by public opinion in various countries.

Wu Jie did not know why this happened, but from the body to the media, including the people in the country, he believed that this Olympic trip achieved near perfect scores. After all, this is their first time to compete in the Olympic arena in 60 years.

After attending the closing ceremony, the Chinese delegation returned to China on the 20th.

Wu Jie has been thinking about how to spend on the plane. A few days ago, he has consumed five resurrection puppets, three of which are used for track and field, one for swimming, and one for basketball.

Now that the Olympics is officially over, his two mainline missions have been completed, plus the income from several finals, he now has more than half a million points available, which at least allows him to activate two more toolbars Bit.

For football, basketball, track and field, and swimming, there is no need to introduce new partners for the time being.

After thinking for a long time, Wu Jie first filled in a two-star resurrection puppet: "Sports Type"-Tennis, "Age Range"-10 to 14 years old, "Gender"-male.

His main reason for choosing tennis is that this project has always been among the best in all sports in terms of its fairness and impact.

In addition, tennis has always been known as the "Four Gentlemen's Sports". The other three sports are equestrian, fencing, and golf, and their influence is not small.

But apart from tennis, equestrianism and golf are temporarily not in line with China's national conditions. Fencing is very suitable for the Chinese in all aspects, but Wu Jie does not like Western swordsmanship.

He has always been very cryptic about the rigid traditional martial arts, but he still stands on the Chinese side for the actual combat capabilities of Chinese swords and western swords, especially the actual combat capabilities of Chinese weapons and Western weapons.

Although this has nothing to do with the actual reform of cold weapons in Europe and the United States, they chose to completely replace cold weapons with hot weapons.

But anyway, in these four gentleman sports, he naturally chose to develop tennis first.

One year ago, Wu Jie got the queen of tennis first.

Now as long as a tennis emperor is added, then Chinese tennis can really take off.

But on the last new partner, Wu Jie considered it for a long time. It was not until the plane landed in Beijing that he filled in the resurrection puppet: "Sports type"-archery, "age range"-10 to 14 years old, "sex"-male.

This must be for the sake of getting away with Nanbang, but mainly because there are many marksmen in Chinese history, but the modern archery project has nothing to do with China. It was not until Li Lingjuan won the championship that Chinese archery returned to the world stage.

However, a champion is not enough to explain the problem. Wu Jie has a strong personal tendency for this project. He believes that China does not have enough top-level experts in modern archery to form a monopoly. Even reforming the archery project can easily be criticized. Are all the legendary figures in history from fiction?

Although this requirement is too high, he has always admired the archers in history. He naturally hopes that China will have a dominant position in the field of "archery", so this new partner chose a modern version of the arrow. God, a monster who really wears Yang in a hundred steps.

In this way, his savings are only more than 300,000.

This money looks a lot, at least one more field can be opened.

But considering that after the new partner was born, he had to buy various talents and cards for the younger brothers. This money was actually not enough.

Fortunately, his main missions, as well as those finals, have extra rewards.

In addition to more than 300,000 cash, he also has 3 legendary cards, 5 diamond cards, 2 five-star physical talents, 2 five-star special talents, and three four-star sports talents in his backpack. 3 four-star special talents.

These materials are enough for him to upgrade for these new partners. The next thing is to naturally look at the UK, and a new copy will begin.


Arsenal haven't had much action in the past week, but just dropped some standards, but the veterans who are getting louder in the locker room are eliminated.

This also caused the dissatisfaction of Arsenal fans. These veterans also made great achievements for the team. Even everyone has their own glorious years. Many stories are also widely circulated among Arsenal fans.

But just like most dragon-slayers will become new dragons, these young people also hated the old dough sticks that had stopped, as well as full of blood and great ideals.

But when they were old and old, the blood and the fearlessness of the young, finally, after countless frustrations, finally came to an indifference, and the ideals of that year have long been broken by time.

Therefore, they also started to choose to eat the same old days, not only to suppress the young people who reflected their shadows, but also to fight against the coaching staff, relying on the good old times to attract the same old fans.

Wu Jie knows that this situation can only be squandered quickly. If he is not cold-hearted and merciless to them, the whole team can only fall into a vicious circle.

Isabella is also quite a queen fan. There is no emotional component in handling this kind of thing. Not only have the old fritters of the team been sent off for bargains, but also the club management has come to a big blood exchange.

Now Arsenal have already seen the wrong things in the eyes of the old fans, but the voice of condemnation has suddenly dropped in recent days, because the British media, including the German media, have released the news that Arsenal and Bayern are negotiating the Wu Jie deal. And the progress is very gratifying.

This news turned Arsenal fans' protests into surprises, and the entire British football industry was shocked!

When Wu Jie had just become famous in the Asian Cup, there were also teams in the British football team who expressed concern. For example, Liverpool was very interested in him.

However, as a British empire that even South American players despise, including European players, they are not worth looking at. Here, regardless of the media, team, or fans, the players outside the British Isles are in a dominant position, not to mention a small A small Chinese player.

