Big Country Sports

Chapter 480: What is the biggest enemy of Chinese vol

This Olympics is another contest between the bear and the eagle after a lapse of 12 years, and many things are inevitable.


   But who has no bottom line to ask?


   The answer Wu Jie got from the system is: East Germany and the beautiful country are the most outrageous ones!


   Mao Xiong would naturally not quietly watch his opponent perform, but he discovered from the system that this big brother had some more points for Bilian, and Mao Xiong had at least twice as many athletes marked in the red circle as Yingjiang.


On the one hand, Teddy Bear’s level of biochemistry research and development is far from that of the United States and Germany. On the other hand, various monitoring agencies are paying special attention to the players in democratic countries. Who makes these so-called third-party organizations basically They all depend on free countries to feed them.


  Social rabbits are naturally also the focus of attention. While Shen Lang and others were being mocked by the Western media, they were also being intensively arrested for testing. Even Wu Jie was pulled to urinate after the first battle!


  The essence of aliens naturally does not meet the expectations of the Western media as always. Who made the rabbits have been under the supervision of a group of system players, and almost eliminated any possible illegal drug operations.


Now only one item can make Chinese players not dare to take risks, because once they are found to have taken doping, they will not only be expelled from the team immediately, but also all the benefits will be lost from now on, including the increase in gdp every year after retirement. All of the subsidies will be invalid!


   Such severe punishment, coupled with serious self-inspection of domestic competitions, especially the supervision of the West with a magnifying glass, naturally prevents Chinese athletes from betting their entire lives, and indirectly contributes to the cleanest image of a sports power.


   Naturally, the western media will not report that since New China regained its legal status in the International Olympic Committee in 1979, regardless of any competition in the past ten years, there has been no case of even taking doping together!


   This seems to be a matter of course in China. In many martial arts novels, once the protagonist is injured, even the villain will self-mutilate for fairness and seek a fair duel.


But this kind of China is a strange existence in the eyes of the whole world, because even some small countries that have difficulty winning a few medals in the Olympics have at least experienced more than one doping ban in ten years. , But China, a major sports country, has not even committed one violation.


On the first match day of the Olympic Games, this Chinese delegation, which is incompatible with the global family, had several strong events besides swimming, such as the "women's tennis singles" which was regarded as a gold medal, and the "men's tennis singles" which was full of highlights. ".


   Among them, the "women's tennis singles event" is also considered by other countries to be the gold medal of the Chinese team. Who will let them have a women's singles player who has just been promoted to the world's number one in points?


Yang Menghua almost completed the first round of promotion in the afternoon with a crushing attitude. This talented player who can become the youngest grand slam tennis player with only one Olympic gold medal, naturally reminds the beautiful country of some things. Happy things, such as the traitor to the flower grower that they didn't want to mention, because that waste didn't even qualify for the Olympics.


"Tennis" is not a niche sport. It is the top three popular sport with stable sports ratings in many countries. Its overall influence worldwide is not inferior to that of basketball. This project has emerged as a Chinese genius and played by Western media. Things that I don’t want to see in my heart.


   But Yang Menghua's use of the dominant level in the past year not only made this scene happen vigorously, but also helped China cultivate the people's interest in tennis.


   Now Yang Menghua’s tennis matches are second only to football, basketball, and boxing in China, but they are still slightly inferior to volleyball and table tennis in terms of comprehensive influence. They are temporarily tied with badminton for the sixth place in China’s most watched sports.


  At this time, the Western media can already think that by virtue of their physical advantages, China is likely to have a group of talented young tennis players in five or six years. This is what they don't want to see.


However, things are developing faster than expected. In addition to Yang Menghua, the tennis queen, the "Chinese Tennis Team" has a talented teenager who has won the French Open, Wimbledon, and U.S. Open youth championships. His name is Zhang Tanqi. !


