Big Country Sports

Chapter 55: Asian Pegasus

"Wu, we have all watched the video tape brought back by Cramer. You performed very well in the Asian competition, but I am more curious about your physical fitness. Later we will conduct a static physical examination before the physical fitness test. "

  Bjorn Andrew is in his forties, very strong, and has a big bald head that looks very combative, but when talking, it always gives a girly feeling.

   "Okay, I'm ready!"

  Wu Jie's physical state has been maintained very well, Andrew first took him to test the body static data.

  At this time, it had been more than half a year since he won the house. He had just turned 18 years ago.

  Bayern took a CT scan for him during the physical examination yesterday, and his bone seam was basically closed.

   This means that his height will not be longer, even if he improves his athletic talent to four and a half stars, he is still 188cm tall.

   This upgrade sports talent, the biggest improvement is to make his weight grow to 79 kg, while the body fat rate is still maintained at the top level of 8.5%.

  This made his figure even better. Although he still didn't reach his best condition, he certainly could not stand up to thinness anymore.

"Yes, your skeleton is great, and you have a perfect body fat rate, and the muscle separation is very high... Oh, take a look at how thick and strong this tendon is! The muscles on the thigh are filled with clear lines, staggered. The tendon bursts out of nowhere, it's a tempting five-star ham!"

   Andrew looked at Wu Jie's angular muscles, especially the thighs where every muscle line was clearly visible, and there was a feeling of staring at the beautiful legs of beautiful women.

   Fortunately, the static body side soon ended, and Wu Jie had already kept a certain distance from this middle-aged white man.

  He now seriously doubts that this bald macho is a Billy, at least the kind of guy who likes to watch macho videos, because he has seen the cat hair on Andrew!

   "Next we do physical fitness tests, first three sets of 100-meter sprints, then three sets of 25-meter sprints, and finally a twelve-minute run."

  After the static body side examination, Andrew took Wu Jie back to the training ground. At this time, the team was also training on the training lawn.

  Wu Jie secretly despised his heart when he heard these test items.

   The Bundesliga of this period is not scientifically good in terms of physical examination. Except for the more advanced "twelve-minute run" now than in China, there seems to be no difference.

   There will be neither reaction test nor functional action test. Naturally, the "YOYO Body Test" which eliminated the "twelve-minute run" in the 1990s will naturally disappear. These have only been added after the 1990s.

   Of course, these are now Wu Jie's physical examination programs for his football school. The Chinese team will also be the first to use more scientific physical fitness tests in the 1980s.

   He thinks that with the high sense of superiority of Western whites, he probably will not learn the training and testing methods invented by the Chinese.

So the Chinese team uses the advanced "YOYO body test", and Europe uses the confusing "twelve-minute run". This situation is likely to happen in the future, and even who is more advanced is not necessarily because of that. There will definitely be a lot of people who will despise China's "YOYO body test" and blow the "twelve-minute run" to the sky.

   Wu Jie first conducted the 100-meter test. The first hand test score actually ran to 11 seconds 19.

   As soon as this result came out, all Bayern players training on the two lawns next door all came together.

   Head coach Chernay did not stop them, because he was watching, Wu Jie also surprised him with this achievement!

   He watched Wu Jie's long-distance raid in the World Preliminaries from the video. He knew that this little guy was fast, but he didn't expect him to run out of 11 seconds 2!

   Wu Jie has just turned 18 years old. At this age, there is still a lot of room for improvement in athletic ability, which means that he may run into eleven seconds in the future.

If you are used to track and field results, you may think that running into 11 seconds is not a big deal, but in fact, the muscle types of 100-meter players on track and field are completely different from football players. The latter’s muscular areas are mainly concentrated on the front side of the thigh and In the calf area, the most developed position of the sprinter is the muscle group on the back side of the thigh. Everyone's daily practice is completely different.

   So among football players, as long as the player who can break 12 seconds at 100 meters is a fast horse, Wu Jie's achievement is enough to be called "flying man" in European football!

   "This kid is really fast!" Brettner sighed.

   "His height is almost 190 centimeters? Is there still such a speed?" Goalkeeper Rong Hans also felt incredible.

   "It seems that the first striker is not just talking!" Bayern's core team, now recognized European first striker Rummenigge was also taken aback by this speed!

   "I still care more about his size, he can't have 20 centimeters! Absolutely impossible!" Marty, who first proposed the whole life, seemed a bit stunned. His focus was completely different from others.

   At this time, most Bayern players are of course more concerned about Wu Jie's speed test. If the results of this test are okay, then the Asian first striker is already Bayern first in speed.