However, Wu Jie used four seasons to let the British team never rush out of the island to obtain honors. Instead, they met the British team once and the British media.

This bullfighter-like performance certainly made the British very resentful, but it also made the British lose their previous high position in football, and even already feared Wu Jie.

Of course, they are always proud and arrogant, but at least they will not be taken lightly for Chinese players.

Not only Wu Jie's credit is here, but besides being continuously slammed by him in the European arena, Chen Haonan and Lin Yaodong also won the English club after their birth.

The worst thing is that in the World Cup, they were also eliminated by the Chinese team.

Now that English football has been bruised and bruised by China, even the eyes can't be opened. How can you squint at people?

At the moment I heard the news of Wu Jie coming to the Premier League, not to mention what the entire British football thinks, at least Arsenal fans are very happy, which means that they may also rise as fast as Bayern.

At this time, the player who had just arrived at Arsenal was also very excited. Cunningham even thrilled in the days before his new teammates how Wu Jie beat him in the Champions League.

The most painful thing is that he was quite contented that he was shoveled by Wu Jie, and the right leg with many needles was shown to everyone. This pride is really inexplicable.

In addition, Arsenal's transfer department also felt the attractiveness of Wu Jie, because since the news that the new king might come to Arsenal, they had not been so smooth in their old-age journey, and they suddenly became It went smoothly.

Arsenal's current recruitment routine is naturally based on finding veterans who can still eat for two years.

However, these veterans will naturally be very, very cautious when choosing their own sunset place. Arsenal is not the best choice.

But now it’s different. Not long after Wu Jie’s possible visit to Arsenal came to light. In the past few years, Magath, who was shadowed by Wu Jie, directly chose between “End of Life in Hamburg” and “Going Out of Gold”. Join him if he can't.

Falcao, who had already started to miss the ball in Rome last season, also changed the decision to return to Brazil after hearing the news and chose to play at Arsenal for another year.

This choice has occurred in many sunsets, but first Arsenal needs the ability to communicate in English. Second, after the introduction of Magath and Falcao, their team configuration is very reasonable.

At this time, Arsenal can reach 23 players. If you count the space left for youth training, you have already rushed to 30 people.

This scale, even if the schedule is notoriously demanding, is actually enough.

Wu Jie did not return to Europe immediately. Although Bayern already knew that he would definitely not be able to keep it, he still wanted to struggle a little at the end, at least to make the transfer fee a little higher.

Arsenal's negotiations with Bayern were leaked, which was the news released by Bayern.

On the one hand, they wanted European giants to raise their prices, but they also sent the news to Bayern fans and asked them to find Wu Jie who had never seen anyone.

Bayern fans have always been working hard, and some fan groups play emotional cards, and they continue to retain their core through various actions that hope to move Wu Jie.

Of course, some people hated Wu Jie because of his love, and began to scold him as Huang Juda, betrayed Bayern who brought him out of poor and backward China, and betrayed Bayern, who made him the world's first star.

In addition, there are people who hope that the team will die without letting go, and then put him on the bench, which is a trick that will be destroyed if not obtained.

The first type of retention has just started the most, but since Wu Jie's play disappeared, especially after the news of Arsenal came out, Bayern fans with the second attitude have increased.

As for the extreme fans who have been unable to stand up because of Wu Jie's outstanding performance, this club has also begun to make a sound.

Especially with the end of the Olympic Games, Wu Jie still has no news, and those anti-rabbit voices are getting louder.

Then, Wu Jie's villa in Munich was set on fire!

If it weren’t for the firefighter to come fast, his neighbor would have to be affected if he failed.

Immediately after this vicious incident, it made headlines in major European media, and Bayern's extreme fans became the object of condemnation for a while.

This also made Bayern's management who secretly called the "pig teammates" understand that there was no room for remedy again. This sudden fire could completely make Wu Jie's departure a foregone conclusion. At least they had no moral reason to condemn.

Wu Jie used a "natural disaster and human disaster" card to burn down his mansion worth 250,000 US dollars, and formally held a press conference in Beijing to stand up and announce his "decision."

This is also the first time that he has come forward to respond to the already furious question of whereabouts. The result is that it has caused more than 120,000 Bayern members and countless Bayern fans to break their hearts because he really wants to leave.

However, Wu Jie did not find any reason for his departure, and did not forcefully explain it. Instead, he directly confessed the reason for his departure, confessed that he actively wanted to leave, and left a farewell letter written to Bayern.

After personally announcing his decision to the world at the press conference, he dictated part of the farewell letter.

I have to say that this letter will surely become a benchmark for gathering together, because the letter is full of gratitude, full of guilt, and full of memories, and maybe there are tears from a number 7 thirty years later.

He wrote in the farewell letter-

"Two thousand years ago, there was a general named Guan Yu in China. He had a story of "walking thousands of miles". One of the words impressed me a lot. He said: "There is no one in the world, no one is a gentleman. . I understand when I come, and I have to understand when I go.'"

"I want to say that in the past few years Bayern may well be the happiest time in my life."

"I am extremely grateful for the cities of Bayern and Munich, and for the people who support me. For you, I can only say thank you."