This name is indeed a bit painful, but considering that his grandfather was decorated with medals from the Anti-Japanese War to the Anti-American War, and his father was a tank soldier, then his brother is called Zhang Jifei, and his name is Zhang Tank, which seems not so strange. .


   Tank Zhang is also a genius from a military family, but the main reason that made him a well-known supernova at the age of 16 is the genetic disease he was born with.


   This kind of disease can make a person live beyond 30 years old, but Zhang Tanqi not only survived strong, he also engaged in the sports industry, and even became a world-renowned supernova in tennis.


   Now that Zhang Tan’s performance stage has come to the world-wide Olympics, his deeds have naturally broken along with the stage!


Western media are very resistant in their hearts to having such a figure who can gain a positive influence for China in the world, but Western society, which has become more and more virgin, cannot resist such an inspirational figure, so they have to pinch their noses to report from the positive. A tank!


Of course, these Western media focused many reports on the new drugs that support Zhang Tan’s miracle in sports. If there is no "artificial coagulation factor", the life medicine of hemophilia patients, this "son of miracle" in sports. It is impossible to appear.


This is hard to fault. Before the game, Zhang Tantan was in front of the filming team that specially followed him. He injected a shot in front of the world, which allowed him to increase the level of coagulation factor activity to 80% of normal people within eight hours. Eight factors.


   "This may be the cleanest therapeutic drug exemption for this Olympics!"


   Yang Menghua ran over to see his **** brother after quickly beating his opponent in the first round. She even helped to inject the injection.


   But her remarks disgusted many people with ghosts in their hearts. Because of the special nature of Zhang Tan's body, the attention of the outside world is not worse than those expected by the old critics.


   In the first round of the men’s tennis singles event, there were a total of 16 matchups. At this stage, countries generally don’t care about the results of other venues except their own players.


   But Zhang Tan actually had two film crews specially sent by the "International Olympic Committee" and the "International Nets Federation" to follow up the filming. What Yang Menghua said at this time undoubtedly hit many people in the face.

   It’s just that unlike Yang Menghua’s chopping melons and vegetables in the first round, Zhang Tanqi played very hard in the first round. In the first round, he lost 5-7 to the Czechoslovak star Maiziri.


Although the whole world is paying attention to Zhang Tan, who is known as the "sports miracle", there is not much controversy about the victory or defeat, because McZiri is the world's 15th male player, but Zhang Tan is At the age of 16 he has not played a rising star in the adult group of the four major Opens.


   The Western media and Western tennis fans believe that he can qualify for the Olympic tennis event. It is completely too lax for Asian tennis!


These Western media's large-scale reports are not without the intention to kill Zhang Tan in disguise, because the more you highlight his "sports miracle" before the game, the more you lose in the game, the more people will be disgusted. In the end, it is easy. It makes people feel that this Chinese is just using his disease to gain sympathy, this is just a show.


   But this insidious intention was difficult to achieve after the first game. Although Zhang Jianqi had a bad start, the score of 5:7 showed that the two sides played back and forth.


   At this time, combined with his 16-year-old age and the sports miracle of hemophilia, which is impossible to exercise, Macziri's mentality actually burst a bit.


During this period, Zhang Jian’s shortcomings were mainly physical. He had a five-star physical talent. However, at the age of 16, he was still in a period of high-speed realization of his talents, so his various physical indicators were relative to those of adult players. There is still a gap.


   But after all, he is his own person who can use his dream training to cheat. Zhang Tancheng has already surpassed all active players in technology and experience.


In the first game, he had already figured out McZiri’s weakness. This man’s serving, receiving, and forehand attack made him very passive, but he had great defects in front of the net and backhand, including footwork. Not good.


So after the start of the second game, Zhang Jianyi only tried to persevere on the opponent's serve and the first two shots, and then began to storm McZiri's backhand, forcing him to use his backhand to play high-pressure shots and various nets. Chance ball.


   Mai Ziri did not expect the opponent's play to be so targeted, and did not expect that as long as he could not establish enough advantages in receiving the serve and the first two shots, he would be embarrassed by the 16-year-old.


