Big Country Sports

Chapter 497: Do you know what we have been through no

Chuck Daly did not request a timeout in the end. As a result, the American players who were less and less able to play were pushed all the way. At the end of the first half, they were already 26 points behind at 40:66! The American players only felt that they were in a fog, and there was a feeling of being at a loss when they drew their swords and looked around. But this is only the state of the first ten minutes of the first half. As the score is getting bigger and bigger, the mentality of the American players has changed from dazed to nervous, and even unconfident. Many times, they dare not even make single moves. Olajuwon is a typical example. After he used a fantasy footstep against Ruda but was almost blocked, he never dared to use his pirated footsteps in the eyes of the world. This "piracy" is not only the opinion of the outside world, even he feels that his "dream footsteps" have been stolen, because he has indeed borrowed a lot of Ruda's game videos. Facing the real master now, Olajuwon's psychological pressure can be imagined. Needless to say, technical deformation, basically as long as he is blocked once or twice, he will have no confidence. Ewing was not much better either. At first he thought he had met a soft persimmon, but in the end he faced Ma Donglong who didn't eat at all. He also stole from Luda, but he was much worse than Dameng. "Rabbit Jump", in addition to fulfilling Ma Donglong's reputation as a defensive genius, he didn't even succeed in a decent singles in the entire first half, and all the points came from his physical fitness. The performance of these two best centers in the NBA is so unbearable. Facing the pick-and-roll nemesis Chinese insider, Malone also cannot find the same scoring opportunities as he did in the Jazz. On the contrary, the most despised Barkley performed well. This guy only got 3 minutes to play in the first half, but he contributed 6 points. Although Ma Donglong took a rest at that time and Lu Da also moved to the center position, this big **** was really difficult to defend when rushing forward. Chinese players even felt that he was even more difficult to defend than that Jordan. But for the US team, this contribution is really a drop in the bucket, because the outside performance with high expectations is far from outstanding. Jordan's breakthrough is actually very sharp, but under Fiba's rules, it is difficult for him to break into the penalty area to cause damage, and it is difficult to convert the pass into scoring, because Bird alone has the ability to make three-pointers on the outside of the US team. "Flying Man" can only rely on mid-range shots to score points, but the Chinese team's defense also has great restrictions on mid-range shots. He only scored 10 points in the first half. Drexler and Wilkins are in the same situation as Jordan. They can only rush and play like they play in the NBA, but facing the best inside combination in history, this style of play is destined to be useless. efficiency. Larry Bird will become the best outside player on the US team today because of his stable long-range shots and good accuracy in three-pointers. In the first half, under the obviously shrinking defensive system of the Chinese team, he passed His outside shooting ability, which is extremely rare in the NBA, scored a team-high 15 points. But this kind of contribution is still not enough to make the US team better, because the overall shooting percentage of the US team in the first half did not even reach 40%, and only Bird was shooting three-pointers. One made a three-pointer. Stockton and Jordan even had embarrassing shots from outside the three-point line, which is what made it more difficult for the US team to score in the penalty area-since you are not a threat outside the three-point line, I naturally have to play Put more troops into the mid-to-short-range defense line, so what if you can't let you shoot three-pointers? This kind of defensive contingency does not require the coach to shout and arrange on the sidelines. Ruda spends most of the time in the penalty area, and Ma Donglong is more like a power forward sweeping around. The cooperation of the two is enough to make the American team The super outsiders who are not good at long-range shots have hit their heads. During the intermission, commentators from various countries were already discussing the impact of the "three-pointer" on the game, because compared to the American team's 2-of-8 three-pointer data in the first half, the Chinese team's three-pointer The ball data is an astonishing 8 of 18 shots. This statistic was terrifying in the 1980s. The number of shots taken by the Chinese team was more than double that of the US team, but the shooting percentage was much higher. "Today, the Chinese team's running and bombing offense made the Americans overwhelmed, but don't ignore their wonderful performances from beyond the three-point line. In the first half, a total of five players from the Chinese team hit three-pointers, and even Ruda had one. Three-pointers are recorded. On the other hand, even if you don’t consider their poor long-range shooting performance today, you can see the data of these players in the NBA last season. Only Bird’s three-pointer percentage in the entire team exceeds 40%, and Wilkins has the highest three-point shooting percentage, but his three-point shooting percentage is only 28%." With the ability to score from beyond the three-point line, opponents can unscrupulously pile up defensive forces in the penalty area. At this time, coupled with Fiba's different rules, we can see a group of superstars from the NBA constantly throwing themselves into the net!" "I think the Americans should give up the face-to-face