Big Country Sports

Chapter 417: The Chinese women's basketball team stri

Text Chapter 417 The Chinese Women's Basketball Team Strikes Out!

Uygur Suritang?

Wu Jie was taken aback when he saw the name. Obviously this is not the name of a Han Chinese?

You don’t need to guess where there is such a name in China. Wu Jie saw it was Xinjiang!

Yang Shuhua is also from Xinjiang. There is also a girl from Xinjiang in the women's football team, but they are all Han people born in Xinjiang.

This Uyghur is a pure Uyghur at a glance. She has a European-style flat double + a tall nose that is rare in the Han race, but the face is an Eastern style melon face, which is formed by fusion. A unique exotic style.

This unique Uyghur facial features are easy to be beautiful, but there will be a little girly male appearance without makeup, of course, the appearance will be very high under heavy makeup.

Uygur's appearance is not particularly brilliant, mainly because his face is a bit small, and he can't support the European-style flat pair. The sense of contradiction between the two reduces the overall appearance.

But Wu Jie is not worried about this, because every time the tool man improves his physical fitness after his resurrection, his appearance will also increase in half a year with his athletic ability. This is why he and the tool man’s appearance is very high. The reason is that every time you improve your physical fitness, it also comes with the beauty effect of bone cutting.

This Uygul is not a big beauty now, but as her physical fitness strengthens in the next six months, her appearance will rise with the tide. In the future, her appearance is likely to be higher than the original Xinjiang Simei. The Chinese women's volleyball team Now finally have the capital to compete with the women's basketball.

"It turned out to be a sandstorm!"

Wu Jie seemed to care too much about the appearance of his new companion, and it took a long time to remember to check the cause of her death.

Uygul had just turned 14 two months ago and had just died under the wind of a sandstorm. Specifically, he was electrocuted after being hit by a blown wire.

This is very easy to conceal. Although Wu Jie struggled with the issue of appearance for a long time, he had already chosen to resurrect when he received the system notification.

So when the first crowd found Uygul who was electrocuted to the ground, the wire was several meters away from her body. At this time, normal people would definitely think that she was only affected by the electric current a few meters away. Minor injuries are a very reasonable thing.

Wu Jie didn't hesitate. Just now, he used the five-star athletic talent that the women's volleyball team had just obtained to Uygur.

This means that the next decade of Chinese women's volleyball team will have a new core that is not inferior to Lang Ping.

But after thinking about it, Wu Jie thinks that the next era is likely to be more than a five-star monster, because the original Chinese women's volleyball team has more than one Lang Ping. Feng Kun, Zhao Ruirui, Zhang Na, and Zhu Ting have all become in their own positions. The first person in the world.

So if you are lucky, the Chinese women's volleyball team will have the opportunity to have two at the same time in the next era, and even three of them can become the first active players in their respective positions.

This possibility is not small, because the environment in the field of sports in China on this plane is so good, and a large number of talents have emerged in various projects under the chain reaction.

Wu Jie knew that in the men's volleyball youth team, there were many good seedlings transferred from the basketball team, and there were also many talents adjusting to each other in football and basketball.

This situation is also normal. Some tall children are not suitable for playing basketball and are sent away by the football team. Conversely, there are also cases where children who grow too fast are abducted by the basketball team when they grow up.

In fact, not only are the talents of basketball and football transferring to each other, these talents may also be poached by volleyball, track and field, tennis, feather ball, boxing and baseball.

But these people have the same feature, that is, they are excellent in physical fitness. Once they are trained in a project that suits them, the upper and lower limits will be very high.

In the past few years, Chinese football has made an incalculable contribution to the big family of "sports", because most sports talents are poached from the football team, and whoever makes the adults and children of this era choose the first time What about football.

But so many talents can't be eaten by football, and naturally they have to be transferred to other projects. As a result, even the men's volleyball team has got a bonus, and a few talents who dare not be seen by the men's basketball team have been dug up.

