Big Country Sports

Chapter 426: Did you go all out this time?

Main text Chapter 426 Did you go all out this time?

In the sixth day of the swimming event, all individual events have ended, and only the relay event is in the final stage.

Shen Lang will have two relay event finals today, one is the "4x100m medley relay" and the other is the "4x100m freestyle relay".

The first in the afternoon was the "4x100m freestyle relay". China's only opponent was the Japanese team. South Korea has no sense of existence in swimming for the time being.

This is also the reason for Japan's tragic reminder. Japan in the original plane has been the country with the highest overall strength in Asia except Australia in terms of swimming events until 2020.

At present, most of the gold medals that China has won in swimming events were originally won by Japan. One can imagine how tragic the Japanese are.

This is the first time for Shen Lang to participate in a relay race in the Asian Games, mainly because even in the past, even if he participated in the competition, his personal strength was difficult to help the team win over Japan, which has a stronger overall strength.

However, the Chinese swimming team has made rapid progress in recent years. Although most of the emerging stars are female players, male players are not without talent, but mostly at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

At this age, it is still difficult to join the ranks of competitors in the world swimming, but in Asia already has the ability to compete for medals, playing well may not be able to hit the gold medal.

The Japanese commentator was surprised on the "4x100m freestyle relay", because apart from Shen Lang, the other three Chinese players did not know where they came from. This is their first time abroad, outside of China. The media do not have their information at all.

But the strength of these people is not bad at all, especially the height is different from the previous Chinese players, which is generally 1 meter 7-1 meter 75. The height of these three young players is more than 1.8 meters.

The Chinese swimming team is also very troublesome, because only one of the three teenagers is from a southern coastal city, the other two are from Shanxi and one from Ningxia. They are actually the two most water-scarce provinces in China.

This is not what Shen Lang deliberately did. Most of the members of the Chinese swimming team are from the southern coastal provinces. It's just that the few talents that happened to emerge in the freestyle are mostly from these water-scarce provinces.

Two of the three young talents have reached four-star native talents, and they all hope to swim into the Olympic finals after their talents are fully fulfilled.

These three are still in the growth stage, but they are no worse than the Japanese players in Asia.

Therefore, Shen Lang did not feel too strenuous in this event. When he received the fourth baton, the Chinese team not only ranked second, but the Japanese player in front of him was also two positions ahead.

This prevented him from having to use all his strength at all, and the advantage of entering the water at the starting stage caught up with nearly one position, and finally easily defeated the opponent's two positions.

Of course his "full force" is very different from what the outside world understands——

In the eyes of the outside world, he exerted all his strength just like in the previous 50-meter project, he raised the current world record to the point where no one else could match. That should be his full strength.

But this can only be said to be his full display of athletic ability, and he still hides a hand on the technical level.

Shen Lang has not shown all the advanced technologies in the next few decades, because at this stage, by virtue of his physical advantages, it is enough for him to break a world record. Technically, he has to be stripped layer by layer in order to benefit. maximize.

This time, from the fact that the media of various countries did not accelerate significantly in the last 50 meters, and did not breathe violently after the game, it can still be seen that he did not give his full strength, but even if the water was released, it still broke the world he had just refreshed three days ago. Record-47.83 seconds,

After Shen Lang added another gold for himself, the last match was the "4x100m medley relay" at night.

This gold medal is much harder to win. The "Medley Relay" tests the true comprehensive swimming strength of a country, because four strokes must have first-class players to be considered flawless. No matter how strong Shen Lang alone is, it is difficult to fill the three. Loopholes.

But Japan is not a real swimming powerhouse after all. He still wants to challenge this gold medal, and it can be regarded as early preparation for the Olympic Games two years later.

In the Olympics, the athlete who won the most gold medals in a single session was the American swimmer Mark Spiez, who set a record of seven individual Olympic gold medals in the 1972 Munich Olympics.

It is this record that Shen Lang wants to break, and he has prepared two plans for this.

The first set of plans is naturally to participate in all individual events. As long as all four strokes participate in the 100-meter and 200-meter events, plus a 200-meter medley, there are already more than eight in number.

But he also knows that Western countries will not allow him to break records so easily. The next Olympic Games will definitely have a lot of conflicts in the event arrangement, which will force him not to participate in the individual competitions of eight events.

If this is the case, then only the second option can be used. He needs to make up eight events through a relay race.