duel. Their chemical reaction, tactical coordination ability, and shooting ability are far lower than the Chinese team. If they still hold on and refuse to call a timeout, I believe the score in the second half will break through soon. 30 points, is such a result more dignified than actively requesting a timeout?" "..." The US team is also thinking about this issue, because judging from the results of the first half, they seem to have no dignity at all. Where can I lose my face? "I bet fifty cents that the Americans will take the initiative to call a timeout in the second half!" "What's the bet, they will definitely call a timeout!" "Yeah, even if it's for the next meeting, they will probably ask for a timeout in the second half! "Hey, if they don't bark, we might as well bark for them!" "Haha, good idea!" "..." The Chinese team has already begun to discuss how to punish the Americans in a while. The bad idea of ​​calling a timeout on the other side was proposed by Han Li, who only got 5 minutes of playing time in the first half. Qian Chenghai naturally had high hopes for Han Li. He could guess that Wu Jie would not stay on the basketball team for too long, and he would probably go back to football after two years. So in the future, the main point guard of the Chinese men's basketball team will have to rely heavily on Han Li, so he has always let Han Li play the role of the sixth man. But facing the U.S. team today, Qian Chenghai really didn't dare to let the big three rest for too long. In the first half, Lu Da played for 20 minutes, and Wu Jie and Ma Donglong also played for 15 minutes. "Xiao Ma, look at my rebounding data! Isn't it very good-looking!" Wu Jie did not participate in the discussion, he was pulling Ma Donglong to discuss the matter of collecting data. In the first half, he was not very excited about his performance of 10 points, 10 assists and 4 steals. What really made him smile was the personal highest record of "6 rebounds" in the half. His average rebound data per game in the national team has always been poor. After so many games, he only averaged 2.5 rebounds per game, and even the highest rebound per game was only 6. But today he has the opportunity to break through history. Not only can he try to hit his first triple-double in his career, but he even has the opportunity to touch the quadruple-double data, which makes him unhappy. "Okay, I'll help you get a spot, you come over to grab/pick up a few more." Ma Donglong has never paid much attention to statistics. If someone else was 19 years old, he scored 8 points, 12 rebounds, 3 assists and 5 blocks in the half against the US team. Data, I'm afraid I don't even know what virtue Le Cheng has, but he still looks like a nerd. But when it comes to "statistics", Ruda didn't hold the ball for a lot of time today, but after halftime, he has already harvested 21 points, 6 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 blocks and 2 steals. A kind of American star still can't hold his head up in front of him. The U.S. team's frenzied performance of the Big Three is naturally a gloomy scene. Now how to limit this iron triangle, even the coaching staff of the U.S. team are at a loss! "That center forward is too weird. He can always get stuck in the way we must go, and he doesn't even need to jump up to use his height and wingspan to interfere with our offense." Gu "The breakthrough of that football star not only Lightning fast, can maneuver like a snake on the way, once we let him rush in with the ball, we can't catch it, double-team him and he can pass the ball out at any time, and he does it all the time." "" This time Lu didn't have a lot of offense with the ball, but he can always appear in the most deadly position with helpers, and he can always find one-on-one opportunities. I don't think anyone on this planet can play one-on-one situations. Limit him." At this time, the American players started a "spitting bitterness meeting". Although this kind of complaint somewhat meant that others would destroy their own prestige, they could find some way to make themselves feel better for the miserable score in the first half. Otherwise, you can’t attribute the responsibility to your own incompetence, right? Chuck Daly has something difficult to say at this time, that is, as discussed by the commentators of various countries, except for Bird, no one of their players can pull from beyond the three-point line, and their offensive space is simply stretched. not open. This has to be said to be a major mistake in the selection. Now the entire team does not even have the three-point ability of the two point guards, Magician and Stockton. This is actually quite outrageous. In this case, the highly mobile high center forward of the Chinese team played too much role on the defensive end. Chuck Daly even believed that this center forward was the key to making their offense completely ineffective. So what we have to consider now is how to beat him down. In fact, there is no need to think too much about how to do it. We can only let these outside stars continue to force Ma Donglong. Break down this internal line barrier. The American players did not resist this order, but they were a little unconfident, because that guy, who looked more like a 39-year-old than a 19-year-old, had only one foul in the first half when he was killing people and setting fires everywhere. Datu fouled twice. But there was no other way. After the start of the second half, the U.S. team, which looked a bit lifeless, attacked the Chinese team's penalty area by the magician for the first attack. Wu Jie did not expect that the terminally ill magician in the first half would play so resolutely in the second half, and was completely overwhelmed by the opponent's perfect sense of rhythm and physical