However, if it is really a top basketball talent, it is impossible for Ruda to let go. Since the genius that can be digged by the men's volleyball team, at least it is not the top talent in the basketball field.

But having said that, the top basketball genius playing volleyball may not be the top, so it is normal for the men's volleyball team to feel that they have picked up the treasure.

When the Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship strongly in Czechoslovakia, the 10th World Women's Basketball Championship also reached the crossover stage in the Soviet Union.

The Chinese girls continue to show the third-pole level in the group stage that has ended. Not only are they not inferior to the Soviet Union and the United States in game performance, but they have even surpassed the two dominant teams in the women's basketball field.

Let's put it this way, the attention and ratings of the Chinese women's basketball team in the group stage are about the same as the Chinese women's volleyball finals.

Wu Jie knows this is very irritating, but as long as you think about the three members of this team who are Wang Xiaoqian, Xia Lin, and Wu Ying, who are both online and worthy, you will not think this is a surprise.

Wang Xiaoqian, who has just changed the nickname of "Female Flying Man" to "The Most Beautiful Ghost", is 19 years old this year, his height is fixed at 183cm, and his weight is currently 72 kg.

This weight seems to be very high at first glance, but in fact her figure is better than the original plane, because the close to perfect body fat rate makes her figure more proud.

And for basketball players, the weight under this height is low in women's basketball.

But after all, she is only 19 years old. Ruda believes that increasing to 75 kg in the future will enable Wang Xiaoqian to have better confrontation ability, and at the same time, it will not make her body appear thick.

Now Wang Xiaoqian is thinner. You need to know that Taylor Swift, which is less than 1.8 meters fat to more than 150 kilograms, still hasn't completely become an aunt.

Wang Xiaoqian is almost 5 cm taller than her. As long as this height does not exceed 78 kg, it will not actually affect her figure. It is even slightly fatter and better for her face. About 75 kg is the most suitable for Wang Xiaoqian. body weight.

As for her athletic ability, Wu Jie originally thought four and a half stars was enough. After all, there is a big shark in the women's basketball team that can form a Gemini combination with her.

But when the management of the women's basketball team was handed over to Ruda, this guy immediately promoted the talents and did not avoid relatives, and immediately upgraded Wang Xiaoqian's athletic ability to five-star.

This also led to a long period of time, the women's basketball team did not have enough points to upgrade Xia Lin and Wang Ying.

Wu Jie could only use his own small vault to increase the funding for the women's basketball, which allowed Xia Lin and Wu Ying to complete the upgrade.

Xia Lin made a special mention of a team a year ago, but it is not uncommon for women to join the national team at the age of 17 or 18. The core of the US team, Cheryl Miller, joined the national team at the age of 16. She is also four and a half stars of athletic talent!

Wu Jie originally liked Xia Lin's timbre very much. Of course, this kind of love would not help her upgrade her athletic talent to five-star. Up to four and a half stars is already the limit of her preference.

At this time, Xia Lin had just turned 17 years old, but the height of 179cm had been finalized, which was about five or six centimeters higher than the original plane.

In terms of weight, she is only 60 kg because of her age. She has a supermodel figure. If she picks up a basketball without wearing a jersey, she will never believe that she is a basketball player.

Xia Lin's current problem is also the lack of confrontation caused by her low weight, but her speed and explosiveness in Asia except Wang Xiaoqian and Wu Ying, whoever meets is a level that can be passed by one step.

Based on Xia Lin's upgraded talent, Ruda decisively trained her as the female version of Nash, and bought her a set of Nash action packs.

In terms of technical talent, the main improvement is in ball possession and passing. Due to limited funds, her offensive talent can only be practiced by herself. For defense, she will not think about her current weight for the time being. It is estimated that this will be the future. It will also become her shortcoming.

Wu Ying was also selected for the national team with an exception six months ago, and as Wu Jie’s sister, her attention was not inferior to that of Wang Xiaoqian after her debut. Whoever mentioned her should mention an alien by the way. Her brother's influence is so great that even the African warlords are fanatic fans.

