Big Country Sports

Chapter 419: Are they going to kill?

Text Chapter 419 Are they going to kill

When Wang Xiaoqian got her 61st point, the hearts of the Soviets also sank to the bottom of the sea.

It's not that they didn't do anything. The head coach racked his brains to allow almost all the outside lines to take turns to defend. From the middle of the first half, there was always a double double defense. In the second half, she could even see three defensive players encircling her.

But in front of the crazy female ghost, any defense was useless, Wang Xiaoqian still used his own power to break through all the defense lines of the Soviets.

"Three minutes after the first half, we started to be unable to prevent her! At first we didn’t want her to fracture, but then we prevented death every round. The last thing we thought was that we didn’t mind letting her miss the next One year of competition, but she was like being possessed by a god!"

This was the helpless response of the Soviet head coach after the game. They tried all means except direct punching, but the results were to no avail.

The clubs are naturally full of expectations, because after the Chinese women's basketball team finished the World Championships, they will fly to Seoul on the same day to participate in the upcoming Asian Games women's basketball game.

But in fact, after seeing the big roster of the Chinese men's football and men's basketball team, they should know that the attitude of the women's basketball team is not too bad. How can the Chinese team send an All-Star lineup in the fish pond game?

The schedule of this Asian Games is similar to that of the Olympic Games. The indoor events are also launched first, and the big ball and track events will have to wait until the middle and late stages of the schedule.

The indoor events of the Chinese group can compete with the United States and the Soviet Union in the Olympic Games. Now returning to the Asian fish ponds, there will naturally be good news on the first day of the competition.

But what attracts the most attention is not the traditional strengths, but the "50m rifle" project that has been dominated by European and American stars.

In the 1970s, the "50m rifle" still adopted the three-position rule, that is, a competition is divided into "standing", "recumbent" and "kneeling". Contestants need to use three shooting positions respectively. shooting.

This is closer to the rules after the restructuring in 2008, but the "International Shooting League" likes to make a few changes to each project. The last Olympic Games divided this project into "standing position", "recumbent position" and "mobile position". Target” three projects.

Of course, it is now a triathlon, which is equivalent to turning a gold medal into three. Athletes from all over the world have almost one-sided support because they can participate in their best shooting posture.

And some all-around players can finally report two events at the same time in the 50-meter rifle shooting event.

Huang Shiping of the Chinese shooting team won the championship of the "50-meter rifle moving target" event at the last Olympic Games. This time he still signed up for this event.

However, there are two names that have never been seen before, this time people have to look at them.

Because one of them, Li Zhenyue, actually reported for three men's rifle projects; the other, Mu Wanqiu, a female contestant, also reported two projects for women's 10m rifle and 50m rifle!

This is really hell. Although the shooting project can theoretically be reported for multiple projects at the same time, even if the "men's 50m rifle" is divided into three, there are still very few people who actually report for two projects at the same time, and they have not yet appeared. Once on the podium at the same time, let alone win gold at the same time.

The reason here is simple. Shooting looks easy, but not only is the competition intense, it is also a game that cannot tolerate any mistakes. The requirements for athletes’ psychological quality can also be ranked in the forefront of all events.

In addition, it is hell-level difficulty that the audience can't appreciate. Take the target paper that is rarely given close-ups. The target paper of the 10-meter project is only the size of a dollar coin in the 8-ring, and the diameter of the 10-ring is only 115 mm.

Athletes of this size can't see it with the naked eye. In fact, even the entire target paper looks only a tiny bit size.

If you don’t understand how small 115 mm is, you can take off your pants and take a look. The smallest part is more than 115 mm in diameter. The player will hit such a certain point ten meters away.

Although the target paper for the 50-meter project is larger, the diameter of the entire target paper is increased to 16 cm, but the maximum diameter in the 10-ring is still the size of a coin. It can be understood that the player needs to use a non-magnifying function outside 50 meters. The rifle hits an egg steadily.

This kind of difficulty does not say that the extremely slight shaking of the hands will directly fall outside the 8th ring and cause major mistakes. Even the slight problem of the breathing rate will immediately affect the number of rings. In the World Series, it is only necessary to play the 10th ring a few times. Probably just gg directly.

That’s right, the minimum requirement for professional players is to hit ten rings steadily, while the requirement for first-class players is to hit ten rings or more with every shot, because your opponents are all monsters with stable ten rings, and the victory or defeat is not based on who hits. It depends on who has played the ten rings less frequently.

This kind of pressure is also too difficult for the top players, especially in the finals, more demanding target papers will be used, and the pressure of competition between players will increase exponentially, because this time is a steady hit in the tenth ring is no longer a winner. The key is that each shot is closer to the center of the ten ring is the key to victory.

But even in the qualifiers where the ten rings are full, the performance of these two Chinese players, who are said to be husbands and wives, is incredible, right?

The various rifle items will not be paid until the second day of the match, but the two broke several world records in shooting posture on the first day, which makes it difficult to not pay attention.

Li Zhenyue first scored 396 rounds in the two qualifying rounds of the "50m rifle standing position". He hit the tenth ring 36 times out of 40 shots, and only 4 missed the 9th ring. If this is true If it can be considered a mistake.

Of course, the world record of this kind of qualifying competition does not matter, because the number of shots and rounds in each competition are always changing, which is really of no reference value.

