Big Country Sports

Chapter 512: People are winning gold, you are fightin

"It's flat, it's really flat!" "China has only participated in the Olympic Games twice, so why..." "They only know how to swim, and if you remove the gold medal in swimming, the Chinese may not be as good as the Koreans." "The Chinese are capable. Compete with us on the track and field!" "Well, at noon today, they just ran 9.98 seconds in the 100-meter track race." "Shut up! We Americans hold the world record of 9.93 seconds " "But that's a record created by black people!" "..." After Zhang Tianxin won today's last gold medal, the Americans found it harder to accept the result than the Soviets. They felt that they had completely become clowns. At this time, Wu Jie really wanted to sneer: Americans do have the strongest competitiveness in the world in outdoor events, especially in track events, but what is the price? Lin Yaodong had better go forward to answer at this time: only white teeth, black toothpaste left. He can be sure that if the Americans hear this, they will definitely break their defenses in an instant. But it's a pity that these words can't be said, can't be said! But even if they can't ridicule severely, even the Western media will know that the Americans probably won't be able to regain the leading role. The United States does have a lot of advantages in the second half of the schedule, but if they want to recover the gap of more than a dozen gold medals between the top two, there is still no hope, because it is impossible for the Soviet Union and China to lose a gold medal in the second half of the schedule. arrive! The Soviet Union also has strong competitiveness in many outdoor projects, and even many projects belong to a single company. China is not good enough in outdoor events, but they have big ball games. In addition, there are many gold medals in table tennis, tennis, and archery. Even in swimming, there are still several gold medals in the bag. . So the reality will hit the Americans very hard. Based on the current situation, it is hard to say whether they can catch up with the third East Germany. Today, the number one general of the family in this society, in fact, even the head of the family was assassinated in many projects. Now look at the gold medal list in the first half of the schedule. The social family is undoubtedly the biggest winner-1. The Soviet Union: 24 golds, 12 silvers and 13 bronzes. 2. China: 24 gold, 9 silver and 8 copper. 3. East Germany: 15 gold, 7 silver and 10 copper. 4. United States: 10 gold, 7 silver and 17 copper. 5. South Korea: 5 gold, 6 silver and 5 copper. With Zhang Tianxin's gold medal, the Chinese delegation tied with the Soviets on the gold medal list in the first half. But Wu Jie sighed at this time, he knew that the task of "half-step king" would probably still be impossible to achieve, because although China tied the Soviet Union in the gold medal list, it was still far behind in the silver and bronze medals. Even if he is allowed to judge this, in fact, it should be recognized that the Soviet Union is the champion of the first half of the schedule, because it is like the goal difference and goal difference when football and basketball are evenly divided. But today's game is not over yet. At 9 o'clock in the evening, Yang Menghua first defeated Sabatini, who was just as good looking, cleanly and neatly in two consecutive rounds with a score of 6:2 and 6:3. Western media have always deliberately avoided Yang Menghua's appearance, but instead called Sabatini an "Argentine sweetheart", including the prefix "Germanic rose" when referring to Graf. But the problem is that these two so-called beautiful girls are far behind Sharapova in the future. However, Yang Menghua was rated as the TOP50 beauty of the year in Asia by both Japanese and Korean media. Even if the rankings are relatively low, it is not a weighty comparison at all. Yang Menghua is basically in the bottom 20 on this list. The ranking alone is indeed a bit low, but it depends on the comparison! Zhang Tianyun, Wang Xiaoqian, and Luo Shengnan were only ranked 9th, 15th, and 28th by Japan. Yasuko Sawaguchi, who was in the real film and television industry, was ranked 10th by the Japanese. Momoe Yamaguchi, who is more famous, directly It was ranked 30th by the Japanese, so a comparison shows that the gold content of this ranking is actually very high. Bangzi just reversed the rankings of Wang Xiaoqian and Zhang Tianyun, and then ranked Yang Menghua to No. 45, but Bangzi didn't even rank Momoe Yamaguchi into the top 50. Now it can only be said that China's influence in all aspects is still too low, otherwise Wang Xiaoqian, the sisters of the Zhang family, Yang Menghua and Wu Ying, who are invincible in the arena, and at the same time are extremely beautiful but beautiful with their own characteristics, should have long ago It is well known all over the world, at least it should be more influential than a sports beauty like Sharapova who has no absolute dominance. But at present, it is only Wang Xiaoqian who has truly broken the circle of influence on a global scale, but this is also because she has participated in several movies, otherwise she still cannot be popular all over the world. When Wang Xiaoqian was mentioned, everyone naturally turned their attention to the last unfinished game. Wu Jie said that as soon as he came in, he saw the Chinese women's basketball team pressing Maomei **** the opponent's chest. At this time, the scoreboard had already shown a disparity of 99:61, but for Maomei, the pain was about to end, because the game Only five minutes left. Zheng Haixia had been replaced at this time. Today, the Sharks scored 16 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 blocks. This report card does not look luxurious enough, but it is mainly because they only played for more than 20 minutes. Wang Xiaoqian was also replaced at this time. She had a great time today. Her performance of 24 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists in the game was a big hit for others, but for her it was really just casual play. If we say who is the most ruthless to Mao Mei today, it is actually Wu Ying who is more like a devil. But I don’t know if this has something to do with Maomei’s well-developed breasts. Anyway, Wu Ying is really flat to the end. This may be the price to pay for her amazing speed and jumping, superhuman coordination and balance. Wu Jie doesn't know whether this younger sister is like Garnett or Duncan, or her personality is more like a female version of Duncan, but her athletic ability is more like a female version of Garnett, but her style of play is more like that of a female version of Duncan. The combination of the two belongs to the perfect leader player who is unwavering in the wind, tenacious against the wind, and never loses the chain at critical moments. But today, Wu Ying was a bit ruthless with Maomei. Not only did she score a game-high 25 points, but she also contributed 14 rebounds, 3 assists, 6 blocks and 5 steals. This is basically an alien performance. After this battle, Wu Ying's status as the third giant in the Chinese women's basketball team can be regarded as settled. Not everyone in this world can perform such an amazing performance in the face of the Soviet women's basketball team, but today's Wu Ying has used cruel methods to destroy opponents on both offense and defense. Poor girl Mao will have another character when she has nightmares in the future image. Wu Jie actually pays more attention to Xia Lin, not because of her good looks, there are too many people who deserve more attention in this regard, but he is mainly attracted to that ethereal and ethereal voice. But Xia Lin's performance today can only be said to be average. Although the points and assists are not small, this guy always makes people feel lazy. He obviously has a historical breakthrough ability in the field of women's basketball, and his shooting ability is also a killer. He is in the hemp category, but he rarely takes the initiative to hold the ball to launch a breakthrough, and often passes the ball out even when there is an open space. "Zhou Qi?" A name suddenly popped up in Wu Jie's head. Xia Lin's virtue is really similar to that of a famous Polish general, but her luck lies in the fact that her teammates can shoulder the responsibility on her. As long as she can add something to the cake, it is enough , so no one really sees that this is a lazy dog! Early the next morning, all the Chinese athletes in the Olympic Village found the newspaper provided by the organizer, hoping to see the foreigners on it boasting about themselves, and their achievements in the first half of the schedule are fully worthy of the praise of the whole world. However, the world's major media, including the front pages of local newspapers, did not have the news that China won the same number of golds as the Soviet Union in the first half. Instead, a group of people reported the heavy news that "the US military suddenly went north" last night! "My mother, I'm really fighting a war while carrying out the Olympics!" Wu Jie couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw the news the next day. Of course, the U.S. military and Bangzi blocked the real inside story, but he knew that the U.S. military was really serious yesterday. The air support was dispatched. Seeing that his master was serious, Nanbang naturally dared not fight back again. He knew that last night after he learned that his father had indeed sent more than twenty Black Hawks from the 7th Air Force to the "Seoul National Archery Range" and that an entire infantry battalion was heading north by train, those so-called special forces Immediately enter the arena, and then directly control the security team at home. This was intended to plead guilty, but I didn't expect that after the fathers arrived, they would hand over the weapons together with these special forces. After that, things became more bloody. After seeing the arrival of the reinforcements, a group of Yingjiang soldiers with bruised noses and swollen faces not only killed a dozen of the security guards who dared to do it on the spot, but Yingjiang also successfully reorganized and captured the Bang puppet army after joining forces. up. Of course, this series of actions of Ying Jiang will definitely not tell the truth to the outside world, but he did not keep the actions secret, but deliberately made a big noise. This is obviously worried that the forces in the north will misread their actions. . Last night, what the two parties hid was only the content of their actions after closing the door. The Americans are closing the door and beating dogs. But this kind of semi-public action still shocked Bei Bang. They didn't know that the Americans were closing their doors to fight dogs. They hurriedly deployed at the border last night. The ghosts