But Wu Ying doesn’t rely on her brother to get ahead. This girl is already very strong just because of her original talent. Although Wu Jie helped her upgrade to four and a half stars, she could not lose to the older one in every respect at the age of 16. Xia Lin is entirely due to her hard work, hard work, and self-discipline.

This is similar to Wu Sheng. Although the two of them are under Wu Jie's halo, they will be treated differently as jewels in the palm no matter where they go.

But this kind of special preferential treatment is actually more pressure for some people with personalities.

Wu Sheng and Wu Ying even resist this preferential treatment, so they will work harder to prove that they can succeed on their own.

Wang Xiaoqian can become an invincible singles first defender at the age of 19. He became the outer core of the national team to compete in the Olympics at the age of 17 two years ago, mainly relying on upgraded talent and Ruda's tireless day and night training.

Xia Lin is also 17 years old. Her four-and-a-half-star talent is the same as that of Wang Xiaoqian. However, because she is not as diligent as Wu Ying, and no one practices her day and night, not only can she not earn a starter, but she also has only one game. Ten minutes of exercise time is much lower than Wang Xiaoqian's starting point.

Wu Ying is only 16 years old. She is also a four-and-a-half-star physical talent, but with hard-working training, not only is she not inferior to Xia Lin on the technical level, but her physical potential is also much better, so she also won in the group stage. After several appearances, he successfully created the youngest appearance and scoring record in the Women's Basketball World Championship.

Wu Jie also had high hopes for this sister, and Ruda suggested that she let Wu Ying follow the female version of Garnett, which is also in line with her physical fitness and technical style.

The system shows that Wu Ying’s limit height is between 193cm-195cm. This is a proper power forward height in the women’s basketball team in the 1980s and 1990s. Even if it is a center, it is not short, and it can form a perfect complementary combination with Zheng Haixia. .

However, Xia Lin and Wu Ying can only wait on the sidelines for the opportunity. The current Chinese women's basketball team is still relying on Zheng Haixia and Wang Xiaoqian.

The main reason is that the others are not unreliable. Even without Zheng Haixia and Wang Xiaoqian in the World Championships four years ago, they still achieved third place, only losing to the United States and the Soviet Union.

Although this group of women's basketball members are not as dazzling as the women's volleyball team, they can join the US-Soviet hegemony to become the third pole, by no means only two people can do it.

There are a total of 12 teams participating in the Women's Basketball World Championships. First, they will be divided into two groups for a single round-robin match, and each group will be ranked. Then the top two teams in each group play a crossover match, the winning team decides the first place and the second place, and the losing team decides the third and fourth place.

The Chinese team was in Group A with the Soviet Union, Canada, Cuba, Bulgaria, and Taipei in the group stage. Except for the fourth game losing to the Soviet Union, the remaining four games were won by big scores.

After the women's volleyball world championships over there, the women's basketball world championships also just started the crossover stage.

Because the Chinese women's basketball team ranked second in Group A, the opponent at this time was the United States, the first in Group B.

This American women's basketball team, composed of mostly blacks, is the same as the Soviet women's basketball team. Both teams are unbeaten in this World Championship.

If you look at it this way, the Chinese women's basketball team is still slightly inferior, after all, they lost a game.

Wang Xiaoqian was the most embarrassed about this, because the biggest reason for the failure of that game was precisely because of her extremely hip pull.

In that battle, she only hit 2 goals in 17 shots in the entire game, and finally scored 10 points. The concentration of this pen has broken through the sky, and it is difficult for anyone to beat the core of the game without losing.

Ruda's studio in Beijing did not give face to his wife who had secretly obtained the certificate. He directly calculated the so-called color pen concentration by dividing the "throw count" by the "score". As a result, Wang Xiaoqian's color pen concentration in this battle was as high as 150%!