The swimming events of any major competition are definitely separated in "individual competition" and "relay competition", so there will be no conflict in the schedule, but the problem is that to win the relay race, he must rely on the performance of his teammates, at least not in He was five or six positions behind the opponent when he took over, and even if he really did his best, he couldn't save it.

Whether this plan is feasible or not can be verified tonight.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the "4x100m medley relay" was carried out on time. This is still a contest where only the Chinese team and the Japanese team participate.

The rules of the medley relay are very simple. The four athletes need to follow the order of backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle, and each of them uses one style to swim the entire distance of l4.

But unlike the relay race in track and field, the relay of the swimming event is connected by the athletes in jump-and-connect movements.

To be precise: Relay players only need to be able to enter the water after the previous player hits the wall, so it is possible to predict the time when their teammates hit the wall and choose to take off early.

Shen Lang did not start on the fourth bar this time. The Chinese swimming team’s current strongest stroke is the "freestyle" and the weakest stroke is the "butterfly". He is naturally responsible for the weakest link in the third stroke.

But even for the relatively not so weak backstroke and breaststroke, China's current best players seem to be much worse than Japan.

Before Shen Lang entered the water in the relay, he was four positions behind the Japanese players, which is obviously much worse than the overall strength of the Chinese team.

But at this time, the most nervous is the Japanese audience, including the Japanese commentator, who also quite nervously explained: "Shen Lang in the second lane is the fastest person in the world. We don’t need to add it to this sentence. A certain stroke, because no matter which stroke, he is the fastest person in the world."

"The key to the Japanese team's victory tonight lies in whether the other three players can accumulate enough advantages. Now Miura is equivalent to four positions ahead of Shen Lang to start the game. We don't expect him to maintain the advantage. We only hope that he can be in third place. At the end of this stroke, stay in the same position as Shen Lang."

"If he can complete this task, then the fourth club Nakamura can easily win, because he will be 0.5 seconds faster than the Chinese team's fourth club player."

The Japanese commentator has a lot of respect for Shen Lang, but when he sees a person entering the water, he quickly shrinks his body, and at the same time, he sprints like an electric motor on his body, and is narrowing the distance behind at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the Shen Langshi of Shen Lang, all Japanese audiences are watching the whole process of the "Yamato" about to be hit by a torpedo.

Shen Lang really did his best this time, but of course he was still limited to his physical all-out, and part of the technical link was still retained.

But even so, the speed at which his body could no longer be strengthened made the viewers in front of the TV unwilling to blink their eyes from the beginning, because this scene of narrowing the distance at a speed visible to the naked eye is really true. It's so visually striking.

However, the same scene seems to be tormented in the eyes of Japanese audiences. They wished that time would pass faster, and that monster was about to catch Miura!

However, the distance of 100 meters and the gap of four positions can only be regarded as the world's second-rate Japanese player, which is really not a challenge for Shen Lang.

But he still went all out in the game to a certain extent, the purpose is to gain enough advantage for the fourth teammate, otherwise the Japanese will have a chance to stage a counter-kill!

Miura was only panic at this time, but he should feel honored, because his level is far from enough to leave a mark in history.

But today next to Shen Lang, he also had a chance to walk into history, even if he played a tragic role, but at least he left a mark in the long river of history.

Shen Lang had already narrowed the gap to two positions before he turned halfway. After turning around, he took advantage of his own wall kicking and underwater technology. When he swam up, there was only one position difference.

This gave the Japanese audience a altogether. Now everyone knows that Miura can't hold the advantage that his two teammates have earned him.

But of course it is not enough to just transcend. Shen Lang's speed after getting out of the water is even more amazing. Taking advantage of the perfect swimming posture in the eyes of outsiders, he soon succeeded in overtaking and began to widen the gap with the opponent.

Before the final fifteen-meter stamina sprint, he had already opened half of his position with the opponent, so it was time to slow down and release the water at this time.

But this time, Shen Lang had an obvious acceleration sprint in the last 15 meters. When he finally hit the wall, all the commentators who broadcast the game from the factory couldn't help but scream, because the time played on the screen was 49 seconds 96!

"This...I'm not mistaken, right? Did he swim in less than 50 seconds?"

"Oh my God, is this his true strength?"

"It's terrible, this is more than two seconds faster than his best result in the individual competition?"

"Are we going to lose? But if you lose in the hands of such a monster, you don't have to be frustrated, right?"