knew that these American soldiers suddenly went north. What are you here for? This kind of chain reaction has even spread to the two big brothers in the north. Last night, the Yalu River was also brightly lit, and the big brother even drove the tanks to the border for training. "One game almost triggered three wars. Who would believe it?" Wu Jie didn't expect that the 12 cards would form such a serious chain reaction, but the price Yingjiang paid in the end was not small, including the civil war and being beaten. In the end, a major, two sergeants, three sergeants, two corporals, and more than a dozen soldiers formed a group to meet God. But the same victim, at least in that game must be one of the victims, the final damage was too great, the security personnel who were policemen were killed and executed fifty or sixty people one after another . This is not counting being taken away by Ying Jiang, and hundreds of people were seriously injured. In short, even Wu Jie was a bit pitiful at the scene, but this is the price of being a dog and daring to bite its master! However, for Wu Jie and the others, this incident was basically a dog-eat-dog accident, and it was completely over since they didn't come to fight after all. The Americans and Bangzi will not let the truth out, which can be seen from the fact that both sides choose to hide the inside information, and they don't want to let this shameful thing spread. So their eyes turned to the ninth competition day. Today, Chinese players participated in quite a few events, but there are not many gold medals that can be secured. There are only two or three events that can securely beat their opponents. Wu Jie also knows that yesterday's one-day six metals were at the peak of prosperity, and after that, they will gradually slide down from the high slope. He has already prepared for this. The goal of the second half of the schedule this time is to surpass the 30 gold medals, 15 silver medals and 12 bronze medals achieved in the last Olympic Games. It is best to expand the number of gold medals to more than 35. score card. Shen Lang contributed the most to this. The first final event of the Chinese delegation this morning was the "Men's 100m Butterfly" final, which was played by the swimming emperor. But for this swimming emperor who worked harder than the old scalper, even Song Shixiong was a little numb when explaining, even a little perfunctory. "The Chinese People's Broadcasting Station, China Central Television, the first final of the Chinese delegation this morning is a men's 100-meter butterfly final. Our old acquaintance Shen Lang is ready to win his ninth gold medal "Okay." "Okay, the competition has already started. Shen Lang's start reaction time was as expected, and he was the fastest among the players on the field, only 0.68 seconds. Attentive audience will also find that he also danced among all the players. The farthest. With such a strong starting ability, after Shen Lang’s butterfly stroke came out of the water, he was half a body ahead of the second-placed American player Jameson.” “We are talking, the first fifty meters It was almost the end of the swim, and Shen Lang was already one body ahead of the second place before he turned halfway. We can take a closer look at Shen Lang's posture in the water. His body is bouncing up and down in the water with the wave movements unique to butterfly stroke. Flying out of the water, sometimes diving into the water, it looks like a flying fish appearing and disappearing on the sea level, breaking through the waves." "Okay, Shen Lang is the first to complete the turn, and the underwater dolphin swing after this turn The legs are really beautiful... Oh, we saw the world record line on the screen, which means that some players are about to or have surpassed the world record in this segment. But what is interesting is that the creation of this line Shen Lang, the current surpasser, is taking the lead." "The last 25 meters, Shen Lang swam very smoothly all the way, and now Nesti, who is closest to him, has been thrown away by two positions. At this moment, his opponent is only himself—yes, that is the world record line he just created in yesterday's semi-finals." "Beautiful, Shen Lang started sprinting , In the last 15 meters, he was on par with yesterday's self... overtaken, overtaken, this time he didn't slow down, the last 10 meters, the last 5 meters, he didn't... slow down...too much..." "51 seconds 90 !51 seconds 90! Shen Lang successfully surpassed himself a day ago, he created a new world record and Olympic record! This is already his ninth gold medal in this Olympic Games, an unprecedented gold medal harvester! A record-breaker who makes the whole world respect!" Song Shixiong shouted and couldn't help touching his nose, this is really a gold medal that is not surprising. "Shen, did you release the water again today? Don't deny it, we all saw that you still slowed down for the last five meters!" This was the first question Shen Lang was asked at the scene after the game. A common topic. "Whether I slowed down or not, it's too ugly for you to say that." Shen Lang didn't bother to hide this for a long time, and said directly: "I call this hidden but not revealed, and it is a manifestation of wisdom, because everything can be learned. Those who keep their strength, those who plan more, can always go further!"…

end of chapter

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