But even with this high concentration of hip pull performance, it still does not affect Wang Xiaoqian's scoring ranking first in this World Championships, and his performance is also the brightest player.

Because she played 40+ in one of the five group matches and 25+ in two. Only one has a slightly higher concentration, and this is the one that really pulls her hips.

The 43 points with the highest score in a single game at the current World Championships was still created by the Taipei Provincial Team.

In that battle, Wang Xiaoqian played 32 minutes and made 23 crazy shots, but the shooting rate was horrible 16 times, including 4 three-pointers.

Calculating this crazy performance, the concentration of colored pens is only a poor 16%.

If you change the formula, the Kerry concentration is as high as 84%, which is really too C!

Wang Xiaoqian basically lost the provincial team in this game. Not only did he help the national team torment the provincial team with 46 points 90:44, but also created the first women's basketball world championship with a net victory over all the opponents' points. Fresh records.

In addition, two of the four slam dunks in the current World Championships came from Wang Xiaoqian. She is also the only female basketball player who has completed dunks in the Olympics and World Championships, and even staged a women's basketball game against the provincial team. First ride buckle.

This kind of merciless face-slapping behavior naturally embarrassed the fans in the province. Although they all came to see the beauties, they were already very embarrassed when the beauties were on the opposite side. Now they are also ravaged in the game. This has made their pain more than visual enjoyment.

It is worth mentioning that not only did Wang Xiaoqian become the Valkyrie in that battle, Xia Lin and Wu Ying also got more than ten minutes of playing time, and their performance was also somewhat incredible!

Wu Ying is the best here, because she is the second player to complete a dunk in the Women's Basketball World Championship, and she is the youngest female athlete to complete a dunk in the World Series.

Naturally, Wu Jie is not surprised at all. Wu Ying's height is now 1.89 meters, even if her bounce is slightly worse than Wang Xiaoqian's, but with the advantage of her height and wingspan, it shouldn't be too simple to complete the buckle-free when no one is defending.

The dunk performance of the Chinese women’s basketball team naturally stimulated the Americans. Their main small forward Cheryl Miller joined the national team at the age of 16. If it hadn’t been for political reasons that she could not participate in the Soviet Olympics, she would probably break to participate. The youngest record for the Olympic women's basketball competition.

The American media also gave her a lot of pressure, so Cheryl was forced to try a dunk in the game against the South Korean team.

Cheryl was able to dunk naturally, but she was slightly injured. Although she still completed the dunk, she was seriously injured when she landed because she did not stand firmly.

This made the US team the object of ridicule all over the world, but it was not only a faceless problem for the Americans. The Chinese women's basketball team defeated them to win the championship in the last Olympic Games.

Now that the core Cheryl's lack of battle has damaged their combat power, there is even less confidence in defeating China.

In addition, Americans do not have the confidence to laugh at Wang Xiaoqian's 17-for-3 performance, because who knows if she will play 17-for-13 today?

But unfortunately, Wang Xiaoqian's state of the game is still average, no matter how beautiful and picturesque her foreplay is, the last serve is always the slightest difference.

In the first half, her sense of presence was still very high, but what she surrendered was a high concentration of 1 of 8 shots. She forced fouls and used free throws to get 8 points.

However, even if Wang Xiaoqian played this kind of hip pull performance, the Chinese team still led the U.S. team by 42:38 in the first half. Because the stable "big shark" Zheng Haixia faced the U.S. team and once again showed dominance at the basket. which performed.

This horror woman who made the Soviet women’s basketball team exhausted to exhaustion not long ago, today faced the U.S. team and still attacked. In the first half, she completed the crush of the U.S. inside in the penalty area alone and handed over a share. The perfect performance of 7 of 9 shots with 6 free throws.

Wang Xiaoqian would naturally be embarrassed because she was very crotch when facing the Soviet Union and the United States. On the other hand, Zheng Haixia showed that the more he faced a strong enemy, the more dominant the style.

