Big Country Sports

Chapter 586: Wear a skirt once!

The latest website: The frenzied performance of the Chinese women's football team has caused bookmakers all over the world to close the championship handicap, but a new handicap of "the first double-digit victim of the Chinese women's football team" has been erected. scorpion

Lin Yaodong, a guy who is not afraid of death, of course will not miss the opportunity to grab the spinach group's wool.

"Hmph, I've even made a will, and a 100 million dollar revenge fund has also been set up in the gray space. I'm afraid of a bird!"

Lin Yaodong was indeed not afraid of death. Anyway, whoever messed with him would not be able to live, because the revenge fund was not only aimed at those who did the tricks, but also at those who planned and led the way.

As for the revenge fund, it doesn’t matter if you pay 100 million US dollars, you don’t need to worry about it, but you have to pay these gray institutions a sum of millions of dollars in management and operation expenses every year. Otherwise, who will supervise and distribute the fund when it really starts!

Now, relying on his experience as a women's football consultant, he ran over and privately rewarded the whole team with a three-bedroom apartment in the XC area of ​​BJ's third ring, and only one request: kick me to death for the next game! If you can't score a double-digit score, the house will be gone!

This made the head coach very difficult, and he received an order from above before the game-in the upcoming quarter-finals, don't let the opponent lose too uselessly!

The first opponent of the Chinese women's football team in the knockout round is the provincial women's football team that was lucky enough to reach the knockout round in Group A. scorpion

Wu Jie can understand the above order, after all, communication has just resumed, both sides have a lot of unrealistic ideas.

But Lin Yaodong didn't care so much, he was very unhappy with the provincial team, and his attitude had always been to do it if he could, and don't give even a little bit of Huidao policy!

Besides, he has already placed heavy bets on all markets around the world, each of which has at least a high odds of "30 million to buy Chinese women's football and score more than 10 goals".

If the Chinese women's football team can't score so much, then he will lose at least 1.5 small goals, and the TM is still denominated in US dollars!

But if the Chinese women's football team can do it, then he will have more than five times the profit. Although the money has already become a string of numbers for him, it is better to throw it at Ruda to develop Hongqi cars than to do nothing.

That's why he spent a lot of money to bribe the women's football team, and when the head coach heard that he could also get a suite, he immediately reversed the above order-who dares to show mercy in this game, then sit on the bench for me until the end!

"If you're really stingy, I'll give you a run-down house in the suburbs of the third ring road!"

The small group despises this very much, especially Shen Lang who has won a piece of land in Huangpu and Xuhui, and Chen Haonan who has also won a lot of land in Shenzhen Nanshan and Futian. Both of them despise the two lands sent by Lin Yaodong. There are more than ten broken houses.

But for the women's football girls, these rewards are much better than the houses they are allocated. Besides, the suburbs of the XC area are not bad, especially those newly built communities, whether the houses themselves or the surrounding facilities are very foreign.

So the fate of the provincial team is already doomed. On the day of the game, the 12-0 game that made both sides of the strait a little embarrassed suddenly made the Japanese smile!

But Wu Jie and others couldn't laugh. Their own land was robbed and used as a colony. This is not an honorable thing. Just thinking about it is full of hatred! Thinking about it, even my eyes are red!

"Wait, home appliances, smartphones, cars, semiconductors...all the fields that make your life easy in this time and space, we must grab them for you sooner and faster. The day is over!"

Wu Jie felt that it was right for the foot pot chickens to be afraid and resist the rabbit's revival all the time. They really wanted to liquidate everything if they had the chance! Because the mountains and rivers are foreign, we cannot live together. Remember history and never forgive. The hatred of ten generations can still be avenged.

"Haha, what is a three-bedroom house? I even give away furniture, electrical appliances, and decoration. If you win the championship, each person will give you a car!"

Lin Yaodong had the happiest smile after the game, it was really a lot of money!

Lu Da also felt comfortable. He made those things cost the most money, but he happened to be the least profitable owner in the small group.

In the past few years, his Montenegro Electric has been maintained by blood transfusions from small groups.

Last year, he won the Hongqi brand with the help of military policy,

But the scale of burning money will definitely skyrocket in the future.

If it wasn't for Lin Yaodong, a rich man, who donated blood unconditionally to him, even if he entered this industry, it would not be enough to burn him if he was sold.

The Chinese girls are also smiling at this time, this game is really gaining both fame and fortune, because in addition to Lin Yaodong's big hand, there are also many wealthy Chinese businessmen from Hong Kong, Macau and overseas, and they will also give a lot of rewards every time they win a game.

Adding up all the rewards at home and abroad, if the girls of the Chinese women's football team can win the championship all the way, I am afraid that many male football players will be envious. scorpion

As for winning the championship, the Chinese women's football team has no doubts from the very beginning.

In the semi-finals, the Chinese women's football team faced the Swedish women's football team, and immediately used a merciless 7:1 to win the first place in the European qualifiers. They could only go back in despair and study how to use their mouths to protect the environment. This is what they are best at. field of.

At this time, the Americans began to feel pain again. Now everyone knows that the Chinese women's football team is obviously not on the same level as other teams.

This also includes the performance of star players. The two strikers of the Chinese team, Zhang Min scored 7 goals in 5 games, Weng Hong scored 9 goals in 5 games; Liu Jialin in midfield contributed 2 goals and 6 goals. Assists, Liu Ailing scored 1 goal and 7 assists, Li Zhi scored 3 goals and 3 assists, and even Sun Wen, who was only 16 years old as a substitute, scored a goal.