"The current Olympic and world records are both set by Shen Lang. The first was 52.55 seconds, and the latter was 52.23 seconds a few days ago. But no one would have thought that he would be in the medley relay of the Asian Games today. Created a terrifying score of 49.96 seconds in the 100-meter butterfly!"

"It's a pity. Shen Lang succeeded in setting a world record in the third stroke of the '4x100m medley relay', but such a result cannot be used in the 100m individual event, so now the men The world record for the 100-meter butterfly is still 52.23 seconds, but we already know how terrifying the real world record is!"

"We can guess whether Shen Lang will swim as hard as he does today in the next 100-meter butterfly individual event?"


At this time, the commentators of Asian countries are too lazy to care about the outcome of the game. Shen Lang's performance in the third bar will definitely be on the headlines of the world's sports media tomorrow, because this result is enough to cause all butterfly swimmers to retire in situ Impulse.

A few days ago, in the 52.23 seconds he created in the individual competition, he was already more than one position ahead of the rest of the top players.

At first, everyone thought he was just letting out the water. Could it be possible to let it go for a second?

This is great, now it's more than just putting a second, it's already more than two seconds, how can others chase it! ?

At this moment, only Shen Lang is still paying attention to the game, because in the end he only helped his teammates create a half-length advantage. Is this enough to maintain the focus?

Luo Jinbao's heart is under great pressure, because before the expedition it was Shen Lang who rejected all the opinions and let him, who was only 16 years old, come to swim this crucial club. This responsibility is already very heavy for him.

Shen Lang's performance made him feel incredible, but it also means that under this situation, if he can't hold the advantage that Shen Lang has put in place, and the team loses the game, then he is afraid to become a sinner after returning!

But Shen Lang is very confident in him. This kid who was born in the Qaidam Desert, hardly reminiscent of swimming, has a four-star top swimming talent.

At the age of 16, he is still far from mature physically, but holding a half-length position is definitely within his abilities. Moreover, this kid has a good mental quality and belongs to a big competition-type athlete, so he will let Luo Jinbao swim the last shot. .

Although Luo Jinbao was under great pressure, Shen Lang let go of his mind after the first half of the swim.

The young people of the Chinese team are all handed over by him. Even if the athletic talent has not been fully developed, the skills are sufficient to lead European and American players for ten years.

Don't underestimate this advantage, underwater projects are actually sports that rely heavily on technology, and every slight technological improvement can directly affect the final result.

The technical advantage of Chinese athletes is even large enough to offset the increase in the use of doping by European and American athletes.

So he is very confident that as long as these young people can play to the technical advantages that they practice **** weekdays, they will now have the opportunity to challenge the Japanese players.

However, due to their young age and little competition experience, the time for this group of players to receive advanced training is too short, and it is difficult to really give full play to the skills he taught in the competition.

However, Luo Jinbao performed very well in the final shot. Although Shen Lang still has many flaws in his eyesight, his overall performance is enough to compete with the Japanese players.

On the other hand, the Japanese player who played the last stick was a little abnormal under Shen Lang's performance like an evil spirit. In the end, when Luo Jinbao finished the last stick, the Chinese team's performance was 2 seconds ahead of the Japanese team!

This means that the Japanese team not only failed to catch up in the fourth, but was widened by the gap?

"Do you know what amazing results you have made in swimming?"

After the game, all reporters flocked to Shen Lang for the first time, and a South Korean reporter asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

"It should be within 50 seconds? I underestimated the performance of my teammates!"

Shen Lang still had that calm expression, but the reporters at the scene didn't know where to complain about him.

In the end, a group of people could only stare at Shen Lang who was telling the truth, silently, because he was qualified to pretend to be such a force!

"Shen, this time, have you finally tried your best?"

This is a question raised by a Japanese journalist with an admiring look, but it is also a question that everyone wants to know. You can't keep your energy this time, right?

"I can't answer your question, because the potential is forced out. Unfortunately, I haven't encountered a pressured opponent yet!"

Shen Lang said this more pretentiously, but no one can question it after saying it, because no one can really make him feel pressured!

This time, maybe it's like what he said, because he underestimated the strength of his teammates, so he had to go all out to help his teammates narrow the gap.

If it is an individual match, does he still need to be so desperate?

Of course no need, even if he only swims for 53 seconds, it is enough to make the best players in Asia helpless.

So if you want to discover Shen Lang's true limit, you really need an opponent who can make him feel pressured.

But such an opponent, let alone in Asia, the whole world can't find one! !

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