Today, even Xia Lin's performance surprised the world. This seemingly thin Chinese beauty point guard got up to 8 minutes of playing time in the first half.

This is a lot longer than her playing time in the group stage, because she was unexpectedly stunning when facing the US team. Although her body is thin and looks like a catwalk supermodel, her speed and agility make her tall and tall. The American black girl is extremely clumsy.

Although Xia Lin was a little lazy, it was based on Wu Ying's standard of effort. In fact, her training volume is not bad compared to the US team.

Today they have Zheng Haixia, who can definitely score without double-teaming, and the most beautiful ghost with picturesque movements on the outside.

This makes it difficult for the U.S. team to share the manpower to defend others, and the result is that Xia Lin can disguise her skilful cross-steps in front of her body, and dribble behind her back. Actions that will only appear in men's basketball games. Not to mention the whole show, the most terrifying thing is that she is still not a stable mid-range shot and three-pointer. Today, facing the US team, she feels overwhelmed. Every time she makes an outside shot, she accurately makes her opponents only watch the basketball fly to the basket. ring.

In the second half, the American team died under long-range bombing by the Chinese team.

Today, not only Xia Lin’s hand feeling exploded, Cong Xuedi and Li Xiaoqin also had a hot hand feeling on the outside, and even Wu Ying, who scored 9 minutes of playing time, also had a good long-range shooting performance.

At this time, Wang Xiaoqian simply turned into a point guard. In the second half, he constantly took the ball to the inside to break through, and then confuses the defender through continuous shaking and change of direction. At the same time, most of the **** are actually distributed to the outside. Teammates.

Wu Jie said that he was too familiar with this style of play, especially when Wang Xiaoqian was always able to attract double-teams and twisted her body in the air to look for a pass target. Then seeing her No. 8 jersey really felt like a world away.

The American girls are helpless, with only deep helplessness and resentment in their hearts.

Wang Xiaoqian’s strong fight cannot be prevented without double-teaming, but Zheng Haixia on the inside line must also use two people to defend. This means that as long as the other players of the Chinese team pull on the outside line, they can hardly guarantee that they will not miss out.

But if you don’t believe in evil and use a single player to defend these two monsters, UU read www.uukānshu. Com, not to mention Zheng Haixia's offense in the penalty area. Even if Wang Xiaoqian feels cold today, she can still solve the problem with close-range boarding or throwing after the breakthrough. This kind of offense does not need to consider the feel of the problem.

In the end, under the blow of all the perimeters, the Chinese team used a wave of 10:0 rapid attacks to successfully take away the seemingly powerful American women's basketball team in the second half. After that, the difference between the two teams never narrowed. Within single digits.

At the end of the game, Zheng Haixia made 9 of 12 shots, 7 of 8 free throws, 25 points, 16 rebounds and 4 blocks. He undoubtedly won the best of the game.

Wang Xiaoqian’s performance is actually remarkable. Her performance of 4 of 13 shots seems to be very concentrated, but she scored 10 points through 12 free throws, scored 19 points, 7 rebounds and 5 steals, and the number of assists was unexpected. Up to 8 times.

Xia Lin also set a record for playing in the national team today. In 17 minutes of playing time, he made 6 of 7 shots. Among them, he made a stunning performance of 3 of 3 shots. In addition to scoring 15 points, he also sent With 3 assists, this performance is enough to make her enter the focus list of the coaching staff of various countries.

Today, the only pity among the Four Heroes of the East is Wu Ying. She only got the chance to play during garbage time, and finally only got 2 points and 2 rebounds.

But this is a decision made by the coaching staff of the Chinese team for protection. No matter how talented the 16-year-old Wu Ying is, she is also vulnerable to injuries when facing a group of black American sisters.

The main purpose of this World Championship is to let her feel the atmosphere of the competition. The Olympic Games two years later will be the stage where the "Four Heroes of the East" will really kill the Quartet!

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