confrontation when he was unaware. This can also be regarded as the breakthrough style of a magician. His explosive power and speed are not top-notch, but his control over the timing and rhythm of the attack can be regarded as proficient, so his breakthrough is a bit like Zidane on the football field, which does not look explosive enough. Not sharp enough, but gorgeous enough and efficient enough. However, the one guarding the basket is Ma Donglong who exists like a nemesis except for using absolute speed or strength to break through the defense. Ma Donglong doesn't care how unpretentious the magician's breakthrough is. Anyway, as long as he doesn't meet Shaquille O'Neill or a pervert like Ruda, he can use his perfect positioning and blocking timing to turn the restricted area into a no-fly zone. You can't do anything without passing the ball. The magician's goal is not to score or pass, he wants to make Ma Donglong foul. But facing Ma Donglong, who is as steady as a rock at any time, even Lu Da is not sure about this kind of strong attack. The magician couldn't find any opportunities to make fouls at all. Ma Donglong not only said that if you don't jump, I won't jump, but he also has a trick that if you don't dunk, I won't block the shot. When facing shots or layups, he basically relies on his height , wingspan, and big hands to interfere. This kind of impeccable defense made the magician not only fail to make Ma Donglong's foul, but waited for the three-person double-team of Lu Da and Wu Jie. This time, not only did he lose his chance to shoot, but his passing route was also blocked. In the end, the basketball that was completely thrown out didn't even touch the basket, and it bounced off the backboard. At this time, Ma Donglong still remembered what he promised Wu Jie during the halftime break. Facing the rebound that he could grab, he just blocked his position and prevented his opponent from fighting for it, so Wu Jie picked up another rebound under the basket. The U.S. team stated that they had no intention of going to grab the rebound at all. After the magician was forced to take the shot, he saw the two centers go back to the defense directly. But can this stop the fast break of the Chinese team? After Wu Jie picked up the rebound, he used his terrifying first step to pass the magician who wanted to stay in place, and then chased after Ewing and Olajuwon's **** and rushed up. The two center forwards of the US team have never seen a point guard playing like this before. Wu Jie was really chasing their **** and rushing forward, but they dared not stop to block because Wu Jie was not only fast, but also his emergency stop And the change of direction is also unpredictable, and it is very likely that they will pass them by a snake-like maneuver. But continuing to run didn't seem to work, Wu Jie's speed was much faster than Ewing and Dameng's. This is the most terrifying and deadly "ball passing user" on the football field! "Fuck! The human ball has been divided! The real human ball has been divided!" Wu Jie's ass-chasing attack just made the most fans around the world recall his frenzied times on the green field. The ball was scored. But I never thought that this thought hadn't settled yet, and I saw Ewing, who was still trying to get stuck on Wu Jie's breakthrough route, but when he stopped suddenly and turned around, Wu Jie dribbled the ball from behind his buttocks directly. The left side of his body shot over, but he himself dodged to complete the overtaking from Ewing's right side. This humiliating action that only appears on the street court, isn't it just a human ball! After hearing the exclamation from the fans at the scene, Ewing immediately showed a bewildered expression on his face, because he didn't see the basketball shot from his left when he turned his head, he only saw Wu Jie from his right He passed the ball empty-handed, and at that moment he thought the opponent had passed the ball. But when he turned his head and looked forward again, the gorilla's face finally became ferocious. This kind of humiliation is no less than being stripped naked and spanked in public! He was actually divided by someone in the Olympics? This TM is playing basketball, not football! But no amount of anger would help. Wu Jie's speed made Ewing helpless even after overtaking in the outside lane. Everyone saw that the alien had already reached the three-point line in a blink of an eye. Jordan rushed to defend, but facing the aliens whose "dynamic response" and "dynamic vision" were full, the basketball in his hand had passed from the crotch of "Peter Pan" at some point. past! "God! How dare he play like this?" "How dare he make such a move? Isn't he afraid of making mistakes?" "Is this the real alien? Those guys on the football field are against such terrifying opponents. Are you fighting?" "I'm sorry England! I'm sorry France! I'm sorry Germany! I'm sorry Brazil! I'm sorry Argentina... So you have been fighting against such monsters!" "..." Ruda did not give up the opportunity to perform after receiving the pass, UU Read the book and immediately use a "360-degree turn and dunk" to score the ball! But at this moment, audiences all over the world don't feel how amazing such a stunning dunk is, because everyone is almost going crazy by Wu Jie's series of inhuman manipulations! "Woooooo! Now you guys finally know what kind of life we ​​have lived these years! That basketball player must never come back!" At the same time, there were a lot of fans of wealthy teams in front of the TV, even They are professional football players, but at this moment, they all shed tears of unknown emotion, and they all sang the song "Wu Jie Don't Come" which was adapted by whom! …

end of chapter

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