But it is worth mentioning that his shooting speed is amazing. With a shooting time of 50 seconds, he can accurately complete the firing in 10 seconds every time.

This shooting speed is an absolute speed flow in the 50-meter rifle project, but few real masters use speed flow, because the firing speed is too fast to ensure stability.

However, every shot of Li Zhenyue is almost a perfect score of ten rings, which is really a stable line of monster level.

As I said before, the requirement of first-class players is to play more than 10 rings per serve, but no matter how stable players are, they cannot really hit the bullseye 100%. They will definitely make mistakes in the 8th and 9th rings.

Therefore, in the usual qualifying rounds of 40 shots, the best players from various countries are around 390 rings. The performance of 395 rings or more has never appeared in official competitions. It really needs to be possible under the double explosion of state and luck. .

But if the lens is given to Li Zhenyue's target paper, he can even see that half of his hits are posted to the center of the tenth ring.

If this is in accordance with the 109-ring system in the finals, then half of his shots can achieve a score of 106 or more, and at least a dozen shots can get a full score of 109. This kind of stable behavior makes people wonder if he has opened?

If it is just a project that is so strong, everyone will only think that China has another genius in the shooting field. This is really not surprising!

But what is really outrageous is that Li Zhenyue still scored 397 rings in the two rounds of "kneeling shot" qualifying rounds, and the speed was also installed with a regular ten-second serve.

Finally, in the "prone shot", he even played a non-human performance of 398 rings.

That's great, it's the most inaccurate posture for lovers to stand up.

The most accurate way is to play on your stomach. Isn't this an old silver coin?

Also, isn't this kind of genius who debuted at the age of 26 too weird?

"Shooting" is not a project that can be achieved in one or two years. A talented adult under 25 needs at least one year of professional training to enter the state of steadily hitting 9 rings or more.

But don't think that you can continue to improve. If you want to advance to a stable 10-ring score, even a talented seedling will have to work hard from an early age.

If you want to get a place in the competition, it is talent to fight, and the effect of hard work can only maintain the lower limit.

The problem is that a super player of Li Zhenyue's age should have made a name for himself. How could he participate in the competition for the first time at such an age?

Also, why is there always a bitter chill in this person?

In his sharp black eyes, there seemed to be a cold murderous intent.

The players who competed with him were deeply moved by this point. They could feel Li Zhenyue's whole body exuding a kind of terrifying murderous aura that seemed to come from hell.

This kind of aura will be especially obvious every time he pulls the trigger, the kind of murderous aura that makes people tremble like a cold light piercing his heart.

What is even more bizarre is that this momentum is not only reflected in Li Zhenyue, but also in his wife Mu Wanqiu.

Mu Wanqiu's name is quite poetic, and her face also has the gentleness of a Jiangnan woman, she is a talented girl from a famous family.

But after raising the rifle, this kind of femininity immediately showed a fierce inner strength, especially at the moment when she shot her, the originally crystal clear eyes would flash a bloodthirsty and violent murderous in an instant.

At this time, Mu Wanqiu is like a blood-devouring Shura coming from hell, with a soaring evil and murderous aura rising from her body. This makes the more sensitive female players nearby feel very clear and naturally affects them more. Big.

This kind of description is not nonsense. Behind the two people who showed far ahead in the qualifying competition, in fact, most of the other people did not perform well, and even a few people played seriously abnormally as a foil.

Wu Jie didn't know if it was a system bonus, or if he returned from the battlefield with corpses all over the field, he would really condense such a terrifying murderous aura!

As Qin Jian's first presence in their combat power, Wu Jie didn't feel this suffocating aura next to him.

But as long as they are close to these two mouths, they can indeed feel a kind of discomfort of heart palpitations, or simply say that the palpitation is gone, in short, the heart will really speed up.

Lin Yaodong just didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Qin Jian, but in front of Li Zhenyue and Mu Wanqiu, he really didn't dare to breathe, the whole look of a quail. UU reading

This is still knowing that they are their own, and the two of them are not hostile.

But now they are in the arena, although they are not the same as in the battlefield, but the moment they pick up the gun and pull the trigger, they will inevitably have a murderous aura!

The most coincidental thing is that Mu Wanqiu was in the 10m rifle qualifying round, and the shooting position next to it happened to be a Vietnamese player. As a result, this player who was in the top ten points in Asia, the result of this qualifying round fell directly to the bottom dozens. , This kind of play is no longer as simple as pulling the hips.

On the first day of the qualifying competition, Li Zhenyue and Mu Wanqiu not only broke five world records at this stage, but also robbed the Chinese shooting team from the limelight, so that Xu Haifeng and Huang Shiping both performed well. Was unconsciously ignored.

There is no way. There have been no examples of shooting at the same time in multiple events. In particular, Li Zhenyue took part in three shooting competitions almost non-stop, with only one hour of rest in the middle of each competition.

For other players, it's impossible to handle it with energy alone.

The time a normal person can concentrate on is actually only one or two hours a day, which can only be achieved by talented young people.

If it is 30 years old, it will actually become very difficult to maintain a high level of concentration for one hour.

This is the key reason for athletes to cancel multiple events in shooting events where every shot must hit the ten rings as much as possible.

Li Zhenyue and Mu Wanqiu obviously belong to the alternative of the alternative, but they finally make the shooting event hopeful that there will be two sports stars with global influence.

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