   The most depressing thing is that McZiri’s shortcomings were found by the opponent, but he couldn’t find Zhang Tanqi. What technical flaws did he have?


This 16-year-old kid has a lack of power for receiving the serve and forehand attack. The offensive and defensive ends are actually very balanced. Not only is there no technical shortcomings for the forehand and backhand, but the footwork is also very elegant. The net and bottom line skills also lack some strength. But there is also no shortcoming in technology.


   In the second game, in this situation where one side has superior physical fitness and one side is technically crushed, he scored an unexpected score, and Zhang Tanqi actually won the game with a score of 6:4.


   This surprised all the media and the audience, but not only was surprised at the score, but also at the almost perfect technique that Zhang Tan showed in the game!


At this time, as long as you are a real tennis fan, you can see that Zhang Tan is almost at the level of crushing technically. If it is not for his strength, don’t even talk about four points. It is estimated that it will be difficult to score two points. Is this tm a patient with severe hemophilia?


   But this doubt from the close-up shots, especially the bruises and bruises that can be seen everywhere in Zhang Tan's limbs, can confirm that even with the help of clotting factors, he still has more blood than normal people.


   However, it is outrageous that Zhang Tan's physical fitness is better than normal.


   He is only 16 years old!


   However, in the third game, it was obvious that McZiri had reduced his footwork and strength due to excessive physical exertion.


   Ke Zhang Tan is still alive and well. This has to make many Western media think that "the drug may contain stimulants"?


   However, they even dared to doubt Wu Jie face to face, but it was not easy for Zhang Tanji to speak out the doubt face to face, because this kid had a buff on him!


   Once their suspicion goes wrong, then this buff is likely to let the doubter be crucified by the Virgin of the World!


Lin Yaodong once said: Zhang Tanguang has this buff is not enough to protect him, if he can add the aura of animal protection, environmental protection and vegetarianism, plus the buff of psychological barriers of the same surname, it is best to believe in a ***, that is the real thing. The Hundred Poisons are not invaded, and they are rampant!


   At this time, the situation on the field has changed. Zhang Jian’s footwork is still like a ghost in the third game. Careful people have found that most of his movements are toes on the ground. The lightness of his steps seems to be floating on the court.


The most astounding thing is the moment he catches the ball in the process of running. Regardless of his physical control or the hitting of the ball, including the right way to catch the ball after the hit, UU reading looks like it. It is a perfect work of art, and basically cannot pick out the slightest flaw in technology.


   Mai Ziri looked very embarrassed by comparison, especially after his physical fitness began to decline, he was like a marionette in Zhang Tan's hands, except for being at the mercy of him, there was actually no resistance.


This turned the score in the third game into 6:2. The Western media on the scene saw that the game ended with Zhang Tan’s promotion. Especially when they saw that several private nurses immediately stepped forward to make a full set of eliminations. After taking care of the swelling and removing blood stasis, I really don’t know how to report on such a "miracle" that shouldn't have appeared on the sports field?


   Wu Jie knows that it is still difficult for Zhang Tan to get to the end. McGiri is not actually a real first-rate player. He has a lot of technical flaws that can be targeted by Zhang Tan.


But if he encounters a relatively well-developed first-line player, the shortcomings Zhang Jian can use are not enough to fill his physical shortcomings. It will take almost a year for him to really break out. This Olympic Games can be counted as less than one round. It's a mess.


   The Chinese audience in front of the TV immediately switched the channel to the three-ball women's team after watching the game that started at 6 o'clock in the evening.


   Tonight's women's basketball team's first group match and the women's volleyball team's first group match, all started from 7 to 8 o'clock.


Needless to say, the three beauties of the women’s basketball team made the rebuilding women’s volleyball team the first victim. More than 80% of the audience chose to turn to the Chinese women’s basketball team from 8 o’clock to 8 o’clock. .