  After two minutes of rest, Wu Jie started the second test.

   This time his score is 11 seconds 22, that gap can be regarded as an error, it is still the team's fastest 100-meter score.

   Now everyone no longer doubts the authenticity of the test, even if they don't use a stopwatch, they can see that Wu Jie is very fast with their naked eyes.

   "Wu, you should go to track and field!" Breitner shouted loudly.

   "I'm going to grab you for a urine test!" starting midfielder Wolfgang also said aloud.

   "Good idea, let's grab him quickly for a urine test!" The left-back Udo Horsman also started to work.

But this made everyone laugh. Wu Jie will not be angry. It seems that Kramer did not talk nonsense before. The atmosphere inside the Bayern team is indeed very good. No wonder he can return to the Champions League final in the next few years. This harmonious team The internal atmosphere is the guarantee of the team's combat effectiveness.

   Wu Jie then tested again, this time the score was 11 seconds 32, all three tests ran into 11.4 seconds.

  Cernai is very satisfied with Wu Jie's speed. Once such a sprint ability is on the court, it will definitely make most defenders unmatched.

  If combined with his outstanding dribbling skills and excellent ability to grab points, Bundesliga defenders will soon have a nightmare.

   "100m test" is followed by "25m sprint", this is the most important indicator for the forward.

   In football games, there are not many long-distance raids that exceed 30 meters. "Startup speed" and "short distance sprint" are two more important than 100-meter speed.

   Wu Jie took a five-minute break after completing the 100-meter test before starting the "25-meter sprint" test.

   "Mr. Andrew, I also want to join the test. Can I run with Wu?"

  Marty saw Wu Jie preparing to continue the test, and came forward to submit a request for a test.

   "Of course, it seems that our whirlwind kid was inspired by the Asian Pegasus!"

  Anderson smiled and agreed to Marty's request. The striker produced by Bayern Youth Training was only one year older than Wu Jie. It was because of his speed that he was clearly inspired by Wu Jie's superior fighting spirit.

   "Asian Pegasus? This nickname is too bad, I don't want this nickname!"

   Wu Jie heard of the nickname of the bald macho, he was certainly not satisfied with 10,000!

   "Haha, we can open another one!"

   "I bet a hundred marks tornado kid wins!"

   "I bet a hundred marks Asian Pegasus win!"

   "I also bet on Asian Pegasus!"

   "I bet Marty!"


  Bayern players seem to like this game very much, and immediately opened the market with interest.

   "Chinese boy, your 100-meter speed is very fast, but the 25-meter sprint is my housekeeping skill!"

  Marty feels that his position on the team has been challenged. If Wu Jie is faster than him, wouldn't he want to take his bench?

   "Actually, I am also better at 25-meter sprint!"

   Wu Jie was a little crying and laughing. Of course he could see the thought of this guy.

   But he is not interested in this guy's bench position, first squeeze out Hernes, and then suppress Rumenig, this is his goal.

   Moreover, this Marty is not very clever at first glance. If he is replaced with him, he will not take the initiative to compete, otherwise is it more embarrassing to lose?

   But the idea of ​​this German is obviously not so complicated, maybe the consequences of winning or losing are not considered at all.

   Soon, the two stood at the same starting line.

   Andrew whistle, Wu Jie's reaction speed is significantly faster, the initial stage has the upper hand, then naturally no suspense behind.

   "3.54 seconds!"

   "3.70 seconds!"

  Andrew shouted two results in a row, Bayern players applauded, and then the winning people looked at the losing teammates with a smug expression.

  Matti now supported his knees with both hands, and was looking at Wu Jie not far away with extremely unwilling eyes.

  Andrew didn't directly call out who won and who lost, but everyone clearly saw Wu Jie rushing across the finish line first.

  Marty has always been proud of your speed. 3.70 seconds is the fastest 25-meter sprint in Bayern. Rummenigge can't run out of this speed after gaining weight.

   But Wu Jie's Asian Pegasus is obviously more abnormal. He actually ran out of 3.54 seconds. This speed may be ranked high in the entire European football.

   "Okay, rest for a few minutes, we have to run for 12 minutes."

  Andrew is not ready to continue to measure the 25-meter sprint. This speed has refreshed Bayern's team record. Wu Jie is definitely the best player in Bayern's active service in terms of speed.

But sprinting fast does not mean good physical fitness, even if Wu Jie can run into 11 seconds, but if he can only play halftime, it will be very embarrassing, so he has to use the most advanced test methods to check whether Wu Jie’s physical fitness level is also Same excellent.