The performance of these star players has made the Chinese women's football team not only have amazing overall combat power, but also the performance of individual heroism has made the United States have no choice but to bow down.

This time, the Ministry of Sports did not issue any more suggestions, because these girls obviously would not consider showing mercy, so the tragic ending of the American women's football team can no longer be modified.

What is Wu Jie doing now? scorpion

He and a few people in the small group suddenly accepted a new mission. This plane will hold a "victory parade" that did not exist in the original time and space next year!

This military parade is obviously a chain reaction brought about by them. As for why they came to them?

This is due to the fact that several of them have produced "March of Iron Torrent" and "Footsteps of Heroes" at the two Olympic Games respectively. The latter is the adapted theme song of "Game of Thrones".

With a slight modification of these two pieces of music, both of them can be used as military parade songs, and they can even be used as military songs after writing lyrics.

And the military felt that since they could produce two songs, they should be able to produce the third and fourth...

Brothers in the Air Force and Navy are particularly eager for this, because the "Steel Torrent March" was snatched by the Armored Army, and "Heroes' Footsteps" was taken over by the Army. They can't always use other people's BGM when there are activities. Bar?

This is not the first time this matter has been brought up. Even the Rocket Army has sent people to ask for music. Who told everyone to use those two pieces of music, and people from the Army and Armored Army would come over to mock with pride: "Don't you guys have your own BGM?"

This face is too annoying, so basically all major military branches have looked for them.

"Actually, why not create an exclusive BGM for each military branch?"

Wu Jie has time now, and with the military parade next year, he has a crazy idea - simply give each military branch, even the armed police, militia, and female soldiers, an exclusive BGM.

"I think it's okay, just copy it!"

Both Lu Da and Chen Haonan agreed, and this matter happened to be done through the military parade.

In fact, this is not the first time they have done "copying".

For this Women's World Cup, they used several record companies of the small group to release a theme song, two promotional songs, and a closing song. scorpion

This plagiarism is not too small. The first thing that was plagiarized was the theme song that has become popular all over the world—【Chasing Your Dream】

This song is a copy of "Rage·your·drea" from the original plane. The external publicity is that Wu Jie composed the music, and the lyrics are written by a lot of names, because this theme song is available in eight languages ​​including Chinese, English, Japanese, Spanish, French and Portuguese. The latter are also responsible for the singers from various countries under their record companies.

The two promotional songs were copied from "Righ·here·I"upposed·

o·Be" and "Le·i·Go".

These two songs were composed by other members of the small group, and the lyrics were still written by a large number of people, including the original English lyrics, which were re-edited because they did not fit the theme.

The final closing song is a direct copy of the official anthem [To·Be·Nuer·One] of the 1990 World Cup in Italy from the original plane. It is also broadcast exclusively in multiple languages ​​according to different regions, even Italian. have!

At this time, one can imagine how much trouble they will encounter when choosing the official song for next year's World Cup in Italy. They don't even want to leave a mouthful of soup for others.

Also, they copied so viciously that they wanted to dump all the good songs in one pot, so what will they use when they wait for the Men's Football World Cup? scorpion

There is no need to worry about this, because there are too many good songs in the future, and they will not be able to copy them all even if they copy more vigorously.

For the Asian Games to be held in China next year, they plan to copy four or five more songs, and each capital will be no worse than the one in the Women's World Cup.

Five years later, when the local Men's Football World Cup is held, they even plan to produce seven or eight songs in one go as the theme song, promotional song, and closing song. The quality of the songs at that time will be even higher than now.

So for next year's military parade, they can also do things a little better, simply create an exclusive BGM for each military branch, and even arrange a song for the honor guard square team, civilian staff square team, etc. Exclusive BGM with passion.

At this time, the military rabbits don't know that the exclusive BGM of the Army and Armored Army will soon be wholesaled by head.

But in fact, when it comes to wholesale BGM, various sports in China have already seen it.

At this time, all the Chinese teams in the official Olympic events have already had their own exclusive team songs. scorpion

The Chinese women's football team naturally has its own team song, and the most outrageous thing is that there is more than one. The song "Le·i·Go" will become the second team song after the Women's World Cup. The team song is of course the re-arranged "Clanging Rose".

In fact, when it comes to the song "Le·i·Go", the English version of the lyrics has not been revised much. The Chinese women's football team even shot an MV for this promotional song.

The MV titled "Wear a Skirt Once" naturally tried its best to match the lyrics in terms of the plot. It tells about the various experiences of women's football girls after choosing football, such as doubts and lack of confidence in themselves when encountering difficulties, Inferiority and avoidance when faced with the incomprehension of family and friends... But then how to gradually become brave because of football, start not to be afraid of outside opinions, boldly chase dreams, and finally become optimistic and confident, go forward bravely, and A theme that is respected by all.

At this time, if the second half of the song is matched with the heroic image of the women's football girls on the court at this time, and their invincible performance in the game, it is really difficult not to become popular all over the world.

And the poor American women's football team faced such a Chinese women's football team that crushed them from hard power to self-confidence, from influence to spiritual power, including appearance and figure, so the final game was 8:0. The bloodbath didn't come as a surprise at all.

At this time, fans all over the world are shouting: Wear a skirt once, the most beautiful girls!