"These four years at Bayern are very wonderful. I grew up here as a world-class star. I believe that these four years will be unforgettable for me. I am enjoying football in an unprecedented way here."

"Whether it is on the court or in the locker room, my teammates are very good. I feel the warmth brought by this team and the help they bring to me. We won the Champions League for four consecutive years. In four years, he won three league titles, three Toyota Cup titles, three European Super Cup titles, and two German Cup titles.

"Also with the help of my teammates, I successfully won 3 Bundesliga Golden Boots and 4 Champions League Golden Boots. And all these honors are built on the basis of this great team."

"Bayern has been integrated into my heart and my family's heart. At this time, I want to say thank you more than ever: Thank you, Bayern, the chairman, the manager, all my teammates, and the team. The technical team, thanks to the team doctor, to the physiotherapist and the team’s staff. It’s you who made the club run so well, it’s you who made everything perfect, it’s you who made me have a beautiful memory that I cannot forget.”

"Finally, I want to thank the fans and German football again. I am honored to have played for these lovely fans in these four years. I am also honored to help these fans who love me win honors."

"So I thought about this decision for a long time, but I knew it was time to start a new journey in life."

"I will leave here, but no matter where I am, this jersey, this team logo, these honors for Bayern, will accompany me forever."

"At this moment I want to ask everyone, especially the Bayern fans who support me, please understand my choice."

"Finally, I want to say that it’s not that a certain journey of life is over, it is really completely over. Maybe one day I will return to Bayern to fight for you, and then sit in the Munich Olympic Stadium, watching my jersey on the stadium. Flying above the sky."

These are only part of the contents of the farewell letter, because the complete farewell letter is up to three thousand words.

If you change a person, it must be nobody who believes it was written by the player himself.

However, in the absence of a speech, Wu Jie still said the words with a thousand words.

This made the reporters attending the press conference had to wonder: This is not really written by Wu Jie himself?

They certainly did not know that Wu Jie had always had a message board that only he could see.

So let's not say the farewell content of thousands of words, you can ask him to recite the 30,000-character "Bayern Diary" that will be published throughout the whole article.

In the end, Wu Jie naturally revealed that he would publish a "Bayern Diary" written by himself at the earliest end of the year and at the latest next summer to commemorate the four years of Bayern's journey.

To be honest, Wu Jie's farewell does not get the understanding and support of most Bayern fans. He will still be called the "traitor" for a long time.

But this letter will at least not let him be condemned by fans outside Bayern, including Bayern fans can not really attack him justly!

It can be said that for a long time, he will still be slowly forgiven by Bayern fans, and then recall the wonderful time of the past.

Ten or twenty years later, Bayern will really retire his jersey.


Two days later, the live video of the conference, including Wu Jie’s farewell letter, began to be wildly reported by TV stations and news media in various European countries.

Bayern fans can't accept his departure, but all Europeans want Wu Jie to leave Bayern quickly. Even in Germany, except for the media in Munich, everyone is watching jokes and has a blissful attitude towards Bayern!

The opinions of the mainstream European media are basically the same. They believe that Wu Jie does not have any regrets for Bayern.

Wu Jie played for Bayern for four seasons, participated in a total of 166 games, dedicated 258 goals and 86 assists.

While playing for Wu Jie, Bayern won a total of 4 Champions League titles, 3 league titles, 3 Toyota Cup titles, 3 European Super Cup titles, and 2 German Cup titles.

Such personal data and team honors are almost half of the honors Bayern built in the 80-year history of the team. No one can say that Wu Jie is sorry for this team.

After the Bayern side was burned in Wu Jie’s villa and the letter of farewell was made public, he also knew that the matter could no longer be done.

After Wu Jie made his "decision" public, he naturally contacted Bayern's current chairman Willie Hoffman.

He didn't say anything nice on the phone, and finally he finally got the blessing that the other party must have violated.

Of course, the premise of Willy Hoffman’s understanding is mainly that Wu Jie promised that he will not let the transfer fee be lower than ten million To put it bluntly is to let Bayern get nothing.

But the happiest thing is the Chinese Football Association, Li Fenglou, but just after the news of his transfer, he came to remind the transfer fee as soon as possible, because the Football Association can get a 30% share.

On August 24, Bayern officially announced the news that Wu Jie was about to leave, not only thanking him for his contribution to Bayern's four seasons, but also expressing his blessings for his future.

It is still difficult for Bayern fans to accept this news. Some people expressed their blessings, some turned from love to hate, and some people started to use Wu Jie's departure to fight against rabbits without scruples...

But zoomed in to the entire continent, countless teams, countless fans are excited!

They all think that they have the opportunity to get this active first person who can make the team ascend to the spot, especially those rich and top teams who are not bad money, have launched a crazy chase for Wu Jie before the start of the new season. .

It's a pity that Wu Jielian bought a plane ticket to the UK at this time. There was a big shame waiting for him to upload seeds. Even Helena is preparing to build an inferior headquarters for ET Group in the European financial center of London. Division.